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Caroline Wilson's descent into gutter journalism


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The Stynes/McLardy board has had some unfortunate lapses of judgement.

To put it mildly! I think "systematically demonstrated utter incompetence in every facet of club administration except fundraising" sums it up a bit more accurately.

In 2007 the then Gardner board involved Jim Stynes (in the initial stages) & Garry Lyon in the selection process to appoint a new coach. Chris Connolly was also interviewed for the position (funny how they're "revered club legends" when they're useful but a bunch of out of line "liniment sniffers" when they have the cheek to usurp others into a position of power).

After failing to land the head coaching gig Chris Connolly is parachuted into the position of Football Operations Manager (presumably as a consolation prize) - ignoring a separate panel's recommendation that former Hawthorn coach Peter Schwab assume the position.

This is what an inclusive club looks like. By contrast, Gardner and his board have were completely ostracized after Jim took over.

I have no doubt that Gardner regrets his decision to let the boys club get a foot in the door. Here's how it went:

Harris to Connolly

Connolly and Leoncelli to Stynes

Stynes to Schwab

Connolly to Viney

Clusterfcuk to Garry

On rolls 2008 & the Gardner board appoints Paul McNamee as CEO to replace Steve Harris. This strategic direction leads to alarm bells ringing at the AFL & sets in place a chain of events that leads to the ascension of the Stynes board, the sacking of McNamee & the AFL's backed hiring of Cameron Schwab as CEO.

This is a great example of the mass hypnosis on Demonland that makes me look so biased.

Paul NcNamee: "We need a big, strong power forward who will straighten up the team. Someone in his mid 20s who will provide leadership for the next few years and who the punters will want to come and watch. What about that bloke from Brisbane? We should throw everything at him."

Demonland verdict: Moron

Current admin: "We need a big, strong power forward who will straighten up the team. Someone in his mid 20s who will provide leadership for the next few years and who the punters will want to come and watch. What about that bloke from Brisbane? We should throw everything at him."

Demonland verdict: Genius

And I love how you say "set off a chain of events". As though the Stynes/Schwab ambush just sort of happened almost by accident. Schwab wasn't hired because the AFL preferred him to McNamee. Schwab was hired because his mate Stynes had pulled off a coup with the help of his mate Connolly who acted as a mole, undermining the people who hired him.

You need to face the facts. It doesn't matter what you or I think of the previous board or the one before that. They haven't been responsible for four years now. They certainly have nothing to do with the current disaster. The fact that four years later people still feel the need to blame the previous board in order to feel better about the current mob really speaks volumes.

Edited by Hazyshadeofgrinter
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If he's true to his word, I'm ready to help out by providing him with the details of a discussion I had with a then Carlton board member in 2007 about three weeks before the Kreuzer Cup game.

I have to add however, that although what was revealed to me indicated very clearly that Carlton was doing everything which Melbourne has been accused of in the current witch hunt against the club, it was not suggested that the Blues were sending their players out to lose either.

Nevertheless, for the sake of consistency and the integrity of the competition, I welcome an AFL investigation into whether, at various times in the past 15 years, the following clubs have tanked for draft position advantage - Carlton (on multiple occasions), Fremantle, Western Bulldogs, Hawthorn, Richmond, West Coast and the Giants this year.

Good stuff WJ. Can always count on you to bring some sanity into the topic. Just read Kennett's opinions. Compare it to a vast smouldering fire and he's doing his utmost to fan it. Kennett did comment that the AFL needs to take some responsibility rewarding lower finishing clubs with higher picks.

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To put it mildly! I think "systematically demonstrated utter incompetence in every facet of club administration except fundraising" sums it up a bit more accurately.

This is what an inclusive club looks like. By contrast, Gardner and his board have were completely ostracized after Jim took over.

I have no doubt that Gardner regrets his decision to let the boys club get a foot in the door. Here's how it went:

Harris to Connolly

Connolly and Leoncelli to Stynes

Stynes to Schwab

Connolly to Viney

Clusterfcuk to Garry

This is a great example of the mass hypnosis on Demonland that makes me look so biased.

Paul NcNamee: "We need a big, strong power forward who will straighten up the team. Someone in his mid 20s who will provide leadership for the next few years and who the punters will want to come and watch. What about that bloke from Brisbane? We should throw everything at him."

Demonland verdict: Moron

Current admin: "We need a big, strong power forward who will straighten up the team. Someone in his mid 20s who will provide leadership for the next few years and who the punters will want to come and watch. What about that bloke from Brisbane? We should throw everything at him."

Demonland verdict: Genius

And I love how you say "set off a chain of events". As though the Stynes/Schwab ambush just sort of happened almost by accident. Schwab wasn't hired because the AFL preferred him to McNamee. Schwab was hired because his mate Stynes had pulled off a coup with the help of his mate Connolly who acted as a mole, undermining the people who hired him.

You need to face the facts. It doesn't matter what you or I think of the previous board or the one before that. They haven't been responsible for four years now. They certainly have nothing to do with the current disaster. The fact that four years later people still feel the need to blame the previous board in order to feel better about the current mob really speaks volumes.

i would love to see a massive Grinter shirtfront laid on you,just like the one he hit Chris Mew with.
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regardless he is still a public figure that the media will seek out.

Jeff still pulls strings sadly...

Jeff is the biggest MFC hater going around - last year he was litterally pouring a sand on a cardboard cut out of a demon in melbourne colours.

I think people stopped caring a long time ago to the crap that comes out of his mouth, epitomised by his BeyondBlue statements. Getting a statement from Jeff is as easy as getting a homophobic statement from Jason Akermanis

He was the sole reason why I wanted Hawthorn to lose this year, and every year after this

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regardless he is still a public figure that the media will seek out.

Jeff still pulls strings sadly...

well he certainly pulls something !!!
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To put it mildly! I think "systematically demonstrated utter incompetence in every facet of club administration except fundraising" sums it up a bit more accurately.

This is what an inclusive club looks like. By contrast, Gardner and his board have were completely ostracized after Jim took over.

I have no doubt that Gardner regrets his decision to let the boys club get a foot in the door. Here's how it went:

Harris to Connolly

Connolly and Leoncelli to Stynes

Stynes to Schwab

Connolly to Viney

Clusterfcuk to Garry

This is a great example of the mass hypnosis on Demonland that makes me look so biased.

Paul NcNamee: "We need a big, strong power forward who will straighten up the team. Someone in his mid 20s who will provide leadership for the next few years and who the punters will want to come and watch. What about that bloke from Brisbane? We should throw everything at him."

Demonland verdict: Moron

Current admin: "We need a big, strong power forward who will straighten up the team. Someone in his mid 20s who will provide leadership for the next few years and who the punters will want to come and watch. What about that bloke from Brisbane? We should throw everything at him."

Demonland verdict: Genius

And I love how you say "set off a chain of events". As though the Stynes/Schwab ambush just sort of happened almost by accident. Schwab wasn't hired because the AFL preferred him to McNamee. Schwab was hired because his mate Stynes had pulled off a coup with the help of his mate Connolly who acted as a mole, undermining the people who hired him.

You need to face the facts. It doesn't matter what you or I think of the previous board or the one before that. They haven't been responsible for four years now. They certainly have nothing to do with the current disaster. The fact that four years later people still feel the need to blame the previous board in order to feel better about the current mob really speaks volumes.

for someone who doesn't have an agenda you have an odd way of operating

'from the mouths of babes'

Oh, and maybe you didn't notice at the time how happy the mfc supporters (the real stakeholders) were to see Gardiner go

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To put it mildly! I think "systematically demonstrated utter incompetence in every facet of club administration except fundraising" sums it up a bit more accurately.

Let us not forget that yesterday you were saying they couldnt even get fundraising right

If hypocrisy was strawberries we would have alot of milkshakes...

Edited by PJ_12345
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for someone who doesn't have an agenda you have an odd way of operating

'from the mouths of babes'

Oh, and maybe you didn't notice at the time how happy the mfc supporters (the real stakeholders) were to see Gardiner go

If you were a real MFC supporter (like me) you would care more about what the people in charge are doing to our club, and less about trying to smear the legacy of a guy who left four yeas ago.

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To put it mildly! I think "systematically demonstrated utter incompetence in every facet of club administration except fundraising" sums it up a bit more accurately.

This is what an inclusive club looks like. By contrast, Gardner and his board have were completely ostracized after Jim took over.

I have no doubt that Gardner regrets his decision to let the boys club get a foot in the door. Here's how it went:

Harris to Connolly

Connolly and Leoncelli to Stynes

Stynes to Schwab

Connolly to Viney

Clusterfcuk to Garry

This is a great example of the mass hypnosis on Demonland that makes me look so biased.

Paul NcNamee: "We need a big, strong power forward who will straighten up the team. Someone in his mid 20s who will provide leadership for the next few years and who the punters will want to come and watch. What about that bloke from Brisbane? We should throw everything at him."

Demonland verdict: Moron

Current admin: "We need a big, strong power forward who will straighten up the team. Someone in his mid 20s who will provide leadership for the next few years and who the punters will want to come and watch. What about that bloke from Brisbane? We should throw everything at him."

Demonland verdict: Genius

And I love how you say "set off a chain of events". As though the Stynes/Schwab ambush just sort of happened almost by accident. Schwab wasn't hired because the AFL preferred him to McNamee. Schwab was hired because his mate Stynes had pulled off a coup with the help of his mate Connolly who acted as a mole, undermining the people who hired him.

You need to face the facts. It doesn't matter what you or I think of the previous board or the one before that. They haven't been responsible for four years now. They certainly have nothing to do with the current disaster. The fact that four years later people still feel the need to blame the previous board in order to feel better about the current mob really speaks volumes.

When McNamee suggested that we didn't have a spare $1m per year to pay him because the finances of the club were rock bottom after a series of incompetent Boards and CEO's (Steve Harris ring a bell?) and there was no indication from Brown that he would entertain the idea of coming to Melbourne anyway it was all in McNamee's mind. When the existing Administration wanted Clark they went after him and guess what; they got him.

Gardner was there because no one else wanted the job and I doubt he did anyway, he showed his colours when he went on a trek instead of being at the season opener and suggesting that there were more important things that football.

We were in debt we aren't any longer,that's something that Gardner could never have acheived and I guess that's the thing that makes the previous Board envious, he showed them what you can do if you put in the effort.

This whole tanking affair has fingerprints all over it and I'm guessing that some of your's are in the mix.

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If you were a real MFC supporter (like me) you would care more about what the people in charge are doing to our club, and less about trying to smear the legacy of a guy who left four yeas ago.

I do and I am. That is why I (and so many others) was so happy to see Gardiner get the boot

And that is why I will do everything i can to see he and/or his quisling cohorts don't get re-elected

That clear enough Hazy?

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Let us not forget that yesterday you were saying they couldnt even get fundraising right

When I say "fundraising" i'm talking about "holding the cap out to supporters".

I am certainly not referring to corporate relations/sponsorship, efficient business practices nor anything else that could be considered "financial acumen".

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If you were a real MFC supporter (like me) you would care more about what the people in charge are doing to our club, and less about trying to smear the legacy of a guy who left four yeas ago.

If he was a MFC supporter like "you" everyone on here would treat him with distain.

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When I say "fundraising" i'm talking about "holding the cap out to supporters".

I am certainly not referring to corporate relations/sponsorship, efficient business practices nor anything else that could be considered "financial acumen".

I know what your talking about - but again going back to my original post - let us not forget that yesterday you were saying they couldnt even get fundraising right

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It means coming out in a room full of people and and actually saying "we need to try and make sure we don't win more than four games, does everyone agree?".

'Full'? 15 is 'full'?

Also, prove that was said. Oh, you can't.

I am truly shocked that you are still in denial about our administration's deliberate decision to tank.

I will give our club the benefit of the doubt when faced with accusations which are based on evidence which is flimsy at best.

I am more than happy to say that I do not believe we 'deliberately decided' to tank. If the evidence suggests that this actually happened, then so be it, and I will condem our club for being incredibly stupid for doing so. But as it stands, I do not believe this to be the case.

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When McNamee suggested that we didn't have a spare $1m per year to pay him because the finances of the club were rock bottom after a series of incompetent Boards and CEO's (Steve Harris ring a bell?) and there was no indication from Brown that he would entertain the idea of coming to Melbourne anyway it was all in McNamee's mind. When the existing Administration wanted Clark they went after him and guess what; they got him.

Gardner was there because no one else wanted the job and I doubt he did anyway, he showed his colours when he went on a trek instead of being at the season opener and suggesting that there were more important things that football.

We were in debt we aren't any longer,that's something that Gardner could never have acheived and I guess that's the thing that makes the previous Board envious, he showed them what you can do if you put in the effort.

This whole tanking affair has fingerprints all over it and I'm guessing that some of your's are in the mix.

Criticise the current board based on evidence of gross incompetence: Bastard who hates the club

Criticise a board from four years ago on the basis of a trek: Hero who loves the club

Again, the tanking mess we find ourselves in has nothing to do with what did or didn't happen four years ago.

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Criticise the current board based on evidence of gross incompetence: Bastard who hates the club

Criticise a board from four years ago on the basis of a trek: Hero who loves the club

Again, the tanking mess we find ourselves in has nothing to do with what did or didn't happen four years ago.

it has a lot to do with the AFL's last 10 or so years.

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Trouble with this garbage on here about the Gardner board v the Stynes board is it is hijacking what should be a serious debate about where the club stands now and what it should be doing going forward. The Gardner board in the end was a failure so lets not try and point score (my board is better than yours) now at a time when the club is in trouble.

When we have the debate many here have backed Schwab for his financial management of the club and I understand the points being made, my view is different on this and it is that he is a divisive figure like it or not and we would be much better placed without him. Yes there are white ants, people with agendas, payback or whatever but it's doing us no good having someone who draws this to the club. In any organisation numbering more than one there is alway politics at play and disaffected people but you don't have this sort of thing drawn to someone like Cook or more particularly Swan or Robson who must have created some enemies switching clubs (big clubs) mid stream.

I also have a big problem with a failed rebuild and don't trust we have the right people at the top to go through it again. This current tanking issue only backs that up for me.

We should have made the moves to be rid of both Bailey and Schwab/Connelly at the same time, cleared the slate and moved on. This is my only issue with the current board, they should have held firm with their initial decision to not renew Schwabs contract and they got spooked.

Now we face another disruptive season.

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