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Hindsight...it's a wonderful thing!

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At Demonland we all consider ourselves "experts" and offer opinions on how the club should operate, the coaches should coach and the players should play.

Some of us predicted that we would be going this badly whilst many of us didn't and it's at this point of time when chaos arises that we all start saying "we should have done this", "why didn't we do this", "I knew we should have done this" etc. and in hindsight we should have done a lot of things. But it's easy to look from the hindsight point of view.

So this is a hindsight thread, I'm interested to know now looking back from the appointment of Neeld to now, in hindsight what should we have done differently?

A big one for me is naming Nathan Jones Captain instead of the two Jacks. Trenners and Grimes will someday be up to it but at the moment they obviously aren't, and its not their fault.

And I guess a lot of us didn't predict how much Jones would come on both as a player and a leader.

But that is just one "in hindsight" of many I'm sure...

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Not clearing out the good old boys Green Davey Maloney Silvia so bad an attitude its poisoning the players

sacking the leadership group for defending their coach

blaming the leadership group for pretty much everything, then expecting them to perform like they were guilty catholics looking for atonement.

leaving cam schwabb in charge

choosing Neeld over Lyon

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sacking the leadership group for defending their coach

blaming the leadership group for pretty much everything, then expecting them to perform like they were guilty catholics looking for atonement.

leaving cam schwabb in charge

choosing Neeld over Lyon

Precisely, you prove the point why they're not up to it. Defending a coach whoose plan for success was to mine the draft of lightly framed athletes with a game plan that relied on the oppostion not turning up. Players who have reacted to their new coach by being lazy and unccountable and one who has publiclyhad his manager announce he'll be looking elsewhere.

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Guest José Mourinho

At Demonland we all consider ourselves "experts" and offer opinions on how the club should operate, the coaches should coach and the players should play.

Some of us predicted that we would be going this badly whilst many of us didn't and it's at this point of time when chaos arises that we all start saying "we should have done this", "why didn't we do this", "I knew we should have done this" etc. and in hindsight we should have done a lot of things. But it's easy to look from the hindsight point of view.

So this is a hindsight thread, I'm interested to know now looking back from the appointment of Neeld to now, in hindsight what should we have done differently?

A big one for me is naming Nathan Jones Captain instead of the two Jacks. Trenners and Grimes will someday be up to it but at the moment they obviously aren't, and its not their fault.

And I guess a lot of us didn't predict how much Jones would come on both as a player and a leader.

But that is just one "in hindsight" of many I'm sure...

What indication do you have that this would make any difference?

What makes you think "they are not up to it"?

I think they're doing an admirable job under the circumstances.

There's no evidence their form or that of the side would be any different if they weren't co-captains.

And it's clear there is a lot more to the captaincy than performing on the field

We made the right choice.

And you're focusing on the minutiae.

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Guest José Mourinho

sacking the leadership group for defending their coach

blaming the leadership group for pretty much everything, then expecting them to perform like they were guilty catholics looking for atonement.

leaving cam schwabb in charge

choosing Neeld over Lyon

This is a great post.......

sacking the leadership group for defending their coach

They were sacked for being pisspoor leaders. Consistently.

Defending their coach is irrelevant in this equation.

blaming the leadership group for pretty much everything, then expecting them to perform like they were guilty catholics looking for atonement.

Once again, they removed from the leadership group, because they were incapable of performing the main function: leading.

Then expecting them to perform as they are paid to do, and as they should be reasonably expected to do as senior experienced players.

Yet still they don't and you make excuses for why they haven't and try to paint them as martyrs.

leaving cam schwabb in charge

It's been established that some are not fond os Schwab, but please explain why leaving him in place was a mistake?

He's done a lot of good in his role.

choosing Neeld over Lyon

Lyon was not available to us.

And he's not doing great things at Freo yet either, in case you've not noticed, and they had a much better list to start with.

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Personally I would have not transformed the gameplan back to square 1. I would have kept the attcking focus and built the defence from there. Secondly I would have kept one experienced player as a co-captain. I just do not see how the Jack's are supposed to win at the moment,

This is all hindsight when we are all experts, but then again as supporters, do we not deserve more than what we are currently getting.

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Getting rid of Junior. I said it at the time and maintain it. He was the glue at the place. Just a decent, hardworking figure who kept everyone in line. Under him (even through this year) the younger blokes would've seen a standard and been able to concentrate on their own games rather than having to become captains at 20 etc. I don't know who made the call on that, but that was the end of our gradual improvement.

Schwab and Connollly should've gone after the Geelong defeat, too. Someone in the upper echelons needed to be accountable, as well as the coach.

Jones as captain, in hindsight, an absolute no-brainer.

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I agree. Junior put in week after week. hard working and a cracker of a bloke and an obvious steady head. Stupid decision and an obviously stupid decision at the time.

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Guest José Mourinho

Involving Garry Lyon again in the new Coach selection process.

Looking for scapegoats doesn't get any better than this tripe...

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What indication do you have that this would make any difference?

What makes you think "they are not up to it"?

I think they're doing an admirable job under the circumstances.

There's no evidence their form or that of the side would be any different if they weren't co-captains.

And it's clear there is a lot more to the captaincy than performing on the field

We made the right choice.

And you're focusing on the minutiae.

They are doing the best job they can but I believe Nathan Jones would be better suited as Captain particularly taking into consideration how much he has come on as a player and a leader this season. Who would have predicted Trenners having a massive form slump this year? Who would have predicted a lot of things. I am well aware there is more to being a Captain then on field performance but at the moment the two Jacks dont really even have that and we all know how hard Jones works on field, at training and dedication to getting the most he possibly can out of his body and skill capacity and that is certainly something a lot of his team mates should strive towards and look up to.

This is just MY opinion.

Hindsight is a wonderful thing.

Edited by The Song Formerly Known As
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Guest José Mourinho

Trengove clearly is carrying an injury, and Jones being captain would make no difference in the short term.

In the long term, the Jacks are the better decision.

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Probably a few draft picks. Oh since Neeldy came on board.

Edited by Flemo56
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Trengove clearly is carrying an injury, and Jones being captain would make no difference in the short term.

In the long term, the Jacks are the better decision.

You know that for a fact do you? You've spoken to him, or the coaching staff and he/they have confirmed it? Or is this just more of your speculative crap that bears no relevance to reality?

Don't try to sound authoritative when the reality is you don't have a clue.

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Let's also be perfectly frank about Trengove, form aside, he's not the most inspirational guy going around. But it feels unfair to say that because he's a kid. It was just such a stinker move.

What stunned me was Neeld's lack of accountability about it. These two were voted in by their mates, so a response from Neeld of "don't take issue with me, take issue with the system". Really puzzling from a head coach and not good enough imo.

Junior for me tops it all though. It's gut wrenching watching what he's doing with the young Giants. Unforgiveable decision.

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Mitch clark for captain

I can also say for a fact the reason or one of the reason's for our club playing so bad is there is no respect for all the old leader's like Green and moloney and this has made all the old leader's not want to play for a club that treat's great clubmen like these guy's with nothing short of garbage. If you think of it like this you have been in a job for 10 years and put in alot of hard work to become a CEO or manager only to be told by a new boss that you are going back to washing floor's and cleaning bins because we have a 20 year old kid who just got to your work place who is now your boss. This would cause anyone to say why should i work for this company who i have busted my butt for only to be kick to the gutter like everything you have done over you 10 year's is worth nothing.Think about it. This would cause problem's in any work place if the older guy's were treated like this while your apprentice is now your boss.The club is fractured because the company has no respect for it's older workers.

This is under fact because i meet with someone inside the club who was very honest that's all i can say guy's

Edited by BIG JIM
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Mitch clark for captain

I can also say for a fact the reason or one of the reason's for our club playing so bad is there is no respect for all the old leader's like Green and moloney and this has made all the old leader's not want to play for a club that treat's great clubmen like these guy's with nothing short of garbage. If you think of it like this you have been in a job for 10 years and put in alot of hard work to become a CEO or manager only to be told by a new boss that you are going back to washing floor's and cleaning bins because we have a 20 year old kid who just got to your work place who is now your boss. This would cause anyone to say why should i work for this company who i have busted my butt for only to be kick to the gutter like everything you have done over you 10 year's is worth nothing.Think about it. This would cause problem's in any work place if the older guy's were treated like this while your apprentice is now your boss.The club is fractured because the company has no respect for it's older workers.

This under fact because i meet with someone inside the club who was very honest that's all i can say guy's

CEO? These guys are the problem, causing us to have to rebuild the List, because they are wagging the dog.

If they were playing like the champs they should be, then they wouldn't be in this position now. Just a selfish reflection, if they feel that way, self centred-ness.

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Mitch clark for captain

I can also say for a fact the reason or one of the reason's for our club playing so bad is there is no respect for all the old leader's like Green and moloney and this has made all the old leader's not want to play for a club that treat's great clubmen like these guy's with nothing short of garbage. If you think of it like this you have been in a job for 10 years and put in alot of hard work to become a CEO or manager only to be told by a new boss that you are going back to washing floor's and cleaning bins because we have a 20 year old kid who just got to your work place who is now your boss. This would cause anyone to say why should i work for this company who i have busted my butt for only to be kick to the gutter like everything you have done over you 10 year's is worth nothing.Think about it. This would cause problem's in any work place if the older guy's were treated like this while your apprentice is now your boss.The club is fractured because the company has no respect for it's older workers.

This is under fact because i meet with someone inside the club who was very honest that's all i can say guy's

Well........If what you say is indeed true.....

The managers weren't demoted because (quote) " we have a new 20 year old kid who just got to your work place who is now your boss".

They were demoted because they were on fantastic incomes to go down to Geelong to try and win a contract from another company and didn't bother turning up.

In the process they lost $186k and the respect of the of most of the wider business community in their field.

They also continue to disrespect the 34,000 odd people who donate their hard earned cash and time to the company.

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CEO? These guys are the problem, causing us to have to rebuild the List, because they are wagging the dog.

If they were playing like the champs they should be, then they wouldn't be in this position now. Just a selfish reflection, if they feel that way, self centred-ness.

Well........If what you say is indeed true.....

The managers weren't demoted because (quote) " we have a new 20 year old kid who just got to your work place who is now your boss".

They were demoted because they were on fantastic incomes to go down to Geelong to try and win a contract from another company and didn't bother turning up.

In the process they lost $186k and the respect of the of most of the wider business community in their field.

They also continue to disrespect the 34,000 odd people who donate their hard earned cash and time to the company.

Guy's dont think i support what the old leader's did on field simply passing on the info and letting every other melbourne member know what the key problem's are.I for one think it would have been smart to leave green in the leadership group not as captain but just to show some respect to the older guy's.
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Guy's dont think i support what the old leader's did on field simply passing on the info and letting every other melbourne member know what the key problem's are.I for one think it would have been smart to leave green in the leadership group not as captain but just to show some respect to the older guy's.

These old leaders are still getting paid good Australian $$$ More than i earn by far.

They can all play out there contracts at Casey for all i care.

ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. We have won one game against the Gold Coast at the MCG since 186.

It is just not acceptable. There is problems at all levels inside this club & we deserve truthful answers

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