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Who would you target from other clubs?


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Don't get me wrong, the jury is still out for mine with Jack Fitzpatrick, but to the kids credit, he's pnly played 1 game.

Fitzpatrick, 200cm, 93kg, 1 game, 20 years old

Stewart, 200cm, 93kg, 23 games, 23 years old

One would like to think that by the time Fitzpatrick has turned 23, he'd probably have a few more games under his belt than Stewart, and would probably be the hulking forward that you are craving.

in theory yes but Stewart is an excellent one grab player. Have only 3-4 games sample of Fitzpatrick but i don't see his hands taking strong grabs. kicking is shonky too.

i actually do think we can kick a winning score with a mature Cook, Watts, Jurrah, Howe, Jamar/Martin pushing forward but if we do decide to go for a ready made KPP, I would take a cheaper price Stewart rather then overpaying Dawes/White.

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Billy until the day Cook kicks 4 goals in a MFC senior side the comparison is always going to be made.

I get a little tied of the excuse that all these other sides did not pick him either argument.

We were hell bent on selecting project players for 3 - 5 years time.

Darling will be a gold mine in the future and we passed on him never mind what everyone else did.

In all due respect Old Dee, some of us here get a little bit tired of posters whinging that we should've picked player "x" instead of who we did, especially 12 months after the event.

If you went the early crow on Darling and said this time 12 months ago that we should pick him, good for you. But, the point is, those that "know best" at the Club didn't think he was a worthy first round selection, and was gone by the time we had another chance. We were not the only Club that thought that, and that's just plain reality.

Old Dee, you should do what the MFC does and focus on the development of who is on our list, rather than whinge about who isn't.

I just wish we had've picked up Hird with our 3rd round pick all those years ago.

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Is that because it is such an effective counter to your poorly considered complaint?

ALL draftees are project players for 3-5 years time.

Anything that comes earlier is just icing.

Sorry but some are not he is clear evidence.

Why is that a large number of Dees supporters find it hard to admit we made an error not picking him.

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in theory yes but Stewart is an excellent one grab player. Have only 3-4 games sample of Fitzpatrick but i don't see his hands taking strong grabs. kicking is shonky too.

i actually do think we can kick a winning score with a mature Cook, Watts, Jurrah, Howe, Jamar/Martin pushing forward but if we do decide to go for a ready made KPP, I would take a cheaper price Stewart rather then overpaying Dawes/White.

This bit I agree with - the rest of it makes you look like an absolute clown. Fitzy has played 1 game, in a season where he missed a majority of footy due to injury. He is 3 years development behind Stewart; I would expect Stewart to be ahead of where Fitzy is.

As I said earlier, the jury is out for me regarding Fitzy, and in time, he may prove to be a dud. But, I can't see the logic in picking him up when we have a guy that is bloody near a carbon copy of him currently on our list, with only 1 "real" game under his belt.

The best part about your post is the fact that you highlighted the fact that our tall, KPF stocks aren't as drastic as people believe. The problem for some people is that they want a quick fix. You've named 4 players, not including Fitzy, that we need to fill 2 spots with. Our biggest challenge is getting the ball down there quicker and more often - this part is where I see the biggest holes in our list.

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In all due respect Old Dee, some of us here get a little bit tired of posters whinging that we should've picked player "x" instead of who we did, especially 12 months after the event.

If you went the early crow on Darling and said this time 12 months ago that we should pick him, good for you. But, the point is, those that "know best" at the Club didn't think he was a worthy first round selection, and was gone by the time we had another chance. We were not the only Club that thought that, and that's just plain reality.

Old Dee, you should do what the MFC does and focus on the development of who is on our list, rather than whinge about who isn't.

I just wish we had've picked up Hird with our 3rd round pick all those years ago.

Why is that every time we make an error the long term view is trotted out.

Drafting is not an exact science, some will fire others won't.

This club makes errors like all others why can't you admit every thing we do is not good?

The MFC has shown in the last month that we had made some errors.

They are now making the changes.

It is very easy to have hindsight.

I think drafting cook instead of Darling was an error.

It's That simple.

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Sorry but some are not he is clear evidence.

Why is that a large number of Dees supporters find it hard to admit we made an error not picking him.

Where do we stop with this thought process Old Dee?

Ok, I admit, we made an error not picking James Hird, Adam Goodes, Matthew Scarlett, Dane Swan, and any other superstar that we had the opportunity to pick but didn't.

Get over it.

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Where do we stop with this thought process Old Dee?

Ok, I admit, we made an error not picking James Hird, Adam Goodes, Matthew Scarlett, Dane Swan, and any other superstar that we had the opportunity to pick but didn't.

Get over it.

See it was not that hard was it.

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Why is that every time we make an error the long term view is trotted out.

Drafting is not an exact science, some will fire others won't.

This club makes errors like all others why can't you admit every thing we do is not good?

The MFC has shown in the last month that we had made some errors.

They are now making the changes.

It is very easy to have hindsight.

I think drafting cook instead of Darling was an error.

It's That simple.

Old dee I may be wrong here but I believe what they are saying is along the lines which I am thinking.

I dont think Long term drafting of Cook was an error

Darling is as big as he is going to get and he is also as good as he is going to get.

There is a lot of tall timber in that Eagles forward line so naturally he has been well assisted.

I have seen him play for a number of years so believe I can judge him farily accuratley.

6 Clubs who overlooked Rhys Palmer in the 2007 draft were slated but look at them now

If Cook does not surpass Darling then I will tilt my hat to you

I am just glad we draft with foresight not for the now

Edited by Pennant St Dee
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Old dee I may be wrong here but I believe what they are saying is along the lines which I am thinking.

I dont think Long term drafting of Cook was an error

Darling is as big as he is going to get and he is also as good as he is going to get.

There is a lot of tall timber in that Eagles forward line so naturally he has been well assisted.

I have seen him play for a number of years so believe I can judge him farily accuratley.

6 Clubs who overlooked Rhys Palmer in the 2007 draft were slated but look at them now

If Cook does not surpass Darling then I will tilt my hat to you

I am just glad we draft with foresight not for the now

Well said Pennant. It's the last line that people hate. We have a certain model that our future (next decade) premiership hopes are hinging on, and Cook appeared to be a better fit than Darling.

See Old Dee, it's not that hard at all is it???

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This bit I agree with - the rest of it makes you look like an absolute clown. Fitzy has played 1 game, in a season where he missed a majority of footy due to injury. He is 3 years development behind Stewart; I would expect Stewart to be ahead of where Fitzy is.

As I said earlier, the jury is out for me regarding Fitzy, and in time, he may prove to be a dud. But, I can't see the logic in picking him up when we have a guy that is bloody near a carbon copy of him currently on our list, with only 1 "real" game under his belt.

i didn't know that having clean hands/one grab marks was due to age and how many games you've played.

I've given you reasons for Stewarts untapped potential. He has an athlete with excellent mark and better kick.

From what i've seen from Fitz, Casey n MFc, he doesn't have great hands and shonky kick.

I think that's natural abilty but if you think Fitz can make up ground in terms of his aerial ability and kicking, so be it.

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Why is that every time we make an error the long term view is trotted out. Drafting is not an exact science, some will fire others won't. This club makes errors like all others why can't you admit every thing we do is not good? The MFC has shown in the last month that we had made some errors. They are now making the changes. It is very easy to have hindsight. I think drafting cook instead of Darling was an error. It's That simple.

It's rarely that simple OD.

You don't draft 18 year olds for what they can do when they are 18, but what you think they will be able to do when they are 23.

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Well said Pennant. It's the last line that people hate. We have a certain model that our future (next decade) premiership hopes are hinging on, and Cook appeared to be a better fit than Darling.

See Old Dee, it's not that hard at all is it???

Was just about to agree with most of what Pennant said.

I still struggle with why nearly every draft pick we have made over last couple of years is a long term pick.

A complete list of kids will not get the job done any time soon.

In fact you can make a case than young players getting constantly beaten by big margins learn very little.

except how to accept defeat.

Surely we need a mix of ages and development!

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It's rarely that simple OD.

You don't draft 18 year olds for what they can do when they are 18, but what you think they will be able to do when they are 23.

But surely you pick a few for what they can do in the next year or two!

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But surely you pick a few for what they can do in the next year or two!

No, you trade for them.

Sure, you can pick up a Podsiadly or even a Howe, who are not teenagers, but they are rare in the first 30 picks.

At the pointy end of the draft, you pick the teenagers you think will be the best players when they are 23.

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Was just about to agree with most of what Pennant said.

I still struggle with why nearly every draft pick we have made over last couple of years is a long term pick.

A complete list of kids will not get the job done any time soon.

In fact you can make a case than young players getting constantly beaten by big margins learn very little.

except how to accept defeat.

Surely we need a mix of ages and development!

Again, the club has a clearly determined strategy to be competing for flags around 2015, not "any time soon". Our drafting patently illustrates this. I would much sooner strive for flags than have drafted Palmer, Rich, Darling etc and reach a peak ladder position of 5 or 6 over the next five years.

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Sorry Oucher - you're right. Ed Curnow is the bloke that I would be interested in. How do we go about trading for another club's rookie-listed player?

wasnt sure which one ;) but don't mind both of them... but don't know about the rookie-listed players, but seeing how he took that inside mid role from McLean, I can't see him staying on the rookie list, surely he played enough games and showed enough to be offered a senior contract.

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This topic is headed "Who would you target from other clubs?" Why then is every second post about last year's draft - Darling v Cook etc ... blah blah blah. What's done is done - we have Cook - let him develop and move on!!

On topic , I have noted four names

- Dawes .... is that realistic?

- Stewart ... agree he shows something on occasions ... is he up to it?

- Jordan Russell ... beautiful kick but seems to lack something

- Ed Curnow ... two clubs seem to have found something missing

Any other suggestions?

- Jesse White .... Gerard Healy regularly bags him as "lazy"

- Tyson Goldsack .... must be frustrated to be dropped for Tarrant and Davis

- Michael Duffield... is he the type we need?


Edited by hoopla
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This topic is headed "Who would you target from other clubs?" Why then is every second post about last year's draft - Darling v Cook etc ... blah blah blah. What's done is done - we have Cook - let him develop and move on!!

On topic , I have noted four names

- Dawes .... is that realistic?

- Stewart ... agree he shows something on occasions ... is he up to it?

- Jordan Russell ... beautiful kick but seems to lack something

- Ed Curnow ... two clubs seem to have found something missing

Any other suggestions?

- Jesse White .... Gerard Healy regularly bags him as "lazy"

- Tyson Goldsack .... must be frustrated to be dropped for Tarrant and Davis

- Michael Duffield... is he the type we need?


I believe you're referring to Paul Duffield from Fremantle. I don't know of a Michael Duffield but I could be wrong??

Here's my issue- Everyone becomes obsessed each year with landing that huge blow in trade week and changing our club forever.

None of the above names jump out at me as being good trade options. The thing with AFL trading is you either pay way way too much, or way too little.

Steven King went to the Saints for about pick 120 whilst David Hale pulled a first round draft choice.

I do not want to pay overs for any of the available types this year.

If Brendon Goddard is available next year well there is a difference but I just don't like throwing away our picks and money at maybe options.

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^ This.

None of the players mentioned here or in the media thus far are of sufficient quality for us to really lock and load. Mitch Clark is a good player but much the same type as Stef. Dawes and Jesse White are over-hyped beyond belief IMO - the idea of trading a first rounder for any of these makes my nose bleed. What we really need is a gun young mid in the 20-22yo bracket but unfortunately there aren't too many available.

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We are not in the premiership window, lets be honest and good times are ahead this team will click somthing similar to the way we did towards the end of the 1987 season, problem is we just don't know when that will be.

There will be players out there who Neelds has identified as plugging holes in our list, we may have them holes filled by our young KPPS in a year or two but we may need to draft/trade for a temporary fix till they come through. There is no harm in doing this once you don't do a Carlton and trade pick 11 for a Mclean, I'm thinking more along the lines of picking up honest players who you know what your going to get from them every week.

Not talking about picking up these players but ones who along these lines are not stars but play the percentages and do their job within the team structure, a Leigh Brown, Ted Richards, Firrito, Dom Cassissi, Jordan Lewis, Dale Morris and Beau Watters. I am sure there are some guys on AFL lists not getting look ins who could give us the hardness we need

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Again, the club has a clearly determined strategy to be competing for flags around 2015, not "any time soon". Our drafting patently illustrates this. I would much sooner strive for flags than have drafted Palmer, Rich, Darling etc and reach a peak ladder position of 5 or 6 over the next five years.

How so we've just sacked the coach and appointed a new one so how do you know what his strategy is?

I bet the Baby Bombers are glad their club didn't have any expectations when they started the 1993 season; oh that's right they did.

It's a real cop out to say we have a 5 year strategy, you just keep on repeating it year after year and there's never any pressure to perform. BTW I'm not referring that to you personally.

Palmer broke his leg and has had some injuries so it's a bit hard on him to say he's been a flop since hid first year.

On the basis of what's been posted above most would have preferred not to draft Judd because he was going to be too god in the first year and would fade after that.

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This topic is headed "Who would you target from other clubs?" Why then is every second post about last year's draft - Darling v Cook etc ... blah blah blah. What's done is done - we have Cook - let him develop and move on!! On topic , I have noted four names - Dawes .... is that realistic? - Stewart ... agree he shows something on occasions ... is he up to it? - Jordan Russell ... beautiful kick but seems to lack something - Ed Curnow ... two clubs seem to have found something missing Any other suggestions? - Jesse White .... Gerard Healy regularly bags him as "lazy" - Tyson Goldsack .... must be frustrated to be dropped for Tarrant and Davis - Michael Duffield... is he the type we need? Others?

Why at this stage of our development do we need to target any player from any club?

If the recruiters have done their job we should have a young player able to take over any spot as they develop. I always thought it was only when you were approaching your window that you needed to trade to fill spots.

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What is the talk of Gaff? Does he want to come back to Victoria?

Don't think the Eagles will be trading a pick 4 who has only played 15 games anytime soon.

He can't contracted by AFL to play the first 2 years with the club he is drafted to --the Weagles.And the player whom we should through the dough at is Jordan Lewis -a star in the makings.

Fevola is the tall forward we need and a tall backman will also be great.

Edited by jayceebee31
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He can't contracted by AFL to play the first 2 years with the club he is drafted to --the Weagles.And the player whom we should through the dough at is Jordan Lewis -a star in the makings.

Fevola is the tall forward we need and a tall backman will also be great.

This... Exactly what we need in the midfield. Hard at it 100% of the time with a great kick.

Not sure about Dawes, he reminds me a bit of Miller but with more size :wacko:

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