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This is to do with the players out & out have no doubt! We can't have the talent we have and get flogged by such a margin without some character issues. I'm no psychiatrist but for gods sake if you tell me Jimmy Mcdonalds departure and the way he was ousted is still putting a sour taste in 1) senior leading players of our club~ then there needs to be some serious offloading here 2) the rest of the group~ I seriously doubt this as this group would've played with Jimmy Mac for a short time or at all So tell me it's not the coach or administration?? Give Bailey another year? Why would you, he's inept a shocking presenter to give only excuses at press conferences no substance in what he says so how the hell can players read the truth in this guy. At a lunch with Ron Barrassi yday and. He said what makes a great coach or where he saw why Norm Smith was the best in the business was one thing. " asking the players to be truthful to him. And in return there was nothing he would say that the players believed Norm wouldn't do for them.. To be honest Bailey, the board and a lot of the players are the absolute problem and until all parties see eye to eye you know who always gets the chop??????? I really hope it's not a coup against the coach co it will rip the heart out of this club But whoever appointed him should be diminished from their position as well. My heart is still beating red & blue and damn right I'll be there next week

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"We are a sh*t team with a sh*t coach"

Not my statement, but the opinions of my mates, which they have had for a long time.

Pretty hard to disagree tonight.

You want to defend against such comments, but how can you.

I bet all members are copping it from friends and family.

Edited by Deano74
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I've just spoken to Redleg who was MFC team manager in 1979 on the day we lost that game by 190 points. He thought today's game was worse.

I've invited him to do the match report from today's game and he's agreed.

He also wants everybody to be reminded that the week after that loss, Melbourne played Essendon and win fairly easily.

I'll leave it to him to tell his story but it might not be ready until late tomorrow or Monday.

I was there as well jack and too be honest it was terrible then.

fortunately today it was not at geelong thank god.

I would have hated to endure it at the MCG.

I would like to believe we could beat the blues next week

However I doubt we will get closer than 15 goals.

all year this has been brewing.

I knew we would get badly beaten today and said so but this was much worse.

Beyond my wildest dreams.

I know it is saturday night but I am devastated and I doubt I can go next weekend.

I may have finally come to the end.

(10 minutes later and 1 single malt)

No I am not giving up

However i will be doing all I can as a member to ensure we change this club.

More mongrel, less gentlemen.

We need a bit of bomber attitude.

Actions speak louder than words.

DB finished up tomorrow,

A new captain on monday and 6 changes for next week including the captain.

His playing performance has been poor all year.

Would he be still playing if he was not the captain.


And i do not care if TS goes to GWS.

Use the money saved and draft picks we get to recruit some players with mongrel and strong bodies now.

Edited by old dee
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I also have been watching for more years than I care to remember. Today brought flashbacks of the really poor 1970's when our games were rarely telecast and Channel 7's World of Sport paid scant attention to Melbourne games. It's a sad day my friends when you get beaten by this amount in this era.

That photo of the scarf in the bin sums up how I feel. I will always be red and blue and will continue to go to games etc... but the fire in my belly was reduced to a pilot light today. I am sad for myself, angry at the players, furious at the coaching staff and disappointed for my fellow Dees supporters. I really thouight we would improve this year and aim for finals next year. Rethinking time.

I am waiting to see what Bailey says at the press conference.

It's about time Jimmy, Schwab, and Connolly stopped being so nice, and lead with some fire. Generally speaking I am not a fan of ranting club officials or knee jerk reactions but our club leaders have got to put a rocket through the footy department and players. I want someone in the club to express rage, not disappointment.

Brad Green is a great player but a poor captain.


MB he has not even been a good player this year.

Down to Casey next week for me.

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Totally unacceptable.

Doesn't matter all the arguments over whose fault it is or isn't, simply changes have got to be made urgently. And just hope some of them lead to major improvements in whatever is wrong.

On today's performance, this is one of the softest VFL/AFL teams ever. Defensive pressure? Joke.

Guess Scully is now gone, why stay amongst such shambles.

Only point of interest left for me, as Moloney got zero dreamteam points, does my emergency midfielder come into play?

If only I didn't have this passion for such a disgraceful footy club.

(and if Moloney was unwell as some suggest, what was he doing in the side? you're either there and ready and able to give 100+%, or you don't take the place of someone else who is)

Get on with it champ! It doesn't matter if you lose by 1 or 300 points, we didn't get the four points!

What shambles won't Tom want to be a part of, I remember him being drafted to a club that finished on the bottom 2 years in a row, you don't get any lower than that!

Get some nuts!

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you have an unfounded crack at a bloke who has done a damn sight more for the club than you. I hope it made you feel better.

I'm not having a crack at any bloke, rather at an attitude of the team that they can put in performances like today and like back in 1979, and think a meaningless win the following week will make it all good.

Seriously I doubt we can win next week, even with the incentive to somehow erase the ignominy of today.

I'm sorry my post came across as having a crack at Redleg, someone I admire as much as you do. I suspect most of us find unacceptable the attitude that has allowed such massive losses and such a drought in regards to any flags in between the two of them.

And sadly nothing will make me feel better about today.

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I'm not having a crack at any bloke, rather at an attitude of the team that they can put in performances like today and like back in 1979, and think a meaningless win the following week will make it all good.

Seriously I doubt we can win next week, even with the incentive to somehow erase the ignominy of today.

I'm sorry my post came across as having a crack at Redleg, someone I admire as much as you do. I suspect most of us find unacceptable the attitude that has allowed such massive losses and such a drought in regards to any flags in between the two of them.

And sadly nothing will make me feel better about today.

I hope that no-one would have that attitude. I would guess that the idea was that things can pick up quickly - and more quickly than it can appear at the time.

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We needed this. Seriously.

It shows the coaches where players are really at.

It shows the club where the coaches are really at.

It shows the members/supporters where the club is really at.

All questions that are better off answered now instead of later.

I agree with you. In particular, it shows where our senior players are at. Though I hope it doesn't sap too much confidence from the kids who had a crack like Watts and Trengove.

The evidence that we have gone backwards since last year was there already, but respectable losses against good sides followed by wins against Richmond, GC, and Port would have been misleading. There is no hiding from this or papering over it. When I think back now to some of the excuses I made for the team in my own mind after some earlier losses they now seem misguided. I told myself after the Hawthorn (1st game) and West Coast games that it was really only a couple of quarters which were that bad and that can happen in the modern game with the press etc. That was rubbish. Something was deeply wrong in both games. No-one stood up. No-one did anything. Even if its only for a quarter, this is unacceptable for an AFL side. Today the same thing happened but for a lot longer, but the phenomenon was the same. In those three games we have been subject to abject humiliation. I have managed to remain positive about our prospects to this point but clearly we are a long way off. I still have faith in many of our younger players, but we won't be contenders for a while. I certainly won't be making excuses for us anymore.

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I hope that no-one would have that attitude. I would guess that the idea was that things can pick up quickly - and more quickly than it can appear at the time.

Tim I've thought like that, over and over and for many long years, always hopeful that this team of ours will quickly resume its rightful place amongst the greats, just a hiccup but next week all will be right with the (footy) world...

But this year even for optimists it's all been wearing a bit too thin. Culminating in today.

What is missing from MFC? Leaders, for absolute certain. Bailey has undoubtedly been a good teaching coach for the young & talented team we've got. But even a greater coach than him would hardly survive today's effort by the team. Have the players let him down, or is he just hopeless at the next level of coaching, beyond teaching young players good skills? I don't really know but I can't see him surviving much longer.

I guess I was trying to find words to voice my concern - whatever happens next week, even if we fluke a glorious and unexpected win, there are deep seated problems that need substantial effort and change to fix.

Attitude, culture? I don't know what to call it, but I feel today we got an ugly look into problems with MFC that include but aren't limited to leaders, coach, players even.

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The Wreck of the MFC

This is an Old Dee reporting from Geelong , the scene ofthe terrible wreck of what was once the PROUD MFC.

As most of you have heard by now, rescue crews are still searching through therubble of what was once the MFC team,

The MFC team headed down to Geelong today on track to play one ofthe most important games of the season There were some who even hoped this could be a turning point, That was before everything went off the rails and this wreck occurred

It was horrendous to watch, witness are quoted as saying player after playerjust ploughed into each other, one witness was quoted as saying he had to cover his Childs eyes it was just to much for his young child to endure

Initial reports claim it was some dubious coaching moves that set the derailment in progress, it is now late into the night and they have turned onthe lights in the hope of still finding survivors

It is only now that the Crews can evenbegin to move in amongst the wreckage toaccess the full extent of the damage, rescuers are unsure if they can salvageanything and as far as survivors are concerned ,,,we can but hope and pray.

Even as a seasoned reporter I have never seen such carnage, blood everywhereparts of human bodies strewn here and there with backbones scattered over theturf, unfortunately the players are not attached to them and it will be all but impossible to Identify who they belong to.

Hold on lady and gentlemen... breaking news ... yes .,seems they have foundDean Bailey or what's left of him,

Rescuers are applying CPR as we speak ... he is not responding... hold on yeshis breathing, Paramedics are loading him on a stretcher, he's being sent straight to hospital, there are grave fears he won't recover.

We have more reports coming in, .. yes,, I'm getting reports they have justfound Brad Green, he seems physically okay but in a catalytic type state he thinks he is the Joker and his looking for Batman its reported he has this crazy smile on his face, he is definitely in total denial,

Oh my God hold on ladies and gentlemen, there are more playerscoming out of the wreckage..... is it possible there is more than just a fewsurvivors?

I can assure you this is something that as a reporter I hope I never have to experience again nor should any Melbourne supporter ever again.

There must be a Royal Commission into this, someone must be held to account,

Makes you wonder if anyone was having alate lunch why all this was all taking place?

PS Forgive me I am still also in shock and I've heard Humour is the best medicine

I suppose it depends on what you determine as humour the way the MFC played today had to be a sick joke

didn't it, so if they can do it ......

Edited by Demon Stalwart
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I think James McDonald's axing revealed a lot about our culture and perhaps also Bailey's flaws as a coach. I am not seeking to suggest that the reason we got beaten by a simply seismic margin today was due to McDonald's 'retirement' - rather I am suggesting that the issues surrounding the handling of that issue probably reveal much about our weaknesses in other areas as well.

Slicing your best clubman, particularly in the way Bailey carried it out, simply cannot have a positive impact on the other players. For a start, it suggests that loyalty is a one way street - this is not the way a top club operates. Virtually all of our other senior players that have retired in recent years seem to have an axe to grind with Bailey/the club. This is not a good sign - and Junior's axing seemed to highlight this more than any other. Junior aside, I am not suggesting any of those players should still be on the list - I am merely highlighting that Bailey seems to have a communication and man-management issue with the very players he needs to assist him in developing a sustainable, winning culture. Ultimately this has to impact on the team's on-field performance.

It's not all about white boards IMO - a team game requires really effective senior players who influence the culture, both on and off the field. In my observation, Bailey seems to focus too much on stats and the technical aspects, and too little on the intangibles, such as the effect certain players can have on the playing group and the development of a good club culture (eg, James McDonald). It perhaps also suggests that Bailey lacks judgement. In this regard, Bailey often appears doggedly determined to carry out a strategy, even in circumstances where the landscape has changed and that strategy may no longer be appropriate.

One sees it on match day, one sees it in our game plan and, unfortunately, it seems to come out in the way he has managed some of our more senior players. I would not be surprised if this, rather than the dough, is ultimately very influential in Scully's decision as to whether he stays or leaves. Time will tell. I think more will emerge on this very point by October/November this year.

Good summation.

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Get on with it champ! It doesn't matter if you lose by 1 or 300 points, we didn't get the four points!

What shambles won't Tom want to be a part of, I remember him being drafted to a club that finished on the bottom 2 years in a row, you don't get any lower than that!

I'll try and give you some perspective. A one point loss to the current Geelong would have Bailey being hailed a genius, and the players walking out of Skilled with heads high.

The 186 point second-biggest losing margin in history of VFL/AFL was humiliating for the players and will likely be the nail in Bailey's coffin. So that's a pretty big difference.

As for Tom, he was recruited by a bottom side but neither he nor the rest of us want or expect them to stay a bottom dweller. The loss today, not just its size but also the way it unfolded, suggests some big problems at MFC. Tom will be very aware and unless they're fixed, why would a smart guy with his talent choose to stay (considering the money on offer elsewhere)?

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I was there as well jack and too be honest it was terrible then.

fortunately today it was not at geelong thank god.

I would have hated to endure it at the MCG.

I would like to believe we could beat the blues next week

However I doubt we will get closer than 15 goals.

all year this has been brewing.

I knew we would get badly beaten today and said so but this was much worse.

Beyond my wildest dreams.

I know it is saturday night but I am devastated and I doubt I can go next weekend.

I may have finally come to the end.

(10 minutes later and 1 single malt)

No I am not giving up

However i will be doing all I can as a member to ensure we change this club.

More mongrel, less gentlemen.

We need a bit of bomber attitude.

Actions speak louder than words.

DB finished up tomorrow,

A new captain on monday and 6 changes for next week including the captain.

His playing performance has been poor all year.

Would he be still playing if he was not the captain.


And i do not care if TS goes to GWS.

Use the money saved and draft picks we get to recruit some players with mongrel and strong bodies now.


I'm sure there are many of us long time sufferers who feel this way.

We've probably felt it for the past 47 years.

But, there comes a time, when enough is enough.

This is 2011, not 1979 or even 1988 (the worst day I have experienced, prior to this one - but I was there for that).

We need to do all you say and then some.

We probably won't win next week, even if we do ring the bells, but we have to start somewhere. And to write off the rest of the year and use the disruption in a positive way, will at least give us a chance, in the years to come. If we don't , well, the prospects are too awful to contemplate.

Edited by BangkokDemon
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I think James McDonald's axing revealed a lot about our culture and perhaps also Bailey's flaws as a coach. I am not seeking to suggest that the reason we got beaten by a simply seismic margin today was due to McDonald's 'retirement' - rather I am suggesting that the issues surrounding the handling of that issue probably reveal much about our weaknesses in other areas as well.

People often forget to add, the McDonald situation was the culmination of a number of senior players being pushed out, and led to Cameron Bruce's decision to leave as well.

While in most cases they were correct decisions in terms of the future, they put a gulf between the players and the club when it comes to respect, and particularly at a club that has won so little in the last few years, these problems pile up and snowball down a slippery slope.

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We're happy littel Demonites as happy as can be

we all enjoy our Demons, for breakfast lunch and tea...

hang on...it was the Cats who had us ....and on toast !!! :rolleyes:

HEHE We cant turn our [censored] into jam

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This is not the first time this season that Melbourne has been comprehensively beaten, each time there is a scream for baileys head

This has been a regular occurence this season more than any other I have seen

Yesterdays result was by far the most defining

It showed that as a team as a club we are on the way to no where !!

With our current Football Department and Bailey who as coach must carry the Blame, even he admits the buck stops with the Coach, but in saying that the rest of the Football Department also needs to come under Intense Scrutiny.

The players must also be asked the hard Questions

Their response this week must be Emphatic !! The must make a statement not only for their own sanity but for every Supporter of our Clubs Sanity

Bailey MUST NOT be allowed to coach this weekend, for the very simple reason, with Bailey gone Phscologically the players will be able to take a deep breath say to themselves well that was the old now in with the new the door is open lets start afresh lets wipe the slate clean.

Obviously this requires a Interim coach a person that nows about toughness, and has pride in the club. At the moment of the existing Football Department Todd is the Only one that I believe can do this. Let Todd take them to face Carlton, it will change the atmosphere in the Club rooms, I believe it will change the players response as well as lift a burden of all of them in that are no longer responsible for their coaches Future as that is a issue now past and no longer relevant

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