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Rumours of a $20m Indian saviour

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It was reported on the rumour file this morning on 693 that the Melbourne Football Club is trying to woo an Indian prince who is apparently willing to pledge a cool $20 million towards the club.

Nice coin if we can get it.

However, it's just a rumour at this stage.

A journo from Inside football has also mentioned this..

He's a big AFL fan, loves the demon apparently, worth over 3 Billion..

Keep an eye on it we shall.. ;)

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I heard about this rumor a few wees back, linked to a former player who was involved in the deal. I spoke to said player at the Walk To The 'G, and he assured me it was true.

So take that for what it's worth.

And the reason I'm not naming names, he asked me not to.

Wow, it does sound like I'm making it up doesn't it? I'm not one for gossip, and am only telling you what I heard.

What I would like to know, and maybe you can tell us this much, is what will this investor get for his $20 million? Or is he just donating the money for the fun of it?

Usually when something sounds too good to be true, it is.

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[quote name='Jaded'

"is what will this investor get for his $20 million?"

Perhaps he has some business that would somehow benefit from a connection to Australia....or perhaps to Melbourne in particular. Indian sports fans would be very familiar with Melbourne,the city, and with the MCG. There is a certain fascination with our country over there(as there is here with theirs). Perhaps 20mill. is "small bikkies" to him, and he's happy to play around with it. Hopefully, he doesn't want to run the Club, just back it financially. It's possible.Other major sponsors dub in withouit expecting to take over.

Wouldn't it be fantastic to be able to thumb our noses at Carltank and the Mudpies.....and Vlad, and the Tassies Waverley Hawks!!! Let me dream!!

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I heard about this rumor a few wees back, linked to a former player who was involved in the deal. I spoke to said player at the Walk To The 'G, and he assured me it was true.

So take that for what it's worth.

And the reason I'm not naming names, he asked me not to.

Wow, it does sound like I'm making it up doesn't it? I'm not one for gossip, and am only telling you what I heard.

Well then its established. Its true and you have provided all the bona fides we need to ensure its cast iron true.

Honestly I do wonder why people post such content free "inside info" posts thinking it provides some form of integrity or validity when it does nothing of the sort.

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In all seriousness...I know..hard to go back once you let it run..!! lol.. But 20 mil seems a hell of a lot.

If he, said benfactor wants to contribute it would seem the likely avenue would be commercially through sponsorship. So it begs for me the question , what company and hence what individual 's product could best benefit by Aussie expsoure??

Granted India is the new China..

If soemone walked up and said ..hey..heres 5 mil for 4 years or 4 mil for 5 years..or whatever then some ( if only a little ) credibility sneaks in. It would certainly put us on an even keel.

All seems a bit late for April :)

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I don't mean to sound like 'I told you so'... but my stab in the dark post a few weeks back about looking toward India for sponsorship and so forth, could actually be on the cards. LoL.

Indian's love their sport... and these multi-billionaires love throwing money at it. Sachin Tendulkar earns an estimated US$20-Million every year alone through endorsements. Why not as a club try to tap into that market? Even if we get a small sponsorship, it is still money that we wouldn't have had otherwise.

I rate India a better foreign prospect for our club than China.

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Well they have certainly made enough footballs there over the years...maybe someone got the bug :D

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Guest fatty
Indian's love their sport... and these multi-billionaires love throwing money at it. Sachin Tendulkar earns an estimated US$20-Million every year alone through endorsements. Why not as a club try to tap into that market? Even if we get a small sponsorship, it is still money that we wouldn't have had otherwise.

I rate India a better foreign prospect for our club than China.

Cricket only. Everything else, bar badminton and perhaps F1, is irrelevant.

I took a group of Indians to an AFL final at the MCG a few years back. They had absolutely no interest in the game (which was a thriller) and were more concerned about the lack of a centre wicket. The only question they asked was where do the cricket teams walk out on the ground from.

I've campaigned heavily for the club in my travels to India and always give colleagues MFC merchandise. $1 from every Indian - Imagine!!!

Unfortunately, I cannot lay claim that my efforts have in any way influenced this current rumour.

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Hmm..again..either its a white knight with money to burn..if so.. I can pass on my details.. ..lol !!

or there's a commercial aspect to it...

So what industries benefit their market ( bottom line ) by exposure here. Who's about to launch products or services here ?

Software companies might...more money is made in the commercial arena ..even by Microsift.. etc

Airlines.. possibly a new player in teh growing India/OZ route ...anyone heard any whispers ??

Breweries ..word has it Fosters is in the the poo..Energy and enviro engineering...hmm..be be the dark horse with a white knight..lol )

and maybe a Consumer Brand

cant think of anything esle that would prove relevant..except maybe a cheap Indain Auto company wanting to break into the market.

AH love rumours.. and we still have trade week to come.. lol :)

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oh..and re that list..if I was number 37 I'd be changing my name I think :huh::rolleyes:

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Cricket only. Everything else, bar badminton and perhaps F1, is irrelevant.

I took a group of Indians to an AFL final at the MCG a few years back. They had absolutely no interest in the game (which was a thriller) and were more concerned about the lack of a centre wicket. The only question they asked was where do the cricket teams walk out on the ground from.

I've campaigned heavily for the club in my travels to India and always give colleagues MFC merchandise. $1 from every Indian - Imagine!!!

Unfortunately, I cannot lay claim that my efforts have in any way influenced this current rumour.

I've taken an Indian to the footy and he loved it was also a thriller, but I tried my best to inform him about the game and how it was played and the rules etc so he had some idea on what was going on. The only problem with Indians is they usually work awkward hours so there is more of a problem getting to games than enjoying them.

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cant think of anything esle that would prove relevant..except maybe a cheap Indain Auto company wanting to break into the market.

Textiles is another major industry.

We provide a huge amount of wool to textile industries around the world, and of course the petroleum used in making synthetic fibres. India is currently big in the production of natural woven fabrics, but they're slowly moving towards knits and synthetics since China is becoming too expensive.

However textiles is not a consumer brand, so I don't know how that could possibly relate to sponsorship, unless we're talking corporate sponsorship.

This just seems so incredibly random. Sure if one of us had billions lying around, a large donation wouldn't seem strange, but why would a rich Indian have any interest in AFL, and our fairly unsuccessful club nevertheless!

I wonder if the $20m is conditional on becoming president. smile.gif

If he donates $20m he can be King of the MFC for all I care!

He can also adopt me as a charitable cause :P

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Guest fatty
If he donates $20m he can be King of the MFC for all I care!

He can also adopt me as a charitable cause :P

$20m for the club and $1m for every current member.

Couldn't be fairer.

We're talking AUD and not rupees, right?

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An Irishman, an Indian, and an Australian walk into a bar... now to thing up the rest of the joke.

While it can be hypothesized as to whether we will receive this donation, if it is the more important issue is that it is used effectively to generate more long term revenue not just squandered in propping up current operations striving for on field success only to find our selfs back in the same position in 10 years time.

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I heard this too ( when we played the Saints at TD a few weeks ago),... and reported this here and on demonology . I was told this was from a reliable source and was told to wait and see... I am waiting and sounds like soon to see.


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