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Everything posted by Vagg

  1. Agreed. Walker and Tippett both looked like the incredible hulk, and about to burst out of their jumpers. They are both massive units. Would love to get one or both of them to the MFC. (Am I just imagining it, or was Tippet a thin rake a couple of years back??). Thompson & Dangerfield are also seriosuly ripped...!
  2. Even Eddie Maquire made several comments about how bad it was. Think he even suggested at one point that, given the occasion of Greeny's farewell, and the MCG being our home ground, that maybe they should have fired up the "Grand old Flag". That guy never ceases to amaze! (In fact, through the course of the game, he made a number of pro-MFC comments! Was starting to think it wasn't the real Eddie, but an imposter!) But, back on thread. Yes, was a disgrace.
  3. I have to admit last evening was one of the best I can recall for a long time. While all you Southern folk had to be content with enjoying last night's demise from your couches, I had the distinct honour and pleasure of witnessing the event first-hand from the Stand at Metricon Stadium. When a group of us gathered at Emerald Lakes for a pleasant pre-game meal, we had no inkling of what was to unfurl once we had strolled across the road to the ground. First goal to the Suns. The locals were happy. Second goal to the Suns. The locals were very happy. Third goal to the Suns. The locals were looking at each other with quizzical looks. Fourth goal to the Suns. The smiles were getting bigger. Fifth goal to the Suns. The locals could get used to this! Sixth (unanswered) goal. The natives were getting restless. Could the blue-baggers be kept to a goal-less Quarter? Alas, not to be. Quarter time. A few minutes to take in what had just happened. It was great. SIX goals to 2!! But, surely it couldn't continue! Could it..?? Second Quarter. The Blues came out breathing fire. A quick goal, and the locals were starting to twitch a little in their seats. BUT, then the Suns fought back. Another FIVE goals to one!! Half time was a very happy time for the long-suffering locals. ELEVEN goals to just four!! WE could only imagine what was going on in the Carlton rooms. Would have loved to have witnessed it! Sure enough, the third quarter came, and the Blues started to look like maybe they oughta do something about resurrecting their season. As the quarter wore on, the locals became more and more nervous. Three Quarter time, and just 12 points in it. Not looking good. The delerium of the locals was starting to fade. The large percentage of the crown who were blue-bagger supporters had found their voice. Not pretty! So, the final quarter began with trepidation in the camp. Was there ANY hope of the young Suns, missing a heap of their best players from the line-up, possibly stemming the tide and hold off a rampant Carlton team who's season (and their coaches job) were clearly on the line. Just a 12 point margin, and a full quarter to go. Oh Dear! Could we bear to watch. Was carnage about to be unleashed on our poor, local heroes? Should we leave now, and spare ourselves the humiliation of daring to believe the impossible? Was there ANY hope of the Suns getting their second ever home victory? Dared we to dream? The final quarter was great! The Suns stuck to their task, as the arm wrestle ensued. No matter what Carlton tried, the Suns managed to stick with them. Late in the quarter. 28 minutes on the clock. Still a 2 goal ball game. The ball was deep inside Carlton's forward line. All the quarters had been long -- around 30 minutes. Still possibly a couple of minutes to go. Plenty of time for Carlton, if they were good enough. Then, the siren sounded, long and loud. (Is there any better sound in the world, when your team has its nose in front...??) Euphoria swept the stands! The Suns had done themselves proud! They had stuck at it for 4 quarters, and reaped the rewards. And, Carlton? Ah, how sweet it was to see that dejected mob remove themselves from the Arena! Couldn't have happened to a nicer bunch! And, then, I began to dream. If the Suns could do it against a team who HAD to win to make the finals, maybe, just MAYBE my beloved Dees could also do it against the Crows. Do it for Greeny. Then, on our way out of the ground, we heard still more sweet news. The Pies had been devoured by some hungry Eagles out West! Sometimes, footy is a VERY nice game! Bring on the Crows. I'm excited!!
  4. Included in the squad of 25 for Sunday...
  5. I got howled down last time I made this suggestion. But, don't really care. I too, like the current clash strip. However, I reckon it would be even better if the white bits were replaced with a pale blue (akin to the colour of the Carlton clash jumper that so many loved to hate). It gets rid of the white, and keeps us red & blue (albeit red, dark blue & light blue). I still reckon that would look good, and would probably have eliminated the problem we had yesterday against St Kilda...
  6. True. Loved Neeldy's comment in the Press Conference after the game. Can't recall the exact words. But, it was something to the effect of "Sammy's been to the confidence shop, and he's got it in bucket loads..." The various comments on the likes of the Robbo Show, as another poster alluded to, also suggested the players all get a bit of a laugh out of Sam's "arrogance". It's not a bad thing in an elite athlete -- a complete belief in one's own abilities. The test, obviously, is in that player combining talent with arrogance to become a real success in the game. Sam has shown glimpses he just may be capable of that. A full pre-season or two, more work on his defensive game (which HAS been steadily improving), and we potentially have a top player on our hands. (Also loved Neeld's comment in yesterday's press conference, about a conversation he had with Sam on the subject of the defensive side of the game earlier in the year. Said Sam looked at him like he was from another planet. Was both hilarious and instructive. Neeld went on to say Sam has made progress in that area since then, although still has a long way to go.) Was really please for him with his 5 goal effort yesterday. I have high hopes for the kid. (Then again, I am an old MFC tragic, and have high hopes for every player on our list...! LOL)
  7. Prior to last week's team selection, Mark Neeld said that The Gys was not yet match fit for the AFL. The fact he was subsequently picked would indicate to me that he was picked due to a lack of other available alternatives. His lack of fitness was demonstrated in the game. So, with McKenzie & Jetta both now available, the Gys returns to Casey to continue his rebuild.
  8. Aint that the truth!! Kinda the story of the MFC...!!
  9. And, boy, was it ever a lucky kick! He wasn't even aiming for the goals! He was trying to get it to a team-mate closer to the goals!
  10. A sad end to a player who gave the MFC some very good service. Sorry to hear it.
  11. Some party pooper over at the MFC site has gone and spoilt our fun. Typo now fixed.
  12. Love it! We'll have to dub him "The Marble Man"! Or, maybe, "The Bronze Bruiser"! LOL
  13. Hi all. I want to apologise for my part in this mess. I was very pleased to be able to step in and provide the free hosting of this wonderful site through the business I was then a part of. Regrettably, there was a messy parting of the ways a couple of years back, and I've been dreading this eventuality ever since. I'm afraid it has been a case of when, and not if. Thankfully, the powers at be overlooked the arrangement for the past couple of years. Now, I can only say how much I appreciate Nasher being able to step into the breach, and how sorry I am that this has become necessary. I truly hope the switch-over is as painless and seamless as possible. Thanks again to Andy, Nasher & all else who make this wonderful site possible. A day doesn't go by when I don't trawl the site for the latest goss at least once or twice. Go Dees!
  14. Bater finally plays his 100th game tomorrow. It's been a long, tough gig for him. Hasn't lived up to the original hype about him when he was taken as a young draft pick all those years ago. But, he's stuck at it. And, going by his interview on the MFC site, seems he's loving the new regime at the Dees, and super keen to succeed. I, for one, congratulate Matty on his 100th game, and really hope he can yet live up to some of the early hype. Would love to see him develop into a Cooney-like midfielder.
  15. Based on his banter with Mark Neeld a few weeks back, about how many tackles Robbo needs to lay this year for Neeldy to consider him for a comeback with the Dees, I assume he is playing. (The banter about Robbo making a comeback was all tongue in cheek, of course! LOL)
  16. Anyone here remember a guy called Green? He reckoned on the weekend that he'll be right to go this week. So, I reckon he should come in for Mitch. Green, Rivers, Garland, Sylvia & Davey oughta be able to get the job done between them...
  17. Excellent news, and richly deserved. And, how we needed some good news, after the devastation of last night's news re Mitch!
  18. Absolutely. While certainly no "superstar", Clint has given his heart & soul for the MFC. Could never question his commitment or effort! Very sad to hear this news. Just 24 years of age, and you would have to say his career is very much at the cross-roads. I certainly hope they can find a fix for him, so he can get another chance down the track (hopefully by the start of the 2013 Season).
  19. Indeed! The fact that he has managed to achieve so much in his short life, and make it on to an AFL list, even in spite of apparently fighting CFS, would indicate the kid is a real fighter, and made of the right stuff. Here's hoping he can get on top of this, too, and forge for himself a long and distinguished careed with the Mighty Dees!
  20. Agreed. I very rarely bothered to go there for that very reason. I much prefer to see all the new threads in a single location. Thanks, Nasher!
  21. Thanks for that Dee Dee. Nice to hear about such happenings, and to see a couple of our greats honoured in this way. Also nice to hear Steve Smith is a VP of the MCC. If I recall correctly, he was originally groomed as a CHF, and showed incredible promise that didn't seem to want to blossom. Then, someone had the bright idea of sticking him at Full Back and the rest is, as they say, history. Became one of our very best in that position. Paul Salmon in his heyday ar Full Forward for Essendon was quoted on one occasion as saying Steve was the hardest Full Back he played on.
  22. Personally, I'm thrilled to see this. Beamer may not be the sharpest tool in the shed. But, he has always been passionate about the MFC, and given his all. No doubt he was devastated at losing the VC and leadership group. But, clearly he has gotten over it. (And, has probably been over it for longer than we realise or give him credit for.) Neeld didn't see him as part of the official leadership group. That's his call. But, he also clearly sees in Beamer an important part of our set-up. If he has also identified a position on the field that better suits Beamer's strengths, then all the better. I have to say I was both surprised and heartened to see Beamer sitting with Neeld at the after match press conference on Sat night after our first win. I took from that a particular message Neeldy was sending to all and sundry. Something akin to "not only have we shown the naysayers that we CAN win a footy match, but we are all (including the senior players) a unified footy club, so pull your heads in, you so-called experts..." I'm looking forward to a BIG performance by all the boys against our arch enemies this coming Monday. Go Dees!
  23. Seems to me that, when MFC took him, the comment was made that he was taken with the intention of using him in precisely that role -- as a second big, strong tall to stand beside Frawley and take the gorilla forwards. I reckon the only reason he has been played forward prior to today was due to Neeld's desperation to find a tall who could help out Clark up forward. He failed in that role, and last night showed he should be played in the position for which he was drafted. Besides, looks like Garland could be part of the answer up forward.
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