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Everything posted by Vagg

  1. Yes, Billy. Went to the Suns vs. St Kilda match with my daughter and a bunch of her friends. Yep, very impressive set-up. The playing surface has always been great. But, now with the new stands, it's a first class facility. Would just be good to get the stands put up all around the ground. Think that's supposed to happen if we get the 2018 Commonwealth games. I had also been keen to see Skilled Stadium (the stadium at Robina built for the Thugby). But, absolutely no desire to go to a thugby match. So, when a mate invited me to join him for a soccer match recently, I jumped at it. Again, a top facility (albeit with a toy, rectangular playing field! LOL) The Gold Coast is therefore now blessed with two stadiums that are both first class. But, it's the one with the REAL footy field in the middle where I'll be showing up the most often...!
  2. Round 1 here on the Gold Coast vs The Suns & Lions! Love it!!!
  3. All of my 58 years I have been a passionate Melbourne supporter. I had three good reasons to follow Melbourne. Firstly, my Dad followed them. Secondly & thirdly, both my sisters followed Collingwood. (They probably followed Collingwood just to spite my Dad! LOL) Anyway, the result has been that there's two things in footy that bring me pleasure. One is Melbourne winning. The other is Collingwood losing. When both events happen in the same game, I'm delirious with joy! My only regret today is that it's not the mighty Dees out there, smashing the Pies! But, I'm looking forward to the time in the next coupla years when Beamer can get his wish of running out on the G on this special day of the year. That will be special! (His speech at the B & F really showed the fire he has in his gut. A year ago he was my favourite for Captain. He still is!)
  4. Carlton beating Melbourne to a key signing. That's never happened before...! (I speak as a fool...)
  5. It's my understanding that the new Coach is getting what he wants. So, if he wants Royal as the midfield coach, who are we to argue? And, Royal's new assistant sounds like he has the right stuff, too. So, all looking very positive to me.
  6. Agree totally. I really have no idea of the club politics, or what dramas have involved CC. But, he is 110% committed to the MFC. He has always been a great spruiker for the club. So, if he can have a full time role using his strengths for the benefit of the club, then that is surely a win-win for the club and CC. Very happy about this.
  7. Seems kinda strange to me to clash with one of the Preliminary Finals. (Did we schedule it deliberatley, so our new Coach wouldn't be tempted to go to the match...? LOL)
  8. And not only is he going to be a star, but he's already demonstrated incredible loyalty to the MFC. Yep, let's move on and embrace the wonderful young talent that we DO have...!
  9. Absolutely! You don't wish that on anyone! Poor Menzel turns 20 in a couple of days, too. Not a very nice B'day present. Let's hope neither injuries are as serious as they initially looked!
  10. I reckon we do a deal with Carlton, and just do a straight swap of the brothers. I think the insurance industry would call that a "warNOCK for warNOCK agreement"... (Sorry! Couldn't help myself! Just blame it on "Mad Monday!" LOL)
  11. Yep. I found this just after half time. So, watched 3rd quarter. Beats the radio! Thanks MNM!
  12. It bleedin' well stinks!! Usually, when the free to air morons chuck a wobbly, Foxtel shows the game on Main Event. Not today! Clearly, the MFC does not rate! Not good enough! Just have to resign myself to streaming of the radio coverage via the internet. Not happy, Jan...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. According to the MFC website, he was so happy about the new Contract, rather than SIGNING it, he SANG it...! "...Colin Sylvia has committed to the Club, singing a contract extension..."
  14. Mate! Pretty much all of my 58 years there have been two things that have brought me pleasure in life. One is Melbourne winning. The other is Collingwood losing. Euphoria kicked in when both events happened in the one game! Don't deprive an old supporter of one of his few moments of pleasure in what has been a rather pleasure-less season!
  15. Agree 100%!! Well written, Mr Darcy!
  16. A "cracking" pre-season? Given the nature of his wrist injury, sure hope you're wrong! LOL
  17. It's really sad to see the way he's been performing this year, given what he is capable of. If it hadn't have been his 150th game yesterday, reckon he would have been at Casey. Alas, surely he will spend the rest of the season at Casey (if he's not rubbed out by the Match Review Panel). Hopefully he'll rediscover his flair and dash under our new Coach over the Summer.
  18. With a name like "butcher", what do you expect...??
  19. Actually, it was the CLUB, and not the AFL that suspended him! Well done to the Weagles for acting swiftly and decisively.
  20. Indeed! If my ailing memory serves my right, seem to recall he was our youngest ever Captain. Took over when big brother Gerard defected to the Swans, didn't he? Fond memories!
  21. Gold! Let's hope he keeps his record intact!
  22. I must admit to being a little mystified about Garry's role, and how it relates to the role of Chris Connolly. I guess I've always been just a little vague on what Chris actually does at the Club, and this new (albeit temporary) role of Garry Lyon only adds to the mystery of what Chris Connolly is supposed to be doing. Chris also seems to have become the "invisible man" through the events of the last few days. Can anyone enlighten me? Or, is it just another part of all that's been going on in the Club that is rather baffling?
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