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Everything posted by Vagg

  1. PS _ Is this a Jack Hannath thread or another Morton bash?
  2. Very sad news! I, too, fondly remember (and miss!) the dulcit tones of Tony. A true professional, and one of the all-time great commentators of our great game. Condolences to his family.
  3. Yep. They have now altered the wording on the website! It's today...
  4. Andy, those photos are from Monday. (Says so under the misleading heading of Dec 5.) "Check out some photos of our latest recruits at training on Monday."
  5. Sorry if someone's already said this. haven't bothered wading thru all 6 pages of comments. The exercise of naming a best 22 is just impossible to do at this stage. HOWEVER, the fact is that it aint beyond the realms of possibility for anything up to TEN debutantes in our Round 1 team: Viney, Toumpas, Taggert, Terlich, Jones, Dawes, Pedersen, Rodan, Brynes & Gillies. Probably won't happen. But, just the fact we can even entertain the possibility has me salivating at what could be in 2013. Go Dees!
  6. Have a read of the article on the MFC website. Nice to see the club stepping up the professionalism of the entire group, and being a pacesetter for the League. Lot to like about the way the current administration is going about things. Big tick from this OLD supporter!
  7. Agreed! Looks like someone took a white jumper and dropped three blobs of paint on it. Pathetic effort. Think I read somewhere that the players had some input into the design. If so, me thinks they should stick to footy...! LOL
  8. Indeed! Such have been the frustrations of the MFC supporters over the years. Teased by the potential, only to see it cut down before our very eyes! But, forever the optimists, let's hope for better things from the current crop...!
  9. Yes, I think you're right. Came back and played a handful of good games. Just enough to whet our appetite. Not sure what happened, but didn't he end his career with a brief stint with Sydney? Just another of our LONG list of talent cut short in their prime with injury. BTW, I wasn't real impressed with my Mum when she sent that nude poster of Stinga to my teenage daughter! Had it up on her wall for the longest time!
  10. Looks like the "straight swap" of Rivers & Gillies is now complete. Rivers will wear Gillies' old number next year, while Gillies will wear Rivers' old number.
  11. Yes, a very sad, premature end to another MFC career. Maybe not endowed with masses of natural talent. But, you could never doubt his endeavour. Always gave his all, and was a fine servant of the Club who certainly held his own at this level. I've had a similar treatment to Clint's on my arthritic knee, with stem cells (albeit not farmed from my own fat cells, but from Bovine sources) injected into my knee, and it has been very successful, with re-growth of the cartlidge. But, I have been warned the knee will never be completely 100%, and I'll have to be careful about putting too much of a load on it, lest the new cartlifge could be damaged or lost. Knowing this, I had to wonder how Clint could have hoped to return to putting the massive loads on his repaired knee that the demands of AFL footy require, without seriously compromising the new cartlidge. Still, I know the treatment works, and if Clint treats his knee nicely, he should be able to at least get some relief from the problems he has had with it as he goes about a normal lifestyle. All the best for the future, Clint. And, congratulations on your fine, albeit far too short, career in the Reb & Blue. You can be very proud of it!
  12. Byrnes was named "Best Club Man" (or something like that) at Geelong's B & F evening this year (interesting the same night after he signed on with the Dees...). Says something of a player when most of his footy this year was in the VFL. So, yes, a player who displays that sort of character, even when he's overlooked for games in the Seniors most weeks, would have to be up there in contention. Certainly a great example to the rest of the list.
  13. Mate! You have lost me with your logic on this one! What's the difference between me jumping a train from the Coast to South Bne, and transferring to a bus to the Gabba, and you jumping on a train in Bne to the Coast and transferring to a bus to Metricon? Exactly the same, my friend! I've made the journey to and from the Gabba on many an occasion, squeezed into buses packed chock full of rabid Lion supporters!! Really not hard, but especially pleasant on those occasions when we won! And, re your comment "The carpark at the golf club you speak of is also not exactly equiped for 20,000 cars, in fact, it probably fits around 75-100", fact is, if you book a meal there pre-game, you can reserve a space for your car in that very exclusive (and conveniently SMALL) car park. Makes life REAL easy! Anyway, I really don't want to make a big deal about this, other than to correct the somewhat mis-leading impression about how hard it supposedly is to get to Metricon.
  14. I don't really understand the complaints from the Brisbanites about Public Transport to Metricon. Train & Bus connections right to the door -- just like for when us Gold Coasters make the trek to the Gabba. Really not hard! Alternatively, drive to the pre-game function at the Golf Club across the road, and park in their carpark. I've lost count of the number of times I've made the trek up to the Gabba in past years. Any keen followers of the Dees up Brisbane way would not find it too much of a problem to come down to Metricon to see their beloved Dees strut their stuff. And, yes, in answer to the other enquirer, Metricon is a first class AFL facility. So, Y'all come! (And kwityabitchin'...) And, thanks, Deb, for going to the effort. It IS appreciated! (Not sure about the xmas lunch. Would like to. Will try to work it out...)
  15. Hey, Deb. Option #2 for me. This year I joined a mate for a meal at the golf club prior to the Suns - Carlton game. Parked the car at the club. Worked great. (The Suns sticking it up Carlton that night was an added bonus! LOL)
  16. I kinda like the idea. Seems to be an innovative approach to tough training conditions. I have no idea how it compares to the high altitude training that seems to be the flavour of the month. But, training in Darwin in December sure aint gonna be for the faint-hearted. Has the added benefit of having a real footy oval to train on, as well as the opportunity to grow the AFL presence in the top end -- none of which is achieved by flitting off overseas. So, I applaud the club for trying something a little different. I really hope it has the desired effect.
  17. Not sure that is still true. I get the impression Col was buying into the Neeld way as the season progressed. A big pre-season for Col, and if he can remain injury free, and I reckon 2013 just may be the year he finally takes the game by the scruff of the neck and dominates in the way we have hoped for so long. We can but hope! (I have to admit to having the same hopes for Trav year after year! Can Col succeed where Trav failed?)
  18. Hey, Angry! You and me, mate! Followed the Dees since my birth back in 1953. Had three good reasons to follow them -- my Dad followed them, and both of my sisters followed Collingwood (albeit, probably to spite Dad! LOL) So, absolutely unconditional support for the dees until the day I die. Just looking forward to a little more success on the field!
  19. Very sad to hear of the passing of such a club stalwart! 91 is a good innings! Vale, Dudley!
  20. Definitely a breath of fresh air! In the famous words of Bert Newton, "I Like the boy!!"
  21. Why not? Seems to me the only reason he left in the first place was because his beloved Blues wanted him back and offered him a job. Now that they have shown him the door, and he has stated he wants to get another coaching gig, I reckon he could do worse that join Neeld's coaching panel...! I, for one, would love to have him back.
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