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Everything posted by Vagg

  1. The Hawks wearing a clash strip against WCE is a recent case in point!
  2. Question is, if the ball had not hit the goal umpire, would it have gone through for a goal? Looked to me like it would have. In my humble opinion, the logical thing to do in such a situation would be to give it as a goal...!
  3. Sounds like a great idea! (I wonder if Qld Rail can put one on from the Gold Coast to Brisbane next Sunday? LOL)
  4. Mate! Your granddaughter's toy dog. Your teddy bear. What's the difference? You clearly found the solution to this end of the world disaster. So, we're both happy. Move on.
  5. I don't see a problem with the way it was handled. Bail wearing the green vest was a clear sign that his subbing off was only temporary, pending the concussion testing and, if he passed the test, would be clear to come back on the ground. But, if yellow floats your boat, that's fine, too.
  6. I think it's great! It's very small, in the bottom corner, and unobtrusive. Was interesting to track the Syd-Nth game, and see the simialrities in how the scores were going in both games. As someone else said, if you don't like it, just stick your teddy bear over it! LOL
  7. Yes, I also had the distinct impression that Peter clearly had more of an allegiance to Collingwood. So, to hear he wants to help the Dees is, indeed, good to hear.
  8. Indeed! The boy is made of the right stuff! Let's hope it rubs off on the others!
  9. Absolutely! The guy has balls! Personally, I think he'd make a great CEO. Maybe Don could approach him on the QT...
  10. Just found time to watch the Press Conference in its entirety. Cameron Schwab is one class act! After being kicked in the teeth and and sacrificed to try to appease the lynch mob, he strides into the conference proudly wearing the club tie, and carrying a club jumper. He then proceeds to do absolutely nothing but stick up for the club, the Board, and everything our great club stands for. The next morning, he was on Radio, spruiking the Club. Not a bad word about anyone, or the slightest hint of bitterness. Just accepting his fate with total dignity, and talking up the club to the very end. And, the frustrating part about it all is that, in spite of the endless pages of drivvle and invective, I am yet to find a single thing that the man is actually guilty of -- other than being the CEO, and therefore someone with a target painted on his back! Just another very sad episode in the history of the MFC, I fear. I, for one, salute you, Cam. You no doubt have made mistakes. Who hasn't? But, the last couple of days may have been your finest hour. Continue to hold your head high, and support the mighty Dees! Thanks for your contribution to the club!
  11. Just spent my lunch time here on the Gold Coast, reading through the 10 pages of this thread. Well done all, especially WW and Wizza. This is the spirit that will help encourage our boys to get up and show the footy world the great MFC aint dead just yet! I'll be with you all at training tomorrow in spirit. Go Dees!
  12. I insured one of my cars with Progressive a few months back. Excellent quote. So far, thankfully, haven't had to claim. Hoping I don't ever have the need.
  13. That would explain why there was a small "Kaspersky" sign in the window of the Coaches Box. Must admit I had wondered whether one of the coaches still had a clipboard with "Kaspersky" on the back, and it had been inadvertantly propped up against the window, for the world to see! LOL Very nice if they have, indeed returned as sponsors. Does anyone know if they are still also sponsoring Collingwood?
  14. Right now, the side could do with Gary Baker's beard -- with Gary attached to it, of course!
  15. After listening to the Post-match press conference, and the interview with Jack Watts, my take on it is that they had a great pre-season, and just assumed it would all happen for them on match day. Maybe now they have figured out that training with your team-mates and playing against a real, committed opposition team are two entirely different things. For me, the real test will be how they react to yesterday's abomination, and what they serve up next Saturday night. For everyone's sake, I sure hope they get their act together, and quick!
  16. I'm thrilled for the guy. Came to the club as a kid with big wraps (along with Bate), but never really rose to the heights expected. But, he's plugged away, and seems to have now carved himself a spot in defence. Just has to continue to build on what he achieved in the second half of last season. And, to think the guy is still only 25. Should he continue to improve, there's no reason to think he won't get to be part of Melbourne's next Premiership team. Well done, Lynden! Bring up your ton with a nice win for the Dees!
  17. Thanks for posting the link. For the life of me, I can't find it anywhere on the MFC website. Any clues as to where it's hidden??
  18. Oh Dear! I guess history tells us that NEITHER team will win, then. So, a draw coming up...!
  19. Funny how Collingwood keeps getting dragged into this discussion. Fact is, they DO have a clash jumper. Their regular jumper is primarily black (especially the back), whereas the clash jumper is primarily white (especially the back). I personally reckon their clash jumper is more than adequate. Certainly more than can be said for Essendon (who have NEVER made a genuine effort in this regard) and Carlton & Richmond, both who HAVE made genuine efforts over the years, only to have apparently abandoned them in recent times.
  20. Much harder to come up with the name of a commentator who DOES demand a little respect! In that regard, for me, Gerard Whately stands head and shoulders above the rest. Knowledgeable, pleasant to listen to and, when he's calling a game, actually tells you what's going on (which is a novelty for radio commentators these days!). As for the rest...? All pretty hopeless, really! (Mores the pity Clinton Grybas left us too soon!)
  21. Um. You're talking about Essendon, Carlton & Richmond. What do YOU reckon?? AFL is weak as...!!
  22. Hey, Ole Fella! I thought that little joke had "timed out"...??
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