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Everything posted by Vagg

  1. "Rorting the rules"..?? "Trailblazers", I would have thought! Condolences to the family. Hugh was clearly a special part of the Club and the Game.
  2. Well done to all three! Love them all. And, Jonesy has missed just 5 games along the journey? That's remarkable these days! Here's hoping the entire team lifts for them (and Col, himself plays out of his skin) and they pull off the impossible -- a win at the cattery...!
  3. Switched on to the game towards the end of the last quarter. They were playing in a lake! Rain bucketing down, and pools of water on the ground! Me thinks that experience just may take a lot out of Werribee, and make it that much harder for them to back up against Casey. Here's hoping, anyway...!
  4. And to think they were both taken rather late in the draft. They were both bargains! They were both rather speculative gambles, I'd have thought. But, looking like great choices, now! Well done to the recruiters!
  5. I think I read somewhere that the Development Coaches are actually used as the Line Coaches for Casey. So, when both Casey & Melb are playing on the same day, they wouldn't be at the Melb game anyway.
  6. I think it's a wonderful innovation. Reckon it's what the players not playing should always be doing -- actually spending the game watching and, hopefully, learning as part of their own preparation to step up when they get the chance to play. Sure beats just having them sitting in the stands and sky-larking! It's all about professionalism in everything they do.
  7. Absolutely! If that was acting, Dawes has missed his calling. He should be on the big screen, and raking in the mega bucks! There is no way that was acting! And, the way he went down, there is no way it was "low impact". I'd like the twits on the MRP to be on the receiving end of that punch, and then describe it as "low impact"! That mob has definitely lost the plot!
  8. Aint that the truth...?!!! The AFL is effectively condoning common assault on the football field! An absolute disgrace!
  9. Thanks, Titan. I was aware of the Collingwood situation, and reckon it works well for them. I was just mystified as to why Hawthorn would use a variant against us. As you say, maybe no reason other than marketing. I suppose there's logic the the Nth one, although I wouldn't have thought it to be all that important.
  10. By the way. Does anyone know what the reversing of the colours on the Hawthorn and Nth Melb jumpers was all about a few weeks back? (Hawthorn wore it in their match against us.) Just seemed a bit odd, and wondered what the story was there...?
  11. Agreed. Neil Craig is a class act as a fine human being.
  12. That hit on Dawes was one of the most blatant acts of violence on the footy field in a long time. Just common assault. Akin to the nonsense seen in the Thugby State of Origin match a couple of weeks back. There is no place for that in our great game, and the Match Review Committee should throw the book at that thug. Six weeks as a minimum. Fair Dinkum. I can't believe how little has so far been made of this incident! Time to get real, folks!
  13. Just watched Colin's Press Conference this morning. Really impressed with Colin. He has certainly developed in leaps and bounds, both on and off the field, as Neil Craig has also been quick to point out. Really handled himself extremely well in front of the media, and answered some potentially awkward questions very well. Good on you, Col.
  14. Just saw his Press Conference. Said "Tex" Walker (his good mate) was one of the first to call him with congratulations, and that he is flying over for the game. Sure hope he succeeds. Apparently another of the guys who has had a long wait, having been overlooked in several drafts.
  15. Hey, Billie! Actually, we do. It's on GEM around midnight. I recorded last night's show, and will watch it tonight.
  16. I agree completely. Didn't used to think very highly of Robbo. But, this year he has been the shining light in the media in his empathy for Neeld, the players and, indeed, the enitire MFC. I've been very impressed. Really loved it when he looked straight into the camera last night and stuck it right up Beamer. Well done, Robbo!
  17. Yep, along with my name-sake, Hassa was one of my all-time favourites when I was a kid. There was just something special about the guy. Couldn't put my finger on it as to what, but the feeling continues to this day. Very deserving of this latest accolade. Congratulations, Hassa!
  18. Mate! You sure about that? Do you REALLY want them to RESIGN? (That is, leave...??) Sure you don't mean RE-SIGN?? (That magic little hyphen kinda makes a world of difference between staying or leaving! Gotta love the English language! LOL)
  19. And people wonder why we're "jacked-off"!! LOL
  20. Vagg

    AFL 360

    Yeah, I really liked that. Maybe I read too much into it. But, I just got the impression that both Rocket and Bomber (as former senior coaches) can better understand where the MFC is currently at. And, it aint necessarily where the doom & gloom mongerers have us.
  21. I loved the bit in the Presser where he actually butted in over the top of Neeldy, emphasising the fact that the lack of effort is not something that can be blamed on the Coach, and that it's something that an AFL player is just expected to bring to the table. Good stuff! In the words of Bert Newton, "I LIKE the boy...!"
  22. Why not? No harm in adding another girl to the girls we already have running around in our team...!!
  23. Neeld has just announced Trengove will not play this week. Has a minor strain...
  24. Then, how do you explain the Doggies running around in red as their clash jumper?
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