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Everything posted by Vagg

  1. Had a read of the Foxtel TV Guide for Feb over the weekend, and noticed "AFL 360" will be airing 5 nights a week. Sure hope Gerard Whately is still at the helm. Will be worth watching, if he is...
  2. Agree 100%, Big Kev. If you don't want it, fine. It's a free Country. Your choice. But, I reckon it's a wonderful option for those who do want it. And, in my case, I get the new channel completely free of charge, being included in the package I'm already paying for. I, for one, couldn't be happier! Well done, Foxtel!
  3. Hi Rhett. Really appreciate you coming on board and giving us the scoop on what's happening. I've been a Foxtel subsciber for many years. Living in the GC Hinterland, our free to air reception was worse than crap. Hence, the day they strung Foxtel cables past our door was a day of rejoicing in my household! It meant being able to actually see the ball! (Something I could rarely do in the midst of the very snowy picture!) In recent years, I have looked in anticipation for the Melb games that were televised on Fox, as it meant we'd get a pre-game show AND no ads after every goal is kicked. Great stuff! So, Rhett, I'd just appreciate clarification re your "siren to siren" comment. Presumably, you mean the sirens that start and end each quarter, meaning there will still be ads during the breaks between the quarters? (I don't suppose you could prevail on the powers at be to make it completely ad-free and uninterupted from the start of the game to the very end, could you? LOL) Anyway, I for one, am thrilled to see the return of Fox Footy! We get ALL of Melbourne's games!! Just a pity Glinton Grybas won't be a part of it! Bring on the 2012 Season! And, Go Dees!
  4. Aint that the truth!!! Which makes it even more amazing to me that Foxtel gets to show all the games next year (live and ad free)...
  5. Seems Channel 7 will have the scoop on team selections next year, with no-one allowed to breath a word re the team selections until after Channel 7 News on the Thursday night. Personally, I think this sucks! Really enjoyed being able to get the teams at 5pm. So much for "progress..."!!
  6. Thanks for clearing that up, Jack. Yes, seems Luke was one of those guys who teased us with the "will he ever step up and deliver" questions. If my memory serves my correctly, think Scott Thompson was also causing frustration around the same period. Both Williams & Thompson were thereabouts, but not quite. Finally, Thompson came good, just before he ran home to Momma, but Luke never quite got there.
  7. I'm glad he'll still be on FOX. I enjoy him in "On The Couch".
  8. He probably took his surf board, hoping for a few big waves...!
  9. For me it was Anzac Day sometime in the mid 60s. Took a trip from Sale to the Big Smoke with the old man. Don't remember who we played. But, do remember being upset that, it being Anzac day, there was no Reserves game before the main game!
  10. Yes, much appreciated, Gents. Sitting here, in my office on the Gold Coast, it's great to get such exceelent insight into what's going on with pre-season. Well done, and keep it coming!
  11. The ugly duckling that grows into a swan... Gotta admit, that's one fairy tale I would LOVE to come true...! LOL
  12. Crumbs! I always forget about that other forum. Sure wish all the threads were together, here...!
  13. Just saw the following on the AFL website... "Tom Couch, son of 1989 Brownlow medallist Paul, has been invited to train with Melbourne after playing the past two seasons for Bell Park in the Geelong football league. Couch was a VFL top-up player for Collingwood's VFL team this season and played 12 games for the seniors." Anyone know anything about him? If he's anything like his old man, should be a reasonable player.
  14. Vagg


    I have to agree. All seemed just a little strange how fast they were out the door after all the new appointments. There certainly wasn't much time for any "get to know you" sessions.
  15. Thanks for that insight. Just looked at their website. Another former Dee, Jace Bode, is also involved. Sounds like a worthy venture. Good luck to them!
  16. That's good to hear. He's definitely my favourite commenatator at the moment. I guess it's because he more like the old-fashioned radio commentators who used to work hard to paint a picture for the radio audience of what is happening on the field, as distinct from most of today's commentators who tend to spend most of every game big noting themselves and waffling on about anything and everything other than what's actually happening in the game. I reckon Gerard's horse racing commentary experience probably helps his footy calling, given the need with horse races to get a lot of accurate info out in a short time. Anyway, whatever the cause, he's a rare gem in the industry!
  17. Agreed. Gerard is a breath of fresh air among the current crop of footy commentators. Although, not sure he will definitely be with Fox Footy next year. Think there was some talk that he was "considering his options". Sure hope he stays!
  18. The second game will be on Fox Sports 1...
  19. Great to see the 24 hour Fox Footy channel returns in February! Just a pity Clinton Grybas isn't around to see it! (Alas, we have to put up with Eddie instead!) But, the great news is that Fox will show ALL NINE games live every week!! Which means, uninterrupted coverage of every quarter, without those wretched ad breaks after every goal that you get on free to air. And, a reasonable pre-match program as well. I, for one, like it!! Bring on 2012!
  20. Pardon my ignorance. But, who is Craig Lees, and what is his claim to fame?
  21. "Clancy's gone a drovin', and we don't know where he are..." Or, in the words of the MFC website..."Unfortunately, we have been unable to adequately communicate with Aussie to determine his future intentions." Very sad. But, that's life...
  22. Yeah, Brisbane was my second team, but they've now dropped to third behind the Suns. Gotta encourage the local mob. I think there's a lot of Gold Coasters of the same mind-set. It's just great to have a team based locally, and put it up to the raving thugby-ites...
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