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Everything posted by Vagg

  1. Just announced on the MFC website that Toumpas, Viney & Jones will all debut for the Dees on Sunday! Nice!!
  2. Only 48, Old Dee? I'm closing in on 60, with little joy along the way! But, forever the optimist...!
  3. LOL. I am truly impressed, Old Dee! A man who knows when he's been beat!
  4. Just saving on energy! Why change 'em, only to have to change 'em back again a few months later? Didn't you know? Qld is the smart state...(Now there's a lead in, if ever there was one..!! LOL)
  5. And, for those of us in Qld (where we don't fiddle with the clocks...), the telecast starts at 11:30am with the pre-game show, followed by the game telecast at high Noon...
  6. For those of you who haven't seen it yet, be sure to watch the short video of the Ox on the MFC website as he reminisces about his time at the MFC, and what the Club means to him. Great stuff! Just SO pleased to see him back on board. And, he will be delivering the match ball to the middle of the MCG to start the game on Sunday. Very deserving, and a nice touch!! Well done David and well done MFC! Go Dees!!
  7. Hey, Biffo! Why so restrained with your comments? Couldn't you just come out and tell us what you REALLY think of the Kiwis...?? LOL
  8. Yes, great to hear the ice has been broken at last, and he's made a return of sorts. His experience would be an invaluable plus around the Club. Sure hope he spends more time there from now on, helping mentor some of the new crop. Young Jimmy Toumpas has big shoes to fill, running around in the #5.
  9. I didn't see anything yesterday to disagree with you, Pitmaster. His versatility is a big plus. I hope he continues to develop into what his early draft pick promised when he was first taken by Adelaide.
  10. I agree. He seemed to get better as the game wore on. In fact, maybe it was just me, but I seemed to be seeing more of him than his more notable name-sake through this game...
  11. I was at the game. Really can't add much to what GoodVibes had to say. As I have been saying all along, a game in the middle of the day up here is absolute lunacy. However, I'm wondering whether Melb had anything to do with that. Think the team only flew up yesterday, before the game (and apparently their bus got lost -- hence the later than scheduled start). And, I heard they were booked on a flight home around 4:30 pm... I also wondered about the team numbers. Pretty sure 27 players were named for this list, but five of them (Frawley, Davey, Spencer, Jetta and Evans) didn't play. Hence, according to my calculations, we had just 22 players. What happened to the 6 man bench in the pre-season matches? A couple of other departures from the norm were ther quarters were exactly 25 minutes in length (no time on), and there were no super goals (because the scoreboard wasn't equipped to show them?) I spent the entire day upstairs in the section of the Club that has big windows overlooking the ground. Nice breeze coming through the open windows. But, was crazily hot outside in the sun. While the condition of the ground was good, I am still baffled as to why the game wasn't played at Metricon. I heard someone saying the Suns seconds team was actually playing there, while our game was on at Southport. Very curious! Why not play BOTH games at Metricon? Biggest thrill for me was to meet the Toumpas clan. There was a heap of them at the game, include Jimmy's Dad, Uncle and Grandfather. All as proud as punch, and excited to see Jimmy out there in the Red & Blue. They seem like a great family, and it gave me a buzz just watching them and their genuine excitement for their boy. At the end of the day, it was what it was. A practice match. Really don't think the score meant a whole lot, especially given it was a game played in crazy 30 degree conditions, with a large number of our best 22 on the sidelines. I can only hope that the coaching staff were able to achieve some of their goals from the event, as they prepare for the real thing.
  12. Not a cloud in the sky here this morning. After four weeks of rain, today promises to be the best (and hottest!) day on the Coast in more than a month. A perfect day for pretty much anything EXCEPT playing footy! I am still gobsmacked at the brilliant specimens who scheduled this match for the middle of the day here on the Gold Coast at this time of year. It utterly defies anything resembling common sense. Still, I'll trot along and enjoy the spectacle, and then run home for a nice dip in the pool (the first in more than a month!) Go Dees!
  13. Thanks, Stuie! Found it! But, I've gotta admit I'm still a little mystified as to why the Club doesn't list all those sponsors on the Home Page of their site, under the heading "Melbourne Football Club proudly sponsored by:"
  14. Think I read somewhere entry is $5 per person, at the gate. There is a lot of parking at the Club. But, they reckon there could be a fair crowd, so extra parking is being made available at the ground, and to following the parking attendant directions. I'd suggest getting there early...
  15. How about that!? Following your link shows quite a large list of sponsors, including Progressive. But, just going straight to the website, I see no way of navigating to that page. As I said before, when I go to the home page, there's just the handful of sponsors mentioned, and Progressive aint one of them. Strange. Ah well...!!
  16. Really? I'm blowed if I can find any reference to them on the MFC site. In fact, at the bottom of their home page, where they list their sponsors, they show only Webjet, Opel, Hertz, New Balance & Peter Werth...
  17. Fair enough. Pays to shop around. Is amazing the variance between the various insurers!
  18. Hi Billy. Very good facilities at the Sharks. Nice grandstand. Plus, if you get there earlier enough, can even park your car beside the boundary fence, and toot your horn for every winning goal! (LOL) They are expecting a fair crowd, so suggest you get there in plenty of time. Might see you there!
  19. LOL. I went with them last year with my car. Got a real good deal. Just got a quote from them a couple of days ago for my wife's car. While they came in a few bucks cheaper than our current insurer (Richmond's sponsor, Bingle!), Bingle will give me an extra $2000 in agreed value, which aint to be sneezed at on a 10 year old car! So, think I'll be sticking with Bingel...
  20. Nutbean, with an ability like that to add bulk to our players, I am truly baffled the Club hasn't hired you long ago...! Your talents are clearly wasted on here! LOL
  21. Just noticed Progressive Insurance seems to have disappeared from our website as a named sponsor.
  22. And how do you pronounce his first name...?
  23. What brilliant specimen came up with an 11:30am start?? That has to be about as dumb as it gets. And, they can't blame TV scheduling for it, either! And, why not play it at Metricon?? We have that magnificent stadium. Why not use it? Although, the up-side will be that there's a chance I can park the car beside the fence, and toot the horn for every Dee goal!
  24. So, if THEY can do it, why on earth can't our outfit...?? We might be the oldest club in the land. But, just a little bit of modern thinking in the IT realm wouldn't be a bad idea, surely! Can't be THAT hard, surely!
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