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Everything posted by Vagg

  1. Is that right. Okay, we go one better and stream ours...!
  2. Absolutely! Wouldn't be hard to emulate Port's effort. And I, for one, would be over the moon if they did!
  3. LOL. What would be even worse would be "that MELBOURNE player"...!
  4. Surely Matt Burgan and or Robbo (with special comments from the Gawn Dog??) can take a leaf out of Port's book, and set up a tripod and camera at Casey this week, and supply us with a live broadcast of the match via the Melb website. Can't be that hard! Here's hoping...!
  5. "All pigs are equal. Some pigs are more equal than others...!"
  6. So, it's a choice between Tweets and Twits...??
  7. Love your thinking, WYL! I have to admit at being just a tad frustrated at the fact we have a kid who is over the age of 18, and yet not allowed to play with the big kids for another year!
  8. You mean the suicide lane aint there any more? Shows how long it's been since I drove that stretch of road...!! LOL
  9. Nice article. Well done to Martin for writing it and getting it published. Everything I have ever seen and heard about Chris Connolly convinces me that he has always been 100% passionate for the Mighty Dees. Having missed out on getting the Coaching gig a few years back, a lesser mortal would have walked away. Not Chris. They offered him a different role, and he embraced it with both arms. I, too, am grieved to see him have to take the fall for this farce. Again, men of lesser stuff would pull up stumps and walk away. Not Mr Connolly! I salute you, Sir!
  10. Funny. I was thinking last night that maybe he could be a full-time Assistant Coach to Casey's Part-time Senior Coach. (That would be a novel first...! LOL)
  11. Okay. I'll bite. "Was it Daw's free kick? Or, should it have been given to Dawes?
  12. Excellent comment. I agree 100%. I am totally gobsmacked by the entire farce!
  13. His story sounds kinda reminiscent of Jimmy Magner this time last year. An older guy, overlooked through his junior footy who now, finally gets a chance in the big time. I wish him every success!
  14. Well done, Don. VERY pleased to see the Club did not let that piece of uninformed, gutter journalism pass without the contempt that it deserved. There is a time to say "enough is enough!". This is that time. Go Dees!
  15. Yep. Nice article. I really hope the kid makes it -- AND sticks with it. Based on his background, and what he's been through growing up, I kinda feel he might have a pretty good chance. Here's hoping so!
  16. LOL. Aint that the truth!? If they are so dead-set about accusing us of trying to lose, they can hardly also accuse us of taking performance-ENHANCING substances! Love it!
  17. Reminds me of the pretty, green Tree Frogs we have up here in Qld...LOL
  18. Agreed. Excellent article. I, in particular, liked the last bit... "My greatest wish is that Chris Connolly fronts the show and calls their bluff. Throws down his hand and looks up at Judge Andrew and says, ''Here's what I did, Andrew. I tried to buy the future at the going rate. And the going rate was Loss. And you were the seller.''
  19. Melbourne's response should be a short, single line: "Dear Vlad. Pursue this matter any further, and we will see you in Court. Have a nice day."
  20. Agreed, Ron. Always admired the way Joel goes about his business. Not the classiest guy going around. But, always gives his all, and can be relied upon to be there when he's needed. I was very pleased when he crossed to us from the Lions, and have not changed my opinion.
  21. 1000 pages? Almost as long as this thread! LOL
  22. Okay. I can't resist. Where's my namesake...??? (Only kidding!) I like the current banner. Well done, Andy!
  23. I, too, am very happy with the calibre of the guys brought in from other clubs. In particular, everything about Byrnes is very positive. In spite of the fact he only got a handful of games at the cats over the past couple of years, still, on the night after we signed him up, he fronted up to the Cats B & F night, and was presented with an award for "Best Clubman" (or something like that). That, to me, smacks of a person of huge character, who continued to give his all to his club, even when things weren't going his way at the selection table -- over a long period of time. Seems that attitude has continued at his new home. So, the benefits are already being seen, long before the Season has even begun. And, me thinks, one Shannon Byrnes will give us plenty ON the field, too. Welcome aboard, Shannon!
  24. I, too, pause to remember. A young man cut down in his prime, with everything to live for. Simply tragic. R.I.P. Troy!
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