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  1. No objections to Stockdale-as long as he doesn't have Kennett involved . Two big differences-he's not a complete [censored] ,and he has a magnificent set of eyebrows ,which is a pre-requisite for anyone in a position of power .
    9 points
  2. Good coaches know where their list is at. The press conference after the Brisbane loss in Round 1 2012 showed that he'd overestimate where we were at. His comments at the commencement dinner 2013 where he suggested we'll surprise a great many looks very silly half a season later. If he'd made mention of his re-build of a re-build in November of 2011 then we might be a little more sympathetic. The youngest, most inexperience teams in the comp are never the hardest to play against. There's been too many catch-prases and too many shifts in thinking. Rightly or wrongly, they come across as excuses and more disturbingly a shift of responsibility from him to his predecessors and even to the players. He may still have the players but his vision (whatever it is?) is not evident on the field. Melbourne supporters unlike most others have incredible patience. We can hang in there if we see a future and a direction but right now we're so far off the pace and so uncompetitive that those on the reality bus who have been so well trained at calling a spade a spade know that a win/loss percentage of 50 is unjustifiable. Belief is shot to pieces. The chances of the same coach who was at the wheel during smashing after smashing after smashing being their when we turn it around is really really low.
    7 points
  3. People need to calm down and read the detail in the article. Consider this statement from the article and you will realise that the $500k payments can not be made until his third season: "Players are locked into minimum wages for the first two years of their stay at an AFL club, ranging between $70,000 and $100,000, depending on match payments." (http://www.news.com.au/sport/afl/jesse-hogan-in-line-for-big-pay-rise-as-battling-demons-look-to-lock-in-star-in-making/story-fndv8pdq-1226662745291) So Hogan will be paid between $70,000 - $100,000 in years one and two, then up to $500,000 from years 3-5. Now ask yourself, do you consider him possibly a better player than Dawes in three years time, who is currently earning around the $500k per annum mark according to reports? If the answer is yes, then get on board this deal. Its fantastic for the club, and also a fantastic message for the club to send supporters and sponsors that there is some stability and promise ahead for the future.
    6 points
  4. A wise person once said, when asked about the role of leaders and followers, that he would rather have people that can do without either. In other words, it's not about leaders who are messiahs, characterful or charismatic, or about followers doing their instructed jobs, it's about motivated people knowing their roles, responsibilities, protocols and procedures so that they don't need to be instructed or ordered to do anything. Successful football teams are like this ... players do things and fill their roles 'automatically', with a sense of purpose and adherence to the team ethic, plan, strategy and the actions required. Like it's the 'Geelong way', or the 'Collingwood way'. That's the sort of idealistic board I want ... one where everyone has appropriate skills, know what they're doing, what the protocols are, and take their responsibility seriously. I don't want a set of 'yes people' operating hesitatingly under a foot-in-mouth dictator.
    6 points
  5. You don't have to feel sorry for him but you can still think it's tragic. He had the whole world in front of him, and it's mostly all gone.
    5 points
  6. Whats with all the sympathy for this guy??? I understand the whole innocent till proven guilty feelings from the earlier court case but the guy has just been convicted of hitting a WOMAN in the face. He is a criminal and should be doing every bit of that time. So sick of the bleeding hearts in this country. You want to stay out of jail?.... well then DONT assault people. pretty bloody easy.
    5 points
  7. I think this piece from "opposition analyst" just about sums it up (although I suspect Neeld had a role in adopting the plan used successfully by Malthouse to win a flag in 2010): Flattery or imitation: Demons fail to copy Malthouse plan The problem is that on Monday, Melbourne didn't have the personnel available to enable it to work for the full four quarters and particularly so after Chris Dawes had to be subbed off at half time. I think Neeld knew this and, as a consequence, there was a fair bit of work done to avoid the necessity of subbing him off earlier (which was probably to the team's detriment in the end). Though we certainly don't have the cattle, I think this highlights Neeld's greatest problem - his inflexibility in being able to make the necessary moves once the wheels start falling off (and confidence levels drop) in order to change the flow of the game. We've seen it enough times this year and last. On Monday, Collingwood scored 10.6 to 0.4 in a patch from quarter time until halfway through the third quarter. While Neeld has done well in attempting to do what he says was his mission - to "change the culture of the club" and this aim should continue into the future irrespective of who is the coach, he has failed to fulfill what I see as a fundamental in coaching on match days with flexible tactics and strategies that can work to change the course of games. If he hasn't shown this ability in 1½ years as coach, I can't see things changing in the next 12 weeks and, as a consequence, he's on his way out. He'll be very lucky to see out the season unless he's able to find ways for the team to consistently play as it did in the first quarter on Monday. He's been dealt a shocking hand as a coach with everything that's happened at the club both before and since he took over but the reality is that he is at the least no better at the coaching caper than his predecessor even with all of the extra assistance at his disposal.
    5 points
  8. This guy is the best talent I've seen walk into the club in 40 years. Every cloud has a silver lining. He'll stay a Dee and I can't wait for next year (said that before).
    5 points
  9. Toumpas over Wines is too early to tell. Seriously, both kids are only in their first year, which hardly tells you what the finished product for them will be. Toumpas was more highly rated than Wines by most in the lead up to the draft, though Wines was clearly the more ready to play straight away. Have some patience.
    5 points
  10. Jurrah comes from a third world environment where white man's law doesn't prevail - in their eyes. One of their rules of law is "pay back". If you're an initiated man it's expected. To not follow your own mob's law wouldn't bare thinking about. A world where your native tongue is different from those that set the laws of the land. Let me hasten to add that I'm not suggesting this incident had anything to do with "payback". I'm merely giving an example of what's a completely foreign culture. Life is all about role models, but I'm guessing they have different values and expectations in Yuendemu. Btw, I'm not an apologist for his actions, but I recognise that he's from a group of people that I can't really cast judgment upon. How could I when I have no understanding ? Needless to say I'd be more forthright on those that have come from mainstream society. I'd be exceedingly vocal in my condemnation. I just recognise that I'm hopelessly ill-equipped to make sense of his world.
    4 points
  11. So “Chucky” are you a clinical psychologist or a psychiatrist? How many times have you examined or interviewed patient Jurrah.? Otherwise, to make an unsubstantiated assertion, such as you have made, brands you as a [censored].
    4 points
  12. I'm not sure how this became a discussion about a potential priority pick but I struggle to understand why some would refuse it. High draft picks are still the best avenue to top end talent. Just because we've made mistakes in the past doesn't mean we'll make them again. I dream of a scenario when we're killing mid table teams and opposition supporters are sooking about all of our priority picks. When Brisbane and Sydney won their flags with massively inflated salary caps the rest of the comp was spewing but years on we rarely talk about their AFL influenced advantages we just talk about how bloody good their teams were. If we gain a priority pick and have two picks within the first 4 and we spend them on midfielders we'll be a genuine chance. Toumpas, Viney plus two more young talents (let's say the equivalent of Whitfield and Wines) and we'll be scary with the forward line we've assembled. An established B/A grade mature midfielder would certainly help too. I don't care how other supporters perceive us - it can't get any worse - a priority pick will take us one step closer to a premiership. We can't afford to be scarred by our recruiting efforts over the past decade.
    4 points
  13. No-one 'deserves' a Priority Pick. They are there to help keep the League even (or even it up) in the case of a consistetn struggler. I am sorry to all those clubs who are trying to push this agenda to not give us a pick by saying we are our own enemy - it is irrelevant. We are the protypical team to get a PP.
    4 points
  14. It's a sad and tragic story for all concerned including the victims of Liam's crime. I hope all concerned can find peace and that Liam can turn his life around. Nothing more to say at this stage really.
    3 points
  15. The fact Barry is playing this week doesn't necessarily mean he's gone backwards. Could be an opportunity to get a full game into him whilst its available and then when the Dees go to Darwin he can have his week off then. That would be clever management
    3 points
  16. 3 points
  17. I don't know enough about the current board roles and responsibilities, but I think I'd be looking at things like: the appropriate size for the board their spread of skills and expertise (how many football jocks is enough, or how many insurance salesmen? </sarcasm>) the deficiencies in terms of background and experience the protocols for management, reporting and decision-making their linkages to the administration and the football department their communication channels with the members, media and public how to set up an assessment regime or KPIs the advice they get even on-going training etc. etc. For example, in regard to the ongoing coaching issues, I don't think they've been definitive or prompt enough. They've let media snipers and speculators set the agenda for too long. If they're not going to sack Neeld, they need a definitive statement about backing him and why, even if it's until the end of the year, or until the end of PJ's FD review. There's nothing worse than the old line of just 'the coach has our full support', or alternatively, nothing.
    3 points
  18. I usually read Demonland but rarely post here because i do not want to get embroiled in the constant bickering that goes on. However... This post from Redleg would have to be one of the most moving and heartfelt statements i have read in a long while, well said sir. People please consider the ONE THING that all true Melbourne Football Club supporters/posters on here have in common, the love of, and the desire for success for our football club. My mother turned 87 this year and she no longer goes to the football as she feels she is too old to go anymore, she is still a Trident member however, and mum and my brother are fifty year members of the club, i feel sad for mum because she now believes that she will not live to see her club win another premiership, this saddens me no end, but i am certain she is far from being alone in these sentiments. Sure it's only a game but we all love it or we would not read, or post on here, go to nearly every game played in Melbourne, or pay memberships for 50 years to a club that has had little success in nearly five decades, as my family members have, and again many of you here i'm sure. For me, someone in my mid 50s, and i am sure many others who read and post here, i have a bucket list. I am fortunate that most of the things on that list are ticked off, but the one that i feel i have the least control over is that next premiership for the team i/we love. Do i think Don McLardy and his board would feel any different than myself? i am sure you all know in your hearts the answer to that question. Do i think that the board has done a good job? certainly not. But i believe Don and others would have been asked by Jim to do their best for the club and stay the course, so Jim's children could grow up and support the club that their father was a champion player and club President. While i am sure Don did not want to...how could you say no? What a sad, unique position to be in... Sure this is no excuse for the poor governance, but no doubt they were all trying their best in their voluntary capacities. Yes the board could resign, and anyone who has had a position on the board of management of a voluntary organisation knows this is the easy option. it certainly can be voted out and it may well be, who knows at this point in time, i believe the board will change of it's own volition, no more knee jerk reactions this time, as this is probably the last chance to try and get it right for the future of the club, i believe the directors know it. Might even have been told it by the AFL. In the very near future i believe Geoff Freeman will take over as President of the club and some of the board members will change, no i have zero inside information on the subject for those who think i might, but it just makes sense to me that this will occur and soon. Does anyone here think that this guy does not know he is taking one a mountain of a task if and when he does? sure heaps of corporate high flyers have big egos and that might be a reason to take on the Presidency of an AFL club, there is also no doubting that it could hurt your credibility also, not lost on him or Don i am sure. Do i think Don knows it's time to vacate the position? I certainly do. Yes there is a chance that Jeff Kennett will stand for the position as President of the MELBOURNE Football Club, but look no further than Alastair Clarkson and ask him his thoughts as to whether he thinks that would be a good idea for the future of the MFC or not. Sure you can have a different opinion than mine, that's the good thing about democracy. In closing my fingers are crossed for the future of our club. that, with help from the AFL, this time, most likely the last time, the people who are charged with the running of the club will get things right! and take the club forward to that next flag that we all so wish for. That the coaches will work to the best of their ability, to get the best results from the playing group now and in the future. And especially to ALL our players please put your heads down and do your utmost to play in a successful Melbourne Football Team. So you can hold your heads high and say i have done the best i can do when representing their/our team, the oldest team in the competition, and when they win they can be proud to sing the grand old flag, long, loud and OFTEN! Anyway that's my say. Cheers.
    3 points
  19. I will say one thing. If we stopped making the slapstick turnovers through the middle of the ground, we'd be coming close to winning a lot of the games we're getting smashed in. On QB our turnovers gave the Pies more than the winning margin in points. If we had not made such stupid errors and even half of the aborted forward thrusts became scores we won that game. It's not that we are a terrible list or that we're badly coached, it's that the same people time after time are kicking the ball directly to the opposition and causing them to score against us.
    3 points
  20. I think we sometimes overrate some of our players. For example: Dunn Tapscott Strauss McDonald Blease Watts Jamar I don't think they are as great as some people think. Most of them have a lot of improvement to go but for where we are at the moment they are unable to lift us just yet. Our biggest issue as discussed is that the majority of our side is under 50 games experience and we have no 200+ gamers to lead them. We are pretty much right where I thought we would be at the start of the season and I tipped us to finish 2nd last. I didn't think we would have as many big losses but that could be because of a number of reasons. I like a lot of people on here wanted us to get rid of Moloney, Morton, Bate and Martin. Wasn't sure about Petterd and Gysberts but whatever not a huge loss. But I knew as soon as we did this we would really struggle to cover them for the time being even with the players we brought in. None are world beaters and I knew they wouldn't be. This is why although I am angry at our situation like everyone else I expected something along the line of where we are now because of how many players were turned over. But I wanted that turnover so I have to put up with the crap for now.
    3 points
  21. Why knock Rodan? See anyone else getting a clearance for us? He's going well-get off his case .
    3 points
  22. Why do you say that? The PP is now to be given to clubs who have a period of failure. We have been crap for 7 years. IMO we are a monty to get a PP. Maybe even more than a PP. I could see us getting a second at the end of round one. If we don't get one, no one ever will again.
    2 points
  23. Song, it's normally this time of year that I turn to the progress of the young blokes. Purely a coping mechanism
    2 points
  24. Absolutely I would. My competative side would be itching to get out there and contribute to the team that wants me so much. My mail is he is very happy at the MFC, especially the faith the FD have in him, wants Neeld to stay and is waiting to see before extending.
    2 points
  25. 2 points
  26. You know what RPFC...maybe they bloody well ought to...get out in the open, show us their passion instead of being another man in a blue tie !! Im tired of all this behind closed doors, secret handshake stuff, .. Macguire said show us the money.. I say show us then non-anonymity, show us the passion, show the "self" and do it bloody quick. The problem with this club is its so all rosey rosey , nudge nudge say no more. And it just isnt..its an absolute cokk up !!
    2 points
  27. As what you would term a 'leftie' (ie anyone to the left of Andrew Bolt), I wouldn't care if Attilla the Hun ran the MFC if it leads to success. It's footy, not the future of our society. Stockdale sounds a better bet than Kennett. My objections to Kennett are entirely that he is a Hawk's supporter and especially his previous calls for MFC to merge/relocate.
    2 points
  28. The Lefties will be up in arms, but I'd strongly welcome his input.
    2 points
  29. I'm still worried about this week, the bye will be fresh and is definitely due for a win.
    2 points
  30. agit pop ... or is it agitpop? Is that the kind of stuff played by those overblown sententious Scandinavian bands you like? Actually, the word is agitprop. Not that such niceties matter much to the superior, of course.
    2 points
  31. I dont see the logic between being ruthless and getting Kennett. The "track record " you speak of is abysmal in as many areas as it was good for private enterprise. Not to mention that the Hawks have under-achieved given the talent they amassed before Kennett went there. Also , given the role of President is both ceremonial and procedural one , I do not want such a roughshod, contemptuous autocrat in a role that requires diplomacy. Some people feel so powerless that they need "a good , strong"leader(buffoon) to take them places ,get something done,make change etc... Whenever people make these statements it's clear they lacked a father figure ,or they cant decide what socks to wear ,so they grasp at a figure like Kennett ,Tito,Mussolini etc. The same logic works for those that have a long term headache and then decide to blow their brains out-to fix it once and for all. No magic Kennett bullett for me thanks-anyway ,the club wont do it so let it go .We dont need a vulture to save us. Also ,on the Banking and Finance industry-I support Satyricon in his slander of these worthless and parasitical bottom feeders. The worlds economy is in a mess right now because there were too many of them allowed to get away with too much for too long . They are extremely lucky not to be dragged onto the streets and publicly executed for the way they have conducted business and run countries,factories,communities and families to the wall whilst robbing the system at the same time . They are indefensible ,and only an educated fool who has never worked a proper job for a modest and appropriate return would try to defend them .They do not add in any way to the factors of production ,they only detract from it and then when they failed ,even the largest economy in the world ,went cap in hand to the governemt who was foolish enough not to let them fail. How can you have any sympathy for bankers or any love for Kennett. Thieves and parasites in nice suits. Get a job ,do something ,go produce widgets-we dont need to be told by shiny arses what to do with money once it's made. Thankfully Australians have worked this out and are not investing in "Schemes" at the rate they were . WE need Bankers ,We need Kennett! Gimme a break.
    2 points
  32. This maybe controversial to some, but in my very humble opinion, unless Mark Jamar can begin to move his game with the times, it's time for him to move on at the end of the season. The old style ruckman who taps to midfield and picks up the odd stat here and there has gone with the introduction of the new bench rules and from what I've seen in the past month especially, he just doesn't help out by dropping into the hole between the opposition full forward & their 50 metre arc and offers nothing as a forward resting. His disposals in the last month read 6 vs Richmond, 1 vs Fremantle, 4 disposals vs Hawks, 12 disposals vs Pies - not good enough when you play the entire game! Yes he gets a truckload of hit outs but it's extremely rare that they go to advantage so if you take those hit outs away, what's the point of him? We need a ruckman in the Ryder, Kruezer, Cox, Nic Nat, McEvoy, Goldstein, Bellchambers, Jacobs, Minson mould (I could go on!) I would much rather a ruckman who creates a decent contest in the middle and then floats around the ground to offer a decent target. We have got rid of leaders in the past which has been a huge mistake (Junior stands out) but do we see Russian as a true leader of our club that would be missed in the same way?? So what's the answer you ask? Well I say we stick with Gawn for starters and give him experience as well as Fitzy. Chopping in and out of the senior/reserves is pointless. We are not making finals and to be honest, we will be probably giving GWS a run for their money for wooden spoon so it's time to blood these players and STICK WITH THEM. They will take plenty of time so as a solution for next season, why not go for a player like Shaun Hampson, Sam Rowe, Zac Clarke or Daniel Currie?? Yes, they are a risk but they do get around the ground and get disposals as well as offer a threat up forward. They also are number 2 or 3 choices and may even turn out to be a decent pick up in the Josh Jenkins mould. I'm not sure of their availability but I'm sure many of you will. Am I the only one thinking along these lines? Thanks for reading if you got this far!
    2 points
  33. Cap will be higher in 2 years anyway so isnt any concern. Sign him so his next contrsct expires 1 year prior to him becomming a free agent
    2 points
  34. Well 200 pages a Tribute to a little common sense in the crazy world of the MFC. Who would have thought in July 2011 we would reach this lofty height. Among many things a tribute to a simple fruit and common sense. Thanks everyone this thread has kept me sane through some very ordinary times. I look forward to the 300th page
    2 points
  35. Luke Ball, recognised as one of the more intelligent players going around, was asked on 360 for his thoughts on Melbourne. He said he didn't feel sympathy, but more a feeling of empathy, having been in a similar position in his early days at St Kilda. He did however observe when playing on QB that the team was "bereft of confidence", his exact words. We can talk about the poor standard of the list, but I will never waver from my view that confidence plays a massive part in this game. This Neeld led side seemingly has none of it. Is it entirely Neeld's doing? Impossible to say, but he certainly has a large role to play in it. Get them believing again. Make them actually believe they can take it up to anyone, and beat them, rather than constantly drilling into anyone who will listen that they won't be worth a damn until they've played X number of games.
    2 points
  36. Look at our list and the amount of NQR's and outright spuds on there. I'd list the following as fitting into that bracket; McKenzie, Dunn, Pedersen, Nicholson, Gillies, MacDonald, Sellar, Davis, Spencer, Bail, Fitzpatrick That's more than a quarter of the list. Then you have the following who are either past it or questionable as to whether they have the ability to make it or not; Byrnes, Rodan, Strauss, Tynan, Barry, Tapscott, Davey, Jetta, Jamar, Taggert. That's another quarter of the list. So either half the list are NQR's/spuds or are either over-the-hill or haven't shown they have what it takes. Then you have guys like Viney, Toumpas, Kent, M Jones, Terlich, Evans all in their first seasons (except Evans) who have shown something but not experienced enough to have a significant impact yet. There is also the category of players like Blease, McDonald, Gawn, Watts who have been around for a few years and shown they have talent but haven't been able to play consistently well. So really there is a core group of players in N Jones, Dawes, Frawley, Trengove, Clark, Sylvia, Garland, Grimes and Howe and even a couple of those you could probably throw into the "good yet inconsistent" pile and two of the others have struggled to stay on the park. So yes, I would say that we are pretty close to having the worst list in 40 years, and to be more precise, the worst list of midfielders in 40 years. In any given squad of 22 you need at least a dozen midfielders, a couple of key forwards and key backs, a ruckman, a small defender and small forward. We have N Jones as our only senior midfielder in the true sense of the word (Trengove, Sylvia, Howe and Grimes are really more your flanker types at this stage). We recruited some last year (Viney, Toumpas, Kent, M Jones) and hoping they come on as midfielders and need to recruit another half dozen or so this year. It is most definitely a shambles considering our draft positions over recent years but that is an indictment on those who were in charge at the time. I don't for one second think Neeld is the saviour but I would give him at least the rest of this year to see what he can do in the second half and hopefully with some injured players returning and then I would give him another off-season to mould the list and work on their fitness again. By next year he would have had the 3 pre-seasons he said he needed so there would be no excuses for at least 75% of the team to be up to scratch (considering he would probably turn over 10 more players). Then we will be able to properly assess him next year and if there is no improvement he'll be out the door by mid-season. I just look at our stats and see things like Collingwood scoring 89 of 122 points via turnovers and can't understand how that can be an indictment on anything other than the skill and decision making errors of the players. Being at the ground it is blatantly obvious that the players just make these errors time and again. One thing he does need to sort out quickly is our forward structure because similar to when Bailey was coach often we will win the ball coming out of defense and look up to see no-one forward. Our players natural instinct is to bolt towards our goals however with no-one there they either bomb long to no-one, stop and get tackled or handball/chip kick sideways to a player under pressure who coughs up the ball. T
    2 points
  37. Delist: David Rodan, Tom Gillies, James Sellar, Joel MacDonald, Josh Tynan, Daniel Nicholson, James Magner (rookie), Tom Couch (rookie), Nathan Stark (rookie) Trade: Lynden Dunn for late pick (Sydney may see him as someone they can transform. Have lost Mattner off half back). We need to get rid of him for everyones sake. Contract extentions: Sylvia & Watts 3 years, Gawn, Taggert & Davis 2 years, Davey, Jetta & Fitzpatrick 1 year and Mitch Clisby a 2nd year on the rookie list. Automatic Inclusion: Jesse Hogan Free Agent: Daniel Cross National Draft: First 4 picks should all be midfielders who can win their own ball. An ability to play and use the ball off half back would be useful for at least 1 or 2 of them would be nice also. Last pick in that draft should be used on a small forward. Wouldn't mind us taking a punt on Chris Michaeliades from Sandringham Zebras, 21 year old with serious talent and goal sense. Rookie Draft: Three picks, would use one on a project key position defender with some real athletic abilty but a bit untapped at this stage. Worst case scenario and Chip leaves at the end of 2014 we should get some depth in this department. Other two picks I'd use on mature age KPF'S to protect our structure in case as this year we have injury issues with the likes of Clark, Dawes or Hogan. Andrew Ainger a 25 year old 197cm forward with the Eagles in the SANFL has kicked 28 goals in 9 games this year and maybe Khan Haretuku who's just come back for the Dolphins in the VFL after a long injry lay off. 23 year old 198cm & 98kg. Can take a grab and works hard up the ground. Our 22 would look along the lines of: FB: Garland, Frawley, Terlich HB: Grimes, McDonald, Toumpas C: Sylvia, N. Jones, Evans HF: Howe, Hogan, Tapscott FF: Clark, Dawes, Byrnes FOLL: Jamar, Cross*, Viney INT: M. Jones, Trengove, Watts SUB: Davey And at Casey we'd have: FB: RDraft, Davis, Clisby HB: Strauss, Pedersen, NDraft C: Blease, NDraft, Barry HF: Bail, Haretuku*, Kent FF: Fitzpatrick, Ainger*, Michaeliades* FOLL: Gawn, NDraft, McKenzie INT: Jetta, Spencer, Taggert, NDraft *If we recruit them. NDraft = National Draft Pick RDraft = Rookie Draft Pick And obviously I expect Viney and Taylor to oversee the list overhaul. Edit: Spelling
    2 points
  38. That is bullsh!t. I don't think that we should play at Casey for any other reason than it will set us up as a power club. It would cement us in that area. It would allow us to make a mint on games we would not make any money on at all. Do you really think I would play Collingwood there, or Hawthorn, or Essendon? We would play GWS there. We would break even at 5k, the way Geelong does, and we would make $500k a game if we got 20k people to go. I don't care about any other team than the MFC and I don't care if it bad for football, bad for the state, or even bad for MFC fans who don't want to travel. It would be good for my club and that is all I care about.
    2 points
  39. Another well credentialed journalist (and I use journalist very, very loosely) writing a balanced, informed piece on a club down on its knees. I wonder if he wrote about Matt jones and his rise from suburban footballer to afl midfielder, or dean terlich making the most of his second chance on an afl list, or Nate jones improving and carrying a young midfield and playing at a very high level week in week out. Or even mentioning that casey are top of the ladder with a host of young demon players really improving and showing the future may not stay dark for as long as some people think. But alas, it's another "sky is falling in" article to keep sponsors and the common supporter thinking that the MFC are stuffed. He could also have mentioned our home games against low drawing clubs on low drawing times lots impacting on attendance. Mondays game started at 3.20. Can anyone answer why? After a long weekend, kids have school Tuesday and the game doesn't finish til 6, traffic means families don't get back until 7, 7.30. Country members don't get home for another hour or 2 after that. All factors on top of poor form. That game should start at 2.10 in my opinion.
    2 points
  40. He's typically not a very instinctive player is he, viz: (a) "WTF, I somehow have the ball (b) "better get rid of it, er, let me see © "I know, I'll handball it to someone, maybe a team-mate (d) (looks left and right for a target) (e) (his handball targets have all run forward) (f) (sees his options are but one*) (g) "FFS, I'll have to kick the bloody thing (h) ball wobbles forward or he is tackled *apart from a run and a few bounces
    2 points
  41. Good to see our 2014 coach is meeting with our players already. very proactive.
    2 points
  42. And announce a new deal for Sylvia too asap. He's the one I want the club to commit to and vice versa. I will lose the plot if yet another long term Demon leaves the club at the end of the year. Contract extension for Frawley as well while we're at it.
    2 points
  43. You said: "... we have the worst list in 40 years. This despite having the greatest access to early draft talent in history." You cant simply cut out a clearly important factor (our access to high picks and priorities during the introduction of two expansion clubs) and then present as an accurate discription of the situation with a blanket statement which you would have presented no actual statistics to back up. Granted 2009, our access to talent has not been the greatest in history, compared to drafts without the introduction of expansion clubs. Clearly been hindered by GWS and GCS. We got the leftovers from two expansion clubs let alone have one of them poach our top picks because the of AFL flooding them with money. What we have had to choose from and our picks aren't legendary. Legendary would be St. Kilda's access to the 2000, 2001 superdraft and 2003 draft which got them Riewoldt, Koschitzke, Ball, Dal Santo and Goddard - all top 5 draft picks bar 1, all the backbone of their finals, minor premiers wins and grand final appearance. Look, I know you like to think you're the smartest man on DL, but behind your constant insults, belittling, rudeness, bias rubbish, and need to affirm your false belief in your 'superior' intelligence, you're just another keyboard warrior who likes the smell of their own farts and is wrong...
    1 point
  44. Maybe they should play him in the middle instead of starvation corner...anyway I think he should play AFL because at least he knows what to do with the ball when he gets it. The kids one of the best kicks in the club, he is a strong build and good mark. Bomber Thompson talked about getting games into kids at Geelong the other night, it's not giving away games to players with talent because a lot of the others in the side don't deserve to be there in the first place. The sooner him, Toumpas, Hogan, Viney, Kent and co get over 50 games the better off we will be.
    1 point
  45. And please can I see Taggert against the Saints. How long is it going to take? It seems like Senior selection is based purely on draft order and not on what's being shown at VFL level. Or have I missed something?
    1 point
  46. I also think the thing about crowds is a bit of a furphy - yes our crowds are poor at the moment because the team has been poor for years. Hawthorns crowds were poor in Clarksons first year as well (remember the low turnout against Port, think it was 12K?) Start winning and things will turn. We got 35K against Brisbane in 2010. Our average home crowds in 2004 were higher than Carlton, Hawthorn, Geelong (probably artificially lower due to KP). In 2005 we sat 5th for average home crowds behind Essendon, Adelaide, Collingwood and WCE. In 2006 our average home crowds were still above Carlton, Hawthorn and Geelong. Even in 2010 our average home crowds were above Adelaide, WCE, Freo and only a hundred behind Richmond and a couple of hundred behind Hawthorn (artificial due to Tassie) and St. Kilda. What does this all say? Start winning and things will start to sort themselves out. Nb. As a side note, didn't sign a new deal with the MCC/MCG a couple of years back so that we make $100K at each home game? Stats courtesy of Footywire
    1 point
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