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CAC . ..earning his stripes


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It's a fair comment that we haven't had a "star" at Melbourne in a long time, but they are not easy to come by.

Sleeve's list is interesting.

Brisbane: Brown, Voss, Akermanis, Lynch and Leppa were never available to CAC. Black was missed in 1997, so too was Power but I don't rate him a star.

Collingwood: Both Buckley and Pendlebury were never available to us.

WC: Judd, Cousins and Glass never available to us. Cox available to everyone (rookie), Kerr missed for Scott Thompson.

Adelaide: McLeod and Roo never available to us.

Sydney: Goodes not available to us and Hall not available to CAC.

PA: Cornes available but we took TJ. Shaun Burgoyne never available to us.

Freo: Pav never available to us.

Essendon: Hird not in CAC's time, Lloyd and Lucas not available.

Geelong: Scarlett, Ablett, Bartel and Selwood never available.

Saints: Harvey pre CAC, Reiwoldt never available, Del Santo missed.

Kangaroos: Harvey.. pre CAC

Hawks: Crawford pre CAC, Franklin and Hodge never available.

So in 10 years 4 players could be considered "missed". If you're going to have a crack at CAC at least get the facts right.

listen up baghdad bob, I made an observation and I could name a raft of other players *missed*. The fact is we have never had a genuine star since Robbie. CAC was at the club 11 years.

In my business champ, that is a failure but why let your sycophantic views get in the way right?

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Very disappointing news if true.

We'll probably never know just why he has decided to leave, but regardless of the circumstances, I'd still like to thank him for all of his hard work and for bringing some absolute gems into the club (especially Brock :D).

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Guest fatty

I wouldn’t have the foggiest idea about CAC’s recruiting ability – seems you win some, you lose some.

But for the Recruiting Manager to make himself available on both Demonland & Demonology to explain recruitment strategies, outcomes etc. and engage in mature debate was a blessing for us desperadoes on both sites. We were truly lucky to have the benefit of his insights and I appreciate the opportunity that he provided.

Add to this the functions he organised and agreed to attend with respect to the Player Sponsorship program (none of which I actually attended) and his accessibility at TBO, he is and will be a great loss.

Thanks for your contribution to the MFC.

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Has the MFC commented on or confirmed any of this?? Nothing on Website. Is important enough issue for MFC to make a statement about as soon as possible. Is dissappointing if is the case that such news comes out via leak to the press OR even worse if is not a done deal.

With CAC going does this mean only Paul Williams (with 2 year contract to end of 2008?) plus Steve Harris only ones remaining from 2007????

why are sooo many important names leaving our club when we face AN IMPORTANT 150th birthday next year...is there more to it !!!! :angry: :angry:

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I made an observation and I could name a raft of other players *missed*.

Fact is you haven't done so despite being requested to do so.

And your first list shows how off the target your original comment was.

You have taken 2 statements one about Flower. The other about CAC and drawn the longest bow of connection without doing basic spadework.

Strange business you are in if its devoid of facts.

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Good luck to Craig Cameron at Richmond.

Why do posters always have to look for some conspiracy theory, someone to blame when somebody leaves. Cameron has been with us for 11 years which is a long stint with the one employer these days. Maybe he just wanted a change and a new challenge. My immediate concern is with the recruiting network he has built up, will they stay with us or will he try and get some of them to work for Richmond.

There are only 16 Recruiting Manager's jobs so I expect there will be a pool of talented people in the field to replace him.

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It's the next phase when changes take place at senior level people around them startt to take offers a little bit more serious when before they are comfortable with the people around them and have built freindships with them so it is harder to poach them away.

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why are sooo many important names leaving our club when we face AN IMPORTANT 150th birthday next year...is there more to it !!!! :angry: :angry:

Its simple. We are rebuilding after the ultimately unsuccessful 10 year Daniher era. Its logical that a few coaches/football department staff who were there for that era, which is now over, would decide to leave, and that some would be moved on.

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Sleeve call me Baghdad Bob all you like. I doubt many can remember him and even fewer care. And if you want to add credibility to your post attacking the messenger will not do so but it will reinforce the weakness of your proposition.

You listed "stars" by club. They were of your choosing. I merely pointed out that the vast majority you listed were never available to the MFC for CAC to draft. I suggest that shows the stupidity of your argument.

You also seem to hold him accountable for the period he wasn't at the club. Strange indeed.

Or are you suggesting that in addition to recruiting the players to the club he is also responsible for their development. If you are you are wrong.

I have no problem with CAC's performance being analyzed, it's an important and necessary part of any ongoing management of the footy department. Fortunately management will do the analysis based on facts whereas you have questioned his competence based on a false premise.

Or perhaps you just can't see that.

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listen up baghdad bob, I made an observation and I could name a raft of other players *missed*. The fact is we have never had a genuine star since Robbie. CAC was at the club 11 years.

In my business champ, that is a failure but why let your sycophantic views get in the way right?


Cool down over there Sleeve.

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Sleeve call me Baghdad Bob all you like. I doubt many can remember him and even fewer care. And if you want to add credibility to your post attacking the messenger will not do so but it will reinforce the weakness of your proposition.

You listed "stars" by club. They were of your choosing. I merely pointed out that the vast majority you listed were never available to the MFC for CAC to draft. I suggest that shows the stupidity of your argument.

You also seem to hold him accountable for the period he wasn't at the club. Strange indeed.

Or are you suggesting that in addition to recruiting the players to the club he is also responsible for their development. If you are you are wrong.

I have no problem with CAC's performance being analyzed, it's an important and necessary part of any ongoing management of the footy department. Fortunately management will do the analysis based on facts whereas you have questioned his competence based on a false premise.

Or perhaps you just can't see that.

My list was aimed at pointing out that almost every side in the comp has a *star* of the comp. Melbourne and Richmond are the 2 that simply don't.

I could have continued to add players like Nick Stevens and Goodes was actually taken at 43, how was he not available to us? I could have added Kane Cornes and the list I could continue on with.

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No one's irreplaceable. Yes, I'll miss Craig (and hope he drafts a few Molans at Richmond :lol:), but when he goes, someone will replace him and we'll have some other recruiter to match wits with, criticise, praise and try to assess.

I doubt many of you have stuck in the same job for 11 years. Richmond's position sounds like it's higher level again than Melbourne's, and he's looking for advancement like everyone else. Thanks Craig for the effort you have put in.

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My list was aimed at pointing out that almost every side in the comp has a *star* of the comp. Melbourne and Richmond are the 2 that simply don't.

I could have continued to add players like Nick Stevens and Goodes was actually taken at 43, how was he not available to us? I could have added Kane Cornes and the list I could continue on with.

Well done. Goodes was taken at 43 but he was taken as a 17 year old at a time when only one 17 year old was available to each club in the draft. We had already taken Travis Johnstone.

So he wasn't available to us like so many.

And lets not change your point. Your words were:

"Craig has probably got it right over the last couple of years, BUT 11 years in charge of recruiting and still Melbourne are absolutely starless."

We are starless in the 11 years, you'll get no argument from me there. But you linked CAC and the fact that we are starless and then went on to list those we'd "missed".

You were wrong and your criticism was sadly misplaced.

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when does he head to Richmond? i gather it's three months from now? will he still be with us for the Rookie Draft?

it would really annoy me if we've paid him all year to watch kids play football, then he uses the knowledge he's earned to go and draft some kids for richmond in the rookie draft...

so surely he heads to Richmond after the rookie draft?

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Well done. Goodes was taken at 43 but he was taken as a 17 year old at a time when only one 17 year old was available to each club in the draft. We had already taken Travis Johnstone.

So he wasn't available to us like so many.

And lets not change your point. Your words were:

"Craig has probably got it right over the last couple of years, BUT 11 years in charge of recruiting and still Melbourne are absolutely starless."

We are starless in the 11 years, you'll get no argument from me there. But you linked CAC and the fact that we are starless and then went on to list those we'd "missed".

You were wrong and your criticism was sadly misplaced.

You simply don't get it do you pal, my intention was not to blame CAC for the Crawford's, Hodges, et al.... i was point out stars of other teams and bemoaning the fact we simply don't have one.

and yes, Fan, CAC shares in the blame here.

End of story.

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when does he head to Richmond? i gather it's three months from now? will he still be with us for the Rookie Draft?

it would really annoy me if we've paid him all year to watch kids play football, then he uses the knowledge he's earned to go and draft some kids for richmond in the rookie draft...

so surely he heads to Richmond after the rookie draft?

yes, he would head there after all of the drafting process is over im 99% sure from what i have read anyway

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Although, this is more turnover (90% in the last 12 months) for the club, and more cash that has to be spent on finding a replacement...

Steve Harris - He really engenders people to work for him.

out of interest, do you know steve harris, have you worked with him and could you elaborate on your experiences?

i am not saying he is not a problem, but apart from the odd comment on here regarding that turnover rate i have never heard a bad word about him, and would like to know any evidence as to why he is the reason and why it isnt other issues such as poor work place environment, poor pay, another staff member, lack of staff (resulting in extra work loads for others) etc. what makes you so sure steve harris is the problem?

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I have been thinking along similiar lines to some of the above re stars over the last decade,

come next year's 150th game, can you think of any Melbourne player who will be selected?

(not counting S.Thompson and TJ of course).

Maybe Davey with the All Stars, and possibly Rivers if he has a good start. White might be a chance for the Vics as a lot of the better ruckmen would be All Star players (Cox, Lade, Ottens). Can't think of many others. Probably depends on how Bruce starts the year, but I've always thought he'd be the sort of bloke to rise to the big occasion. It's a thin list though.

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money was probably a key factor, so who can blame him. he went into last saturdays draft armed with the knowledge of his pending departure, according to nuetral observers we cleanded up. CAC is a stand up guy that will be hard to replace. not everything in life goes to plan. thanks and good luck

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In footy people over-use the word tragedy...

but this is the worst news I've heard in a long time. I could stand losing Daniher after 10 years, I thought it was sad, a shame, but ultimately the best for all parties. I could handle losing his assistants, as that made a lot of sense...

But all die-hard demons fans knew CAC was our best-kept non-secret.

We have, as fans, been very pleased on the whole. He's picked up some gems, secured players like Brock and Jones who are almost universally adored. In his tenure, which I think clocked up 10 years, or nearly 10... he made some mistakes that were ultimately learning experiences. We got him when he was relatively green and straight out of Fremantle, and while we have CERTAINLY benefitted from his expertise, we have earned it in a sense too, as he is NOW considered one of the top recruiters, if not THE top recruiter in the land. And all that experience goes to Punt road and again the demons are left with a coaching panel, footy department and recruiter that are all new faces...

It pleases me, however, to hear that his father played for Richmond, and that he was in fact a Tigers supporter as a kid.

Craig, of all the delistings and sackings, this one hurts the most... Not only are you leaving, but you're leaving to my most hated club...

That said, I wish you all the best. You, like Daniher, have earned our respect and gratitude... Your impact on this club will be seen for a few more years yet, and I hope while the Red and Blue thrash your team up and down the park there's a small twinkle of pride as your selections run riot over the AFL...

No offence, but I hope you select some absolute TURKEYS over the next few years and the Tigers fire you!! ;) ... You're always welcome back here...


couldnt of put it better my self

But he has pick some dud's : Hunter, Smith ect...

but the other hand

Bruce and pick 50+, Jones, Mclean, Bell, Davey, Rivers

but new logo, New generation Demond out with the old in with the new

good luck

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Maybe Davey with the All Stars, and possibly Rivers if he has a good start. White might be a chance for the Vics as a lot of the better ruckmen would be All Star players (Cox, Lade, Ottens). Can't think of many others. Probably depends on how Bruce starts the year, but I've always thought he'd be the sort of bloke to rise to the big occasion. It's a thin list though.

it all depends on how each player go's we could add Mclean jones to the front runners then c how Molloney Green Sylvia

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Very disappointing news if true.

We'll probably never know just why he has decided to leave, but regardless of the circumstances, I'd still like to thank him for all of his hard work and for bringing some absolute gems into the club (especially Brock :D).

Thanks for the memories CAC - You have delivered some serious talent to the MFC

I went to school with CAC & can confirm he was a huge Tigers supporter as a kid.

Best mates with Cameron Schwabb & from memory Dad Barry played 100 + games for The Tigers

in the 1960's. He certainly grew up in a massive Yellow & Black enviroment,

Good Luck in your career going forward CAC.

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