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22 minutes ago, JJJ said:

Some predictable responses from the “nothing to see here!” types. Which is fine, you’re entitled to your opinion.

The fact of the matter, fact, is that Trac has been unhappy for a while. Well before the media got hold of it. It’s also fact that he has caused division within the ranks which will take time and effort to repair.

Has he received poor advice? Absolutely.

Has he committed to the club to see out the remainder of his contract? Nope.

Will his feedback result in changes? Seemingly so. Across the club potentially.

Will he get back to the pre injury Trac? He will do everything in his power to get back.


I love Trac and I'm glad he staying but I was equally happy for him to go if we were clear winners in a trade.

The fans will get around him. It's his teammates that concern me. He's torched his best mate Clarry but probably rightly so. They all know the ludicrous amount of money he is on compared to them and has thrown his toys out of the cot primarily because he was trying to use the poor treatment from the club as an excuse to go to a bigger club where he can build his brand.

Leaves a very bitter taste in my mouth the whole thing. Agree with him the club is a friggin mess and needed a massive shake up.

Heads still need to roll at the top for overseeing this mess that has divided the players and damaged the brand.

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2 hours ago, binman said:

The story writes itself:

Dees have a cracking preseason.

The Max, Jack, tracc and clarry band gets back together.

The young Turks (JVR, mcvee, Windsor, Kolt, disco and pick 5) make their own music.

The dees win the flag.

Tracc wins the Norm Smith.

Redemption reigns.

Traccs 'reach' goes nuclear.

And Netflix makes what becomes a classic sports drama 'To Hell and Back, the Melbourne Demons Story'.

Edited by Demonised
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26 minutes ago, binman said:

The story writes itself:

Dees have a cracking preseason.

The Max, Jack, tracc and clarry band gets back together.

The young Turks (JVR, mcvee, Windsor, Kolt, disco and pick 5) make their own music.

The dees win the flag.

Tracc wins the Norm Smith.

Redemption reigns.

Traccs 'reach' goes nuclear.

Trac signs monster deal promoting magnesium powder on Instagram to cure the associated aches and pains that come with carrying a premiership cup 

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1 hour ago, binman said:

See, this is where I have a problem.

Not with Morris' per se - he is a paid to gin up angsty

But is there really a huge story here?

I mean it could all be boiled down to:

'Star player unhappy with how injury managed and concerned premiership wondow is shut wants to get to a more successful Victorian club.'

A big standard story written a million times.

All the rest of it, for example the suggestion tracc not happy with how clarry was managed is old, stale news rolled into this one to create a club in crisis narrative.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again, I'm not going to dance to the tune of peanuts like Morris like some puppet.

I posted a joke early in tgus thread asking for a gif with Morris as the organ grinder and demonland as the monkey.

And to be frank, that is what this thread largely feel [censored]. A bunch of adults dancing to the media's tune.

The rumour that he wanted a move so he could get  more instagram followers was probably the most bizarre 

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1 hour ago, KLV said:

And, maybe will encourage a few more supporters and members to get to games, remembering that it makes a difference to the whole team, not just tracc 

Club needs to incentivise fans that turn up to low priority games. Something like a points system that gives those fans priority access to future finals fixtures. 

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On 27/08/2024 at 01:15, Demonland said:

Jesse Hogan - 484 pages

Luke Jackson - 324 pages

Jack Watts - 275 pages

Christian Petracca - 127 pages and counting with at least 7 weeks to go

We ended up getting to 244 pages… thankfully it didn’t go as long as Jesse hogan 484 

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13 hours ago, DeeZee said:


Culture my rear end!

you can probably get a cream for that yeast infection! But the applicator  😬

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12 hours ago, BoBo said:

So let me get this straight.

When the idea that this whole fiasco has been simply a media fabrication is put forward… and I point out that neither Tracc nor MFC have come out for weeks to say it isn’t true or challenged the veracity of any claims, despite being one of the biggest stories of the last few years and has seen Traccs reputation and MFC’s reputation being publicly trashed from all sides:

Your question in response to me, is if I believe footy media absolutely and in its totality akin to gullivers travels…

No I don’t.

In turn:

Do you believe this entire story is built solely on media speculation? There’s zero truth to anything being said in the media about any of this?

and I point out that neither Tracc nor MFC have come out for weeks to say it isn’t true or challenged the veracity of any claims, despite being one of the biggest stories of the last few years'

Pert, Roffey, and Goodwin have all denied it all along. Sorry to quote the horse's mouth...Nobody in the press asked Petracca to confirm or deny. 

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It was mentioned on here that in some years he is due to pocket as much as $1.7 mill. Perhaps one of them is 2025 and getting that out of the way together with his preferred destination clubs having twelve months to do some financial housekeeping is what we’re seeing play out here. 

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1 hour ago, Adam The God said:

We do need to do more to our list than just add pick 5 though.

Sure, though pick 5 is a good start.

Am I right to say we haven't traded our second round pick?

If not we'll have a mid twenty draft pick which might add a future best 22 player if we get it right.

After that tge draft is a lottery.

So we'll need to trade in at least two best 22 players.

That's a tall order, but with nibbla's, Gus BBB and smiths salary off the books, we'll have some room in our salary cap to be a meaningful player in trade season.

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1 minute ago, binman said:

Sure, though pick 5 is a good start.

Am I right to say we haven't traded our second round pick?

If not we'll have a mid twenty draft pick which might add a future best 22 player if we get it right.

After that tge draft is a lottery.

So we'll need to trade in at least two best 22 players.

That's a tall order, but with nibbla's, Gus BBB and smiths salary off the books, we'll have some room in our salary cap to be a meaningful player in trade season.

We traded our second for McAdam last year. We have Sydney's second rounder from Grundy.

ANB might be an avenue for us to get our second rounder back.

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1 minute ago, binman said:

Sure, though pick 5 is a good start.

Am I right to say we haven't traded our second round pick?

If not we'll have a mid twenty draft pick which might add a future best 22 player if we get it right.

After that tge draft is a lottery.

So we'll need to trade in at least two best 22 players.

That's a tall order, but with nibbla's, Gus BBB and smiths salary off the books, we'll have some room in our salary cap to be a meaningful player in trade season.

I'm pretty sure we traded our second rounder for McAdam? We may have got a second rounder back in the Grundy trade?

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14 minutes ago, Bonkers said:

I'm pretty sure we traded our second rounder for McAdam? We may have got a second rounder back in the Grundy trade?

16 minutes ago, binman said:

Sure, though pick 5 is a good start.

Am I right to say we haven't traded our second round pick?

If not we'll have a mid twenty draft pick which might add a future best 22 player if we get it right.

After that tge draft is a lottery.

So we'll need to trade in at least two best 22 players.

That's a tall order, but with nibbla's, Gus BBB and smiths salary off the books, we'll have some room in our salary cap to be a meaningful player in trade season.

We have our first rounder (pick 5), and a second round pick tied to the Swans. We traded our 2024 second round pick for McAdam...which we'll probably end up getting back for ANB.

So we may have picks 5, 25 (?), 38 (Swans), 45, 51 or something there abouts.

Edited by adonski
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1 hour ago, layzie said:

Its a shame all this media took away from Collingwood missing this 8 after being premiers. That's usually an embarrassing achievement that needs to be punished.

The AFL media circus would be given clear (unwritten) instructions not to focus on the filth in a negative way or linger there for long at the least.

Sure if there's a big story, any news is better than none, but the bottom line messaging would be 'don't create negativity for the sake of it'.

The filth directive would be 'keep it mostly blue sky wherever possible' ... or else!

Edited by Demon Dynasty
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1 minute ago, Demonland said:


Barrett, is being disingenuous with the $1.7m comment.  He covers himself by saying 'at various stages of the deal'.  But what will the headline be?

The contract was said to be around $1.m pa on average for 7 years.  If the remaining 5 years includes $1.2m and $1.7m as has been reported, the other 5 years he plays for around $800k pa.  Still a pretty penny but Barret like others is not telling the full truth. 

It is another 'click bait' comment to discredit Petracca and paint him as selfish.  

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3 hours ago, Oxdee said:

You do realise there’s something to this story. Morris had every right to report it 

He’s got a history of trying to destabilise clubs.

He’s not trusted in clubland.

Hence he’s so often wrong.

It wouldn’t surprise me if he was fed incorrect info by us in order to flush out who other clubs might trade.

Black ops.

I wonder if this happens sometimes and considering the stakes it is more than likely to occur.

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40 minutes ago, Lucifers Hero said:

Barrett, is being disingenuous with the $1.7m comment.  He covers himself by saying 'at various stages of the deal'.  But what will the headline be?

The contract was said to be around $1.m pa on average for 7 years.  If the remaining 5 years includes $1.2m and $1.7m as has been reported, the other 5 years he plays for around $800k pa.  Still a pretty penny but Barret like others is not telling the full truth. 

It is another 'click bait' comment to discredit Petracca and paint him as selfish.  

There were at least 6 sentences of incomprehensible jibberish in his piece in that clip. I have no idea how he, along with many others in the 'media', have roles presenting information when they cannot get a point across coherently.

I am completely unclear whether he thinks this is Petracca's fault or Melbourne's fault. He is not Robinson Crusoe in that regard as there have been many others over the last few weeks who have flip flopped their narrative based off nothing more than rumours about what's been said to various people. Not for the first time in this whole sorry saga, Max summed it up best when he wondered whether journalists were actually supposed to deal in facts?

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1 hour ago, VineyVineyViney said:

Club needs to incentivise fans that turn up to low priority games. Something like a points system that gives those fans priority access to future finals fixtures. 

Yes! It’s kinda frustrating battling to get a ticket for finals, when you’ve turned up to every home game! 

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1 hour ago, Rab D Nesbitt said:

It was mentioned on here that in some years he is due to pocket as much as $1.7 mill. Perhaps one of them is 2025 and getting that out of the way together with his preferred destination clubs having twelve months to do some financial housekeeping is what we’re seeing play out here. 

rab, i think what you have just seen here is a very poorly orchestrated plot by petracca's player manager

at the end of the day it is all the player manager's responsibility.

i have little doubt he has been doing a lot of leaking under the illusion he was agent 86  maxwell smart

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1 hour ago, Rab D Nesbitt said:

It was mentioned on here that in some years he is due to pocket as much as $1.7 mill. Perhaps one of them is 2025 and getting that out of the way together with his preferred destination clubs having twelve months to do some financial housekeeping is what we’re seeing play out here. 

Would not surprise me. That peak in his contract would be tough for any potential suitors to digest.

There seems to have been leaking/backgrounding from both ends so there it feels there is a splash of acrimony in the air.

If Trac came out in a press conference I would be more confident that issues have genuinely been resolved, as it stands at the moment it just looks like a carefully worded press release designed to cool things down for now.

But hey, maybe the Dees pick up someone to add to the foward line, a big pre-season and a good start next year and dynamics can easily shift and MFC get their mojo back ...


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1 hour ago, Rab D Nesbitt said:

It was mentioned on here that in some years he is due to pocket as much as $1.7 mill. Perhaps one of them is 2025 and getting that out of the way together with his preferred destination clubs having twelve months to do some financial housekeeping is what we’re seeing play out here. 

If the $1.7 is for 2025 wouldn't the club take slight unders in a trade to get the $ off its books?  A form of 'salary dumping'.


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