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How good is Kozzie?! 

Also, it’s strange seeing those world-beating giants the Eagles 46-2 down right now… 

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3 minutes ago, Maldonboy38 said:

I am just soooo sick of all the positive spin put on "defensive structures", and we the Dees are among the worst. The 18 player defensive zone waiting for a turnover is such boring football. This game is atrocious, even if it is starting to open up now because we have decided to run and carry, and take some risks. 

Good that we are winning and winning well though.

It’s the number one priority in every team game all over the world…

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8 minutes ago, Deesprate said:

TMac great pass Swallow and McCadam butchered it.

Smacca did what a good forward should do.  Sparrow ran into his leading lane and mucked it

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5 minutes ago, Demonsterative said:

Along with Gawn. Great leadership today by the two leaders 

I'd give it to Nibbler then Max.

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Got to give credit where it's due, way better quarter. Kozzie in the middle more often please 

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Much better. If we can keep that quality up throughout the game (not intensity as it’s not sustainable), we would be right every week. 

Here’s the test:

 Let’s bring this home. Percentage looks like it will be really important this year, so big wins when we can get them are crucial. 

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Ever get the feeling Kozzi is our most important player?

when we are stagnant he changes things

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