Macca 17,127 Posted February 6, 2019 Posted February 6, 2019 25 minutes ago, Ethan Tremblay said: How about his delicious handballs? Ha ha! Oliver attacks the ball with a manic desire yet rarely, if ever, gets crunched. There is a lot more to footy other than an ability to kick the ball well to position. In Watts' defence he does have gteat vision ... A grade vision. But you've got to have many other prerequisites to be a topliner. 1 1 Quote
hemingway 7,633 Posted February 6, 2019 Posted February 6, 2019 2 minutes ago, Macca said: Ha ha! Oliver attacks the ball with a manic desire yet rarely, if ever, gets crunched. There is a lot more to footy other than an ability to kick the ball well to position. In Watts' defence he does have gteat vision ... A grade vision. But you've got to have many other prerequisites to be a topliner. we used to hear the label ""receiver"'. in the past, a lot of footballers were receivers. not any more. those days are gone and all players have to be hard at the ball and hard at the opponent. we have a team that can get their own ball as well as receive. no defensive pressure no selection. 1 Quote
Sir Why You Little 37,470 Posted February 6, 2019 Posted February 6, 2019 2 hours ago, Rodney (Balls) Grinter said: So true SWYL ...and Boonie is still quietly lauded by it by many, exposing an extent of hypocrisy in all of us, in so far as it was ok to do it in that era, but not now. Conversely, I wounder how the Australian cricket team and footballers of that era's image would have faired if smart phone and social media was a thing back then? The media and popular culture seem to promote the party scene and laud some excesses, but are pretty quick to start tearing people down when it all goes pear shaped. A higher standard also seems to be applied to sports people than to the broader acting and music part of the 'entertainment industry' as well. There is an extent to which some of this smart phone, social media thing is good. I'm sure that some of these celebrities (sports people and others alike) act like arrogant entitled pigs at times and the exposure of some of their worst deeds probably keeps that in check to a point. Totally agreed, there is a pick and choose attitude as to who gets news coverage. 24 Hour Sports Radio has certainly ramped up the hysteria. They have to fill a lot of hours. Jack was a fool to check whether his mate was rolling the camera, with President Koche to deal with, but that is his own problem. Garry Lyon riding his high horse was very humorous!! 2 Quote
Macca 17,127 Posted February 6, 2019 Posted February 6, 2019 25 minutes ago, hemingway said: we used to hear the label ""receiver"'. in the past, a lot of footballers were receivers. not any more. those days are gone and all players have to be hard at the ball and hard at the opponent. we have a team that can get their own ball as well as receive. no defensive pressure no selection. And the irony is that many here are calling for the club to recruit some outside run. Previously we've recruited that way (Morton, Toumpas etc) but it's definitely a case of buyer-beware. Again, we draft them out of high school which therefore means there are no guarantees. 2 Quote
jnrmac 20,384 Posted February 6, 2019 Posted February 6, 2019 On 2/5/2019 at 10:10 AM, Hillary Bray said: While I have made some comments on this, thinking about it last night made me angry. In particular, about one a series of events before Jack was traded. My recollections of the time were of Jack fronting the media (at press events no other player would have organized for them outside the auspices of the club) shooting us his sad puppy dog look and insisting that he didn't want to leave when 'success was around the corner'. There was the whinging about how the club 'didn't want good kicks in the team' and his Dad complaining 'how he was being crucified' (Jack surely could have knocked that comment on the head if he wanted to). Finally, there was him coming out to say that he chose Port over us as he thought they were the better team (as if the decision was solely in his hands). Instead of playing the media game with Paul Connors (don't tell me that camera crew at Tullamarine was there by chance and just randomly ran into Jack), he could have shown the AFL industry that he had taken on board the feedback given. He could have stated while he was disappointed with the decision, it was a kick in the bum and that he was hellbent on proving us wrong. That he was handing the reins of Skwosh over to his 2IC for a few years and he was going to get the most out of what he had left of his career. That he was going to hit the track early and try his best to win over his new teammates. Sadly, it seems that nothing has sunk in. In fact, it seems that his party boy lifestyle has now been laid bare (we heard rumblings but it was never confirmed like this). The week before he was traded showed me that he seems to have a sense of entitlement that has shaped his career. I wonder how blokes like Daniel Cross, James Magner and Chris Dawes would have felt seeing this? Were they given the chance to plead their case on national TV to keep their spot on the list? They mostly were disappointed but accepted it and then moved on. They mostly got that no one is entitled to a spot, this is something that has yet to dawn on Jack yet it seems. I felt sorry for Jack in how he was handled in his debut season. However, the 'it's everyone else's fault but mine' line has had no currency since 2015. He has to frigging grow up. Watts had his only decent finish in the Melbourne B&F in 2016, coming 5th. His speech was embarrassing "I'm usually down there drinking free [censored], I should try harder" to paraphrase. Comes back for the start of 2017 and is promptly dropped from the JLT games due to skin folds/attitude/work rate - take your pick. At season end Goodwin says 'get rid of this bloke'. Finishes his first year at Port in 21st place in their B & F. Lurid text messages are posted late in 2018 and now this stupid video. He has talent but no desire. It's pretty common. Those here that were railing against Watts going (@bobby_mackenzie etc) look pretty stupid now. Watts is a waste of space as a footballer. A ripping bloke from all reports but frankly who cares. I am glad the Dees made the hard call. It was always the right thing to do. 10 1 Quote
Dee Zephyr 19,324 Posted February 6, 2019 Posted February 6, 2019 We all have opinions, make judgment calls, predict outcomes, sometimes we are close and sometimes way off. Most of us put our faith in the club to become successful again, discussion is encouraged based on decisions along the way, but there’s no need to try and make people look silly for wanting the club to keep Watts. Some that are now applauding Goodwin for trading Watts said he had no clue and couldnt coach only 9 months ago. 4 1 Quote
Macca 17,127 Posted February 6, 2019 Posted February 6, 2019 36 minutes ago, Dee Zephyr said: We all have opinions, make judgment calls, predict outcomes, sometimes we are close and sometimes way off. Most of us put our faith in the club to become successful again, discussion is encouraged based on decisions along the way, but there’s no need to try and make people look silly for wanting the club to keep Watts. Some that are now applauding Goodwin for trading Watts said he had no clue and couldnt coach only 9 months ago. And many who have polar opposite views now had the sane view at the start of the Jack Watts 'Journey' DZ. Starts off as eager anticipation and then either 'Can't let go' or 'Lash out' There are no winners 2 Quote
TGR 1,367 Posted February 6, 2019 Posted February 6, 2019 41 minutes ago, Dee Zephyr said: We all have opinions, make judgment calls, predict outcomes, sometimes we are close and sometimes way off. Most of us put our faith in the club to become successful again, discussion is encouraged based on decisions along the way, but there’s no need to try and make people look silly for wanting the club to keep Watts. Some that are now applauding Goodwin for trading Watts said he had no clue and couldnt coach only 9 months ago. I will admit that first viewing didn't look good, and most suspected the worst. But those that jumped on the keyboard and labelled him a 'cancer' etc... on the basis that it was cocaine, should really think about getting on here and making edits at best and apologies if they are courageous enough. Jack Watts wasn't the worst thing that happened to the fact, if he was playing loose man instead of Jordie Lewis against West Coast Prelim Final, you might have seen a significantly different scoreline at the end. Jordie was BOG for West Coast in that game, that I unfortunately wont forget for a while. A nervous rookie would have done better. Said it for years... Jordie's blood in brown and gold....the only red and blue is the superannuation check...Jordie on field is inferior to Watts. Money is probably the same. Quote
dino rover 714 Posted February 6, 2019 Posted February 6, 2019 On 2/4/2019 at 12:42 PM, Skuit said: I'm not yet in my 40s so can't say for certain. But prior to my teens, it was: Swimming & breasts Breast stroke? 1 Quote
DV8 2,271 Posted February 6, 2019 Posted February 6, 2019 2 hours ago, ding said: We may well be saying exactly the same thing about Hogan in a couple of years. Seems the club actually DO know what they are on about. Long may it continue. seems the people at this club right now... know what they are doing. Its not the club that knows or doesn't. its a flag or an emblem. Its the people who make the decisions, or don't take the decisions... that forge and maintain the direction. Its a pity we didn't have more off field leaders in our past 50 Yrs. 1 Quote
hemingway 7,633 Posted February 6, 2019 Posted February 6, 2019 1 hour ago, DV8 said: seems the people at this club right now... know what they are doing. Its not the club that knows or doesn't. its a flag or an emblem. Its the people who make the decisions, or don't take the decisions... that forge and maintain the direction. Its a pity we didn't have more off field leaders in our past 50 Yrs. Agreed. In regard to debate around Watts or any other footy decision, its always seems clearer with hindsight. There are always going to be people who want to massage their egos by saying ""I told you so." However, I suspect that the Watts decision was a long time coming. Internally there would have been those who would have made the call earlier and those that would have waited, but Goodwin and McCartney called time. The bar is closed ! However, 12 months down the track, it is clear that the right decision was made and the supporters including the doubters like me can now see why. I have more time for the people that can say, i got it wrong, than those saying I told you so and who now get some sort of kick by jumping all over those that were opposed to the trade. There is no single person that is always right. People may think they are right based on their own beliefs, reasoning and evaluation. But most of the time we get it wrong even if we deny that we are wrong. Most decisions are a compromise of what we call reason and emotion. Particularly, when we talk sport. The discussions on this site are testament to this fact. However, we think that we are blessed with the wisdom of Solomon or blessed with greater perspicuity than others. Difference of opinion is healthy and to be encouraged. No-one would post on this site if we all blindly followed or agreed with the club or coach on all things. I hope we have a club that can accommodate people with a range of different views. Much better than a bunch of yes men or conformists. Let the mayhem on this site continue but that we deal with difference by accepting we can all be wrong and with a dose of humour and a good chuckle. 3 Quote
rjay 25,427 Posted February 6, 2019 Posted February 6, 2019 2 hours ago, TGR said: I will admit that first viewing didn't look good, and most suspected the worst. But those that jumped on the keyboard and labelled him a 'cancer' etc... on the basis that it was cocaine, should really think about getting on here and making edits at best and apologies if they are courageous enough. Jack Watts wasn't the worst thing that happened to the fact, if he was playing loose man instead of Jordie Lewis against West Coast Prelim Final, you might have seen a significantly different scoreline at the end. Jordie was BOG for West Coast in that game, that I unfortunately wont forget for a while. A nervous rookie would have done better. Said it for years... Jordie's blood in brown and gold....the only red and blue is the superannuation check...Jordie on field is inferior to Watts. Money is probably the same. Give it a break mate...yep, Lewis is not my favourite player either but he did more last season than Jack did at Port. the way I would rather have had Jack's replacement (Fritsch) out there than both of them. 5 Quote
Sir Why You Little 37,470 Posted February 6, 2019 Posted February 6, 2019 3 hours ago, TGR said: I will admit that first viewing didn't look good, and most suspected the worst. But those that jumped on the keyboard and labelled him a 'cancer' etc... on the basis that it was cocaine, should really think about getting on here and making edits at best and apologies if they are courageous enough. Jack Watts wasn't the worst thing that happened to the fact, if he was playing loose man instead of Jordie Lewis against West Coast Prelim Final, you might have seen a significantly different scoreline at the end. Jordie was BOG for West Coast in that game, that I unfortunately wont forget for a while. A nervous rookie would have done better. Said it for years... Jordie's blood in brown and gold....the only red and blue is the superannuation check...Jordie on field is inferior to Watts. Money is probably the same. FFS Comparing Jack Watts to a 4 time Premiership player. You never give up the chance to put the boot in. The whole team payed an absolute shocker against Meth Coke, something that i hope Goodwin is still mindful of. But your analogy is straight out of Clown ? School 1 Quote
Pipefitter 2,235 Posted February 6, 2019 Posted February 6, 2019 Really interesting to see how he responds to this. There’s been a lot of excuses made for the bloke over 170 games but the incidents over the pre season point to his lack of professionalism causing his below average career, not he was debuted too early, not he needs the right coach, not he needs a fresh start etc. Quote
Soidee 1,496 Posted February 6, 2019 Posted February 6, 2019 On 2/4/2019 at 9:06 AM, Dr.D said: how is this an attitude towards women issue? she was consenting to it all. so its just 2 people having a bit of fun on the Oktoberfest. Its people like you that make this PC ridiculous culture we're in. Oh FO with the PC line! I’ve seen plenty and also know the world has changed. Quote
DV8 2,271 Posted February 6, 2019 Posted February 6, 2019 (edited) 2 hours ago, hemingway said: Agreed. In regard to debate around Watts or any other footy decision, its always seems clearer with hindsight. There are always going to be people who want to massage their egos by saying ""I told you so." However, I suspect that the Watts decision was a long time coming. Internally there would have been those who would have made the call earlier and those that would have waited, but Goodwin and McCartney called time. The bar is closed ! Agreed 'hmw'. I was one of the loudest to get Jack to the club. And this is why I am so disappointed in his efforts. But my gripe with these latest issues around him, has nothing to with his partaking. I could not care any less now, because of his poor attitude to club and game... It's his detached care for the game that gripes me, that he is bludging on our game, and he's still taking the money and making the game lesser for his contributions. A waste of space now, IMV. - - - - - - - - - - - - - The only thing that kept on our books for so long... was Our own desperation and forlorn hope. Edited February 6, 2019 by DV8 1 Quote
dazzledavey36 56,350 Posted February 6, 2019 Author Posted February 6, 2019 8 hours ago, TGR said: I will admit that first viewing didn't look good, and most suspected the worst. But those that jumped on the keyboard and labelled him a 'cancer' etc... on the basis that it was cocaine, should really think about getting on here and making edits at best and apologies if they are courageous enough. Jack Watts wasn't the worst thing that happened to the fact, if he was playing loose man instead of Jordie Lewis against West Coast Prelim Final, you might have seen a significantly different scoreline at the end. Jordie was BOG for West Coast in that game, that I unfortunately wont forget for a while. A nervous rookie would have done better. Said it for years... Jordie's blood in brown and gold....the only red and blue is the superannuation check...Jordie on field is inferior to Watts. Money is probably the same. Absolute rubbish 11 Quote
jnrmac 20,384 Posted February 6, 2019 Posted February 6, 2019 4 hours ago, Pipefitter said: Really interesting to see how he responds to this. There’s been a lot of excuses made for the bloke over 170 games but the incidents over the pre season point to his lack of professionalism causing his below average career, not he was debuted too early, not he needs the right coach, not he needs a fresh start etc. He won't do anything. This is a bloke that has been dropped by every coach he has had at a professional level. He even dropped himself! He has had more kicks up the backside, line-in-the-sand opportunities than many footballers get but he doesn't change. and he won't. Quote
What 18,810 Posted February 6, 2019 Posted February 6, 2019 9 hours ago, TGR said: .in fact, if he was playing loose man instead of Jordie Lewis against West Coast Prelim Final, you might have seen a significantly different scoreline at the end. LOL! Jack Watts standing up in the pressure cooker of a Prelim in Perth..... are you having a laugh? 2 Quote
layzie 34,528 Posted February 6, 2019 Posted February 6, 2019 Getting tired of this same old re-hash. The guy has talent but never the mindset of an elite AFL footballer. Not once or twice this has been shown but over and over and a lot of people including myself chose to ignore it for a long time. I’m constantly having opposition fans tell me rubbish like “I heard somewhere if Watts had gone to Hawthorn he would have been one of the AFL’s best players” and “It wasn’t Watts’ fault, he went to a basket case of a club” turn it up. Some of it is true to an extent but doesn’t hold any water when explaining the guy’s entire career. 2 Quote
Skuit 10,031 Posted February 7, 2019 Posted February 7, 2019 14 hours ago, layzie said: Getting tired of this same old re-hash. The guy has talent but never the mindset of an elite AFL footballer. Not once or twice this has been shown but over and over and a lot of people including myself chose to ignore it for a long time. But it's not just the same old re-hash layzie, it's now re. coke. #gateway 1 Quote
Fork 'em 7,052 Posted February 7, 2019 Posted February 7, 2019 17 hours ago, layzie said: Getting tired of this same old re-hash. The guy has talent but never the mindset of an elite AFL footballer. Not once or twice this has been shown but over and over and a lot of people including myself chose to ignore it for a long time. I’m constantly having opposition fans tell me rubbish like “I heard somewhere if Watts had gone to Hawthorn he would have been one of the AFL’s best players” and “It wasn’t Watts’ fault, he went to a basket case of a club” turn it up. Some of it is true to an extent but doesn’t hold any water when explaining the guy’s entire career. If he'd gone to Hawthorn he would've only got a handful of games. If you don't put you're head over the ball and go when it's your turn, Clarko doesn't play you. 3 Quote
layzie 34,528 Posted February 7, 2019 Posted February 7, 2019 10 hours ago, Skuit said: But it's not just the same old re-hash layzie, it's now re. coke. #gateway Alas that is true. Quote
Jaded No More 68,976 Posted February 7, 2019 Posted February 7, 2019 6 hours ago, Fork 'em said: If he'd gone to Hawthorn he would've only got a handful of games. If you don't put you're head over the ball and go when it's your turn, Clarko doesn't play you. He would never go to Hawthorn because Clarko doesn’t tolerance soft fools. Which is why he’s won 4 flags and Watts will never win even 1. 1 Quote
doc roet 1,302 Posted February 7, 2019 Posted February 7, 2019 I thought he would have retired after being delisted at Melbourne. I may be wrong but why would a bloke who seeming is timid put his hand up again for more Quote
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