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dino rover

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About dino rover

  • Birthday March 13

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    dino rover

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    south of the yarra
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    Protecting rome from barbarian invasion
    better cuts of meat
    quality wines

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  1. I like Reidy as an option https://www.afl.com.au/video/772173/mid-season-draft-prospect-liam-reidy?videoId=772173&modal=true&type=video&publishFrom=1651240800001 He played with my son at East Brighton so I’ve seen him play and he is a forward first who is rucking at Frankston and now wafl because they need a ruck. He is a natural footballer not a project athlete with a quality left foot kick. I’d get him as a fwd who can ruck and in the short term and recruit a replacement for Gawn when he is set to retire
  2. I think so the days when you “give the kids a go” might be in the past particularly after Watts got bullied but the again we are robbing Peter to pay Paul. Rucking is aerobically demanding both because you are wrestling a 100kg monster but also because you need to get to contests and more doing that and then offer repeat leads in the forward line when resting from ruck duties on an interrupted pre season (Petty) is crazy id like to see Verrall given a chance as a third tall forward and ruck or ruck relief if Max plays i wouldn’t play Jefferson on form
  3. Watch the movie Moneyball if sentimentality is overdone then good manpower decisions are being neglected it’s inevitable on a fan based site that the prospect of losing a player might be unpopular what should be considered (hopefully by the club) is what’s best for MFC in total. That isn’t just one side of the transaction- losing a player. What sal cap trade, risk and player type benefits might flow from any trade? on the risk front does a player represent a risk such as manifest this year with Clarrie’s non preseason? it could all be a slow news day item of course but we shouldn’t be scared of considering options
  4. I think so long as he rates high for defensive/ pressure acts he hold his place plus without trac and Gus we don’t have inside mid cover for him
  5. 194 cm defenders without pace elite kicking and preparedness to intercept aren’t so popular if he goes he goes
  6. Lucky for me I took a lot of acid as a young man and know what you mean
  7. Here here! our team isn’t perfect - no team is facts trump idolatry and hyperbole
  8. We played much better more tackling pressure and run which supports the @binman thesis that post loading our energy levels are at full capacity look at the cattle they have in the fwd line though - hate their guts but Rainer hipwood Daniher and Cameron et al are a strong combination had they kicked better….
  9. Harris Andrews with 14 kms impressive also
  10. So many punchable a@#holes at Brisbane
  11. Mmm then why “less than 4 years of experience”? It’s an arbitrary mark.
  12. To try to be positive Petty started to take some marks and worked up the ground Viney and Rivers were impressive I thought Salem had a good game Steven May lead from the front and deserves an award perhaps an academy award The Kolt showed enough and a goal assist to ANB showed he knows his limitations we converted our opportunities kangas may be on the bottom but they have some cattle which is reaching critical mass we are missing Lever Petracca and more coming off a bye maybe we were “loading” for better performances in future games beyond kangas still I think Oliver consistently let his emotions disadvantage the team with downfield hits and penalties and being tagged is not an excuse
  13. Why was 22 chosen as the benchmark? would the result differ much at 21 or 23 24 25 or is 22 the best for a compelling argument here? im not disputing that we have a young list but how was that benchmark of young arrived at?
  14. I think the reference is to loading implication we used the bye to put some hard work in on the track and are leg tired as a result
  15. If Oliver got grumpy with his tag on Saturday get ready for Jarrod Berry’s attention
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