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    We do not take these issues & this decision lightly & of course we believe that these serious matters affecting the club we love & are so passionate about are worthy of discussion & debate & I wish we could provide a place where these matters can be discussed in a civil & respectful manner.

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Casey Scorpions v Frankston - Round 1, 2015

KC from Casey

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Got here about 20min into the 2nd term. One of the first things i saw was Oscar outmark Waylon Manson. Both McDonald and White have been in the play a bit. Oscar's fumbled it a few times, but conditions are tough to be fair. Seen King kick a goal playing deep forward, but he hasn't really impacted many contests. Neal-Bullen unsighted, not sure if injured or late withdrawl due to conditions? As for casey boys though, Ed Morris is to good for VFL 2nds.

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Got here about 20min into the 2nd term. One of the first things i saw was Oscar outmark Waylon Manson. Both McDonald and White have been in the play a bit. Oscar's fumbled it a few times, but conditions are tough to be fair. Seen King kick a goal playing deep forward, but he hasn't really impacted many contests. Neal-Bullen unsighted, not sure if injured or late withdrawl due to conditions? As for casey boys though, Ed Morris is to good for VFL 2nds.

Have a feeling ANB was listed in the Casey seniors squad as well, so maybe he's playing that game?

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McDonald defended and provided rebound from defence well. Touch of the fumbles as i've already mentioned, but conditions didn't suit.

White used the ball well and is pretty good overhead. Could possibly be something there?

King wasn't bad, but thought there were a few more contests he could have impacted.

Look forward to seeing how the seniors go.

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2015 AFL Victoria Development League

Casey Scorpions 6.8.44 9.8.62 15.13.103 17.15.117

Frankston 1.0.6 2.2.14 2.2.14 2.3.15


Casey Scorpions Waters 4 King 3 Moncrieff Morris Paredes 2 Battle Johnson Neal-Bullen White


Casey Scorpions Gains Morris Thwaites King Corrigan Waters

Frankston Tuddenham Bailey Valles Hammond Bastinac Halsall

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Pedersen kicks first goal - conditions difficult.

Nice understatment.

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With Frost injured, looking for Pedo, Max or Betty to make a statement today.

Going to be hard for any tall to "make a statement" today. Conditions are pretty bad. 6 goal wind, wet ball and lot of ground ball.

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