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Look, from your post there is little to be gained form entering a debate or even going to the effort of pointing out how misguided your position is. You are unlikely to change your view and as in all things people have their right to their opinions.

However one thing i would ask (rhetorically really as as i say there is not much point n a debate - we are not going to come together on this) - if he had been diagnosed with cancer and was retiring because the treatment meant he couldn't commit to football (but he otherwise if successfully treated would come back) - or not retiring would negatively impact on his health - would you still feel he is a coward?

Nice argument. Probably wasted, but nice all the same.

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One day he is going to look back and realise he threw away a dream and let down 30,000 people and he's going to think 'WTF did I do that for?'. Then he is going to dwell on that for the rest of his life. I would think this move is unlikely to be the best one for his future mental health....

I realise I'm singing with the choir here, but you're virtually wishing him a lifelong struggle with depression. Stay away from mirrors, C&B.

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15 games for the club. He's always been Hercules in my mind, it's hard to reconcile that against so few games. I wonder if a player has ever been so loved by his club with so few games.

Bomber fans seem pretty happy with Chappy after just 3 games..

But I agree with your point; his presence and impact seemed to far exceed anything that could be achieved in so few games.

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just read that article.

Great highlight of how incredible mitch's short career was and a good insight to his struggles.

I do remember wincing every time he launched his body at an aerial contest.

Wish it didn't have to end like this big fella.

a hard read in a public place.

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One day he is going to look back and realise he threw away a dream and let down 30,000 people and he's going to think 'WTF did I do that for?'. Then he is going to dwell on that for the rest of his life. I would think this move is unlikely to be the best one for his future mental health. What would be better would be to heal his foot, go through rehab, come back and win a Coleman Medal. Wouldn't that be good for someone's emotional health? I know personally what it is like to be struggling emotionally and the last thing you want to do is throw in the towel as he is obviously doing. I know the garbage that mental health professionals speak and I would like to have a stern word with whoever it is that has advised him to go down this path. Horrible advice. Quite frankly he is being a coward, which is bad enough for anyone but when you are a person who is in a position that affects 30,000 others you should be aware of the responsibility that came with a dream being handed to you. Extremely disappointed.

You're a childish and ignorant person C&B. This post here shows how little you understand of mental illness and how selfish you are about it. Grow up.

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This is not a shot at Mitch or MFC


I'd like someone to say that Clark is retiring as it's what he wants or has been advised to do to overcome his depression

Andrew Robb the federal trade minister had depression, stayed in politics and now just inked a trade deal with Japan

It's wrong to assume depression itself is a career ending injury however it has been viewed that way in this case.

The other thing is often the best way to overcome depression is to continue in work even in reduced capacity to create routine etc.

Players retiring through depression boosts the profile of the illness, but players stepping away or modified duties before returning to full AFL is what would really help.

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One day he is going to look back and realise he threw away a dream and let down 30,000 people and he's going to think 'WTF did I do that for?'. Then he is going to dwell on that for the rest of his life. I would think this move is unlikely to be the best one for his future mental health. What would be better would be to heal his foot, go through rehab, come back and win a Coleman Medal. Wouldn't that be good for someone's emotional health? I know personally what it is like to be struggling emotionally and the last thing you want to do is throw in the towel as he is obviously doing. I know the garbage that mental health professionals speak and I would like to have a stern word with whoever it is that has advised him to go down this path. Horrible advice. Quite frankly he is being a coward, which is bad enough for anyone but when you are a person who is in a position that affects 30,000 others you should be aware of the responsibility that came with a dream being handed to you. Extremely disappointed.

wow. just wow.

Sometimes it's hard to believe there really are people like you in this world, but there you are, right here on Demonland.

Such close minded, ignorant, selfish views; it's hard to fathom how they even arrive in a person, as no one is born with them.

I'm not going to get "angry" at your post, i'm just letting you know that i pity you, and hope that whatever it is that makes you think this way is lifted someday.

Edited by The Song Formerly Known As
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One day he is going to look back and realise he threw away a dream and let down 30,000 people and he's going to think 'WTF did I do that for?'. Then he is going to dwell on that for the rest of his life. I would think this move is unlikely to be the best one for his future mental health. What would be better would be to heal his foot, go through rehab, come back and win a Coleman Medal. Wouldn't that be good for someone's emotional health? I know personally what it is like to be struggling emotionally and the last thing you want to do is throw in the towel as he is obviously doing. I know the garbage that mental health professionals speak and I would like to have a stern word with whoever it is that has advised him to go down this path. Horrible advice. Quite frankly he is being a coward, which is bad enough for anyone but when you are a person who is in a position that affects 30,000 others you should be aware of the responsibility that came with a dream being handed to you. Extremely disappointed.

The bolded part is precisely why Mitch's decision is a "brave" one. A root cause of his depression was the fact that he felt he was letting down 30,000 members because he was unable to get himself right and take the field... that fed on itself and his depression became deeper and deeper and harder to cope with. Something had to be done.

I think it's laughable that you use your own emotional struggle as a benchmark against which Mitch should be judged. Depression and mental health issues are not a "one size fits all" thing... and to call him a coward for turning his back on the sport that he loves in order to "save" himself...the selfishness of some "supporters" (and I use that term very loosely), beggars belief!

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In contrast to the above this is a shot at Clark

- I wonder if he could've braved a media conference and delivered some words and emotion for all us.

And to the club

- a hasty press conference from Josh Mahoney seemed a bit light weight for our highest paid and arguably best player retiring at 26. I would've preferred Roos or Jackson as well and as I said above Clark.

I understand this is a sensitive time for him but I think he missed an opportunity to help himself and for the club to close a significant chapter in a bold way.

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This is not a shot at Mitch or MFC


I'd like someone to say that Clark is retiring as it's what he wants or has been advised to do to overcome his depression: The club has all but done this, the words they have used are not that different to the ones you have used..

Andrew Robb the federal trade minister had depression, stayed in politics and now just inked a trade deal with Japan: Each to their own - what works for one won't for another.

It's wrong to assume depression itself is a career ending injury however it has been viewed that way in this case. Disagree that it has been portrayed this way.

The other thing is often the best way to overcome depression is to continue in work even in reduced capacity to create routine etc. Again, each to their own. There's no one single magic bullet that works for everyone.

Players retiring through depression boosts the profile of the illness, but players stepping away or modified duties before returning to full AFL is what would really help.

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This is not a shot at Mitch or MFC


I'd like someone to say that Clark is retiring as it's what he wants or has been advised to do to overcome his depression

Andrew Robb the federal trade minister had depression, stayed in politics and now just inked a trade deal with Japan

It's wrong to assume depression itself is a career ending injury however it has been viewed that way in this case.

The other thing is often the best way to overcome depression is to continue in work even in reduced capacity to create routine etc.

Players retiring through depression boosts the profile of the illness, but players stepping away or modified duties before returning to full AFL is what would really help.

Josh Mahoney did.

I'm paraphrasing, but I believe he said doctors had advised Mitch that footy was the biggest inhibitor to his recovery.

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One day he is going to look back and realise he threw away a dream and let down 30,000 people and he's going to think 'WTF did I do that for?'. Then he is going to dwell on that for the rest of his life. I would think this move is unlikely to be the best one for his future mental health. What would be better would be to heal his foot, go through rehab, come back and win a Coleman Medal. Wouldn't that be good for someone's emotional health? I know personally what it is like to be struggling emotionally and the last thing you want to do is throw in the towel as he is obviously doing. I know the garbage that mental health professionals speak and I would like to have a stern word with whoever it is that has advised him to go down this path. Horrible advice. Quite frankly he is being a coward, which is bad enough for anyone but when you are a person who is in a position that affects 30,000 others you should be aware of the responsibility that came with a dream being handed to you. Extremely disappointed.

This event is really helping to clarify a few things about Demonland. Yep, some people wind eachother up too much, keep getting in petty slanging matches. But their heart is in the right place when it comes to the important stuff. Then there are people like hero1 (who has been banned permanently courtesy of comments in this thread) who are just downright inhuman.

And just a little closer to civilization are comments like this. I'll credit C&B with at least having no idea what he's talking about, but this stuff is far from helpful.

Clinical Depression is not 'struggling emotionally'. It is waking up with suicidal thoughts and going to sleep with suicidal thoughts, no matter how 'good' your day has been. It is every taste of joy being turned to ash in your mouth and no sense of hope that it will ever improve. The longer it goes the worse it gets, because every day reinforces the sense that nothing you do, no amount of effort, no achievement, can make any difference to how you feel.

Critically, it comes with a terrible and relentless feeling of guilt that you 'should' be happy. Hating yourself for not being happy after all your closest people have made effort and sacrifices to try to 'cheer you up'.

That's where attitudes like C&B's come in.

"Why are you doing this to me, Mitch?"

"Come on, we've all been sad, it's time to stop failing and be a winner"

"I've supported you and now you're letting me down all over again"

"You're just being weak, why do you have to be such a loser"

So helpful.

"Your lung collapsed? Come one, you said you'd go swimming with me!"

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I think the advice he received to retire from football had a lot to do with his medium to long term chance of getting his body right. Treatment for depression usually revolves around education and sometimes medication to help develop the patients ability to cope with their circumstances. In the short term the patient is removed as far as possible from those circumstances to allow this to occur. If the depression was related to excessive work stress, the patient would be advised to take time off or go on modified duties to give them room to heal. If Mitch's circumstances (his physical injuries) weren't likely to change any time soon, then the only real advice would be to make those injuries no longer matter as much. Now that he has retired, it doesn't matter as much if he can't perform on the field and can't justify his salary (which has been reported as a concern of his). His circumstance has changed and he can begin to learn to manage his depression.

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In contrast to the above this is a shot at Clark

- I wonder if he could've braved a media conference and delivered some words and emotion for all us.

Not having a shot at you Master, but...give the guy a break... he's been clinically diagnosed as suffering from severe depression, so I doubt anyone would be prescribing he go and explain himself to the supporters he feels he is failing... he is not a circus act.

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In contrast to the above this is a shot at Clark

- I wonder if he could've braved a media conference and delivered some words and emotion for all us.

I understand this is a sensitive time for him but I think he missed an opportunity to help himself and for the club to close a significant chapter in a bold way.

Can you pls explain how a press conference is an opportunity to help himself?

And why the need for "some words and emotion" from Mitch himself? Do you need to see him burst into tears before you believe it?


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I am just glad it is now over.

Now don't take this a criticism of Clark.

The guy has some serious problems which are not of his own making.

I think the worst thing for both parties would have been to continue the situation of the last three months.

Something was clearly wrong and you did not need to be a rocket scientist to pick it up a couple of months ago.

On the 9th of April Mitch Clark has resigned to get his life back to some reasonable level. lets leave him to do it.

The MFC will move on to get some sort of replacement and not have the every day to day work associated with a problem the size Mitch had.

The MFC has a spot on their list in 2015 to fill and a considerable sum of money to use.

We as members and supporters can stopped wondering what is happening with Mitch.

Sad for what could have been but we have to move on.

This club is in a hell of a hole we can only look up.

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One day he is going to look back and realise he threw away a dream and let down 30,000 people and he's going to think 'WTF did I do that for?'. Then he is going to dwell on that for the rest of his life. I would think this move is unlikely to be the best one for his future mental health. What would be better would be to heal his foot, go through rehab, come back and win a Coleman Medal. Wouldn't that be good for someone's emotional health? I know personally what it is like to be struggling emotionally and the last thing you want to do is throw in the towel as he is obviously doing. I know the garbage that mental health professionals speak and I would like to have a stern word with whoever it is that has advised him to go down this path. Horrible advice. Quite frankly he is being a coward, which is bad enough for anyone but when you are a person who is in a position that affects 30,000 others you should be aware of the responsibility that came with a dream being handed to you. Extremely disappointed.

Quite frankly, you're an insensitive, uneducated, ignorant fool.

Who is the coward here? Someone making a tough decision and doing the right thing, or some jerky spouting ignorance from the safety of their keyboard?

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Can you pls explain how a press conference is an opportunity to help himself?

And why the need for "some words and emotion" from Mitch himself? Do you need to see him burst into tears before you believe it?


It would be a tremendously brave thing to do but I think it would help.

Mental illness is obviously different but if it were a physical illness he'd have a media conference, explain some feelings, probably be incredibly emotional but everyone would support him. That's what Jim did. And if we can start viewing depression as a blameless illness like cancer we'd be better off

If people on demonland can't even come to grips with this decision how can the rest of the community?

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It would be a tremendously brave thing to do but I think it would help.

Mental illness is obviously different but if it were a physical illness he'd have a media conference, explain some feelings, probably be incredibly emotional but everyone would support him. That's what Jim did. And if we can start viewing depression as a blameless illness like cancer we'd be better off

If people on demonland can't even come to grips with this decision how can the rest of the community?

Mitch is in no state to sit in a room full of lights cameras and journos.

I doubt he would have even spoken to the players en masse.

Depression is self loathing. This decision would be heartbreaking for him.

I think his meetings with Jimma really got into his heart. He loved the guy straight away.

Mitch took Jimma's baton and now cannot carry it through for a club that really needs him.

He may well speak later but a press conference now is just not on.

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Mitch did the #11 proud. The #11 in my avatar would be proud to shake Mitch's hand and wish him well. Like Jimmy he gave his all...can't ask for more than that.

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Mitch is clearly a sensitive guy and has some complex family issues that he is prioritising in order to find some happiness in life .

Good luck to him with it all I say.

The best we can hope for is a comeback one day from him as a player and at the least as a happy chappy.

I will never forget him taking the pizz out of Tarrant as he was bathing him when he played for the Lions.

Nor the rare light he shone on us with his efforts as a full forward.

Top Bloke-thanked the Dees ,tried his best and he is over it .

I hold a faint hope he can make a comeback one day.

At least now we have clarity and he can recover .

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Mitch is clearly a sensitive guy and has some complex family issues that he is prioritising in order to find some happiness in life .

Good luck to him with it all I say.

The best we can hope for is a comeback one day from him as a player and at the least as a happy chappy.

I will never forget him taking the pizz out of Tarrant as he was bathing him when he played for the Lions.

Nor the rare light he shone on us with his efforts as a full forward.

Top Bloke-thanked the Dees ,tried his best and he is over it .

I hold a faint hope he can make a comeback one day.

At least now we have clarity and he can recover .

Spot on. Yesterday was, I hope, a positive step for both Mitch and club. It would be terrific, in time, if Mitch could return to football at any level in some capacity without a sense of dread.

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In contrast to the above this is a shot at Clark

- I wonder if he could've braved a media conference and delivered some words and emotion for all us.

And to the club

- a hasty press conference from Josh Mahoney seemed a bit light weight for our highest paid and arguably best player retiring at 26. I would've preferred Roos or Jackson as well and as I said above Clark.

I understand this is a sensitive time for him but I think he missed an opportunity to help himself and for the club to close a significant chapter in a bold way.

At some stage it wouldn't surprise me if he does a sit down interview with the a reporter (please don't let it be Barrett) and talk candidly about his experiences but for now all the steps he's taking are for his long term health and I wouldn't have thought any doctor would want him facing that kind of pressure.

In fact the low key, no media circus style was perfect for this. A lot of Melbourne fans were prepared for this the moment he was granted leave, Josh Mahoney is an assistant coach but has known Mitch longer than both Roos and Jackson, and has also likely been privy to his condition for one of the longest at the club. Mitch didn't need this to be a big front page story with the club making bold statements, he and the club just needed it done.

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