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Mitch is really in a pickle. Depression is very debilitating, but one of the best forms of treatment is physical activity and excercise, which is a great distraction.

I'm sure whoever is looking out for him at the moment from a medical point of view would encourage him to continue playing footy, but obviously while injured he can't. He really is stuck while he's at the club, especially if there's no prospect of him playing for the short term future.

He should be going out and doing

It's very hard to judge how bad depression is going to hit individual people, really the only thing anyone can do is offer support and run with what the person wants to do, who knows things may improve and he may come back in a year or 2, i reckon he feels he owes the club now


Easily my favourite player of the last few years, don't even have a second favourite.

For Mitch, I hope this takes some pressure and expectation of him.

For us, I hope 1% of his passion rubs off on the place.


Hey Mitch

I remember my excitement when I read that you were coming to play for the demons. You gave me hope during some dark times, with your talent and skill and your crazy-brave attack on the ball. You have shown that same bravery in your decision to retire. May your acceptance bring you peace. Thanks for the memories Mitch. I wish you all the best in whatever you do.


Love ya mitchy!

All the best in your new career you will always be more kf a demon to me then you were a lion!


Thanks Mitch

Your time on the field was brief but I enjoyed every minute of it. Get well soon mate.

thats probably a bit over dramatic

he has an illness. many people have illnesses.

Life in balance...really ??[/

You are an [censored] & are a disgrace!

Pick up the phone & talk to beyond blue & see the impact of depression has on individuals!

He has been diagnosed with clinical depression!

heads up ..Ive had depression...actually that means you always do..Its management

Youre comment wants to go to the notion he needs "watching"

He needs help, he needs good medical assistance and the mentoring by qualified help

Life in balance..again.. terribly over dramatic

He is most fortunate in that he will in all likelihood get all the help he needs. He has adjustments coming, indeed hes already started those

Many people are not so nearly as fortunate...their lives may indeed be at dire crossroads.. I think Mitch will be fine long term


Shattered disillusioned, concerned and down right disappointed and I'm not referring to Mitch , who I wish nothing but the best for.

Why us , why our club , maybe its time to change our mascot from a devil (demon) to a angel ?

The Melbourne Angels yep it has a nice ring to it :rolleyes:

We might just get on the right side of the fence for a change . :cool:



Seriously, give it a rest. We all know where you stand on this whole thing, and now is not the time to keep it going.

Whats my stand ??


Best of luck big Mitch

Will always have fond memories of him roaming the G

I hope he get's himself right ... MFC 4 eva


It hurts for sure. Just another blow for this wretched club.

Wish him all the best.

Time to move forward.


Sad day for Mitch and the footy club.

Best wishes Mitch.


Everyone needs to let this go, move on, lock the thread and let this guy heal his demons. We are here to talk about the MFC, not pass judgement on a serious life issue and not to pass best wishes to a guy who has absolutely no interest in the world in checking posts on Demon fan forum

We have Carlton this week, after what they dished up last week, we could be in for an absolute hiding or just might snatch one.


I don't know if you'd read these Mitch (to be honest I think you will) but I just want to wish you all the best. We are all thinking of you at this time and you have done something that will make more of a difference than playing football ever will. You will give courage to so many people out there struggling who need a voice. Thank you for everything.


Absolute gun player just pity we couldn't see more of it from such a prodigious talent!!

.....and the MFC just continue to have rotten luck , something just has to give, Let's beat Carlscum this week and show enuf is freakin enuf


If he was feeling like this from last year the guy should have done it Then last year so the club could have gone after a free Agent, and the AFL whould have given the club a pp since that was the reason they gave not to give one, they said when he would play this year, thanks mitch with your timing, but that would be 650000 less in your pocket . Once again another nail in the demon coffin.

You're an attention seeking [censored]!!.... well done, it worked.


Everyone needs to let this go, move on, lock the thread and let this guy heal his demons. We are here to talk about the MFC, not pass judgement on a serious life issue and not to pass best wishes to a guy who has absolutely no interest in the world in checking posts on Demon fan forum

We have Carlton this week, after what they dished up last week, we could be in for an absolute hiding or just might [censored] one.

You're dreaming mate.

How many times in the last half dozen years, have we seen a reason to "fire up"?

And how many of those opportunities were rewarded by insipid performances?

We are in for another hiding this week, because we are MFC, and we dont respond to adversity, we crumble, and fall.

Good luck for Mitch, but im far more worried about my football team than i am about him. Hope that doesnt offend anyone.


Shocking luck, Mitch, and a gutsy decision to come out in the open with it.

All the best.

OMG - this club is cursed, and it must be related to the shocking treatment of NS.

Every exciting forward prospect in the past few decades, with the exception of David Neitz (and to a less extent Gary Lyon though he carried significant back injuries for years) has been cut down in his prime by injury.

We are the only established club to never produce a 100 goal FF, and probably never will.

Life sucks.


When he played he gave all he had and I wish Mitch the best but being a Melbourne supporter I wonder why yet another unlikely scenario is happening to us? This is not a something that happens often. Scratching my head to when was the last time a player had to retire due to mental health issues and forgo a sizeable chunk of their contract. Not a comfortable feeling but I feel this story will play out further at the end of the season.


You're dreaming mate.

How many times in the last half dozen years, have we seen a reason to "fire up"?

And how many of those opportunities were rewarded by insipid performances?

We are in for another hiding this week, because we are MFC, and we dont respond to adversity, we crumble, and fall.

Good luck for Mitch, but im far more worried about my football team than i am about him. Hope that doesnt offend anyone.

I don't dream anymore mate, brains had too many injuries courtesy of the MFC.

Guess you are up for an argument, don't blame you - I just yelled at the missus, sent 3 of my 4 kids to their rooms, and abused the dog for dropping a nuggett on my back deck that on a second observation, looks suspiciously like it came from a possum. I honestly can't be bothered anymore, think I'll go watch a couple of epsisodes of Wife Swap.


Not unexpected but wow that sucks. How many kicks in the nads can this club take?

So long Mitch and all the best, your time at MFC was brief but you gave your all for the jumper and club when you were here and your talent will be sorely missed.

I want to add that I hope and assume he will always be welcome back at the club in his own time. He is a Melbourne player and is part of our family and that doesn't stop when a contract runs out or a career ends.


I'm disgusted at some of the posters.... More concerned about the club rather than a persons health!

Would you treat your fellow worker in the same way? Would you expect your employer to help their employees in time of need?

Sure feel saddened we have lost a great player... But support him & the club!

The ills of the MFC goo deeper & longer than just one player!

Get well Mitch it's only a f....ing game!


Thank you for some of the most memorable moments in 8 years of absolute crud. You were awesome in your first year at the Dees and on your way to Club Legend before injury ruined your career. All the very best for your recovery and the rest of your life big fella!


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