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New sponsor - China Southern Airlines

old dee

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there is Major - AHG

then Platinum Plus - Hertz, NT Gov

then Platinum - New Age Caravans, New Balance, City of Casey

Cheers Daisy


About $500K a year according to my sources within the club.

This is, I believe, the fastest growing airline in the world. I real coup.

Good $$$$ for a third tier sponsor.


please...no lacist jokes here

lets just say Xièxiè :rolleyes:

Or perhaps (from my thoughts regarding them), 中国南方航空公司吸我的


While as usual we don't know the details, on the face of it you'd have to give CS some credit for the new deal which PJ has finalised regardless of the Energywatch fiasco.

I have had a lot of dealings with big companies in Asia, particularly Japan, in my work. It takes a long time to get a relationship started. But usually once it is, confidence grows and it gets deep and lasts a long time. One I was involved in is still going after 27 years.

Congratulations on that Sue. You must be pleased.

Anyway, back to the MFC. Full praise to PJ..... CS, not so.


While as usual we don't know the details, on the face of it you'd have to give CS some credit for the new deal which PJ has finalised regardless of the Energywatch fiasco.

I have had a lot of dealings with big companies in Asia, particularly Japan, in my work. It takes a long time to get a relationship started. But usually once it is, confidence grows and it gets deep and lasts a long time. One I was involved in is still going after 27 years.

Something Moonshadow has never experienced.


Well done to the club for landing China Southern. I was told when they pulled out of negotiations in early April last year that Cameron Schwab and his team at the club put in almost two years of hard work only to miss out on getting them across the line. My guess is they baulked at signing on during the height of our woes at the start of last season but someone involved from our club persisted and with PJ's authority we succeeded in the end.

Let's hope the team out on the ground matches that persistence.


maybe they are platinum plus?

Platinum plus sponsors appear to be alternating shorts sponsors.

I doubt there's room for a 3rd, as it would decrease the frequency of the other sponsors appearing.

New Age Caravans, as current "platinum sponsors", appear prominently on the coaches' uniforms, as I'd expect CSA to do.


According to a quick twitter search they sold 7 tickets to MH370 including the 2 who had stolen passports. Maybe not the best time to associate ourselves with them but hey 500k sounds good


If we can cultivate the relationship with China Southern Airlines like the Pies have done with Etihad, we would do very well.


If we can cultivate the relationship with China Southern Airlines like the Pies have done with Etihad, we would do very well.

The two Airline regions with any real clout.. Middle East and China

if not one, foolish to ignore the other


Chinese or middle eastern... Just bring your cheque book!!


Good news.

Well done MFC .

I suspect that Colonel Tom Parker may have helped get this deal done.

He is also no doubt responsible for the China trip which saw Max Yawn on Scully.

When that Irish gnome succeeds in destroying Qantas they could be our national carrier.


Congratulations on that Sue. You must be pleased.

Anyway, back to the MFC. Full praise to PJ..... CS, not so.

I wasn't leaving the MFC. The point I was making is that a relationship with these companies can take a long time to start, but can last a long time. Could be great for the MFC.

So probably some praise to CS and maybe more to PJ, but we don't know the details of how it evolved so we can't apportion credit.


Good news.

Well done MFC .

I suspect that Colonel Tom Parker may have helped get this deal done.

He is also no doubt responsible for the China trip which saw Max Yawn on Scully.

When that Irish gnome succeeds in destroying Qantas they could be our national carrier.

Given half a chance they will snap up as much of QF as possible...


Weren't too bad when I flew with them. I spent most of my time trying to tune onto the chick sitting next to me. Inflight meals were pretty limited and was mostly woodchipper chicken (i.e. a chicken thrown into a woodchipper and whatever came out the other side was served).
Good work from the MFC. Hard to proportion praise for this one so it's best to give a blanket 'well done'.


Given half a chance they will snap up as much of QF as possible...

They could be part of the lobby to repeal foreign ownership restrictions in the Qantas Sale Act.


About $500K a year according to my sources within the club.

This is, I believe, the fastest growing airline in the world. I real coup.

If I remember correctly a few yrs ago didn't we have a major sponsor for the same $$$$ as this one? I think it was either handkook or kasper.

Amazing how things change with a good administration in place.


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