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Training - Monday 25th November, 2013


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What about that toilet on the Swan street side. Have they removed it?

I think the good Doctor 'borrowed " it


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Saty, D34, Mcqueen and all others who provide training reports much appreciated by a fellow Demon living in the West. Probably my last training report read for a few weeks as I head off to Ireland Friday for 5 weeks and god knows when I'll manage to get back on Demonland.

But to all Dlanders, wishing you all a merry christmas and a happy new year.

Here's to hoping 2014 is kind to us and the start of an upward climb


Saty, D34, Mcqueen and all others who provide training reports much appreciated by a fellow Demon living in the West. Probably my last training report read for a few weeks as I head off to Ireland Friday for 5 weeks and god knows when I'll manage to get back on Demonland.

But to all Dlanders, wishing you all a merry christmas and a happy new year.

Here's to hoping 2014 is kind to us and the start of an upward climb

You too mate enjoy a cold snowing Christmas with plenty of Guinness

and YES


Saty, D34, Mcqueen and all others who provide training reports much appreciated by a fellow Demon living in the West. Probably my last training report read for a few weeks as I head off to Ireland Friday for 5 weeks and god knows when I'll manage to get back on Demonland.

But to all Dlanders, wishing you all a merry christmas and a happy new year.

Here's to hoping 2014 is kind to us and the start of an upward climb

Hope it's a good one for you and your family 'Pennant', and thanks for posting info on the WA prospects. Much appreciated.


Saty, D34, Mcqueen and all others who provide training reports much appreciated by a fellow Demon living in the West. Probably my last training report read for a few weeks as I head off to Ireland Friday for 5 weeks and god knows when I'll manage to get back on Demonland.

But to all Dlanders, wishing you all a merry christmas and a happy new year.

Here's to hoping 2014 is kind to us and the start of an upward climb

a bheith cinnte


Posters are requested to observe the Code of Conduct as above.

A couple are getting close to the line.

Close to the line!?!? Next the master will be telling us how he likes to defecate.


I've just read this post all the way though, and on reflection, I don't think i want to be associated any more with such utter drivel and personal attacks that I have seen on here today.

In future, I will post on my own blogs of which there are three, and maybe big footy.

For those with whom I have had constructive discussions with on here, i wish you all the best. There are some very insightful and smart posters.

The others who seem to think personal attacks about people's appearance are actually relevant to an MFC associated football forum, (an organisation which i have held in the highest regard all my life), you can continue to do your own ignorant and rude things. If you are allowed to, I suspect Demonland will not last very much longer because people who share my views will do the same as i am about to do.

I think i can support the MFC more constructively by not being associated with such rubbish any more.


I could understand your angst if this were in the middle of the footy season, but it's not... there's nothing wrong with a bit of light relief in the off season... except for the obviously nasty stuff which shouldn't happen at any time.

It's not light relief, it's offensive to a lot of people. Even 1 is too many. This stuff is really alienating people and I for 1 won't be jumping out of my skin to go to training.


i woulndt bother getting worked up on personal attacks by strangers hiding behind a keyboard, i mean its the text book definition of a coward, and someone who cant get satisfaction elsewhere in their life. Goodluck to them! Ben Hur classic example.


Saty, D34, Mcqueen and all others who provide training reports much appreciated by a fellow Demon living in the West. Probably my last training report read for a few weeks as I head off to Ireland Friday for 5 weeks and god knows when I'll manage to get back on Demonland.But to all Dlanders, wishing you all a merry christmas and a happy new year.Here's to hoping 2014 is kind to us and the start of an upward climb

Enjoy your trip and I am sure you will find a computer, even in Ireland. Maybe you could borrow one from the little people.


I've just read this post all the way though, and on reflection, I don't think i want to be associated any more with such utter drivel and personal attacks that I have seen on here today.

In future, I will post on my own blogs of which there are three, and maybe big footy.

For those with whom I have had constructive discussions with on here, i wish you all the best. There are some very insightful and smart posters.

The others who seem to think personal attacks about people's appearance are actually relevant to an MFC associated football forum, (an organisation which i have held in the highest regard all my life), you can continue to do your own ignorant and rude things. If you are allowed to, I suspect Demonland will not last very much longer because people who share my views will do the same as i am about to do.

I think i can support the MFC more constructively by not being associated with such rubbish any more.

I don't need to come here to be insulted-I can go anywhere for that.

you are a very sensitive soul and I wish you well with your blogging.

There were one or two disagreements on here but it's hardly big time stuff.


There are still a few spots left at The Farm if you are interested Dees2104, it's amazing what a couple of days of clean country air and much stomping around paddocks will do for the soul..


Posters are requested to observe the Code of Conduct as above.

A couple are getting close to the line.

1. Everyone is entitled to express an opinion but with that entitlement goes responsibility to observe the code of conduct and use common sense.

2. That the person whose post you think is "outrageously stupid" can be anyone from the law enforcement agency to the youngest of supporters.

3. That there is no place on this forum for personal abuse of other posters. This is a zero tolerance requirement.

With all due respect, if we're actually following the code to the letter of the law, warning points should've been given out months ago.

It's quite sad that in the last year this forum has lost it's homely feel to it. As Dees supporters, we came on here and everyone was fighting the same battle, yet now people who are overweight watching training or of a different opinion to another are hounded down. Being a moderator I can only imagine is lots of work, for minimum reward but point number 2 is becoming void. We've seen a few posters who were younger remove themselves because of constant belittlement, and I can't remember seeing Olisik's name around here much anymore who was a lock for abuse just because his idea's didn't adhere with others.

Please clamp down on the personal abuse WJ, it's getting out of hand.

Demonland is a place to come and talk football, not be told by some hero that his view is better than mine. We're all fighting the same battle at the end of the day.


It's Time uses Groucho Marx as his avatar. Groucho famously said he wouldn't join any club who would have him as a member.

Clearly what amuses me doesn't appear to have the same affect on others. My apologies to all concerned.

Naa, you're just way ahead of us. Good one, ya got me. But unfortunately I do want to be a member of this Club that wants me to be a member. I don't think the Old Boy would mind. He might, if it was him. Then again he probably would if he knew what state this Club was in. Then again, knowing him, that would be enough for him to want to be a member.


1. Everyone is entitled to express an opinion but with that entitlement goes responsibility to observe the code of conduct and use common sense.

2. That the person whose post you think is "outrageously stupid" can be anyone from the law enforcement agency to the youngest of supporters.

3. That there is no place on this forum for personal abuse of other posters. This is a zero tolerance requirement.

With all due respect, if we're actually following the code to the letter of the law, warning points should've been given out months ago.

It's quite sad that in the last year this forum has lost it's homely feel to it. As Dees supporters, we came on here and everyone was fighting the same battle, yet now people who are overweight watching training or of a different opinion to another are hounded down. Being a moderator I can only imagine is lots of work, for minimum reward but point number 2 is becoming void. We've seen a few posters who were younger remove themselves because of constant belittlement, and I can't remember seeing Olisik's name around here much anymore who was a lock for abuse just because his idea's didn't adhere with others.

Please clamp down on the personal abuse WJ, it's getting out of hand.

Demonland is a place to come and talk football, not be told by some hero that his view is better than mine. We're all fighting the same battle at the end of the day.

This I don't mind Arrow, I often disagree with others on here.

But It can surely be done without belittling the other person.


1. Everyone is entitled to express an opinion but with that entitlement goes responsibility to observe the code of conduct and use common sense.2. That the person whose post you think is "outrageously stupid" can be anyone from the law enforcement agency to the youngest of supporters.3. That there is no place on this forum for personal abuse of other posters. This is a zero tolerance requirement.

With all due respect, if we're actually following the code to the letter of the law, warning points should've been given out months ago.

It's quite sad that in the last year this forum has lost it's homely feel to it. As Dees supporters, we came on here and everyone was fighting the same battle, yet now people who are overweight watching training or of a different opinion to another are hounded down. Being a moderator I can only imagine is lots of work, for minimum reward but point number 2 is becoming void. We've seen a few posters who were younger remove themselves because of constant belittlement, and I can't remember seeing Olisik's name around here much anymore who was a lock for abuse just because his idea's didn't adhere with others.

Please clamp down on the personal abuse WJ, it's getting out of hand.

Demonland is a place to come and talk football, not be told by some hero that his view is better than mine. We're all fighting the same battle at the end of the day.

Agree, I log in to read about the Melbourne Football Club and instead read columns of nasty abuse!

This forum is loosing its appeal.

Vigorous debate: yes. Angry words: OK! But the abuse thrown out by some (one poster in particular) is demeaning, juvenile and completely off putting!

Please mods no more personal abuse.


I don't need to come here to be insulted-I can go anywhere for that.

you are a very sensitive soul and I wish you well with your blogging.

There were one or two disagreements on here but it's hardly big time stuff.

I do need to come here to be insulted.. keeps me balanced...


Steam or Hightale?

Steam, TD.

Sensational drop.


I've just read this post all the way though, and on reflection, I don't think i want to be associated any more with such utter drivel and personal attacks that I have seen on here today.

I pretty much agree.

Very disappointed in the mods that constantly let it happen too.

They should add some more mods if they cant keep up with deleting and banning all the garbage


yes it is disgusting the drivel that goes on


At least you didn't have the red top on pulled up to show half your fat gut.

I know i have "resigned" from this forum, but reflecting on it i think i owe a further explanation since some here think i am a bit thin skinned and why i was so annoyed by this thread.

I confess Ben_Hur, Twas I.

Three weeks ago i had a serious operation at PeterMacClinic (incidentally a world class hospital with fantastic caring people). As a result of the drugs i needed to take pre-op i put on 15kgs. Since the op, which at the moment seems successful, through strict dieting and exercising (yes bike riding mainly) i have taken off half that. I currently am losing about 3 kgs a week and in 3-4 weeks i expect to be down to the correct weight for a 6'3" 60 year old which is 95kg. At the moment i am overweight. I should not have ridden to training in my old lycra gear ( but i did not expect the fashion police at an early season training session for christ sake, and which will fit me again in three weeks), but you understand bike riding is a key part of my physical recovery - seeing the Demons prosper is a key part of my mental recovery.

This is the last time you will hear from me on this subject. I hope those who were so rude about this, might as a result of my explanation be a bit more nuanced in the future, and think some people might not be as bogan as themselves.


Do as you please, people are just making cheap shots for a laugh, they don't mean you any harm, you seem to agree with the statements in regard to your physique, next step is to not worry about the comments, you joined this site for a reason, don't over react, stay onboard


I always thought the best thing about supporting the dees was that it didn't matter if you were male, female, short, fat, young, old, tall, skinny, black, white, yellow, missing limbs or brain cells, rich or poor that if your heart beat red and blue then you were part of the club.


Do as you please, people are just making cheap shots for a laugh, they don't mean you any harm, you seem to agree with the statements in regard to your physique, next step is to not worry about the comments, you joined this site for a reason, don't over react, stay onboard

Words of wisdom as usual Lord. I've been off this site for a day or two (zen sabbatical with the lads) and it seems I've missed a personal abuse thread - disappointing.


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