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Choko is basically right. The guy was given a free hand to turn the joint over.

The devil as always is in the detail: the reported mishandling and humiliation of players and the lack of sophistication in how to approach individuals.

Even Norm Smith, renowned as a real toughie, moderated his approaches according to personalities. I seem to remember Barassi saying that Norm used to bake him because Norm knew he could take it and did it as an example to others who were not so robust.

While Neeld followed his brief it seems his implementation of it was too one dimensional. His results really are appalling, and I for one, was prepared to give him a couple more weeks to see how he went against the Saints and Dogs but clearly the price in lost everything was too high.

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While Neeld followed his brief it seems his implementation of it was too one dimensional. His results really are appalling, and I for one, was prepared to give him a couple more weeks to see how he went against the Saints and Dogs but clearly the price in lost everything was too high.

I am the opposite here.

It's clear he had lost the playing group and who knows what would happen if he was still there at the end of the year.

We had to get rid of him before these games in case of the chance we actually pinched the 4 points in one.

Imagine the vultures out there in the press then after we sack him after finally getting a win on the board!

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The real questions I want answered are about the board and it’s all been glossed over quite neatly by the hacks who just wanted their nice easy headline. What I want to know is:

· This is meant to be an interim president, leading a board that is currently (according to their own statements) going through a comprehensive review of their current, past and future operations. How can they be making a call like this at this time??

· This decision was made on Friday at an emergency board meeting where Don McLardy stood down. So McLardy stands down as president and the rest of the board go “awesome, great time to sack the coach!!”

· The board made the decision on Friday and then let Mark Neeld go away, for what he thought was his one weekend off for the year before telling him Monday morning he’s out the door. This is a dog act, I don’t care if you liked the coach or not

· Instead of our esteemed leader Spargo having the guts to actually tell Neeld he’s fired he sent in Jackson to do the dirty work for him. Great leadership from the top right there

· Why are we sacking him now?? Why not two weeks ago or in two weeks time?? Why now on the back of the bye??

They made the decision because they had no other option. With such disastrous on field results no one could support MN any longer. The majority of Supporter had lost faith with him as Senior Coach and the Club in general. It appears to me PJ recommended that he be removed even though he could not tell if he could coach as the performance of the tea has become toxic to the entire Club.

The President and Senior Coach are the face of the Club and both have been seen to have failed. I am sure that the support offered from the AFL is contingent on these two position being replaced. Although it was not said directly by the AFL. It would be interesting what was in PJ report and recommendations.

What you would have told MN on Friday night he no longer had a job? It was the best decision to wait until Monday so MN and his family could enjoy the week end. Mark must have know his end was close especially since all his supporter were vacating their positions one way or another. To be truthful there never a good time to tell someone they are no longer required.

If the MFC operates as other businesses do, then MN would actual work for the CEO. If that is the case then it would be PJ role to fire MN and the board would have given PJ the funds to pay him out and replace the Senior Coach position. Standard business practice really.

The MFC would not have had the funding two weeks ago to get rid of MN. There a reason that this has happen right after a meeting with the AFL.

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The majority of Supporter had lost faith with him as Senior Coach and the Club in general.

You speak for the majority of supporters now? I don't think so, for the simple reason that I speak for the majority of the supporters and say that we had not lost faith and felt that the short-term pain would be worth it in the long run. As the voice of the majority I feel obligated to tell you that while we had not lost faith in the coach we have now most certainly lost faith in the administration of the club.

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It does sound like AFL is paying, but there's only so many times you can go to the well, and so it jeopardises our ability to get funding and support from the AFL on other issues. And it also makes us entirely reliant on the AFL, so expect more Darwin, Sunday twilight vs GWS.

You won't get an argument from me but that would happen anyway if our performances are as putrid as they have been this year. The argument will always be that we (and other clubs affected) are entitled to concessions if they force us into crap fixtures and the AFL acknowledges that anyway.

The best way to ensure better fixtures is improved performance. I have no idea whether Neil Craig can deliver that in 2013 but I'm convinced that we will have a better chance if we have a new coach with the necessary experience and credentials.

I agree Bailey's sacking was handled poorly by the board (as did Bailey and the football department with their handling of players before that) and while I really feel for Neeld and think it was regrettable that he had to go, I don't believe the club had any option whatsoever. To his credit, Neeld handled himself with dignity and the board or the AFL (whoever one thinks is really running the place ATM) did as good a job as they could in the circumstances.

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Took on the job??? It was the only job he was offered as he failed to get the job at the others he applied for

Change of culture, rebuild lack of fitness (isn't it funny how its now reported that's neeld fitness regime is being questioned as incorrect by other clubs) is all excuses made by mark neeld.

He was a poor coach lacked man management skills (hence the reason he missed the job in Adelaide) and he couldn't coach a list ie get the best out of them rather he had a theory and he stayed to it stubbornly... He might be a nice guy but he is a [censored] coach

you think he lied about the fitness, rubbish, so they all lied. Misson has lied when he says they are on a 3 yr plan, to get the endurance up to AFL base standard...

you say rubbish they are fit.... if they're fit, they must be too lazy to spread & to chase, & be responsible when the opposition has the ball...

your choice they're either fit & lazy,,, or unfit & not yet up to it?

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Choko is basically right. The guy was given a free hand to turn the joint over.

The devil as always is in the detail: the reported mishandling and humiliation of players and the lack of sophistication in how to approach individuals.

Even Norm Smith, renowned as a real toughie, moderated his approaches according to personalities. I seem to remember Barassi saying that Norm used to bake him because Norm knew he could take it and did it as an example to others who were not so robust.

While Neeld followed his brief it seems his implementation of it was too one dimensional. His results really are appalling, and I for one, was prepared to give him a couple more weeks to see how he went against the Saints and Dogs but clearly the price in lost everything was too high.

I think the threat of kennett hastened things.. the timing. but I do reckon they were looking at the bye, but undecided... then the AFL meeting with PJ got things rolling, from the AFL end imo.

it unfolded quickly from there, & I bet there was a lot of phone calls over the weekend.

it'll be interesting to watch all this unfold now, over the next 7 weeks...

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Do you really think that on-field performance was not part of Neeld's brief?

All of what you said is fine. - I guess what myself and others are saying is no matter what your thoughts are on Neeld and his performance, the club continues to mishandle situations and waste the Members time and money. (rebuilding and paying out contracts etc) The same mistakes keep happening over and over. Peter Jackson has made a decision and I do not dispute it, but the reasons outlined in the press conference are pretty average at best, and here is why,

Player retention, Performance and on field competitiveness indicate that either Jackson didn't agree with the board and the direction when Neeld was appointed in 2012 or Neeld was lied to by the board - a rebuilding club can not meet the demands Jackson outlined - so either the club has folded to pressure of the rebuild or other factors were at play

AFL approval was need -. a real sign that there a big problems at board level

People have talked about the evaluation of Neeld and he needed to be sacked based on results - I'd say the board (ex Jackson) should be stood down for turning this club in to a embarrassment it is today - and I will continue to say their performance of the board has been worse then Neeld

This club is embarrassing to support - it will take years for this club to be competitive on field again, I haven't really followed the club that closely off field until 2009ish but the majority of MFC administrations seem to all have the same poor characteristics

Poor decision making

lack of accountability to members

No good faith to former employees

lack of football knowledge of how to be competitive in this industry

No thought on how their decisions affect the clubs image or standings in the market place (tanking, sackings etc)

No strong club folds to speculations and rumours when rebuilding. See Geelong, Hawks and GC (all be it I admit that GC had a big leg up from the AFL)

Neeld was brought in from my understanding because of poor player performance and standards were well below par at AFL level. Now it seems that the players who were below AFL standard have gotten Neeld fired. I am sure Neeld has made mistakes (man management, and media performance etc) but the MFC has basically said we don't want to change by making firing Neeld.

Clearly onfield results are not acceptable and change was needed - but the overall statement made by the club over the past few weeks says to me that the club can't handle change, and we will fold to pressure when the going gets tough just like our players.

There is a saying I've heard in circles around professions in the AFL industry - Put enough pressure on the MFC and they will fold - on and off field. This is unprecedented failure from the whole club and I am furious..

Good work MFC - some people are embarrassed by your continual on field issues and losses - I am embarrassed to support you as you fold to pressure, have zero credibility off field and would have been wound up if you were a public or private entity

The MFC is an embarrassment to the AFL

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Just saw Paul Gardner dance on the graves of his replacements on Ch 7

What a joke - this club will end up killing itself. I have no allegiance or any contacts within the club - I just want to see a successful club.

But this bloke confirms for me there are people iin and around the club are working against it.... Mark Neeld is not the issue - fractions within the club most likely start rumors and push their own agendas, it is an embarrassment - I genuinely feel sorry for the next coach who is foolish enough to take this appointment.

The MFC is a genuine embarrassment

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Just saw Paul Gardner dance on the graves of his replacements on Ch 7

What a joke - this club will end up killing itself. I have no allegiance or any contacts within the club - I just want to see a successful club.

But this bloke confirms for me there are people iin and around the club are working against it.... Mark Neeld is not the issue - fractions within the club most likely start rumors and push their own agendas, it is an embarrassment - I genuinely feel sorry for the next coach who is foolish enough to take this appointment.

The MFC is a genuine embarrassment

Paul Who !
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I am furious.

We are an unprofessional bunch of mugs. But it's worse than that. Our club sells fraudulent hope, and ruins the careers of perfectly good and competent people, whether they be players or coaches.

Make no mistake - Mark Neeld was told to come in and put a rocket up every single senior player. He was given unprecedented scope to do it his way and change the festering wound that is the MFC. Then, he cops it and has his career destroyed based on doing nothing more than executing his plan. Yes, it may have been a flawed execution, but he was given 3 years to do it because it was, and is, the hardest task in football. He didn't get the chance because everyone got spooked.

Make no mistake - Bailey was told to lose. Then, when it suited, the administration turfed him too for not winning enough.

When I think of all the money donated, all the functions where bulltish was spouted out of the mouths of these people. All the suspicions about disharmony, lack of professionalism were dismissed.... yet, it was almost all true.

I get that almost all those involved in the above issues are going, going and gone from the club. But the lack of spine and the level of incompetence and dishonesty is literally breathtaking.

Rant over.

Crappest post ever. First time in a long time there are a number of experienced coaches available - Roos, Williams, Eade etc. Next coach (will) be an experienced coach that we have needed to a long time. Not to mention new CEO, new president, new board, AFL funding. This is the re-birth of the Melbourne Footy Club and I can say I'm excited. We can all have our own opinions but for you to be so upset for the departure of Neeld, instead of being excited about what is to come I think you are way off the mark. Stop excepting mediocrity. Go Dees!

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Just saw Paul Gardner dance on the graves of his replacements on Ch 7

What a joke - this club will end up killing itself. I have no allegiance or any contacts within the club - I just want to see a successful club.

But this bloke confirms for me there are people iin and around the club are working against it.... Mark Neeld is not the issue - fractions within the club most likely start rumors and push their own agendas, it is an embarrassment - I genuinely feel sorry for the next coach who is foolish enough to take this appointment.

The MFC is a genuine embarrassment

this is why I really hope we can build that training centre & Office with Boardroom & Social Facilities... to get the Boardroom away from the trappings of the MCG would IMO, work for us in the long run...

It would take a fair bit of the Me types out, who sometimes want to be on a board in a place like the 'G', too much for their own interests, than just giving for the Club..

The other power clubs do very well running their Clubs Organisation, away from the MCG... they do not seem to have anywhere near the sort of dysfunctional politics that we endure.

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I am furious.


Rant over.

There's definitely some merit in what you say, but, as Redleg stated, Neeld poorly handled the playing group and for that he takes his medicine.

I certainly don't agree that he should have coached in 2014. Surely even his most ardent supporters could see his situation had become untenable.

I think most supporters suddenly feel there's hope again now that he's gone. He'd become a lead weight.

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All of what you said is fine. - I guess what myself and others are saying is no matter what your thoughts are on Neeld and his performance, the club continues to mishandle situations and waste the Members time and money. (rebuilding and paying out contracts etc) The same mistakes keep happening over and over. Peter Jackson has made a decision and I do not dispute it, but the reasons outlined in the press conference are pretty average at best, and here is why,

Player retention, Performance and on field competitiveness indicate that either Jackson didn't agree with the board and the direction when Neeld was appointed in 2012 or Neeld was lied to by the board - a rebuilding club can not meet the demands Jackson outlined - so either the club has folded to pressure of the rebuild or other factors were at play

People have talked about the evaluation of Neeld and he needed to be sacked based on results - I'd say the board (ex Jackson) should be stood down for turning this club in to a embarrassment it is today - and I will continue to say their performance of the board has been worse then Neeld

No strong club folds to speculations and rumours when rebuilding. See Geelong, Hawks and GC

The MFC is an embarrassment to the AFL

It may have started as a rebuild, but under Neeld it had become a disintegration. And I don't accept it was a rebuild. That's a convenient term used by Neeld to excuse the pathetic performances. He never used the term "rebuild" in his first year.

You say that strong clubs don't fold to speculation. Geelong has never experienced our plight. Geelong has never finished bottom 4 since the AFL's inception in 1990. Geelong nearly sacked Thompson in 2006. We'd kill for Geelong's performances from 2006.

There's no point mentioning the Gold Coast. No coach of a start up club was going to be sacked after 2 years.

Hawthorn sacked Schwab and Judge prior to Clarkson. But I suppose that was OK ?

What you seem to be forgetting, or ignoring, is that this team was uncompetitive. It has a worse percentage than GWS. It has the worst percentage at this stage of the year in living memory. We barely win quarters of football. Almost half of Neeld's losses are by over 10 goals. He gave mixed messages when it suited him. He said we'd be better quicker than the media said. He said don't listen to them before the season started then conveniently says it will take 5 years after it's gone pear-shaped. Sadly, you've bought his unmitigated crap.

You're definitely right that we embarrass the AFL, which is why Neeld had to go. His team's performances ensured that. We know the Board has failed miserably and we know Schwab is just as guilty. But it doesn't excuse Neeld's disastrous tenure, nor his delusional attitude.

I put it to you that Neeld will stand alongside Murray Weideman and Royce Hart as the worst coaches in my lifetime. Apologies to Dennis Jones.

Edited by Ben-Hur
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The biggest mistake that was made is that Neeld was tasked with all of the above and he was an inexperienced coach. To give a 'never-been-a-senior-coach' virtual carte Blanche to achieve this when he's had no training in people management in these circumstances has been the most telling aspect of all.

This is the reason why there will be a seasoned, successful and very well respected coach at the MFC next year. Anything less will be another failure.

Especially when you consider that at Collingwood he walked into a very structured club with an established senior coach. He never saw how they got there or how Malthouse went about building his list originally.

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The players sure looked focused on the track last night. Shame it took a sacking to get some life out of them.

I thought we were always training well and our matchday effort just didn't reflect our training form :)

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You speak for the majority of supporters now? I don't think so, for the simple reason that I speak for the majority of the supporters and say that we had not lost faith and felt that the short-term pain would be worth it in the long run. As the voice of the majority I feel obligated to tell you that while we had not lost faith in the coach we have now most certainly lost faith in the administration of the club.


I assume your majority don't actually watch AFL Football because they too had been staying away from games.

I agree the MFC admin really sucked until now. I have a man crash on PJ.

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but at times he threw 1, 2 and 3 behind the ball.

Not sure Neeld is backing you up on that one mate. As recently as last night he was explaining away his big losses by saying he didn't put players behind the ball because players don't learn that way. Personally I think his recollections could be a bit hazy :)

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All of what you said is fine. - I guess what myself and others are saying is no matter what your thoughts are on Neeld and his performance, the club continues to mishandle situations and waste the Members time and money. (rebuilding and paying out contracts etc) The same mistakes keep happening over and over. Peter Jackson has made a decision and I do not dispute it, but the reasons outlined in the press conference are pretty average at best, and here is why,

Player retention, Performance and on field competitiveness indicate that either Jackson didn't agree with the board and the direction when Neeld was appointed in 2012 or Neeld was lied to by the board - a rebuilding club can not meet the demands Jackson outlined - so either the club has folded to pressure of the rebuild or other factors were at play

AFL approval was need -. a real sign that there a big problems at board level

People have talked about the evaluation of Neeld and he needed to be sacked based on results - I'd say the board (ex Jackson) should be stood down for turning this club in to a embarrassment it is today - and I will continue to say their performance of the board has been worse then Neeld

This club is embarrassing to support - it will take years for this club to be competitive on field again, I haven't really followed the club that closely off field until 2009ish but the majority of MFC administrations seem to all have the same poor characteristics

Poor decision making

lack of accountability to members

No good faith to former employees

lack of football knowledge of how to be competitive in this industry

No thought on how their decisions affect the clubs image or standings in the market place (tanking, sackings etc)

No strong club folds to speculations and rumours when rebuilding. See Geelong, Hawks and GC (all be it I admit that GC had a big leg up from the AFL)

Neeld was brought in from my understanding because of poor player performance and standards were well below par at AFL level. Now it seems that the players who were below AFL standard have gotten Neeld fired. I am sure Neeld has made mistakes (man management, and media performance etc) but the MFC has basically said we don't want to change by making firing Neeld.

Clearly onfield results are not acceptable and change was needed - but the overall statement made by the club over the past few weeks says to me that the club can't handle change, and we will fold to pressure when the going gets tough just like our players.

There is a saying I've heard in circles around professions in the AFL industry - Put enough pressure on the MFC and they will fold - on and off field. This is unprecedented failure from the whole club and I am furious..

Good work MFC - some people are embarrassed by your continual on field issues and losses - I am embarrassed to support you as you fold to pressure, have zero credibility off field and would have been wound up if you were a public or private entity

The MFC is an embarrassment to the AFL

Yes what a mess! My thinking is that a young assistant coach was brought in with instructions to change the soft culture of the playing group that had developed well before he arrived and under the watch of CS, CC and others in much better positions to have done something about it. Instead they were part of the problem and happy for the new kid to carry the can for change. The Board were obviously in thrall to a smooth talking CS and were next to useless. After the debt demolition thanks to Jim and then the AFL equalisation money that was pumped into the club, I can't help but think it was used as a gravy train for the old boys and we found ourselves with a top heavy admin and a bloated FD with too many people on good salaries but little responsibility. That [censored] up in Shanghai in 2010 was an early sign of club money being [censored] down the drain for what gain? What sponsorships did we pick up from that junket? What inroads have we made into China? Is none the right answer.

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