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MFC Media Appearances on "Black Sunday"


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Whately can go and crawl under a pile of horse sh!t .

Who cares what a weedy geek like him thinks.

He's one of the best commentators in the game at the moment.

Good commentator - knows 0% about MFC internal workings/situation. He's attempting hardcore journalism by probing the internal politics of the situation - lots of that around at the moment!

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Do you just get on here to snipe at people? got anything related to football to say or are you just about calling people weak and of low character because they react to continual failure? Guess what mate - people can react anyway they like. If your ok with where the club is at that is fine - if you want to defend everyone at the club that is fine - but your incessant sniping is really starting to get annoying.

Honestly dealing with where the club is at is hard enough without some random bloke getting on and abusing people for venting their spleen. if you dont like it mate talk footy or go somewhere else.

When these two people stop sniping at people on the board then I will talk football but these two are constantly bagging the board without facts but I suppose you think that's ok with you it goes both ways mate!!

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When these two people stop sniping at people on the board then I will talk football but these two are constantly bagging the board without facts but I suppose you think that's ok with you it goes both ways mate!!

Why do you care so much? Are you on the board?

I dont snipe the board but clearly something is wrong with the club and being a public forum people can conclude what ever they like. These two people contribute regularly on the forum and ive never had a problem with anything they write.

Would you prefer we sit here and sing the praises of the board, coaching panel and playing group? Do you think it just comes down to culture? What would YOU do to fix where we are at?

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When these two people stop sniping at people on the board then I will talk football but these two are constantly bagging the board without facts but I suppose you think that's ok with you it goes both ways mate!!

Sniping at the board without facts????

HAHAHAHAHAHA!! That's really quite funny.

Recruiting? Fail

Culture? Fail

Red & Blueprint? Fail

I was there last night. We need a massive cleanout upstairs

Are you a current Board Member3165??

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nc - yep - watching the game you wouldn't know.. the non-negs are combative effort, desire to compete, intensity, urgency

Is anyone else getting a little tired of these buzz words being trotted out?

How exactly is "competitiveness" a game plan? What is the difference between effort, desire, intensity and urgency and HOW do these things translate in terms of the specifics of football?

I could try and articulate this myself but I want to hear Neeld and Craig do it. Enough of these [censored] platitudes.

Explain to me how a team with half the possessions can have 30 less tackles, and if you say "we lacked intensity" I am walking away.

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Actually thought McLardy spoke very well. Didn't duck any questions.

Forcefully defended

  • the FD - restructured 18 months ago; will get whatever resources needed
  • Neeld
  • Schwab - admitted problems some time ago, which Schwab had addressed and has done a great job since
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Actually thought McLardy spoke very well. Didn't duck any questions.

Forcefully defended

  • the FD - restructured 18 months ago; will get whatever resources needed
  • Neeld
  • Schwab - admitted problems some time ago, which Schwab had addressed and has done a great job since
Well of course he is going to say that...

None of these guys are going to admit fault.

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No I am not on the Board and you should read more carefully what they have posted, they are always having a snipe at the Board.

No one can discuss matters when one group will not change their view because of their hatred towards the board.

This club has had a weak culture for so long and that has started from the top many years ago because it had always hid behind the MCC and the AFL and was never (run in my view as a business and a football club just a club that played football) and is now paying the price. What Neeld, Graig and Misson are trying to bring in is a hard edge where everyone is accountable and are told what role they have to play and how to do it, just like the Cats, Pies, Hawks etc. Look how bad their fitness was when these guys got there even players have spoken publicly about it.

You also look at these clubs in how they develop their young players they are given time in the two's and are well drilled when they take a step up they look like they have been around a while we have never done that before and we are now playing catchup.

Yes things are bad at the moment but if you go to these other clubs training they do everything full tilt and execute skills when under pressure and train at a high level, we have not even got there yet, but people seem to think that it only takes a season to fix it.

I have an old saying "to change a culture you have to show them a culture" and I bet that is what they are trying to do but as I said we have had a week culture for a long time because that is how we thought a club ran.

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Well of course he is going to say that...

None of these guys are going to admit fault.

I quote the MFC web site:

That sentiment was supported by big-man Mitch Clark.

"We want to play for Neeldy, we love having Neeldy here, were in this together. Its not just Neeldy - Neeldys not out there on the ground," Clark said.

In fact Clark insists its the players, not the coach and certainly not the chief executive or the board, who have to take responsibility for Melbourne's insipid start to the season.

"Theyre not out on the ground in a 150-point loss so its hard to see how thats their fault were in a performance-based industry and the players arent performing at the moment so we take responsibility," he said.


This club has had a weak culture for so long and that has started from the top many years ago because it had always hid behind the MCC and the AFL and was never (run in my view as a business and a football club just a club that played football) and is now paying the price. What Neeld, Graig and Misson are trying to bring in is a hard edge where everyone is accountable and are told what role they have to play and how to do it, just like the Cats, Pies, Hawks etc. Look how bad their fitness was when these guys got there even players have spoken publicly about it.

You also look at these clubs in how they develop their young players they are given time in the two's and are well drilled when they take a step up they look like they have been around a while we have never done that before and we are now playing catchup.

Yes things are bad at the moment but if you go to these other clubs training they do everything full tilt and execute skills when under pressure and train at a high level, we have not even got there yet, but people seem to think that it only takes a season to fix it.

I have an old saying "to change a culture you have to show them a culture" and I bet that is what they are trying to do but as I said we have had a week culture for a long time because that is how we thought a club ran.

Yes to all of this.
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No I am not on the Board and you should read more carefully what they have posted, they are always having a snipe at the Board.

No one can discuss matters when one group will not change their view because of their hatred towards the board.

This club has had a weak culture for so long and that has started from the top many years ago because it had always hid behind the MCC and the AFL and was never (run in my view as a business and a football club just a club that played football) and is now paying the price. What Neeld, Graig and Misson are trying to bring in is a hard edge where everyone is accountable and are told what role they have to play and how to do it, just like the Cats, Pies, Hawks etc. Look how bad their fitness was when these guys got there even players have spoken publicly about it.

You also look at these clubs in how they develop their young players they are given time in the two's and are well drilled when they take a step up they look like they have been around a while we have never done that before and we are now playing catchup.

Yes things are bad at the moment but if you go to these other clubs training they do everything full tilt and execute skills when under pressure and train at a high level, we have not even got there yet, but people seem to think that it only takes a season to fix it.

I have an old saying "to change a culture you have to show them a culture" and I bet that is what they are trying to do but as I said we have had a week culture for a long time because that is how we thought a club ran.

Yes i agree with you 3165.

Get rid of the 186 Tanking Board & the culture has a chance to improve.

The decisions made in 2008-09 are directly related to this Board.

Do you agree?

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Yes i agree with you 3165.

Get rid of the 186 Tanking Board & the culture has a chance to improve.

The decisions made in 2008-09 are directly related to this Board.

Do you agree?

Taking a deep breath here, please read again what I said about the board, it is not the fault of this board but the fault of past and present boards who did not know how a successful club should be run, it is only now that Neeld, Craig and Misson have told them what is required to take the next step it won't be easy and I hate losing but I understand the process, but that is only my view.

I bet you now that players don't approach Board members and Board members approaching players and complaining about what's going on, as Neeld and Craig have often said everyone has to know their role within the club and stick to that.

Edited by demon3165
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McLardy and Schwab just don't get it. Neeld may have a idea of premiership football, but he has NO idea how to get there - there's no coming back from where he is - we've played a bottom 6 and middle 6 team and have a percentage of 27% - I don't think I've ever seen that. McLardy and Schwab were responsible for the flawed Neeld selection process (Garry Lyon chats to Mick Malthouse over coffee) and need to take responsibility and stand aside.

Jalland, Matt Green and Craig in charge this week.

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Taking a deep breath here, please read again what I said about the board, it is not the fault of this board but the fault of past and present boards who did not know how a successful club should be run, it is only now that Neeld, Craig and Misson have told them what is required to take the next step it won't be easy and I hate losing but I understand the process, but that is only my view.

I bet you now that players don't approach Board members and Board members approaching players and complaining about what's going on, as Neeld and Craig have often said everyone has to know their role within the club and stick to that.

You may be right. But the present board instigated the 2008-09 strategy which failed 100% & then refused to fight & rolled over to the AFL with a Not Guilty verdict.

I cannot support this. The club is bigger than these people.

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No I am not on the Board and you should read more carefully what they have posted, they are always having a snipe at the Board.

No one can discuss matters when one group will not change their view because of their hatred towards the board.

This club has had a weak culture for so long and that has started from the top many years ago because it had always hid behind the MCC and the AFL and was never (run in my view as a business and a football club just a club that played football) and is now paying the price. What Neeld, Graig and Misson are trying to bring in is a hard edge where everyone is accountable and are told what role they have to play and how to do it, just like the Cats, Pies, Hawks etc. Look how bad their fitness was when these guys got there even players have spoken publicly about it.

You also look at these clubs in how they develop their young players they are given time in the two's and are well drilled when they take a step up they look like they have been around a while we have never done that before and we are now playing catchup.

Yes things are bad at the moment but if you go to these other clubs training they do everything full tilt and execute skills when under pressure and train at a high level, we have not even got there yet, but people seem to think that it only takes a season to fix it.

I have an old saying "to change a culture you have to show them a culture" and I bet that is what they are trying to do but as I said we have had a week culture for a long time because that is how we thought a club ran.

I understand what you are saying here and what Neeld, Craig and Misson are trying to do and also that it is not a short term fix but the 3 clubs you have mentioned have strong leadership at the top. We don't have this and no matter what the coaching group try to do they will always be hamstrung by it.

I don't have hatred for the board but I hate with a passion their decision to re appoint Schwab after the Geelong debacle and then compound their error by giving him a further 3 years. They are just rubbing our noses in it, they have locked in their position behind a failed CEO and can't see that they may be wrong. The scoreboard doesn't lie.

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"I don't have hatred for the board but I hate with a passion their decision to re appoint Schwab after the Geelong debacle and then compound their error by giving him a further 3 years. They are just rubbing our noses in it, they have locked in their position behind a failed CEO and can't see that they may be wrong. The scoreboard doesn't lie".

And that was the action of a board who panicked and a board which did not understand what a strong board does and I believe now that they are being shown how it should operate, if they did what some posters want and stand down who going to show the next board what is required? what I hope for that out of this mess the board will become stronger and have learnt how to show strength when it is needed and how to act, if they have learnt from past mistakes then that is a great thing if not then we will continue to never be a force.

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Looking forward to the presser tomorrow with the announcement that Neeld will be stepping aside.

The sooner we remove him the sooner we can start moving forward

You obviously haven't listened to a single word McLardy or Schwab have said today, or are you trying to be sarcastic?

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"I don't have hatred for the board but I hate with a passion their decision to re appoint Schwab after the Geelong debacle and then compound their error by giving him a further 3 years. They are just rubbing our noses in it, they have locked in their position behind a failed CEO and can't see that they may be wrong. The scoreboard doesn't lie".

And that was the action of a board who panicked and a board which did not understand what a strong board does and I believe now that they are being shown how it should operate, if they did what some posters want and stand down who going to show the next board what is required? what I hope for that out of this mess the board will become stronger and have learnt how to show strength when it is needed and how to act, if they have learnt from past mistakes then that is a great thing if not then we will continue to never be a force.

You are prepared to give them another chance??

That is the problem with this club..we forgive the power brokers to often...& they know it

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I do not like 2 Captains. Never will. Dilutes leadership.

The worst thing this club needs. There will be Trenners boys & Franks boys.

Yet another division. Not saying they are fighting. But we need one captain who speaks for the entire team.

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