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rolling fog

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rolling fog last won the day on August 2 2020

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About rolling fog

  • Birthday 22/01/1987

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    Outside Gate 2

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  1. Did anyone happen to catch the site walkthrough of Hawthorn’s Dingley facility on the news tonight? Goodness me I had no idea the works were so far progressed - impressive stuff.
  2. Pittonet is a genuine liability for the blues
  3. Coniglio cooked their last true opportunity - should’ve gone top of the square instead of wide. Giants will be knackered after that - looked like they ran out of run.
  4. I’d say that’s that. Freo have really stuck it up. Carlton won’t do anything in finals anyway.
  5. Nice of Salem to finally show up this year
  6. Not to mention any momentum gained from 2021 has well and truly been squandered. A) Supporters were willing and able to open their pockets back then if presented with a vision to get around, B) electoral cycles were favourable to obtain govt funding and C) money was cheap - however the board’s dogmatic approach to facilities persisted - and now none of those three elements are true.
  7. Also, Mark Korda is now largely irrelevant at Collingwood. Aside from probably continuing to pump money into the coterie etc. he’s been well and truly usurped by Geoff Brown - a bit happening there too by the sounds.
  8. Does the Senate inquiry into PwC tax leaks count? If so, then yes I have. FWIW, it’s an absolute travesty that Sayers can continue in a board/governance position given the gravity of what he oversaw at PwC - just goes to show how pervasive power influences can be in this country, but alas I digress.
  9. She seemed pretty chuffed to be standing in the race clapping the players off on Saturday night. She was essentially appointed/elected(?) on a platform of delivering the home base - goodness knows what the status of that is currently. Caulfield racecourse seems dead in the water.
  10. I went to both the GWS game and last night, and I sat by myself like a legend. It was quite peaceful being able to spread out, no queues for anything. It’s a form of therapy for me. I live close by and will do what I can to get my membership fee's worth for the year. But I’m the sort that will go to the opening of an envelope if it’s held at the MCG. Looking back on the opening handful of home games this year I had a solid crew of a dozen-ish family and friends that I knew would be at each game and meet up with - and for the last month it’s now reduced to just me - read into that what you will! But there can be no doubt that MFC supporters in large part have voted with their feet.
  11. I was there tonight, sat in the MCC, and thought it had a real finals-like atmosphere. Sheffield Shield finals.
  12. You’re bang on re the floating fixture. IMO the way it has been run this year is a joke, and the fact we still don’t know the scheduling for Rd 24 is frankly farcical. Heaven forbid your team is on the cusp of Top 8/4 and you were trying to organise travel. The AFL needs to read the room on this - the vast majority of supports live in the real world of travelling some distances to games, planning work shifts, child minding and other commitments.
  13. Maybe he’s now gettable?
  14. Aussies with 3 x gold medal points
  15. It’s a third set tie-break in the tennis gold medal match - tension for something I actually care about
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