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Cameron Schwab

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I didn't want to go in to it as it may seem as if I'm blowing my own trumpet but I will on the basis that all I want to do is explain my point.

Over the last 5 or 6 years I've put a fair bit of money in to the club, but if I walked in to a room where all the board members and the senior administration staff were, not one of them would even know who I was.

I've attended two breakfasts where CS was in attendance and have sat round a small table talking to him, both times on the following weekend he has walked past me without any shred of recognition. I was contacted by CC last year and asked if I wanted to attend a game as a guest in the long room at an away match, I didn't want to go but he convinced me too. He said he had a list of all the donations I'd made to the club and he would make a point of looking me up at the game and having a chat to se if there was anything the club could do for me; he didn't even bother speaking to me.

CS was there and he was more interested in schmoozing up to the big wigs on the MCC board than mixing with the people that actually support the club; I don't think he went to speak with anyone on any table except the head table.

I was sitting next to one of the club board members and we had a talk for about an hour or more, the following week at the foundation heroes function he walked past me as if i didn't exist.

After the FH function the only contact I got from the club was an email with an invoice attached.

There have been other times when this has happened and I think I've made my point so i won't document them, but I will say that the club treats their benefactors (my wife uses the term fool) appalingly.

I was talking to a former member of the Woodsmen today and he said that if you put in any money at Collingwood Eddie McGuire would look you up personally and shake your hand and thank you. I'm not looking for anything from the club but I do expect at least a thanks and a word or two now and then. I think that anyone that met me would understand I don't exactly meld in with the crowd and it's not because I'm flamboyant just that I'm 6'2" with a head of white hair, so i find it hard to understand why they seem to forget me all the time.

btw I never heard back from CC even though he said he would keep in touch.

From your perspective they sound like a certain type of niche evangelicals who promise salvation but with one catch. Give us more money to build the bible college and the rewards will come in the afterlife.

Edited by Muvver Jones
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I didn't want to go in to it as it may seem as if I'm blowing my own trumpet but I will on the basis that all I want to do is explain my point.

Over the last 5 or 6 years I've put a fair bit of money in to the club, but if I walked in to a room where all the board members and the senior administration staff were, not one of them would even know who I was.

I've attended two breakfasts where CS was in attendance and have sat round a small table talking to him, both times on the following weekend he has walked past me without any shred of recognition. I was contacted by CC last year and asked if I wanted to attend a game as a guest in the long room at an away match, I didn't want to go but he convinced me too. He said he had a list of all the donations I'd made to the club and he would make a point of looking me up at the game and having a chat to se if there was anything the club could do for me; he didn't even bother speaking to me.

CS was there and he was more interested in schmoozing up to the big wigs on the MCC board than mixing with the people that actually support the club; I don't think he went to speak with anyone on any table except the head table.

I was sitting next to one of the club board members and we had a talk for about an hour or more, the following week at the foundation heroes function he walked past me as if i didn't exist.

After the FH function the only contact I got from the club was an email with an invoice attached.

There have been other times when this has happened and I think I've made my point so i won't document them, but I will say that the club treats their benefactors (my wife uses the term fool) appalingly.

I was talking to a former member of the Woodsmen today and he said that if you put in any money at Collingwood Eddie McGuire would look you up personally and shake your hand and thank you. I'm not looking for anything from the club but I do expect at least a thanks and a word or two now and then. I think that anyone that met me would understand I don't exactly meld in with the crowd and it's not because I'm flamboyant just that I'm 6'2" with a head of white hair, so i find it hard to understand why they seem to forget me all the time.

btw I never heard back from CC even though he said he would keep in touch.

'RobbieF', I've heard similar stories from others in a similar position to you. From what I gather they're not in a rush to put money in anymore.

I wonder how many of the hero's have been burned.

Thanks for sharing that.

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I didn't want to go in to it as it may seem as if I'm blowing my own trumpet but I will on the basis that all I want to do is explain my point.

Over the last 5 or 6 years I've put a fair bit of money in to the club, but if I walked in to a room where all the board members and the senior administration staff were, not one of them would even know who I was.

I've attended two breakfasts where CS was in attendance and have sat round a small table talking to him, both times on the following weekend he has walked past me without any shred of recognition. I was contacted by CC last year and asked if I wanted to attend a game as a guest in the long room at an away match, I didn't want to go but he convinced me too. He said he had a list of all the donations I'd made to the club and he would make a point of looking me up at the game and having a chat to se if there was anything the club could do for me; he didn't even bother speaking to me.

CS was there and he was more interested in schmoozing up to the big wigs on the MCC board than mixing with the people that actually support the club; I don't think he went to speak with anyone on any table except the head table.

I was sitting next to one of the club board members and we had a talk for about an hour or more, the following week at the foundation heroes function he walked past me as if i didn't exist.

After the FH function the only contact I got from the club was an email with an invoice attached.

There have been other times when this has happened and I think I've made my point so i won't document them, but I will say that the club treats their benefactors (my wife uses the term fool) appalingly.

I was talking to a former member of the Woodsmen today and he said that if you put in any money at Collingwood Eddie McGuire would look you up personally and shake your hand and thank you. I'm not looking for anything from the club but I do expect at least a thanks and a word or two now and then. I think that anyone that met me would understand I don't exactly meld in with the crowd and it's not because I'm flamboyant just that I'm 6'2" with a head of white hair, so i find it hard to understand why they seem to forget me all the time.

btw I never heard back from CC even though he said he would keep in touch.

That is a dead set disgrace Robbie. I Thank you for all your contributions to the club. I wish I could put more in then just my membership but I can't. This should be pointed out to the club. You have more class then me because I would of given all involved a massive spray.

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Did some fact checking. Schwab had 6 years as general manager for Richmond. Plus 14 years in various stints as CEO for us and Freo. Thats 20 years as head honcho for one meagre finals appearance. And now he has the fat end of a contract still with us. Ouch!

I actually think it's three in 25 years. Still bloody awful.

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I didn't want to go in to it as it may seem as if I'm blowing my own trumpet but I will on the basis that all I want to do is explain my point.

Over the last 5 or 6 years I've put a fair bit of money in to the club, but if I walked in to a room where all the board members and the senior administration staff were, not one of them would even know who I was.

I've attended two breakfasts where CS was in attendance and have sat round a small table talking to him, both times on the following weekend he has walked past me without any shred of recognition. I was contacted by CC last year and asked if I wanted to attend a game as a guest in the long room at an away match, I didn't want to go but he convinced me too. He said he had a list of all the donations I'd made to the club and he would make a point of looking me up at the game and having a chat to se if there was anything the club could do for me; he didn't even bother speaking to me.

CS was there and he was more interested in schmoozing up to the big wigs on the MCC board than mixing with the people that actually support the club; I don't think he went to speak with anyone on any table except the head table.

I was sitting next to one of the club board members and we had a talk for about an hour or more, the following week at the foundation heroes function he walked past me as if i didn't exist.

After the FH function the only contact I got from the club was an email with an invoice attached.

There have been other times when this has happened and I think I've made my point so i won't document them, but I will say that the club treats their benefactors (my wife uses the term fool) appalingly.

I was talking to a former member of the Woodsmen today and he said that if you put in any money at Collingwood Eddie McGuire would look you up personally and shake your hand and thank you. I'm not looking for anything from the club but I do expect at least a thanks and a word or two now and then. I think that anyone that met me would understand I don't exactly meld in with the crowd and it's not because I'm flamboyant just that I'm 6'2" with a head of white hair, so i find it hard to understand why they seem to forget me all the time.

btw I never heard back from CC even though he said he would keep in touch.

Thanks for the insights RobbieF I really do appreciate stuff like this and it's not like you're divulging sensitive club info or talking out of school. I think it's disgusting to be treated in such a manner particularly considering you are one of the supporters actually digging into their pockets to keep this club alive and allow the likes of Schwab etc to be able to say "look at all the money we've raised/debt we've demolished". No one does that for the plaudits they do it for the love if the club but its fair to say a little recognition wouldn't hurt. If I spoke with someone for an hour one week and then ignored them completely the next at my job I'd find myself on the outer pretty quickly. You don't expect them to memorise 30,000 members but if you attend functions regularly, donate significant amounts of your hard earned and engage in lengthy discussions with some of these guys you'd expect they'd at least remember you and you'de expect they may at least make the effort to acknowledge the people in the room not just those who can help them climb up the ladder. It's the difference between an inclusive club and a soulless franchise.

Edited by Dr. Gonzo
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That is a dead set disgrace Robbie. I Thank you for all your contributions to the club. I wish I could put more in then just my membership but I can't. This should be pointed out to the club. You have more class then me because I would of given all involved a massive spray.

I do it for the club, not for them, but I have to say the way they handle it is very amateurish. If they were a little more considerate of those that donate they would probably find they'd get more in, I will still donate in spite of all this but I'm sure there will be plenty who won't.

Sometimes it's not the biggest names who donate the most and whilst it may be more exciting for the board to mix with the captains of industry it sometimes pays to lower your eyes.

I've attended a few functions and surprisingly every time my son and I have been put on a table furtherest from the stage at the commencement dinner any further and we would have been in the kitchen, table 53 of 53.

They really have a lot to learn.

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Cheers for the insight and helping out the club Robbie and this echo's similar to stories I have heard from Dockers financial supporters. The Dockers fans with old South Freo roots are real hardnuts who have worked hard for their coin and come across as honest battlers, but I know a few of them have a substantial amount of coin but don't harp on about it. Like yourself they give for their love of their club

CS & CC may need to review their people skills if we are to move forward and they really need to remember who supports and makes the club

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The "CEO" deserves a thread all of his own. Has anyone presided over a less successful on-field club over the past 25 years? Are his off-field exploits anything to write home about? What has he achieved other than convincing gullible supporters to throw their hard-earned down the gurgler on false dawns and flimsy fantasies scribbled down on a restaurant napkin?

Your text message from the supporters has arrived, Cam ...

"There are no shortcuts to success.

Please kindly remove yourself from the club.

We've had enough.



Unless this bloke is a doctor then he was useless for the football team on Sunday! They needed a heart surgeon!

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Just found out that Whiteboard Wednesday videos are still on Youtube. Looked back on a couple. What an embarrassment they were and absolute garbage. And many supporters swallowed it all up. Scary stuff.


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Was watching some of it now. Goodness gracious me. How can one man talk so much yet say nothing? Reminds me of the manager who has read every single management text book and pop psychology manual yet has no practical knowledge of his field.

I fell for it initially...looking back, I am truly astonished at how blind my faith was in this club.

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I've always tended to back schwab in. All of the negative stuff i hear about him is never really founded in legitimate reasons, but more based on speculation and hear say from the media. I'm not going to change my mind based on another poor game of footy, but perhaps a fresh start would do wonders?

Regardless, having a [censored] for a CEO and a coach you dont like should not effect the game day performance of a proffesional athlete. The result of the weekend was what you get when you have a playing and coaching group who werent prepared for the heat of the battle... shell shocked and gutless

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I fell for it initially...looking back, I am truly astonished at how blind my faith was in this club.

Me too Cudi

I guess we were all so desperate for a change in the way the club was run that we clung to anything that looked different

and gave us hope.

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Was watching some of it now. Goodness gracious me. How can one man talk so much yet say nothing? Reminds me of the manager who has read every single management text book and pop psychology manual yet has no practical knowledge of his field.

If you've ever been to a function where CS was given a speaking role you will hear the same thing over and over again and I've said it before he needs to concentrate on the now, not the past. We are not Real Madrid, we are the MFC, and we may have history behind us, but if we don't concentrate on it, we won't have a future.

Perhaps the constant reminder of past deeds has got so far in to the players heads they think they should adopt a 1950's style of play.

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I've always tended to back schwab in. All of the negative stuff i hear about him is never really founded in legitimate reasons, but more based on speculation and hear say from the media. I'm not going to change my mind based on another poor game of footy, but perhaps a fresh start would do wonders?

Regardless, having a [censored] for a CEO and a coach you dont like should not effect the game day performance of a proffesional athlete. The result of the weekend was what you get when you have a playing and coaching group who werent prepared for the heat of the battle... shell shocked and gutless

Not sure I agree DemonWA

I have worked under those conditions and you give enough to stay employed till you can get a better offer.

You sure don't go the extra 5%

I don't think Footballers would be any different.

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If you've ever been to a function where CS was given a speaking role you will hear the same thing over and over again and I've said it before he needs to concentrate on the now, not the past. We are not Real Madrid, we are the MFC, and we may have history behind us, but if we don't concentrate on it, we won't have a future.

Perhaps the constant reminder of past deeds has got so far in to the players heads they think they should adopt a 1950's style of play.

I was there in the latter part RobbieF

I never saw a MFC side play with no conviction like last Sunday

They might have been half as fit and had half the skill.

But they played like every game was their last one.

That is what won five flags in 6 years

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Not sure I agree DemonWA

I have worked under those conditions and you give enough to stay employed till you can get a better offer.

You sure don't go the extra 5%

I don't think Footballers would be any different.

Sport is different in my eyes old dee. If you line up next to someone before the opening bounce and dont want to beat them regardless of who your coach is maybe they need a new job, not just a new coach or club

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So you don't like him?

Admittedly he has done some good things for the club but after the "revolt" against him by the players, his suggested activites as CEO of previous clubs, RF's personal dealings, and countless rumours about him that you can read on any football forum, how could I? I could go on but we by now have heard all the stories about our CEO.

I find him to be smug, self-preserving, someone who can't relate to "average

Joe" and just generally a person I don't want heading our beloved club.

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Sport is different in my eyes old dee. If you line up next to someone before the opening bounce and dont want to beat them regardless of who your coach is maybe they need a new job, not just a new coach or club

You might be right.

My experience in Football is fairly limited as i never got above country football.

I also never had a coach I hated or a game plan I did not understand.

It was a long time ago unfortunately and the plan was fairly simple.

Get the ball and attack and when you did not have it defend like your life depended on it.

I do know however I always went out thinking we had a chance and I was trying to beat my opponent.

I did however play against sides that thought they were crap and they tossed it in fairly quickly.

They then either ran around getting kicks or slowed a little so the contest was over before they arrived.

Saw a lot of the last one on Sunday

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I didn't want to go in to it as it may seem as if I'm blowing my own trumpet but I will on the basis that all I want to do is explain my point.

Over the last 5 or 6 years I've put a fair bit of money in to the club, but if I walked in to a room where all the board members and the senior administration staff were, not one of them would even know who I was.

I've attended two breakfasts where CS was in attendance and have sat round a small table talking to him, both times on the following weekend he has walked past me without any shred of recognition. I was contacted by CC last year and asked if I wanted to attend a game as a guest in the long room at an away match, I didn't want to go but he convinced me too. He said he had a list of all the donations I'd made to the club and he would make a point of looking me up at the game and having a chat to se if there was anything the club could do for me; he didn't even bother speaking to me.

CS was there and he was more interested in schmoozing up to the big wigs on the MCC board than mixing with the people that actually support the club; I don't think he went to speak with anyone on any table except the head table.

I was sitting next to one of the club board members and we had a talk for about an hour or more, the following week at the foundation heroes function he walked past me as if i didn't exist.

After the FH function the only contact I got from the club was an email with an invoice attached.

There have been other times when this has happened and I think I've made my point so i won't document them, but I will say that the club treats their benefactors (my wife uses the term fool) appalingly.

I was talking to a former member of the Woodsmen today and he said that if you put in any money at Collingwood Eddie McGuire would look you up personally and shake your hand and thank you. I'm not looking for anything from the club but I do expect at least a thanks and a word or two now and then. I think that anyone that met me would understand I don't exactly meld in with the crowd and it's not because I'm flamboyant just that I'm 6'2" with a head of white hair, so i find it hard to understand why they seem to forget me all the time.

btw I never heard back from CC even though he said he would keep in touch.

I remember back to the time that Stynes was appointed as President & he made the point to members at functions that the club was going to be a club again. That members would be valued, members would be involved & included. It seems a lot has changed since that time & the powers that be care more about the size of donation you can make than about the size of the contribution you have given to the club. I have had negative experiences regarding club business groups & whilst they are not on the scale of yours it makes you wonder how often does this sort of thing happen throughout the club. I will support McLardy however his speech at the commencement dinner is a little alarming. Perhaps it's time the powers that be take a hard look at themselves & hop on board their own reality bus. The supporters need something to hang on to & in a way McLardy saying they don't need fair weather supporters lacked perspective of where the club stands with the people they are supposed to be representing. I don't enjoy bagging the club but feel that this could be used as constructive criticism. Culture is often referred to on this board & the way the club treats or values people in general is where it all starts I believe.
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Regardless, having a [censored] for a CEO and a coach you dont like should not effect the game day performance of a proffesional athlete.

I'm not sure I agree with this part of your post, DemonWA. They may be professional athletes, but they're not robots they're human beings. On the face of it these men (Schwab, Neeld) are seriously lacking in the communications skills necessary to speak to peoples' hearts as well as their minds.

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Admittedly he has done some good things for the club but after the "revolt" against him by the players, his suggested activites as CEO of previous clubs, RF's personal dealings, and countless rumours about him that you can read on any football forum, how could I? I could go on but we by now have heard all the stories about our CEO.

I find him to be smug, self-preserving, someone who can't relate to "average

Joe" and just generally a person I don't want heading our beloved club.

My only association with him is through club functions and they haven't been great but I don't know how he handles his job and what sort of job he's doing, good or bad.

The big issue I have is that the rest of them seem equally as remote and they don't seem to want to be inclusive. I know that they are busy on match day but I'd be interested to hear from any other FH to see if they'd ever received a note or an email from the President or the CEO to thank them for once again contributing to the cause. it wouldn't be that hard.

BTW I don't want this to be about me, it's merely a snapshot of one person's experience, some may have had different dealings and I may have just been unlucky.

Edited by RobbieF
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I didn't want to go in to it as it may seem as if I'm blowing my own trumpet but I will on the basis that all I want to do is explain my point.....

(Sorry, didn't want to clog up the page with more quoting of Robbie's lengthy post)

I've stood up for Schwab for a long time as no one has been able to provide me with facts that would make me change my mind, but even I have to admit this shakes my belief considerably.

I'm not a blind supporter of our current board/admin, I like Don, from what is known publicly it seemed Schwab had done a decent job, and you're stories make me very concerned. It is clear from the way you write you have no anti-Schwab agenda (unlike many here), but have been hurt considerably by him and also CC. This flies in the face of the impression I had of these guys, CS as a professional administrator and CC as an all round "good bloke" of the MFC. I am truly sorry for how you've been treated, particularly as one who can't afford to give as much as you clearly have, and I thank you for helping to keep the club we all love alive.

I'd be interested to know the stats relating to the FH's and how many have been lost due to poor treatment/recognition.

I still believe Schwab has done good for the club overall, but the basis of building your business is building relationships and from your experience that sounds like a weakness of the current admin.

Edited by stuie
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