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What questions are you going to ask at the AGM?


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Does anybody recall the bloke that got up and had a fairly aggressive rant at last years AGM? He completely lost composure as he started getting extremely passionate ( can't blame him for that ). But he was questioning the culture and had very valid points it was just the way he asked (yelled) that they gave us donuts. I suspect that bloke is a Demonlander .... I urge him to get up again but be a little more calculated in your approach.

I personally expect more form mark neeld this year ..... I know he only did what he had to last year and did not give one single promise. Two pre seasons in he now owes us supporters a little more honesty about the list re shape I believe.

Thoughts ?.

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Does anybody recall the bloke that got up and had a fairly aggressive rant at last years AGM? He completely lost composure as he started getting extremely passionate ( can't blame him for that ). But he was questioning the culture and had very valid points it was just the way he asked (yelled) that they gave us donuts. I suspect that bloke is a Demonlander .... I urge him to get up again but be a little more calculated in your approach. I personally expect more form mark neeld this year ..... I know he only did what he had to last year and did not give one single promise. Two pre seasons in he now owes us supporters a little more honesty about the list re shape I believe. Thoughts ?.

What do you want Neeld to say, are you going to be there yourself? Ask yourself

I thought the rant wasn't even a question, he was quoting the myth that is culture......if asked in a polite manner.......Neeld will say "I am building a team that will win a premiership"......that's all I want to hear, but I know that anyway so no need to ask

Everything else is either in the past and is being dealt with or not important as it doesn't impact on the players who will take the field.

Thc Club is going forward jump on board it's going to be great

As for the guy who got up, I may have a case of mistaken identity and I apologise if I do, but I thought he was the same guy who spent 30 minutes berating Todd Viney in Darwin (he was stand in coach at the time) about everyting that was wrong with the Club......and this was a 'supporters' function

Edited by satyricon
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When will the Melbourne Football Club stop being involved with one drama after another and get done to the business of being a football club with a team that looks like it may reach the finals???????

It's better if the questions aren't rhetorical...

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When will the Melbourne Football Club stop being involved with one drama after another and get done to the business of being a football club with a team that looks like it may reach the finals???????

what's the hurry, its only been 68 years

and don't shout

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what's the hurry, its only been 68 years

and don't shout

After 48 years it is starting to be rather frustrating. I was talking to another MFC member yesterday and she asked me if we will see Melbourne win another premiership before we die. Interesting question when you think about it. The sad fact is that she is in her 30's while I am 59.

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For the millionth time, we seem to have some masochistic supporters, if supporting MFC is so bloody miserable for you, why do it?

Some people want a well run club, should we sweep it under CS rug like the Andrews report, not everyone still sleeps under a MFC blanket boy.

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Some people want a well run club, should we sweep it under CS rug like the Andrews report, not everyone still sleeps under a MFC blanket boy.

You are just getting boring now.....

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Some people want a well run club, should we sweep it under CS rug like the Andrews report, not everyone still sleeps under a MFC blanket boy.

Today is sponsored by the Andrews Report is it??

Like i said Ring the MFC Front Office & have your copy sent out...

Let us all know how you get on...

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Today is sponsored by the Andrews Report is it??

Like i said Ring the MFC Front Office & have your copy sent out...

Let us all know how you get on...

We all know how you got on.

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For the millionth time, we seem to have some masochistic supporters, if supporting MFC is so bloody miserable for you, why do it?

That's funny. My partner asks exactly that question when I come home from (A) the footy (B) playing golf. I simply continue cursing and drinking.

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What do you want Neeld to say, are you going to be there yourself? Ask yourself

I thought the rant wasn't even a question, he was quoting the myth that is culture......if asked in a polite manner.......Neeld will say "I am building a team that will win a premiership"......that's all I want to hear, but I know that anyway so no need to ask

Everything else is either in the past and is being dealt with or not important as it doesn't impact on the players who will take the field.

Thc Club is going forward jump on board it's going to be great

As for the guy who got up, I may have a case of mistaken identity and I apologise if I do, but I thought he was the same guy who spent 30 minutes berating Todd Viney in Darwin (he was stand in coach at the time) about everyting that was wrong with the Club......and this was a 'supporters' function

That person was sitting in my row and when questions were being asked moved up to the front. He was there from the start with an obvious "agenda" and seemed agitated from the start. I thought he caught everyone of guard with his quite legitimate question and it wasn't handled that well by those on the platform.

He also cornered CS after the meeting and was having an animated conversation with him.

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That's funny. My partner asks exactly that question when I come home from (A) the footy ( B) playing golf. I simply continue cursing and drinking.

That sounds like the answer to the secret of life.

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Guest José Mourinho
For the millionth time, we seem to have some masochistic supporters, if supporting MFC is so bloody miserable for you, why do it?

You answered it yourself.

Because they are masochists...

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Guest José Mourinho
That person was sitting in my row and when questions were being asked moved up to the front. He was there from the start with an obvious "agenda" and seemed agitated from the start. I thought he caught everyone of guard with his quite legitimate question and it wasn't handled that well by those on the platform.

He also cornered CS after the meeting and was having an animated conversation with him.

Sounds like the type of bloke I normally get into a verbal with at the footy.

Ignorance and stupidity is fine, but I object to it wasting everyone's time, and being forced down the throat of everyone else within earshot.

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I'd like to know what plans can / will / should / be put in place for future boards when this current group steps down, gets kicked out.. whatever, to prevent us going back to where we have just come from.

Thanks largely to Stynes for the fund raising ideas,that dragged us off the carpet,to finally having some cash flow to spend on areas of the footy club to improve what was lacking. Also built on what the other former board had setup.

Too many times in the past we,(thanks largely to generous supporters in digging deep, getting us out of debt), we end up going backwards.Its time the Board, this current one and ones that follow) made the MFC self funded and was able to show its own profit margins without begging for cash.I dont mind handouts to be used to grab a star player from other club, or extra spenditure (one off) for the footy dept.

But time and time again, when a new board takes over, they cant keep our heads above water. This current board has built on what assets were in place, so far has improved our situation. But what about a business model for future boards some guidlines set, that they follow, when the baton is passed on. Its ok to have assets, but if they sell them off to get out of debt whats the point, if they sell them to improve their assets, then thats a gain. I own assets, but if I have to sell them to survive, I've failed. If I sell them to gain a better asset, I have succecced.

We always seem to be on the same merry-go-round, Out of debt, 6 years later, back on death row. One improves on removing the debt, the next one fails to improve. With expenses that keep going up, we need a smart plan to survive, to ensure our future. retaining assets and also building on profits.If a new board gets elected, whats stopping them on resting on their laurels, as what has happened in the past. They have their time in the sun,then the next board, finds itself fighting to survive. You cant keep putting your hand out, its got to be self funded to the point of being stable.

Sponsors, memberships keep our heads above water , fundraisers should be the icing on the cake, not totally relied on reducing debt.But in the past, from lack of foresight, or bad management, or both, we have failed. Sometime soon, I hope, we will be successful on the field, play finals, push for a GF, everything will be rosy, when that cycle ends, its back on death row??.

Edited by Deevoted
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I'd like to know what plans can / will / should / be put in place for future boards when this current group steps down, gets kicked out.. whatever, to prevent us going back to where we have just come from.

Thanks largely to Stynes for the fund raising ideas,that dragged us off the carpet,to finally having some cash flow to spend on areas of the footy club to improve what was lacking. Also built on what the other former board had setup.

Too many times in the past we,(thanks largely to generous supporters in digging deep, getting us out of debt), we end up going backwards.Its time the Board, this current one and ones that follow) made the MFC self funded and was able to show its own profit margins without begging for cash.I dont mind handouts to be used to grab a star player from other club, or extra spenditure (one off) for the footy dept.

But time and time again, when a new board takes over, they cant keep our heads above water. This current board has built on what assets were in place, so far has improved our situation. But what about a business model for future boards some guidlines set, that they follow, when the baton is passed on. Its ok to have assets, but if they sell them off to get out of debt whats the point, if they sell them to improve their assets, then thats a gain. I own assets, but if I have to sell them to survive, I've failed. If I sell them to gain a better asset, I have succecced.

We always seem to be on the same merry-go-round, Out of debt, 6 years later, back on death row. One improves on removing the debt, the next one fails to improve. With expenses that keep going up, we need a smart plan to survive, to ensure our future. retaining assets and also building on profits.If a new board gets elected, whats stopping them on resting on their laurels, as what has happened in the past. They have their time in the sun,then the next board, finds itself fighting to survive. You cant keep putting your hand out, its got to be self funded to the point of being stable.

Sponsors, memberships keep our heads above water , fundraisers should be the icing on the cake, not totally relied on reducing debt.But in the past, from lack of foresight, or bad management, or both, we have failed. Sometime soon, I hope, we will be successful on the field, play finals, push for a GF, everything will be rosy, when that cycle ends, its back on death row??.

I think you are only as good as the product you have to sell.....When we become a better team we will have better fixtures,,,,,Maybe 3 or 4 Friday night games.....Maybe more members willing to put in....Everyone loves a winner.......The swans cannot afford to not be sucessful....What your asking for is the goal for every football club in the land not just AFL......The more sucessful you are on the field the more sucessful your club will be...

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I think you are only as good as the product you have to sell.....When we become a better team we will have better fixtures,,,,,Maybe 3 or 4 Friday night games.....Maybe more members willing to put in....Everyone loves a winner.......The swans cannot afford to not be sucessful....What your asking for is the goal for every football club in the land not just AFL......The more sucessful you are on the field the more sucessful your club will be...

Spot on. We won't become instantly more successful off field once we are on field, but it's pretty much the only way to build towards it. We're on a long road my friends, but we are on the way, I believe.

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I'd like to know what plans can / will / should / be put in place for future boards when this current group steps down, gets kicked out.. whatever, to prevent us going back to where we have just come from.

Thanks largely to Stynes for the fund raising ideas,that dragged us off the carpet,to finally having some cash flow to spend on areas of the footy club to improve what was lacking. Also built on what the other former board had setup.

Too many times in the past we,(thanks largely to generous supporters in digging deep, getting us out of debt), we end up going backwards.Its time the Board, this current one and ones that follow) made the MFC self funded and was able to show its own profit margins without begging for cash.I dont mind handouts to be used to grab a star player from other club, or extra spenditure (one off) for the footy dept.

But time and time again, when a new board takes over, they cant keep our heads above water. This current board has built on what assets were in place, so far has improved our situation. But what about a business model for future boards some guidlines set, that they follow, when the baton is passed on. Its ok to have assets, but if they sell them off to get out of debt whats the point, if they sell them to improve their assets, then thats a gain. I own assets, but if I have to sell them to survive, I've failed. If I sell them to gain a better asset, I have succecced.

We always seem to be on the same merry-go-round, Out of debt, 6 years later, back on death row. One improves on removing the debt, the next one fails to improve. With expenses that keep going up, we need a smart plan to survive, to ensure our future. retaining assets and also building on profits.If a new board gets elected, whats stopping them on resting on their laurels, as what has happened in the past. They have their time in the sun,then the next board, finds itself fighting to survive. You cant keep putting your hand out, its got to be self funded to the point of being stable.

Sponsors, memberships keep our heads above water , fundraisers should be the icing on the cake, not totally relied on reducing debt.But in the past, from lack of foresight, or bad management, or both, we have failed. Sometime soon, I hope, we will be successful on the field, play finals, push for a GF, everything will be rosy, when that cycle ends, its back on death row??.

success will bring in respect $$$ and more business opportunities. The weaker clubs will feed on the scraps left overs & hand outs.

This is why i cannot envisage 18 clubs all surviving. It is just too many for the elite comp.

i also applaud this board and our present CEO for almost doubling the cashflow of the MFC since taking office, regardless of other issues.

It is why i still believe we can become a power.

To double our cashflow over the last 6 years considering our fixture and our deplorable win/loss ratio is a credit to all involved.

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I'd like to know what plans can / will / should / be put in place for future boards when this current group steps down, gets kicked out.. whatever, to prevent us going back to where we have just come from.

Thanks largely to Stynes for the fund raising ideas,that dragged us off the carpet,to finally having some cash flow to spend on areas of the footy club to improve what was lacking. Also built on what the other former board had setup.

A qualification to be a board member should be a $50k or whatever donation to the club. That will keep the eyes focused on the task ahead. A vested interest as it were.

I believe that each of the current board has substantially put their hands in their pockets.

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A qualification to be a board member should be a $50k or whatever donation to the club. That will keep the eyes focused on the task ahead. A vested interest as it were.

I believe that each of the current board has substantially put their hands in their pockets.

Happy to see anyone anytime putting their hands in their pockets for the club, but this would be more or less what used to be called barratry; in effect, buying a position on the board.

Board members ought to see being board members as enough to confer a vested interest on them.

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