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Everyone Stand Up And Applaud Mark Neeld

Range Rover

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Umm seven losses with an average approaching 10 goals.

Could we have a little less honesty?

Forget the results. What Real Demon means is watch for the players who play the game honestly and those that don't.

It's there for all to see.

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Neeld is exposing the soft, self-satisfied underbelly of the playing list and we should all be thanking him for it. It's been long overdue.

Or, he's asking everyone to play a brand of footy that has so far proven to be very unsuccessful and some of the players don't believe in it. He has no track record to fall back on.

Fortunately it's too early to be judging whether either of us is right but id suggest that we are not going to win a flag with a team of Clint Bartams (and I love Barty). It takes all sorts, and a couple of blokes who do things differently make you dangerous. We look one dimensional and indecisive with the ball. That is a lot to do with poor coaching, and very little to do with hard truths.

He'll get better. I have faith in him. I think he's learnt a lot in the first 7 games about his strengths and weaknesses. I suggest his stubbornness will be a benefit if we can get some confidence, but that's still an 'if'.

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I've backed the players for far too long, only to see them throw up chicken hearted efforts time and again. No more. There is something seriously wrong at our club and has been for a long time. Neeld has my full support to do whatever he thinks needs doing to fix it.

I'll back him and give him his deserved shot but gee does he have a basket case to deal with. The on field performances have been atrocious. And I'm yet to see anything to remotely enthuse me about our future.

Eh... *shrugs*

0-7, playing considerably worser footy than GWS, GC, quite far removed off the pace.

I'm not in this anymore to have faith and just to stick by someome because they've got it tough. You can only have it tough for so long. Get the job done.

Melbourne is last on the ladder after 7 rounds. Accountability.

It's hard to get away from this. The proof is in the pudding and thus far we are by far the worst in the league, not one player on our list has improved, and we have half a dozen first round draft picks playing in the vfl because they haven't showed the necessary appetite for the contest or application. We are a rabble.

The club is on it's knees and I'm yet to see anything on the field that suggests the players want to survive. Neeld has his work cut out if he wants the club to survive and for supporters to retain hope.

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Umm seven losses with an average approaching 10 goals.

Could we have a little less honesty?

We've followed the yellow brick road, and finally come to the realisation that the wizard wasn't real....................if you really want to get home............start walking!!!!!

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Had a cushy job at a successful club. Could have stayed there for a few more years. Could have chosen an easier option like Adelaide or St Kilda but no he came to the basket case that was/is the MFC and has staked his entire fledgling coaching career on turning around the Titanic.

He's been prepared to put self-satisfied noses out of joint, sack ineffectual leaders, drop soft no. 1 draft picks and most importantly completely dismantle a useless game plan that would have seen us fold under the first sign of trouble in a final.

And he's prepared to get flogged week-in week-out, enduring the inevitable calls for his sacking by supporters fearful of change, in order to get the job done.

Hard as f..!k this bloke and I for one stand up and applaud him for having the cojones to put his own future in the game on the line in order to turn this joint into what for most of the past 47 years it has only ever been masquerading as ... and that's a football club.

I'm backing him in come hell or high water.

I'm sure many here will stick fat for the contract period. But i'll applaud when i choose to. At the end of the day he needs to earn the applause with results on the field. We'll know when that's happened when it happens. Hird earned it and received one at 3 quarter time tonight.

Whilst Neeld appears to be making some hard decisions, which may end up placing us in a better position in the long haul, applause and appreciation has to be earned through results on the field against quality opposition.

Pretty sure Neeld would accept and expect nothing less.

Edited by Rusty Nails
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We've followed the yellow brick road, and finally come to the realisation that the wizard wasn't real....................if you really want to get home............start walking!!!!!

RD I got off a 15 hour plane trip at 8.30 this morning so my brain is still somewhere across the Pacific.

But I have no idea what you are talking about.

Humour me what the hell are you telling me?

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Forget the results. What Real Demon means is watch for the players who play the game honestly and those that don't.

It's there for all to see.

RR I was having a small joke.

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im waiting for the results

No you're not. He's had 7 matches and you're running out of faith?

Maybe in 2 or 3 years if it's still like this, that might start to be a reasonable response.

Some weak supporters around here.

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No you're not. He's had 7 matches and you're running out of faith?

Maybe in 2 or 3 years if it's still like this, that might start to be a reasonable response.

Some weak supporters around here.

bing if in 3 years time it is still like this there will not be an MFC in the AFL in 5 years time

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Guest strawberry_gumdrops

Exactly- don't worry about us we are in it for the long haul- but if this continues we will be the last generation of supporters this club has.

All you super conservative types should be worried about the future of this club if things continue like this for 2 or 3 years.. look at all the posters leaving already

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RD I got off a 15 hour plane trip at 8.30 this morning so my brain is still somewhere across the Pacific.

But I have no idea what you are talking about.

Humour me what the hell are you telling me?

I like the Wizard of Oz!

I think my previous post sums up my view on Neeld and his direction.

I'm [censored] with being 0-7, but I think as a club we've tried to take shortcuts in getting success previously, and I see the approach of Neeld as the right way to go about it............the results aren't where we want them yet, but the intent is

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Guest José Mourinho

It's a cliché, but there's a large dose of "accepting mediocrity" in this thread, by those longing for the Bailey years.

Neeld is taking the long hard deliberate road of rebuilding this side into one that can win.

And a lot just aren't willing to suffer short term pain to do that.

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I like the Wizard of Oz!

I think my previous post sums up my view on Neeld and his direction.

I'm [censored] with being 0-7, but I think as a club we've tried to take shortcuts in getting success previously, and I see the approach of Neeld as the right way to go about it............the results aren't where we want them yet, but the intent is

Thank you I better go off to bed

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As around 50% of our list are spuds who seem to be getting worse by the week, I have no idea how we're supposed to judge how Neeld is going.

Clearly he's not getting the best out of his players at this point & I don't care how difficult the game plan is to adjust to.

Confidence is key - especially for a team lacking basic kicking skills - and right now the players have none. Why are some of the most promising players from last year disappearing off the radar? Petterd, Bail, Nicholson, Garland, Trengove to name a few, all going backwards.

EVERYONE at the MFC needs to lift.

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I'll back him and give him his deserved shot but gee does he have a basket case to deal with. The on field performances have been atrocious. And I'm yet to see anything to remotely enthuse me about our future.

I'm not applauding. Don't think that's what I meant. But I have seen glimmers of hope - not many but one or two. He wants a hardness and desire that I've only seen in the Northey years. I don't know if he can get it with this lot but also can't think of anyone else out there that will give it a better shot. The simple fact is that this club ruins players. We don't produce stars. We don't produce players with mental strength and we take good kids and make them average footballers. That wasn't going to change in a pre-season and I don't expect it to change this year. I had last year and Bailey written off after the West Coast game, and this year written off after the 186. That was when I stopped lying to myself that we had a group that had any sort of real desire to do the hard things that were needed for the team to progress. We need another big clean out of these players that only do enough to keep their spot and couldn't give a stuff about doing the extra yards. We need to completely cull the list of players that think they have a right to wear the MFC jumper.

It's going to hurt more. And it needs to, because if we don't do it now this club will get worse until the AFL puts us out of our misery. That's why I'm backing Neeld. That's why I'll take these losses on the chin. We don't have a choice any more. We have to harden this club up within the next 5 years or cease to be.

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We've been soft as butter for years. Consistently disappointed when we were favourites. Hardly won a key game. Only ever looked good on a roll. Virtually never won an arm wrestle. Under-achieved. Over-rated our own worth. Flat track bullies. Bruise free [censored].

I for one am prepared to suffer the current slop if it will mean we harden the truck up.

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There is some good insight into where we are at in this thread. Compulsory reading for all Demons supporters IMO. A legitimate OP as well by RR. Looking back we must agree that in the last 20 years our modest success has been attributable in the main to some very good indvidual performances.

Northey was the last coach to get an MFC team to gel and this IMO was because he was uncopmrimising in his approach.....he pointed the finger at Stynes and look what that turned Jim into!

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There is some good insight into where we are at in this thread. Compulsory reading for all Demons supporters IMO. A legitimate OP as well by RR. Looking back we must agree that in the last 20 years our modest success has been attributable in the main to some very good indvidual performances.

Northey was the last coach to get an MFC team to gel and this IMO was because he was uncopmrimising in his approach.....he pointed the finger at Stynes and look what that turned Jim into!

Exactly. When the going gets tough, some guys wilt and some guys shine.

And you're right about Northey. This club has been playing 'dishonest football' since the day he left.

Edited by Range Rover
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Had a cushy job at a successful club. Could have stayed there for a few more years. Could have chosen an easier option like Adelaide or St Kilda but no he came to the basket case that was/is the MFC and has staked his entire fledgling coaching career on turning around the Titanic.

He's been prepared to put self-satisfied noses out of joint, sack ineffectual leaders, drop soft no. 1 draft picks and most importantly completely dismantle a useless game plan that would have seen us fold under the first sign of trouble in a final.

And he's prepared to get flogged week-in week-out, enduring the inevitable calls for his sacking by supporters fearful of change, in order to get the job done.

Hard as f..!k this bloke and I for one stand up and applaud him for having the cojones to put his own future in the game on the line in order to turn this joint into what for most of the past 47 years it has only ever been masquerading as ... and that's a football club.

I'm backing him in come hell or high water.


Thankfully there are threads and posts like this to make me feel good with all of the bad results that are a reality.

I too think that Neeld is the best chance we have of turning this around. Mind you, I'd be thinking the same of Brenton Sanderson or McCartney or Watters if they'd been given the job. As supporters, we have to deal with what we've got and that is Mark Neeld.

All the best to him and the rest of the coaching group. They sure have one hell of a job in front of them.

Edited by McQueen
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No, it doesn't.

i would think it very much does. How so not?
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No you're not. He's had 7 matches and you're running out of faith?

Maybe in 2 or 3 years if it's still like this, that might start to be a reasonable response.

Some weak supporters around here.

Weak supporters you would not no the first thing about me mate. Im far from a weak fan i am however very tired of not winning and rebuilding and hearing fans like you tell me the sun will come up in the morning. Im well with in my right's to ask what the hell is going on buddy.
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I will give neeld time and support but i will not keep putting faith in a board that keeps serving up crap. They said they would get the best coach there was. well ross lyon,Rodney eade,Mick malthouse,Paul roos,Choco williams are all great coaches that are proven and this board once again took a risk like dean bailey and got a rookie so the board have got to take the heat if we fail again. Mark neeld talks well but im waiting for the results and im running out of faith

They had Lyon, until he went behind his manager's back. Have that on reasonable authority.

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Kahuna's ? To take on a head coaching job ?

They either remain an assistant on way less money or take the job of a head coach on about 3 - 5 times more money . Often with a 3 year guarantee . Sympathy for any coaches , any time , is misguided . Go and join the general workforce if you can't handle being a head coach . Oh , and be prepared for a bit of a paycut .

Coaches get well renumerated for their time . At least 6-7 times the average Australian wage and up to 15 times this amount . And there is a fairly good life after coaching . They're not forced to do it .

At the moment all Neeld has proven is that we don't know if he can coach or not . His game plan is ridiculous and won't work . It's only a matter of time before somebody in the media will take his outdated game plan to task . And then watch all the others jump in like vultures . Hardest team to play against ? What an absolute joke . Now , he might or should get much better . I hope so , but only those with blind faith will guarantee that .

Pressure needs to be put on Neeld . It should have happened after round 2 . He needs to abandon this game plan altogether and start again . I hope he's not too stubborn to change . All our attacking flair and creativity has vanished . Our teamwork is virtually non existant . That is Neeld's fault . The buck stops with him , as it should . I'm not calling for his head but he needs to lift his game .

Why would the board or FD tell Neeld to abandon a game plan they hired him for, seven games into it? Jesus, I'm not happy at all with the way things are going, but you have to give it a little more time than that.

The players don't get off the hook . Only Clark , Jones , Magner and maybe Bartram , Howe , McKenzie , McDonald and Rivers have had acceptable years so far . The rest are either way below form , injured or not good enough .

Rivers? Come on. No Chip or Garland? Rivers won't last much longer than his contract. I've loved him over the journey, but he's too slow, ordinary by foot and often the weak link in our back half.

Edited by AdamFarr
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Why would the board or FD tell Neeld to abandon a game plan they hired him for, seven games into it? Jesus, I'm not happy at all with the way things are going, but you have to give it a little more time than that.

Rivers? Come on. No Chip or Garland? Rivers won't last much longer than his contract. I've loved him over the journey, but he's too slow, ordinary by foot and often the weak link in our back half.

Not sure the board would have been told that the game plan primarily is about kicking it long around the boundary to contests - with little or no teamwork , creativity , flair , handballing , gut running to position etc etc . I've got plenty of patience , but I reserve the right to question anything . I doubt any criticism of Mark Neeld would affect him one way or the other - especially on a supporter forum ! My criticism of the game plan are the parts that are missing . Do you know when these parts will appear ?

As for Rivers I did say maybe . And the pass mark was acceptable , not anything of a higher level . I've seen Garland play better and as for Frawley , he's lost a lot of his dash from his AA 2010 year . He's doing quite well as a stopper but we should be getting more from him - just like most of our list . I'm not singling out any one player or scapegoating anyone . We've got many players down on form .

I'm not happy about the way our team is playing . We're 18th . We should be playing a hell of a lot better and we're not .

Edited by Macca
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