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classy dees

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Demon (2/10)



  1. Great post. It is really hard being so far away from all of this, but knowing we are all in it together does make it marginally easier. I hope you find someone in your neck of the woods! Am based in seattle, so if any seattle based dees pleas reach out...Would love to find someone to share in all of this with!
  2. Had a random wednesday off from work so popped down for a bit as well. Couple of other observations - very big technique focus, across the board. - Salem did everything. He seems good to go - agree again re newton - he must be very close. so too ANB. he seemed to be doing a fitness test (he had a glove on, dont know if that is stylistic thing or an injury related thing) style drill along with Brayshaw, but he seemed to be out there longer. ANB looked fine and I would be staggered if he and Newton weren't in the 25 named on thursday and given we are travelling back from interstate, if we make changes for people to be rested i think those two might come in given the way they were training. They both also did did the run through's with a group of players who all played in the seniors last week (incl Viney, Jones, Tyson, Petracca, Garland, Jetta, Pedo). Salem did those too. - Gawn just dominates at training. at any stoppage where two teams were practicing, whichever team had Gawn would win the stoppage. Every time - Hullett is massive. Rawlings was really pushing him and Weed. Good to see - Tommy Mac doing some really good work along with Jetta on coming across as the third man. Oscar Mac did an agility test at the end of the session and seemed to come out of it well. - Watts actually has presence at training now. its amazing the difference from a couple of years ago. - Highlight was petracca being pulled back onto the track by Viney at the end of the session to do some one on one contested ball work. it was amazing to see, and would make any dees supporter as happy as a pig in mud. petracca held his own, but geez viney goes hard and doesn't care about size of his opponent.
  3. Just watched the last 45 mins of training. Lumumba didn't train. He won't play. Salem was taking part in all drills and stuck around at the end of the session and did a bit of one on one kicking with Rawlings newton and ANB were in everything and did a lot of one on one drills fairly sure those three will be the Ins on Thursday night. Brayshaw and trengove did not train as if they were going to play in the senior side on Sunday. Both were involved in all the drills but finished up when the majority of the group did and didn't stick around for extra stuff after. Couple more weeks for those two I'd think.
  4. I'll back him and give him his deserved shot but gee does he have a basket case to deal with. The on field performances have been atrocious. And I'm yet to see anything to remotely enthuse me about our future. It's hard to get away from this. The proof is in the pudding and thus far we are by far the worst in the league, not one player on our list has improved, and we have half a dozen first round draft picks playing in the vfl because they haven't showed the necessary appetite for the contest or application. We are a rabble. The club is on it's knees and I'm yet to see anything on the field that suggests the players want to survive. Neeld has his work cut out if he wants the club to survive and for supporters to retain hope.
  5. RIP Jimmy. We will miss you. Your legacy will last forever Our thoughts and prayers are with your family.
  6. completely agree. similar number of touches. beat him on occasion in one on one situations. also kicked one, and set up a couple as well (direct assists). definitely did not disgrace himself. would have gained a lot from playing on him. seeing jimmy talk to him after the game was poignant moment.
  7. to fit grimes, JT, j-mac and moloney will be difficult pj had a patch in about the second quarter where it was the best 5 mins of his mfc career. simply brilliant performance. so fast, so aggressive, so attacking, and so good one on one. amazing. bailey's best win easily
  8. 6 - sylvia - in everything 5 - bartram - did not get beaten once all day. brilliant 4 - Frawley - superstar 3 - jamar - smashed them 2 - green - great up forward 1 - bruce - killed o'keefe apologies to everyone else. everyone was brilliant
  9. agree on both points would love to squeeze bail and perhaps watts in, but going to be tough to drop players from yesterday's 22-man performance
  10. martin was extremely important last night. he gave us flexibility, he gave us a contest, he gave us a different route to our forward line i.e. a longer ball to one on one contest in the 50 rather than the continued hit up of smaller targets and most importantly he allowed jamar to rest and ensured that we weren't blized out of the ruck when he was doing so. playing dunn against clark etc would have been murderous. dunn's game tagging brennan was pretty good too. too many supporters want 22 rock star footballers in the team. it doesnt work like that.
  11. no offence to the OP, but i hate these threads of best 22 in 3 years time business. im pretty sure if you went through the demonland archives you'd find one saying that we'd have a ridiculously good team in 2009 with guys like lynden dunn and daniel bell dominating whilst clint bartram was the best tagger in the league and michael newton was kicking 80 goals in a season. the future is very very exciting, and we have soem incredibly good prospects on our hand. but we've won 1 games out of hte last 66. nothing to be wetting ourselves with...just yet.
  12. we have 6 midfielders to debut next year all of whom we picked in the top 20 (blease, strauss and this years crop) give it a few years and some good coaching and i done think our midfield will need any help... exciting times!
  13. i agree. who are these idiots. they have hardly assisted his position. and publically suggesting for a player in what should be the prime years of his career to sit out for a year is sheer stupidity. and how do they think that he will get to collingwood then? they aren't going to finish on the bottom of the ladder... at 25 you should be able to make your own decisions and not rely on your dad.
  14. so which is it Rhino??? if the football community is so small hawthorn would have known about it using that logic.
  15. congrats jaded, just saw this and it is fantastic! good luck for it. it is a great idea and there are some awesome designs there.
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