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The next generation of younger Dees supporters


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Thats the spirit waikakumukow. Smash the little buggers over the head until they agree to stay melbourne supporters!

A little bit harder than that I'm afraid.

Perhaps a little more subtlety might work.

I tell my little guys that they are allowed to barrack for any team but if it is not the dees they cannot sleep under my roof. They look at me like i have lost it but so far, so good!

As a few people have mentioned it will help build far more resilience in them - not everyone gets a star!

Aometimes kids do identify more with a player than a team. Last year one of the like aaron as he was little and fast just like me. Clearly i have not encouraged it thid year!

So i am trying to work out who to focus on this year. Any suggestions?

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I first started following the Dees in the early 80's when we were horrible. Not one friend at school barracked for the Dees. They were indeed character building days. The sweetest things was '87. It was almost like all the hard yards made me feel like I had some form of ownership when we came good.

I hear everything everyone else has said to here and I hate where we are at as a club right now. It really depresses me.

As horrible as Sat was, for me there was a silver lining. I went to the 1st half solo and as a young father was enjoying just being back at the G. I promised I'd take my 3yo daughter, so went home at half tie to pick her up post nap. Her mum is a cat and has in no subtle way tried to influence her.

Anyway, I put our little girl in the car and she cried cause I'd forgotten her Dees jumper - I hadn't actually, I'd snuck it in her bag! We got to the ground to see the tail end of the 9 goal run, but she still loved it. I told her we were no good, but somehow she just had a thing for the Dees. I almost cried. She sat there so proudly with her Jack Watts badge - and for all the criticsm he cops here, she said he looked happy in his picture, so loves him, so cut the bloke some slack! He might be the one thing keeping some kids in the game!

We've got to get someone to right a ripping little kids book about a little Demon so parents like me can read it at night - get the hearts and minds early.

That said, i don't discount how hard it is for many little tackers who might have a bit of red and blue blood in the veins. Just keep telling them how sweat it will be when we're good!

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I think to a large degree most of the posters on here are missing the point.

It is not convincing our children or grand children to support the dees.

It is about growing the base.

If we just convert our decendants into dees supporters we will continue the trend of a poor national following and max member number of approx 30 000.

That will see the MFc destined to stay in the bottom 8 for the rest of our days.

We have to increase our support with new people to the MFC.

IMO only being consistant winners will achieve that.

No one likes to support losers it is that simple IMO

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My neice is just over a week old. My brother signed her up as a member but tonight he said to me what the hell have I done to her. I said hopefully by the time she is aware of the footy we will be over our rebuilding and will actually start to win.

I agree though. We dont have a superstar and dont know why when other clubs can get draft picks and theres turns out well.

We do know Why, but we collectively just Don't Understand it.

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That's all well and good for those in our 20's, 30's, 40's, 50's and 60's - but how do you explain this to a kid in primary school? That is the point of the thread, it's about the next generation of supporters, not those who are already well and truly beyond the point of no return.

Stop the segragation.

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Totally agree!

You f'ing people make me sick..... You all tell your f'ing sob stories and talk about "poor culture" and continue to write negative crap, honestly most of you have no idea of what culture is. If you don't like what's going on f off and find another club with your kids.

If Jim Stynes had the attitude of some of you people he would have never got to spend those extra couple of years with his family or would have bothered to save the greatest club in history MY MFC! He would have simply slipped away quickly because it was all to hard! He has not only provided us with a fighting chance but also laid the first stone of a new culture! FIGHT TO THE END!

You so called supporters need to suck it up and fight for your club, tell your kids all that is good about your MFC!

Go Dees!

You don't have kids, do you.

No-one is giving up, and especially no-one in this thread so sit back, take a valium and calm yourself down. Go to your "happy place" and give us all a break.

To build an ever-increasing supporter base, MFC need to play attracive footy with a sprinkling of super stars to make the children of supporters want to buy jumpers, badges, scarves, beanies etc... Also, they want to attract new adults and kids to support the team.

The football being played at the moment is so poor, we are losing this supporter base. It is actually DEtractive, not ATtractive.

And many of us grieve as we struggle to hold on to the supporters we have, let alone attract new ones.

Edited by Maldonboy38
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My kids grew up supporting MFC through good times and bad. Every week we would go to the footy and cheer. Win lose or draw.

They are now in their late 20's and now pester me to go with them to the footy,their partners barrack for diffent teams but are slowly comming around to "our" way of thinking. It is just great to be with them at the footy still cheering the boys on.

It's not wether you are winning or losing, it's just being there with them.

We had a record membership last year and going close this year.

It's not all doom and gloom.

So stop slitting your wrists, pick up the kids and have a great day at the footy

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You don't have kids, do you.

No-one is giving up, and especially no-one in this thread so sit back, take a valium and calm yourself down. Go to your "happy place" and give us all a break.

To build an ever-increasing supporter base, MFC need to play attracive footy with a sprinkling of super stars to make the children of supporters want to buy jumpers, badges, scarves, beanies etc... Also, they want to attract new adults and kids to support the team.

The football being played at the moment is so poor, we are losing this supporter base. It is actually DEtractive, not ATtractive.

And many of us grieve as we struggle to hold on to the supporters we have, let alone attract new ones.

I am actually very calm thanks for asking!

I don't think that me having kids or not is the issue here, however I certainly would not be teaching them to give up without a fight because things get to hard!

I would be telling them that this is a great football club with an enormusly rich history, we sit third on the list of most premierships won.

MFC have been up and down for as long as I can remember, but I don't stop going, I don't stop barracking and I don;t stop supporting just because se we lose the first three games. As I have said before we are in a lot better position now than before because of one mans never give up attitiude.

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Where on the bottom so maybe we should go after One Direction Fans. We can only go One direction Now

We said that in 2007, 2008 and 2009 FYD and now 2012.

The more things change the more they stay the same.

its a long way to the top to rock and roll

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As someone that has lived in WA since roughly 10 years of age i know what its like to be the only demons supporter in town, but tell your kids to persist with the MFC. They'll learn to cop loosing on the chin, that you dont always get what you want, and other good lessons for life!

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Very Nice BPOS

As far as the old "character building" goes .

I 'm freakin' Sir Lawrence Olivier here already!

How bout a win for crissakes?

What more is there left to say!

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What does worry me is that in 20 or 30 years there will barely be a supporter base left. I will be there, but how many others will be around my age? How many lads and lasses younger than me?

We do need to start winning again. Seriously.

Sorry i dont believe this. Richmond are my example. Their younger generation have had no success either (probably worse up until this year) but still have good membership numbers. Another 2-3 years of pain wouldnt be the end of the MFC.

Some people need to chill out, log off from demonland for a few weeks and realise that the club inst in turmoil, its the posters on this site!

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Sorry i dont believe this. Richmond are my example. Their younger generation have had no success either (probably worse up until this year) but still have good membership numbers. Another 2-3 years of pain wouldnt be the end of the MFC.

Some people need to chill out, log off from demonland for a few weeks and realise that the club inst in turmoil, its the posters on this site!

The difference is that they have always had a much large base than the Dees

and their lack of success over the last 20 years is balanced by wonderful periods in the 60's and 70's

The big fear for the Dees is the years of pain could be longer than 3 years I think 5 -6 is more likely

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I live in Melbourne but I was still the ONLY Melbourne supporter in my WHOLE primary school (About 300 kids in the whole school) after year 3. Melbourne aren't a very popular team amongst kids around my age (14) because of the insults that come at me every week, I struggle to have conversations about the footy at school because all the other guys are talking about the intense match between Hawthorn and Geelong or something.

In shorter terms, nobody in school could give a crap about Melbourne, unless they are talking about how bad this guy or that guy played or how embarrassing it was for Melbourne to lose by 30 goals against Geelong. I can take the insults mind you, I just laugh it off, but other kids don't want to deal with it. If it wasn't for the classic "Go for the team your dad goes for" Melbourne probably would struggle to have 1 in 100 kids following them.

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I live in Melbourne but I was still the ONLY Melbourne supporter in my WHOLE primary school (About 300 kids in the whole school) after year 3. Melbourne aren't a very popular team amongst kids around my age (14) because of the insults that come at me every week, I struggle to have conversations about the footy at school because all the other guys are talking about the intense match between Hawthorn and Geelong or something.

In shorter terms, nobody in school could give a crap about Melbourne, unless they are talking about how bad this guy or that guy played or how embarrassing it was for Melbourne to lose by 30 goals against Geelong. I can take the insults mind you, I just laugh it off, but other kids don't want to deal with it. If it wasn't for the classic "Go for the team your dad goes for" Melbourne probably would struggle to have 1 in 100 kids following them.

You are so right mate. Stick with us. You are needed
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You are so right mate. Stick with us. You are needed

Sticking like glue. Funny but sad story, my mum asked me "why don't you go to the footy with your mates this weekend?" I told her that no one I know, let alone those of which are my close friends, follow Melbourne. Hopefully the next generation of supporters grow up to be Melbourne supporters. I feel like the only person under 20 that's there in the members cheering on the dees. Although it's always great fun going with my dad. Wouldn't have it any other way.

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Sticking like glue. Funny but sad story, my mum asked me "why don't you go to the footy with your mates this weekend?" I told her that no one I know, let alone those of which are my close friends, follow Melbourne. Hopefully the next generation of supporters grow up to be Melbourne supporters. I feel like the only person under 20 that's there in the members cheering on the dees. Although it's always great fun going with my dad. Wouldn't have it any other way.

i have been going to the Footy with my old man since 1971 mate....We still want to see that elusive 13th together....
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Sticking like glue. Funny but sad story, my mum asked me "why don't you go to the footy with your mates this weekend?" I told her that no one I know, let alone those of which are my close friends, follow Melbourne. Hopefully the next generation of supporters grow up to be Melbourne supporters. I feel like the only person under 20 that's there in the members cheering on the dees. Although it's always great fun going with my dad. Wouldn't have it any other way.

This is why I go with my old man. Well, that and the Melbourne-supporting mates I do have are MCC members, while I'm off sitting in the plebs.

Not that I mind the plebs.

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Guest José Mourinho

I live in Melbourne but I was still the ONLY Melbourne supporter in my WHOLE primary school (About 300 kids in the whole school) after year 3. Melbourne aren't a very popular team amongst kids around my age (14) because of the insults that come at me every week, I struggle to have conversations about the footy at school because all the other guys are talking about the intense match between Hawthorn and Geelong or something.

In shorter terms, nobody in school could give a crap about Melbourne, unless they are talking about how bad this guy or that guy played or how embarrassing it was for Melbourne to lose by 30 goals against Geelong. I can take the insults mind you, I just laugh it off, but other kids don't want to deal with it. If it wasn't for the classic "Go for the team your dad goes for" Melbourne probably would struggle to have 1 in 100 kids following them.

That's generally the way with teams in the bottom 4 unfortunately.

Once we're on the rise up again, they'll come out of the woodwork.

The challenge is to make sure we maximise that period, and give the fans a strong club so they stick around.

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None of my mates go for the Dees and I can only think of one mate who goes for them, my older bother goes for them but he lives in Phillip Island so he doesn't come down for many games so I go on my own, it might sound sad but I don't mind really as if i'm around the suppoters I feel at home. We all go though the motions together which is a special bond between a supporter group.

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I would have thought that the way with the way we have been going over the last few years and especially this year that the teasing would stop. We have become that bad that people don't tease us anymore, they feel sorry for us. Sitting at the game on Sat I heard Richmond supporters behind me talking about how sorry they are for Melbourne and their supporters. Didn't think I would be alive long enough for Richmond supporters to feel sorrow for us but I have!

So there is your positive this year, we've dropped below the teasing stage, we are now at the pity level!!

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I would have thought that the way with the way we have been going over the last few years and especially this year that the teasing would stop. We have become that bad that people don't tease us anymore, they feel sorry for us. Sitting at the game on Sat I heard Richmond supporters behind me talking about how sorry they are for Melbourne and their supporters. Didn't think I would be alive long enough for Richmond supporters to feel sorrow for us but I have!

So there is your positive this year, we've dropped below the teasing stage, we are now at the pity level!!

Yes i have had no stirring this year. No text messages this year.

We are bottoming out in a big way.

It is actually beyond sad. Numbing is more the word.

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