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Rock Bottom??


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Nearly half that list are unavoidable and in no way reflect on the club (Stynes passing) or are not even issues.

This club has achieved so much over the last few years off the field, and while things are not great at this very moment, it is far from 'rock bottom', even if the media try and tell you it is.

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Here we go another [censored] on here having a dig at another supporter for having an opinion and expressing it. You guys have no right to call yourselves Melbourne supporters and pass judgement on what a true supporter is etc. I clearly don't measure up despite the fact I've been to every game in Vic for 3 years,been a loyal member contributed to debt demolition,fob in a demon etc etc. I have every right to be ashamed and disgusted by this footy club for the list of reasons in the OP. I don't know if you've read the comments by the energy watch CEO but maybe you're too ignorant to do so before attacking someone else. It doesn't matter what we do from here, we signed this Fu...rs company as our MAJOR SPONSOR. The company is a dead set disgrace in many ways and we thought they were good enough to sign and promote. I'm sorry but anyone who doesn't think this is rock bottom is delusional. We as supporters have done enough and can do no more.It's time for this club to stand up and make it happen now if they wish to survive

1. I read the CEO's comments.

2. The club acted appropriately and with integrity once the issue was known to them.

3. I didn't see you telling everyone here we shouldn't sign with them as their CEO is racist?

4. The thing that you said that raised my sense of passion was denying the MFC. You said you wre ashamed of our great club.

The club has done NOTHING to be ashamed of.

It is a difficult time but the world still goes around.

Let's not get into an argument over who's the better supporter.

I'm asking you as a Melbourne person to support your club to the hilt when they need it most. Now...

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And to clarify I'm not just ashamed about the energy watch saga but all those other issues especially the tanking,the on field performance,the lack of senior player leadership and most of all the way our supporters attack one another.

Gotzy we follow Melbourne and take a lot of interest in everything that surrounds our club, don't for 1 minute think a lot of these things don't happen at other clubs. I believe rock bottom was just prior to Jimmy taking over and suporters like ourselves getting on board with debt demolition etc.

I can tell you whilst currently thinking when will this end I also am of the opinion that we will get through this and thanks to the debt demolition we are able to be in a position where we can hold our dignity and cut energy watch.

I know a hell of a lot about West Coast and whilst they are in the top 4 richest clubs in the land they are a disgrace and those in the east only know the half of it. They put a premiership over the health of one of their favourite sons and look at him now, their are others from that Premiership side still fighting their own demons. To the point where their lives are almost ruined but I'll stop before speaking out of school.

So whilst I disagree with you I'm not having a shot at you but feel you should not be ashamed of our club the incidents over the last couple of weeks are mostly outside our control

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1. I read the CEO's comments.

2. The club acted appropriately and with integrity once the issue was known to them.

3. I didn't see you telling everyone here we shouldn't sign with them as their CEO is racist?

4. The thing that you said that raised my sense of passion was denying the MFC. You said you wre ashamed of our great club.

The club has done NOTHING to be ashamed of.

It is a difficult time but the world still goes around.

Let's not get into an argument over who's the better supporter.

I'm asking you as a Melbourne person to support your club to the hilt when they need it most. Now...

Very well said!

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Here we go another [censored] on here having a dig at another supporter for having an opinion and expressing it. You guys have no right to call yourselves Melbourne supporters and pass judgement on what a true supporter is etc. I clearly don't measure up despite the fact I've been to every game in Vic for 3 years,been a loyal member contributed to debt demolition,fob in a demon etc etc. I have every right to be ashamed and disgusted by this footy club for the list of reasons in the OP. I don't know if you've read the comments by the energy watch CEO but maybe you're too ignorant to do so before attacking someone else. It doesn't matter what we do from here, we signed this Fu...rs company as our MAJOR SPONSOR. The company is a dead set disgrace in many ways and we thought they were good enough to sign and promote. I'm sorry but anyone who doesn't think this is rock bottom is delusional. We as supporters have done enough and can do no more.It's time for this club to stand up and make it happen now if they wish to survive

Man you should have lived through the late 60's, 70s' and early 80's If your whinging now $5 million debt paid off $6 mil in assetts. New coach ,footy dept money to put in to these things. I 've been through seasons where we hav'nt won a game So either put up or shut up and live with it. As someone said,the sun will probably come up tomorrow.
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Guest Gotzy15

Can it get any worse for our club? I can't believe the growing amount of issues, news, sadness that is seemingly sending the club towards self-destruction.

Hate to raise all the negatives, but this is my list of recent events:

Stynes passing

Poor on-field performance

Criticised game plan

Racism rumours involving Neeld

Racism/Dumping of Energy Watch

Jurrah Machete

Sylvia Car Accident

Moloney Bar Incident

Senior players dropped from Leadership Group

Senior player performance

Green captaincy criticism and subsequent sacking

Trengove/Grimes captaincy criticism

Garry Lyon criticised over short term role

Scully Departure

Bailey Sacking

Schwab/Connelly issues around the Geelong loss time

The Geelong 186 Loss

Reports Neeld has lost the players

Neeld post match press conference criticism

James McDonald exit

Bruce exit


Recruitment scrutiny

Watts high level scrutiny

Clark overpaid suggestions

Wona departure

Low Membership

Players apparently worked too hard over pre-season

On-field jumper presentation criticism

Blease missing team meeting

Bruise Free footy last year



Ok so let me clarify.no one is ashamed of barracking for the MFC despite some or all of the above? I must be some kind of alien. And to those of you who are clearly lacking an education being 'ashamed' and 'supporting' are two different things. Just because I'm ashamed and embarrassed doesn't mean I won't continue to love and support as I have my whole life

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Here we go another [censored] on here having a dig at another supporter for having an opinion and expressing it. You guys have no right to call yourselves Melbourne supporters and pass judgement on what a true supporter is etc. I clearly don't measure up despite the fact I've been to every game in Vic for 3 years,been a loyal member contributed to debt demolition,fob in a demon etc etc. I have every right to be ashamed and disgusted by this footy club for the list of reasons in the OP. I don't know if you've read the comments by the energy watch CEO but maybe you're too ignorant to do so before attacking someone else. It doesn't matter what we do from here, we signed this Fu...rs company as our MAJOR SPONSOR. The company is a dead set disgrace in many ways and we thought they were good enough to sign and promote. I'm sorry but anyone who doesn't think this is rock bottom is delusional. We as supporters have done enough and can do no more.It's time for this club to stand up and make it happen now if they wish to survive

I think your being a little melodramatic and over the top...

Half those reasons, ie Jims passing are out of our controll and I don't see how that could have make you feel disgusted.

In my mind rock bottom was when we were in $5,000,000 in debt, had to get a whole new board, pre kaspersky/hancook, no good draft picks, one of the oldest average player teams in the afl, the wooden spoon, the lowest membership numbers, and when the afl offered no assistance and were more than happy to see the oldest club go.

That was rock bottom. I don't think you need to get your knickers in a twist, over churnalism (not journalism) on trivial matters such as blazers, watts and clark. If your going to get sensitive over bs articles that are written to fill up pages then you need to get a reality check.

I'm not even going to bother with your arguement about energy watch...

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Ok so let me clarify.no one is ashamed of barracking for the MFC despite some or all of the above? I must be some kind of alien. And to those of you who are clearly lacking an education being 'ashamed' and 'supporting' are two different things. Just because I'm ashamed and embarrassed doesn't mean I won't continue to love and support as I have my whole life

Don't turn this into a definition of the word ashamed argument.

We all know what ashamed is.

Apparently I'm uneducated because I'm proud and not ashamed of our great club like you?

I can tell you this.

I will never be ashamed of our club. I love them today as everyday.

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Can it get any worse for our club? I can't believe the growing amount of issues, news, sadness that is seemingly sending the club towards self-destruction.

Feel a bit gutted. But never, never ashamed.

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Can it get any worse for our club? I can't believe the growing amount of issues, news, sadness that is seemingly sending the club towards self-destruction.

Hate to raise all the negatives, but this is my list of recent events:

Stynes passing

Poor on-field performance

Criticised game plan

Racism rumours involving Neeld

Racism/Dumping of Energy Watch

Jurrah Machete

Sylvia Car Accident

Moloney Bar Incident

Senior players dropped from Leadership Group

Senior player performance

Green captaincy criticism and subsequent sacking

Trengove/Grimes captaincy criticism

Garry Lyon criticised over short term role

Scully Departure

Bailey Sacking

Schwab/Connelly issues around the Geelong loss time

The Geelong 186 Loss

Reports Neeld has lost the players

Neeld post match press conference criticism

James McDonald exit

Bruce exit


Recruitment scrutiny

Watts high level scrutiny

Clark overpaid suggestions

Wona departure

Low Membership

Players apparently worked too hard over pre-season

On-field jumper presentation criticism

Blease missing team meeting

Bruise Free footy last year



Colesy, you have too much spare time on your hands

either get a real job or finish your homework B)

don't take me too seriously, esp today

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Stynes passing

-- WTF - the great man died after fighting cancer for almost three years.

Its not negative on the club, its what has happened and what followed has made the club proud.

I'm not going to get into a spat over this. I simply raised a series of news, issues or even sadness (which I did mention) that have surrounded the club in recent times. Of course Stynes passing was not a negative. Are you for real in thinking that I would even suggest that? To sum up the ENTIRE list as 'negative' was probably a poor choice of word. But most of them are...or at least not a good thing for the club. There a lot of areas that have been unavoidable and areas that we have handled very well.

The Dees may lose like they did on the weekend (and have many times before), but I tell you what.....come Monday, I am always looking forward to the very next game. The whole week is then spent glancing over these damn forums, waiting for the teams on Thursday, watching endless replays of the past game, etc. etc. etc.

Forever a Demon.

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I'll have a go about this. Captaincy criticism, I think it is a good choice, don't care what anyone else thinks Watts is getting there, I like him as a player, don't care what anyone else thinks Wona had a terrible year which impacted him in so many ways, really sorry we lost him, but hope whatever else he does he enjoys, club did everything it could to help Scull (duggery), sorry Scully, I don't care that's old news Gary Lyon did a great job, he probably doesn't care what anyone else thinks coz he did it for Jim, I don't care what anyone else thinks either Mitch Clark has played one game where out midfield got smashed, no service in, he'll get better I am over this now, so that is last one, apart from I don't care what non-Melbourne FC people think

Edited by satyricon
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They say the darkest hour is right before the dawn.

And to stick with the metaphor - I find it hard to disagree with the OP that this is one of the darkest hours in our recent past. It's been a very long night, and seems to me we've had our fair share of false dawns over the last few years. But when those first rays of sunlight start appearing, it will be worth the wait.

I'm just glad I didn't have to live through the long night of '65 to '86. Kudos to those of you that did, and who's hearts still beat true. People like you are the reason this great club still exists, and will continue to exist, and prosper, when the dawn of the Demon finally arrives. Go Dees!

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I've never been ashamed of this club. Sometimes I'm embarrassed by it, in the same way we are sometimes embarrassed by our parents or siblings, but never ashamed. And today I'm neither of those things, I'm proud of the way it stood up to its principles and acted with complete integrity.

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Guest Gotzy15

That's fine that you guys aren't ashamed, I'm just saying that I am and that doesn't not make me a true supporter. I'm probably more embarrassed about the energy watch situation rather than ashamed but this thread is about being rock bottom. I'm certainly not going to back away from my comments and I'm standing by them 110%. I'm ashamed that my football club tanks matches for draft picks and always will be,I'm ashamed that my club can lose a match by 186 points which is unacceptable at any level let alone afl and yes I'm ashamed to say I barrack for a club where guys like Aaron Davey,brad green,Colin Sylvia etc are senior players and supposedly leaders. Will still support till the cows come and I hope others can respect how I feel.

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That's fine that you guys aren't ashamed, I'm just saying that I am and that doesn't not make me a true supporter. I'm probably more embarrassed about the energy watch situation rather than ashamed but this thread is about being rock bottom. I'm certainly not going to back away from my comments and I'm standing by them 110%. I'm ashamed that my football club tanks matches for draft picks and always will be,I'm ashamed that my club can lose a match by 186 points which is unacceptable at any level let alone afl and yes I'm ashamed to say I barrack for a club where guys like Aaron Davey,brad green,Colin Sylvia etc are senior players and supposedly leaders. Will still support till the cows come and I hope others can respect how I feel.

Gotzy I think I can understand your pain and I am pleased to see your reaction to the comments. How good have most of them been, all supportive of the club and and understanding of what you have said.

I also think "ashamed' or "embarased" may not be the right expression but if thats your feeling fine I can understand it.( I prefer "gutted")

I also have lived through the 60's 70's and these times seem trivial almost by comparison. I and the club survived and there will be many positives that will emerge ( some of which have already been mentioned)

Dont lose the passion for that I think is what is creating your thoughts

We are all in this together and will continue


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I was a little ashamed when i read in today's paper that Tom $cully was making his debut for GW$ this weekend & that he was recruited from Hailebury College.

The nerve and character of that person gets worse. He has no regard for the staff of our club at all. We do not exist. Oh yes we do.

I love this dam club, and i want to see it smash other teams very soon.

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