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The New Sponsors


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This is the comment that concerns me RPFC. I hope Malthouse or RLyon coach us next year. But if we hold off until March to hope that Malthouse changes his mind, and doesn't, what are we left with?

billy have I missed something?

Why on earth would we wait till March?

We will have a coach by mid October at the latest IMO.

I am getting more confident with every passing day that it is MM.

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I'm certain you get self-pleasure out of putting idiotic faces at the end of some of your lines. Cheer up Emo-ticon kid.

I'm quite sure you, the most knolwedgeable one (self convinced), would understand the general theory of return on investment (ROI). A business would want to ensure that the money they are investing in to something like the pole position of a Melbourne jumper, is going to generate greater exposure, which in turn will lead to greater profit, for such company.

Now, me personally cannot believe that we were "given" $1.9m a season for the back of our jumper. Very impressive work by those involved; perhaps I should get them to sell my next house for me. BUT, just becuase someone believes it is worth that amount, doesn't mean that we have a new going rate for any otehr sponsorship package. This is where my $cully comparison came in. GW$ believed he was worth $6m/6years, but I can assure you that no-one else in the league would have been willing to pay that. So, does that mean every other Club would've paid unders, or did GWS in fact pay overs?

Based on the fact that we got $700k from Hankook, and from what RPFC stated was a great deal, I honestly can't see how, in the 3 year term that Hankook were involved with, that the pole position could've increased over 150%. Did Hankook pay unders? Apparently so. But does that mean Energy Watch paid market value? I am very doubtful they did (meaning they paid well overs). If a client came to me and offered (after negotiation) $1.2m p/a, I'd be quite inclined to take it. But that's why Cam gets paid the big bucks to hopefully bring in the huge sponsorship deals.

While we are in the media for various reasons at the moment, new investors wouldn't be getting a great deal of coverage until February. And surely to god there will be minimal distractions next season, meaning that our media appearances will probably drop. This will basically depend on form, etc.

Let's play a fun game B59, what do YOU think our front jumper sponsor will pay? My call is $4m over 3 years (I realise that equals $1.33m p/a - slightly more than what I mentioned above). That would give us a combined total of $9.7m over 3 years, as opposed to the Hankook/Kaspersky combination of approx $5m over the same period.

its simple..2 mil + a year...Its not hard to figure.. for most..You..?? hmm

You are indeed ignorant. You are not facing the reality of what is. Its changed a bit from last time. Your premise is false....how novel.

Now those of us that live in the now..

Im glad you habve nothing what so ever to do with MFc neogitations as youre clearly out of your depth.

I can tell..others can tell.

In simple terms.. ( even you'l l possibly get this) we were . emphasis on were a bargain previously. Kapserksy and Hankook both got sweetheart deals. Dids we suffer ? No We were grateful and thankful. Even you( well maybe ) must see that if someone is prepared to pay 1.9 for the back then the front is more. Thats the case with all clubs.Thats how it works. The more prominent and visible position commands the bigger bucks.

Which bit dont you get?

Im fully conversant with the idea of retun on investment. Do you have any grasp on comparative values and/or the notion of 'todays' pricing ?? :rolleyes::unsure::rolleyes: ( just for u )

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billy have I missed something?

Why on earth would we wait till March?

We will have a coach by mid October at the latest IMO.

I am getting more confident with every passing day that it is MM.

My point Old Dee is that I personally can't believe that our front-of-jumper sponsorship is worth as much as some people do. The concern I have is that if we wait for "that" sponsorship to come along, do we risk missing out on others? We may find that we are waiting along time, only to be disappointed. Hopefully I am wrong.

I used the coaching scenario as a comparison. We want an experienced coach, there are basically only 2 out there, Malthouse and RLyon. Do we wait for as long as required to hopefully land that big fish? Like the jumper sponsorship. Do we wait for that "big fish" to pay the premium?

It's a personal opinion, but my old mate B59 seems to think that his opinion is what goes, and challenges anyone that stands in the way. Then, if they decide to use a bit of logic in their opinion, he deicdes to get all personal/keyboard hero-ish. Would love to have a beer at a pub with him one day, but sadly I'm not sure if he goes outside his home.

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Guest Jack Donaghy

My point Old Dee is that I personally can't believe that our front-of-jumper sponsorship is worth as much as some people do. The concern I have is that if we wait for "that" sponsorship to come along, do we risk missing out on others? We may find that we are waiting along time, only to be disappointed. Hopefully I am wrong.

I used the coaching scenario as a comparison. We want an experienced coach, there are basically only 2 out there, Malthouse and RLyon. Do we wait for as long as required to hopefully land that big fish? Like the jumper sponsorship. Do we wait for that "big fish" to pay the premium?

It's a personal opinion, but my old mate B59 seems to think that his opinion is what goes, and challenges anyone that stands in the way. Then, if they decide to use a bit of logic in their opinion, he deicdes to get all personal/keyboard hero-ish. Would love to have a beer at a pub with him one day, but sadly I'm not sure if he goes outside his home.

I don't think it's the same.

A sponsor has to meet less criteria than a coach - they basically have to just pay the money.

Of course, it wouldn't want to be a cigarette company or a whaling company, but there's a pretty broad range of candidates.

There's no performance factor with a sponsorship - it's just a matter of them paying the money, and then the performance comes from our end.

The coach is the opposite - he has to be able to meet certain performance criteria, and there is not a broad range of candidates, and they can't all perform to the same standard (as opposed to all sponsors being able to pay the money).

I'm sure our admin understand fully well the worth of these sponsorships - they've shown they have some expertise in this area by clinching the Energy Watch deal.

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I'll ask my mummy Billy :huh:

( of course thats long distance to another dimension )

So when they announce a sponsor worth 1.9 + for the front..you owe me a beer !!...if they dont I owe you one. ( mines a pint by the way..start saving )

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My point Old Dee is that I personally can't believe that our front-of-jumper sponsorship is worth as much as some people do. The concern I have is that if we wait for "that" sponsorship to come along, do we risk missing out on others? We may find that we are waiting along time, only to be disappointed. Hopefully I am wrong.

I used the coaching scenario as a comparison. We want an experienced coach, there are basically only 2 out there, Malthouse and RLyon. Do we wait for as long as required to hopefully land that big fish? Like the jumper sponsorship. Do we wait for that "big fish" to pay the premium?

It's a personal opinion, but my old mate B59 seems to think that his opinion is what goes, and challenges anyone that stands in the way. Then, if they decide to use a bit of logic in their opinion, he deicdes to get all personal/keyboard hero-ish. Would love to have a beer at a pub with him one day, but sadly I'm not sure if he goes outside his home.

Ok I understand, I missed your point. I thought you were suggesting we were waiting till March to get MM.

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This is the comment that concerns me RPFC. I hope Malthouse or RLyon coach us next year. But if we hold off until March to hope that Malthouse changes his mind, and doesn't, what are we left with?

My point Old Dee is that I personally can't believe that our front-of-jumper sponsorship is worth as much as some people do. The concern I have is that if we wait for "that" sponsorship to come along, do we risk missing out on others? We may find that we are waiting along time, only to be disappointed. Hopefully I am wrong.

I used the coaching scenario as a comparison. We want an experienced coach, there are basically only 2 out there, Malthouse and RLyon. Do we wait for as long as required to hopefully land that big fish? Like the jumper sponsorship. Do we wait for that "big fish" to pay the premium?

It's a personal opinion, but my old mate B59 seems to think that his opinion is what goes, and challenges anyone that stands in the way. Then, if they decide to use a bit of logic in their opinion, he deicdes to get all personal/keyboard hero-ish. Would love to have a beer at a pub with him one day, but sadly I'm not sure if he goes outside his home.

I see you are trying to conflate the sponsor search with the coach search.

I don't know if they can be mirrored they way you have mirrored them.

On the coach front - I would wait to see what MM does unencumbered by coaching responsibilities.

On the sponsor front - I would push out the message that EW has come to the party to the tune that they have because they realise that the extra $500k they put in gives us a better chance to succeed and give a better platform for the sponsor. They should be nearing the $2m EW offer. But I wouldn't wait until March.

But you shouldn't undervalue your brand because it is for 3 years...

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  • 1 month later...

Visited the MFC site this morning and noticed that both of the 2011 major sponsors have disappeared .

Am I reading too much into this or are we about to see an announcement on the new sponsors for 2012+?

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Visited the MFC site this morning and noticed that both of the 2011 major sponsors have disappeared .

Am I reading too much into this or are we about to see an announcement on the new sponsors for 2012+?

Nothing gets past you !!! lol

Tis indeed intriguing.

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I've just gone into the MFC website and the 2012 sponsors are listed.

Interesting that Energy Watch is listed as a Joint Major Sponsor (with no-one)

Watch this space

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I've just gone into the MFC website and the 2012 sponsors are listed.

Interesting that Energy Watch is listed as a Joint Major Sponsor (with no-one)

Watch this space

But no longer on the front page Chippy

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But no longer on the front page Chippy

Umm.they are...up to the right a bit , just above the social media buttons

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Umm.they are...up to the right a bit , just above the social media buttons

BB unless my eyes are a lot worse than I thought I cannot see them.

The only things above the Social media buttons are Energy watch and Lexus.

looking at it right now.

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BB unless my eyes are a lot worse than I thought I cannot see them.

The only things above the Social media buttons are Energy watch and Lexus.

looking at it right now.

Expect to get done on a technicality here old dee - if you click on the energy watch logo, it directs you to the kaspersky home page.

I notice how the players at either side of the page has changed from Chip and JT to Jones and Green.

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BB unless my eyes are a lot worse than I thought I cannot see them.

The only things above the Social media buttons are Energy watch and Lexus.

looking at it right now.

Its on mine, top right cornerish OD...

I cant see energy watch or lexus though??? haha

Edited by Jordie_tackles
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Umm.they are...up to the right a bit , just above the social media buttons

I can only see Energy Watch up top with more down the bottom of the front page. Interesting that if you hover on The Energy Watch logo at the top it comes up as Kaspersky with a link to their web site. The social media buttons also seem to be 'up the putt'

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Theyre up on the top right of the screen, above the social media buttons.

Energy watch and the other sponsers are down the bottom of the page

I must have a different front page on the MFC site, I have it opened right now there are no Hankock or Kaspersky logos anywhere on my front page at Melbournefc.com.au

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I must have a different front page on the MFC site, I have it opened right now there are no Hankock or Kaspersky logos anywhere on my front page at Melbournefc.com.au

this is what mine looks like


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As has been said above, the change is because the sponsorship ended on October 31 - though the EnergyWatch banner is definitely linking to the Kaspersky website.

The reason some people are still seeing the old sponsors is a caching issue. A hard refresh (Ctr+F5 for IE/Firefox/Chrome, Shift+Reload for Safari) should fix it.

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I can only see Energy Watch up top with more down the bottom of the front page. Interesting that if you hover on The Energy Watch logo at the top it comes up as Kaspersky with a link to their web site. The social media buttons also seem to be 'up the putt'

Spot on diesel I tried what you suggested and the same thing happened to me.

Glad to see you agree I thought I was going crazy.

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As has been said above, the change is because the sponsorship ended on October 31 - though the EnergyWatch banner is definitely linking to the Kaspersky website.

The reason some people are still seeing the old sponsors is a caching issue. A hard refresh (Ctr+F5 for IE/Firefox/Chrome, Shift+Reload for Safari) should fix it.

fair play to you and olddee!

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