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The Tom Scully Saga © continues ...


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While I think he'll stay, does he have the mental fortitude to decline 12 and a half desks a year over 5 years?

By the end of his 5 years in GWS, he could've racked up 62 of them. Maybe more.

What are we going to call "Under the Desk" payments from now on, anything less than $80,000?

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Yes - this issue should be tabled

Care to Chair that deskussion ? :rolleyes:

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Yeah, definitely.

Unless I have reason not to, like conclusive evidence to the contrary.

Just because he is considering it, and wishes to wait until the end of the season to make a firm decision, that does not mean his decision is made up.

Whichever way he is leaning, he is doing the smart thing.

It's so much money that it demands due consideration, and he is giving both sides ample opportunity to convince him one way or another.

If he were leaning towards staying, taking into consideration the club's recent turmoil, do you think there's a possibility that if he had have signed with us in March that he may have felt regret about his decision?

That he is unhappy with staying with a club that has no coach and reportedly a CEO he dislikes?

That he could have seen who else GWS signed and watched GC17 make strides, that it was not all that bad up north?

To give MFC a chance to prove that he would be better off elsewhere?

To give GWS a chance to prove he'd be better off up there?

Or alternatively that if he had have signed with GWS in March, that he might come to regret the decision after seeing the progress of guys like Watts & Trengove?

And after having formed stronger bonds of friendship with his current teammates?

After playing GC17 at Metricon Stadium and seeing how dismal the crowds are?

After seeing how batsh%t crazy Sheedy is?

After seeing GWS struggle to recruit the majority of their other "big" targets like Murphy, Goddard, Rich, Leuenberger, Pendlebury, Thomas or Swan?

To give MFC a chance to prove that he would be better off staying here in his home city?

To give GWS a chance to prove he'd be better off not going anywhere near the place?

Even if he was leaning one way or another, he owed to himself to wait.

It's the smart thing to do.

As of now he is not weighing anything up because, to paraphrase his manager, he doesn't want to know the contents of the GWS offer until after the home a and away season. He's too focused, too ultra professional, too committed to training etc etc etc blah blah blah

And god I hate this idea that Melbourne has to show and prove to a young player that it is worthy of his signature. Hate it! Show us you can play first punk!

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Guest dieharderdee

Going or staying made up his mind or not. I do like the way thy put all their business contacts on show last night and let trenners get all the introductions. Couldnt do our club any harm.

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While I think he'll stay, does he have the mental fortitude to decline 12 and a half desks a year over 5 years?

By the end of his 5 years in GWS, he could've racked up 62 of them. Maybe more.

This is gold.

Can we make it a rule on this site that from now on we have to measure all contract consideration in desks?

Would certainly weed out the "Noobs."

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This whole sage could have had an entirely different twist if when the allegations first broke and TS said into to the first microphone (assuming he allowed it) that was shoved under his nose something like "WTF, This is ridiculous. An absolute joke. I am a Melbourne player. I love this club and I intend being a one club player. I'll just sort out the details at the end of the season thats all." and walked away laughing his head off.

Beautifully said

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This is the key point. After the GWS / AFL consortium was exposed for breaking their own rules with Phil Davis, they will not now allow any more announcements before the end-of-year. We know GWS have approached Scully before the season started (confirmed by Stephen Silvagni), we know they gave Callum Ward a two-week timeframe (according to his mother) to make his decision more than 6 weeks ago, yet we have heard nothing more. I think the silence speaks volumes on both counts. Over-the-top offers have been made, and my guess is, accepted in both cases. :mad:

When did that happen?, it'd prove Scully's a liar.

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What are we going to call "Under the Desk" payments from now on, anything less than $80,000?


Big AFL revelation: All rookies are paid under the desk. AA to investigate possible breeches.

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When did that happen?, it'd prove Scully's a liar.

Last October..its was GWS's open slather lets make a deal time. Deals could be signed...and sealed...and put away til this Oct. Nothing new about this.

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When did Silvagni say this on TAC future stars? Recently?

Last sunday? could have been two sundays ago, who knows time flys?

He was struggling in the interview, and he said he spoke to tom's manager, not Tom.

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Last sunday? could have been two sundays ago, who knows time flys?

He was struggling in the interview, and he said he spoke to tom's manager, not Tom.

Well that really does sit at odds doesn't it with Scully's press conference answer to that very question.

"No, there's been no approach, absolutely not," Scully said at the time.

I'd really like to know what the Scully defenders think about this.


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Last sunday? could have been two sundays ago, who knows time flys? He was struggling in the interview, and he said he spoke to tom's manager, not Tom.

Conveniently Tom's manager never mentioned of a word of this to him ever, at all.

Then Tom did his infamous presser stating he nor his family nor his management had ever been approached with an offer.

Either negligent management for which the players association would be investigating

or there are a few porky pies

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This morning when I saw the headline in the Herald Sun "Demons sign young Gun", I thought they meant Scully. I felt disappointed!(though I've hoped we'd retain him all along). Now I know, that deep down, I think it would be disruptive in the playing group to have one player so grossly overpaid. We'd be better off if we can get the two first round draft picks, and have all our players on sensible wages.(the Geelong debacle might help swing the AFL admin.in our favour that way, too).

He's going to be a top player, if his body stands up, but he's not worth keeping if it causes unrest in our playing group.

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That is simply preposterous and not believable.What do these people take us for?

Absolute Idiots

Clearly MFC supporters deserve to be treated like morons.

This situation calls for a strong statement from someone

quite clearly there seems to be absolutely no-one willing to make it.

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This does go , I suppose to the core of the matter, the notion or otherwise that the Scully camp had had some approach .

My thinkings, and theyre really only that, just thoughts out loud, run to the idea that GWS are/were on the hunt to get whatever and whomever they can. They cast nets wide in the vicinity of the talent and see who bites. They know all wont, tey know some will stall, defer, decide against. They also know some might jump at the chance and others will come to them eventually. The constant through out this campaign is they must approach as many of the better brigade as early and as hard as they can. I cant really see any other way of regarding the methods of GWS. In recruiting terms theyre guerilla tactics. GWS cant afford to sit back and wait, it must get to it with gusto.

So who are they going to target ? Logically every young gun from recent drafts who come out of contract at the 'right' time. The No1 draft pick in this mix is none other than our Tom Scully..

So is it really a rational supposition that GWS never approached Tom's people in that window ( of opportunity,oct 2010) ??

Ive always believed and still do that of course GWS made some sort of approach, if notan offer during that 2010 October. As noted SOS admitted this on the TAC show. Maybe not to an offer as he didnt say that I grant, but he did say they were approached, as you would expect.

In simple terms we have one lot saying they've had no aaproach. On the other hand you have the approachers saying indeed they did, but then going all coy as to detail. Everything is always in the detail.:huh:

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It may have just been SOS trying to cover up the fact they've been negotiating with players throughout this year, given they're not really allowed to do that (not that the AFL seem to mind).

I think Scully's gone but would seem strange for him to call a presser off his own bat in March when he had already agreed to terms.

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It may have just been SOS trying to cover up the fact they've been negotiating with players throughout this year, given they're not really allowed to do that (not that the AFL seem to mind).

I think Scully's gone but would seem strange for him to call a presser off his own bat in March when he had already agreed to terms.

The tone and manner of SOS was very matterr of fact, like yeah, as if we hadnt etc. He wasnt coy about having said the approach was made...just any details.

to add:

What do we know. I.e isnt really debatable..but is reported as having happened.

We know there was a window in Oct 2010 in which GWS could not only approach their quarry but sign then up to deals which could remain "quiet" with the AFL's sanction.. thats not made up..thats fact.

We know that GWS has done this and until recently just not had an irrefutable source as to whom. . We now know Phil Davis fo rsure. Its alluded ( pretty strongly ) that Callam ward was similarly approached but didnt decide let alone sign back in 2010 but has been openly encoouraged by GWS to come to a decision. This , like the Davis situation flying totally in the face of the 'supposed' rules.

We also know because he said so, and has no reason to lie ( abou t this ) that SOS acknowledges GWS appraoched the Scully camp.We also know that GWS is prepared to part with 5 Mill over 5 years for Scully. We know the scope of the deal, but not its actual origin (timewise), only its public announcement

make of it what you will

Edited by belzebub59
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Perhaps, Range Rover, they did try to talk to Scully's management in October last year but because Scully had already put all contract negotiations on hold in the previous July (something his management confirmed in multiple press comments) and told his manager he would not be speaking to anyone, then his manager simply told GWS this and nothing further occurred in October. Silvagni said they spoke to his manager. That is all.

There is a distinct difference between canvassing whether a player is interested or available to talk to and making a formal approach/offer. I'm tipping GWS were in contact with scores of players in this time.

However no formal approach was made by GWS to Tom in this time. Speculation builds over summer. Tom comes out off his own bat and holds a press conference where he tells the absolute truth, that there have been no approaches and he hasn't signed anything. Tom continues to stick with this mantra all through 2011 and then at the end of round 24 he sits down and looks at the offers on the table.

Whether he goes or not is one thing, but so many want to paint Tom as a lying snake when you are probably well and truly off the mark and he has been honest the whole time.

He has maintained the whole season he will look at and decide things at seasons end. To all those STILL demanding something be done immediately- do you seriously think anything is going to change in the final four weeks of the season? C'mon!

You are better off just waiting to the end of the season instead of re-hashing the same old crap and bleating on about immediate action.


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Perhaps, Range Rover, they did try to talk to Scully's management in October last year but because Scully had already put all contract negotiations on hold in the previous July (something his management confirmed in multiple press comments) and told his manager he would not be speaking to anyone, then his manager simply told GWS this and nothing further occurred in October. Silvagni said they spoke to his manager. That is all.

There is a distinct difference between canvassing whether a player is interested or available to talk to and making a formal approach/offer. I'm tipping GWS were in contact with scores of players in this time.

However no formal approach was made by GWS to Tom in this time. Speculation builds over summer. Tom comes out off his own bat and holds a press conference where he tells the absolute truth, that there have been no approaches and he hasn't signed anything. Tom continues to stick with this mantra all through 2011 and then at the end of round 24 he sits down and looks at the offers on the table.

Whether he goes or not is one thing, but so many want to paint Tom as a lying snake when you are probably well and truly off the mark and he has been honest the whole time.

He has maintained the whole season he will look at and decide things at seasons end. To all those STILL demanding something be done immediately- do you seriously think anything is going to change in the final four weeks of the season? C'mon!

You are better off just waiting to the end of the season instead of re-hashing the same old crap and bleating on about immediate action.


Ahh I see so a distinction needs to be made between a 'formal' approach and just an ... well ... an approach.

As someone said many posts ago, it all has a bit of a Clintonesque "I did not have sexual relations with that woman" ring to it.

Sorry GofaG, the scenario you have painted is pure poppycock. Fellatio is still sex and an informal approach is still an approach.

Doesn't paint the guy in a good light.

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Ahh I see so a distinction needs to be made between a 'formal' approach and just an ... well ... an approach.

As someone said many posts ago, it all has a bit of a Clintonesque "I did not have sexual relations with that woman" ring to it.

Sorry GofaG, the scenario you have painted is pure poppycock. Fellatio is still sex and an informal approach is still an approach.

Doesn't paint the guy in a good light.

So you actually believe someone enquiring whether Scully would be open to discussions and actually going to him with a contract in hand is the same thing. Sorry but my [censored]-o-meter reads high.

You are also one who is very keen to paint Scully as an out and out liar. A snake.

The press has been proven wrong on this very subject at least a half dozen times in the last 10 months. Even their stories lost momentum because it became plainly evident he hadn't signed anything and at best got an offer some time in the last couple of months.

Perhaps you are wrong too RR.

Whether he goes or stays is yet to be revealed, however my [censored]-o-meter blew up with all the crap in the press and has been proven right. I will back it in that Tom has actually been telling the truth. Has not lied to anyone and will make a decision in a months time.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion and i respect yours (on occasions :)), however i find it amazing how quickly people are prepared to throw Tom under a bus and not trust that he has been honest (especially when confronted by blokes like Stynes and Lyon).

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