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Where was the boss


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Where was Dean in that fateful third quarter? Christine Nixon was criticised from pillar to post for not being in the right place at the right time when Victoria burnt. Even if she had been at the helm she couldn't have stopped the fire but you have got to make the right decisions. Dean had been warned in the last 5 to 10 minutes of the second quarter the game was changing, but he vcontinued to stay on the bench with the boys. The Hawks burnt the MCG in the third quarter and we needed a different type of coaching than a slap on the bum for rotating players. We needed someone desperate to come to grips with what was unfolding and try to make a difference. I am yet to see any strategic skill in Deans coaching. It concerns me because in recent years each premiership coach has been able to put his own stamp on the style of team play. It's good for any leader to walk the trenches with the boys but with limits. You've got to be able to outfox the opposition from command. And Dean did not stand tall when he was required to. It was a bad decision. But maybe more, this development coach may just not have that strategic skill premiership teams need.....Oh how we long for the Old Red Fox

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I have no doubt that while the playing group is maturing, he will spend more time down stairs. I'd expect that mid next year he will spend more time in the coaches box.

There's not many coaches that sit up top these days, with most of those coaches coming from teams that are serious contenders.

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Horrible thread, just horrible...

Neither you, I or anyone else on this forum can truly understand the impact of coaching from the boundary as opposed to up in the box.

You have no idea if it has any affect whatsoever. None.

Plenty of coaches at lower levels get by just fine from the boundary.

As long as the assistants in the box are relaying information, just as they would when he is up there, then I don't have a problem.

Grasping for things to complain about, much?

Edited by e25
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As far as I remember we did make a turn for the better after Bails started heading to the boundary to coach... Being at the stage we're at I think it's great he's down there to directly instruct, teach, and mentor players as they come off or are about to go on, I know a lot of people are unsure about his tactical skills and ability to inspire (this year will be a good indicator I suppose) but his analytical mind combined with his ability to relate well to the players is definitely utilised well by him being down at ground level with the fellas.

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The biggest issue was Aaron Davey giving the 'slow-down' signal with about 5 minutes to go in the second quarter. That was the end of the game for us. As a leader of the club, when we are trying to create an attacking style of play, why spend 5 minutes practicing what we DONT WANT??

We never got it together after that. For me, it was not DB on the sidelines or in the box that mattered. The wrong message was sent to the players by Davey... and they damn well listened!

As a developing side, we should play the way that we want to win, not that slow down rubbish. It was not the end of a grand final, so there was no use protecting a 4 kick advantage.

DB should have undone this at Half time, but the tide had already turned.

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The biggest issue was Aaron Davey giving the 'slow-down' signal with about 5 minutes to go in the second quarter. That was the end of the game for us. As a leader of the club, when we are trying to create an attacking style of play, why spend 5 minutes practicing what we DONT WANT??

We never got it together after that. For me, it was not DB on the sidelines or in the box that mattered. The wrong message was sent to the players by Davey... and they damn well listened!

As a developing side, we should play the way that we want to win, not that slow down rubbish. It was not the end of a grand final, so there was no use protecting a 4 kick advantage.

DB should have undone this at Half time, but the tide had already turned.

Chicken, do you have any idea about the game? Sorry buddy, I have to ask. I'm just frustrated with the opinion that you share with sooooo many other people on here.

We had momentum, played a cracking 20 minutes, then the Hawks got it back. While we weren't in control of the game (that's for you HT), we were making them pay. we worked our ass off to get the lead, and a good lead too of 27 points, but when the Hawks started putting it together, Flash showed leadership by slowing the play down, so that we didn't go in to half time on level terms, which I think was more than likely going to happen with the way the Hawks were coming at us. Don't believe me? Lokk at what they did in 20 miutes in the 3rd quarter. Hawthorn were playing with the same intensity for most of the match, it's just in the 3rd quarter everything worked. Everything started to work for them with 5 minutes to go in the 2nd quarter, but becuase of Flash's smarts, he stopped a 5 minute avalanche. In that time they still managed to reduce our lead.

I also challenge anyone that thinks our players went in defeated at hlaf time to have a look at the replay of our boys walking off. They walked off thinking they had won the game, high 5's everywhere, etc, etc. They thought they had weathered the storm, Bailey thought they had too, and so did I! At the time, I didn't see that 3rd quarter coming, kudos to those that went on record at half time and said they did. Now that I've had time to think about it, of course the potential was there for a big quarter, but even still, to have 19 scoring shots was amazing. When was the last time a team dominated a quarter like that? I'd be interested to know who it was, and who against.

Please, for your own benefit, start believing that what Flash did was the best thing he could have done. He was on the field, and felt the Hawks pressure. I'm proud that he stood up and stopped it - it was the best 5 minutes he played all game.

We are all entitled to an opinion, but I, and the minority that agree with me, are 100% correct in what I am saying. Until you, or anyone else that feels the same way, can prove with a decent case, that what Flash did cost us the game, I really feel sorry for our club that some of our supporters are criticising them for this.

As I said in another post, when we are bigger, stronger, more mature, developed, call it what you will, put when we are seriously pushing for a flag, we will become the hunted (more so than now). Poorer sides than us will be out each week to knock us off with more determination (think us against Collingwood), so if a side does get a run on, we WILL need to be able to slow the play down.

Think about it in this way, if that were a Grand Final, and that 2nd quarter was the last quarter, what would you wnat from our players? Protect the lead when it's obvious our opponents were coming hard and had the potential to kick 4 goals in 5 mnutes to get the lead back, or play our natural game, which wasn't working for the couple of minutes leading up to it? Even if it were the 3rd quarter of a GF, I'd want the same style introduced.

Sorry guys, I know there is a thread on this, but where it relates to the OP, was that at times with Bailey down on ground level, he was able to scream at his players and tell them to flood back, and it come traight from his mouth, not via him calling a runner, then the runner coming out, etc.

Nb. Not meant to be a personal attack on Chicken (PM me if I have upset you), just a passionate supporter that was as gutted as anyone last week but has had enough of the overreaction on parts of the game that are unwarranted.


Edited by billy2803
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Chicken, do you have any idea about the game? Sorry buddy, I have to ask. I'm just frustrated with the opinion that you share with sooooo many other people on here.

We had momentum, played a cracking 20 minutes, then the Hawks got it back. While we weren't in control of the game (that's for you HT), we were making them pay. we worked our ass off to get the lead, and a good lead too of 27 points, but when the Hawks started putting it together, Flash showed leadership by slowing the play down, so that we didn't go in to half time on level terms, which I think was more than likely going to happen with the way the Hawks were coming at us. Don't believe me? Lokk at what they did in 20 miutes in the 3rd quarter. Hawthorn were playing with the same intensity for most of the match, it's just in the 3rd quarter everything worked. Everything started to work for them with 5 minutes to go in the 2nd quarter, but becuase of Flash's smarts, he stopped a 5 minute avalanche. In that time they still managed to reduce our lead.

I also challenge anyone that thinks our players went in defeated at hlaf time to have a look at the replay of our boys walking off. They walked off thinking they had won the game, high 5's everywhere, etc, etc. They thought they had weathered the storm, Bailey thought they had too, and so did I! At the time, I didn't see that 3rd quarter coming, kudos to those that went on record at half time and said they did. Now that I've had time to think about it, of course the potential was there for a big quarter, but even still, to have 19 scoring shots was amazing. When was the last time a team dominated a quarter like that? I'd be interested to know who it was, and who against.

Please, for your own benefit, start believing that what Flash did was the best thing he could have done. He was on the field, and felt the Hawks pressure. I'm proud that he stood up and stopped it - it was the best 5 minutes he played all game.

We are all entitled to an opinion, but I, and the minority that agree with me, are 100% correct in what I am saying. Until you, or anyone else that feels the same way, can prove with a decent case, that what Flash did cost us the game, I really feel sorry for our club that some of our supporters are criticising them for this.

As I said in another post, when we are bigger, stronger, more mature, developed, call it what you will, put when we are seriously pushing for a flag, we will become the hunted (more so than now). Poorer sides than us will be out each week to knock us off with more determination (think us against Collingwood), so if a side does get a run on, we WILL need to be able to slow the play down.

Think about it in this way, if that were a Grand Final, and that 2nd quarter was the last quarter, what would you wnat from our players? Protect the lead when it's obvious our opponents were coming hard and had the potential to kick 4 goals in 5 mnutes to get the lead back, or play our natural game, which wasn't working for the couple of minutes leading up to it? Even if it were the 3rd quarter of a GF, I'd want the same style introduced.

Sorry guys, I know there is a thread on this, but where it relates to the OP, was that at times with Bailey down on ground level, he was able to scream at his players and tell them to flood back, and it come traight from his mouth, not via him calling a runner, then the runner coming out, etc.

Nb. Not meant to be a personal attack on Chicken (PM me if I have upset you), just a passionate supporter that was as gutted as anyone last week but has had enough of the overreaction on parts of the game that are unwarranted.


i will never agree to putting up the white flag before Half Time....

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i will never agree to putting up the white flag before Half Time....

WYL - How can you honestly say we put the white flag up? There is absolutely no justification behind your opinion.

If saying to my teammates, "let's go in to half time with a 20-odd point lead, rather than allowing our opposition to dominate like they currently are, and go in to half time level" is a sign we put the white flag up, that is a serious concern for those that think that way.

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WYL - How can you honestly say we put the white flag up? There is absolutely no justification behind your opinion.

If saying to my teammates, "let's go in to half time with a 20-odd point lead, rather than allowing our opposition to dominate like they currently are, and go in to half time level" is a sign we put the white flag up, that is a serious concern for those that think that way.

It never works thats why, The opposition go in to half time knowing we have rolled over.

You keep attacking or at least trying to.

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It never works thats why, The opposition go in to half time knowing we have rolled over.

You keep attacking or at least trying to.

So, going in at half time 19 points done, gives a side more confidence than going in level after being 27 points down with 5 minutes to go? Interesting.

The only flaw in my arguement in what would the score have been had we not "put up the white flag", or in smart footy's terms, slowed the play down? Personally, they way the Hawks were coming, and seeing what they did in the 3rd quarter, I am of the opinion that they would've kicked 3 more goals.

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So, going in at half time 19 points done, gives a side more confidence than going in level after being 27 points down with 5 minutes to go? Interesting.

The only flaw in my arguement in what would the score have been had we not "put up the white flag", or in smart footy's terms, slowed the play down? Personally, they way the Hawks were coming, and seeing what they did in the 3rd quarter, I am of the opinion that they would've kicked 3 more goals.

That is the chance you take. Slowing the play down before half time is a very dangerous practise. It shows the opposition "That's all we have" i do not like it and never will.

It is a very bad habit to get into.

The MFC was playing some brilliant Football in the 2nd Q, and to stop running hard 5 minutes before a 20 minute break is wrong.

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This was a game of momentum swings. Problem was we only got one piece of it and we were never going to romp away from the Hawks without a serious challenge. I felt if we hung in tough and maintained the two goal advantage for another 5 minutes or so after Pettard goaled in the 3rd quarter we could have got on top again. I don't think slowing the game down before half time as a major issue. One critical error by an experienced player changed everything. I think we have the ability to resist sustained pressure but our game is still plagued by errors from too many players compounded with general poor disposal which is the straw that breaks the camels back.

Edited by america de cali
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This was a game of momentum swings. Problem was we only got one piece of it and we were never going to romp away from the Hawks without a serious challenge. I felt if we hung in tough and maintained the two goal advantage for another 5 minutes or so after Pettard goaled in the 3rd quarter we could have got on top again. I don't think slowing the game down before half time as a major issue. One critical error by an experienced player changed everything. I think we have the ability to resist sustained pressure but our game is still plagued by errors from too many players compounded with general poor disposal which is the straw that breaks the camels back.

Fair call, although i don't think one error by one player made the difference.

once the Flag was raised so to speak, Hawthorn sensed it and went up a gear-Col's mistake was a result of that. We were never going to get that swing back after slowing down before Half Time.

Hawthorn is not a team you ever allow a sniff of any kind.

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That is the chance you take. Slowing the play down before half time is a very dangerous practise. It shows the opposition "That's all we have" i do not like it and never will.

It is a very bad habit to get into.

The MFC was playing some brilliant Football in the 2nd Q, and to stop running hard 5 minutes before a 20 minute break is wrong.

How many times do you see the top teams slowing the play down when their opposition gets a run on? Nearly every bloody time. It is far from showing the opposition that "that's all we've got". The difference is, the better teams execute it to perfection, we don't...yet.

I think it's a tactic that we will use when required (just like every other team in the AFL does), but I wouldn't call it a habit. If we can halt a sides run by slowing play down, then get it back to a level playing field, as long as we have belief in ourselves to get it back from there, it works.

The issue is not that we stopped running with 5 monutes to go, the issue is that with 7 minutes to go, the momentum changed and they were starting to reduce our lead. For that 2 minutes, we didn't stop running hard hard, and kept trying what had been working, but what Hawthorn was doing was better, and Flash knew this and decided something had to be done about it.

It's obvious that you wont see reality in this point.

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Fair call, although i don't think one error by one player made the difference.

once the Flag was raised so to speak, Hawthorn sensed it and went up a gear-Col's mistake was a result of that. We were never going to get that swing back after slowing down before Half Time.Hawthorn is not a team you ever allow a sniff of any kind.

Has Clarkson come out and stated that his thought we had nothing to give because we "put the white flag up" just prior to half time? He knew they were a far superior team all day and they just had to keep doing what they had been for the past 2 quarters and hopefully it would change. It did. I would love to know Clarkson's opinion about that 5 minutes. I'd be pretty sure he'd have been annoyed with the fact that we had stopped their run to some degree, not sitting back pi$$ing him laughing at us giving up.

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Fair call, although i don't think one error by one player made the difference.

once the Flag was raised so to speak, Hawthorn sensed it and went up a gear-Col's mistake was a result of that. We were never going to get that swing back after slowing down before Half Time.

Hawthorn is not a team you ever allow a sniff of any kind.

Sylvia had the option to go deep to the square and pressure the Hawk backline to the goal face soon after a steadying goal from us. An opportunity to put them on the back foot and release the pressure on us. He worked his way free and it looked to me that his instinct was to bomb the ball long into the square but he took the risky wide option. The kick was slightly backwards off target and busted us wide open. Don't know if he kicked to plan but I thought with his penetrating kicking the goal square option was the most suitable IMO. It was all one way traffic from then on.

An opportunity to change the momentum of the game lost.

Edited by america de cali
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We had momentum, played a cracking 20 minutes, then the Hawks got it back. While we weren't in control of the game (that's for you HT), we were making them pay.

Haha. Thanks mate. And for jnrmac too.

i will never agree to putting up the white flag before Half Time....

Ridiculous notion.

Must admit when I first clicked on this thread title, I thought it might have been something to do with Andrew Demetriou's (AFL CEO extraordinaire) poor form and no show at the Gold Coast Football Club's inaugural game in the AFL against Carlton at the Gabba.

Instead he was at the Myer revamp launch in Melbourne wining and dining....apparently making history....

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Haha. Thanks mate. And for jnrmac too.

Ridiculous notion.

Must admit when I first clicked on this thread title, I thought it might have been something to do with Andrew Demetriou's (AFL CEO extraordinaire) poor form and no show at the Gold Coast Football Club's inaugural game in the AFL against Carlton at the Gabba.

Instead he was at the Myer revamp launch in Melbourne wining and dining....apparently making history....

He wasn't there?? I find that absolutely astounding.

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Does the club intend chasing a big name proven coach such as Roos or Malthouse? I have nothing against Bailey and think he's done a superb job getting the list together. However the next few years are seriously important in turning pimply kids into seasoned warriors who can win this club a flag. On talent we have a list better than Collingwood's. Are we as well coached? I don't know but I doubt it. This club has made all the right moves over the last 3 years and must continue to do so. I'm hoping the review processes so evident thus far are continuing and we are leaving no stone unturned in our pursuit of excellence. If we can't win a Premiership with this list then we're farked. I don't want to be the next St. Kilda, watching the window close without the silverware.

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Guest 36DD

Does the club intend chasing a big name proven coach such as Roos or Malthouse? I have nothing against Bailey and think he's done a superb job getting the list together. However the next few years are seriously important in turning pimply kids into seasoned warriors who can win this club a flag. On talent we have a list better than Collingwood's. Are we as well coached? I don't know but I doubt it. This club has made all the right moves over the last 3 years and must continue to do so. I'm hoping the review processes so evident thus far are continuing and we are leaving no stone unturned in our pursuit of excellence. If we can't win a Premiership with this list then we're farked. I don't want to be the next St. Kilda, watching the window close without the silverware.

Early doors yet my friend. Both Roos and Malthouse required their respective boards to take a chance on them when more seasoned campaigners were available. Hell Sydney even signed up Wallace, bet they are glad they went with Roos.

At this point I am happy with the way in which Bailey has handled the rebuild and progress has been as expected. That being said I am sure the powers that be have an idea of where we are at and if Bailey doesn't measure up then I guess it is see you later.

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