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Everything posted by jayceebee31

  1. Please do not get carried away as R.R states or infers. We won -Absolutely great. We had kicked a goal in the first half, when the Crows became decimated with injuries. However, we have improved dramatically and that is great.But keep the lid on the kettle.If we win 5 more games this season that would be great. Improvement is what we are about and we will have our ups and downs as R.R states the reasons.
  2. Bruce has been our weakest performer in the 3 rounds so far.However, like Bate they are were very much lacking match fitness.Nearly ready to fire both of them.Watch out Toigs.
  4. Excellent points you raise- I see this as well.However I feel Gawn will also play a massive role in our forward line.But I still would like us to pick up at least a couple more Talls..
  5. Watts is still -very much a baby but I agree we need to find 3 good talls- A tall Forward and another utility tall.However when we can get players back a forward line with Watts, Jurrah, Morton, Wonaeamirri and possibly Gawn -WOW.Watched Gawn kicking goals from 50 metres out yesterday at the Junction oval- very impressive.
  6. AGREE- lots to look forward to- a great win over a good team who - however as R.R says-Crows had lost all interchange players in the last quarter.
  7. Garland and Sylvia trained impressively yesterday.It is usual that one emergency covers a possible late withdrawal however with Garland being possibly short of match practice one would believe he would play somewhere. Therefore, I agree ,he will play. Bartram may miss. In other injury news- Rivers did not train- went bike riding instead. Wona stated he was being kept in cotton wool- should be ready to resume next week. Gawn was kicking goals from 50 metres out- what a speciman of a young man- going to be a man mountain.(just turned 18 last December) and Fitzpatrick was nursing a sore groin.Meeson was there but not training as yet. Tapscott the only one that I was hoping to see- but did not seem to be there.
  8. Very good point--increase membership however decrease revenue---Dumb .
  9. Garland will not play,IMO.McKenzie,Jones,Newton, Bate will be the interchange with CHENEY the stiff one here.I think Cheney should be permantly in the starting 18.
  10. My family of four will be there- roaring and ranting for Jimma & the boys. GET THERE!
  11. He could possibly play on a wing or tag a player. Got options with him.
  12. Cam has been a versatile player whom has filled many roles at the club. However, he seems to have dropped a yard in pace and confidance. This week he really needs to put in as our youngsters have been carrying him. Lately he has become baggage and needs to redeem himself along with Bate.Both of these players missed a hell of alot of practice before Round 1. But no excuses now.It is now we need them to produce.
  13. KC --THANKS FOR THE EFFORT. Very much appreciated.Loved it in Red & Blue.
  14. Totally agree with all other posters. See you soon and we all wish you the best.Success off the field will lift your spirits
  15. Totally correct -the Junction oval would only be used to refine skills and furthermore, do drills pertaining to match day.Kicking for goals would be done at Casey at main practice session.
  16. Still a bloody long way to go -just went over 28 k.
  17. Your brain must be over ripe if you think White and Stynes(JIMMA) were not good at the bounces- they changed the centre line bounce which then stuffed it up for White whom at 195 cms was too small- I also thought Jamar at 198 cms would be far too short but this has proved to be wrong in the last two years.But look out fo Gawn when he arrives. At 208 cms tall and still growing -WOW and he can kick goals as well.
  18. ALSO just watched replay- dead set GOER. Fture here for sure- could be very versatile- back pocket/flank,run with player,wingf or half forward flank-Great debut-- do not count last match last season as a game.Could be a BEAUTY.
  19. Done it's job Paul- suggest you write every wek till we win a FLAG
  20. I just hope Gawn is as good as I think he will be. I think he could be better than Salmon. With Jamar still improving would be a very good duo. I would not mind icking up a Laycock either
  21. Bruce will be very lucky to hold his place in the team the way he is playing.
  22. I thought it was a left foot kick and glad you could get to a game.Great game to watch- disappointing climax.
  23. 26 -27 in September.Now right in his prime as a tall-ruckman. Still has his best in front of him for at least 4 to 5 years.
  24. If's , if's,if's--he wasn't and did not deserve to be in the 22,similar to Spencer. The game to me was like 6 wins to theclub. They were tenacious,ruthless, determined and in some way a loss by one point may even be better than a win.This is because they can see they can match it with the best even without several players whom would be in the 22. Miller unfortunately is not in our best 22.Dunn to me is also not in my best 22but may develop into a very handy Mr Fix it- taking over from Bruce.
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