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Everything posted by jayceebee31

  1. If you were there- height killed us as well as pressure .Who kicked North's first goal?? Hale who was too big for Warnock. Hale kicked the opening goal for North due to height.. Overall they were so tall and bulky than our players.Another example was Hansen playing on Sylvia- 196 cms tall against 186. Firrito-190,Thompson-190,Grima-193 cms tall against our forward line,Sylvia-186, Petterd-185, Green-184. Have a look at all the players height-we were very short compared to them.I rest my case. Look before you talk.
  2. If you and other posters read what I said,was, he should be moved to a different position-such as the centre or wing. I think his decision making at times is not up to scratch such as against North. I also think that if he remains at HB flank he needs to kick the football forward not backwards. If he continues- Yes put him back to Casey for disciplinary reasons.
  3. And HT,I think you should come to training.You may learn a little from wht Bailey is trying to implement-- re the match against the Lions.Go forward- go through the guts-- not backwards which Grimes stuffed up on many occassions.And at 36 years of age-I'd say I have watched twice as much as you, coached for more than 20 years- stick to being a moderator and not tell other posters what to do.
  4. Not at jayceebee headquarters. Can't you posters read- I said may need to go back to Casey,if he does not learn decision making.And thanks for the compliment.
  5. How many times did players kick back against Brisbane.Virtually nil--and it was stated that we imlemented our game plan perfectly. No twit here. You are just a poster whom can't take it.Grimes has not lived up to his hype this year at this stage.Maybe a run in the guts may help him- because he cannot cope with pressure as yet IMO.
  6. I saw Martin- N0.34 -played poorly. Was you there or like the first match- couldn't make it.
  7. Agree- probably Johnson and Cheney .Joel McDonald also needs to be dropped as well.
  8. What ever he or she said..don't come back.Grimes must learn not to kick back .He has done this several times before placing undue pressure on his other players.If he is not disciplined enough he has to be disciplined and that may mean a trip to Casey.
  9. It is very necessary for the football department to pick a team both on merit and also to match up on their opponents. In this last match, North had such a tall list that we just was out reached everywhere. To not have another tall, even with Rivers coming into the side left Jamar battling hard. Whilst he played well in my opinion- tiredness must and did take over ,although he went forward in the last quarter ,took a great mark and kicked a goal...North had McIntosh,Goldstein,Hale playing in the ruck against Jamar.Also it confirmed to me, that in this match we lacked another very tall defender and at least another tall forward. This is a major requirement for our list manager. Your opinions please?
  10. AGREE TOTALLY-The mistakes he makes in his decision making helped to bring us undone yesterday.Whilst he is a great kick and this is utilized when kicking out, he would be much better utilized in the centre or on wing. If not a run at Casey to help his decion making.
  11. I am so sorry Sir--I forgot you were a Uni student wanting to take over as CEO of the MFC. I didn't think that WYL opinion --That the days of list management are over--I think that list management is the most vital factor of any clubs success.We have had to develop a stronmg list , maintain it and grow - in particular where we have weaknesses.
  12. Do not forget both of these players basically had very little pre season- did not play virtually any NAB cup games - just a couple of scratch matches--it has taken this long to become match fit.
  13. Joel has played fuill back, chb, hbf, wing is that enough..
  14. Well they have the dragons--Chinese dragons are legendary creatures in Chinese mythology and folklore,whilst demons may be described as In religion and mythology, occultism and folklore, a demon (or daemon, daimon; from Greek δαίμων daimôn) is a supernatural being that is generally described as a malevolent spirit; however, the original neutral connotations of the Greek word daimon does not carry the negative ones that were later projected onto it, as Christianity spread. I cannot see a major issue with this..if it did- we may have to be the dragons when we play inChina.
  15. Well posted Nasher..furthermore Joel was a player that fitted into our team needs. He is a defender that can play in many positions and experienced in doing so.The Oz felt he was a round 2 pick up..On current form Alwyn would not get a game in the Senior team..
  16. WYL-I don't believe you meant that in your opinion, The days of list management are over--I think that list management is the most vital factor of any clubs success.We have had to develop a stronmg list , maintain it and grow - in particular where we have weaknesses.
  17. Don't worry re playing more games at Etihad-- play them in China- or Casey..These are the areas where we are developing and will gain tremendous membership over the next few years.China- in particular is exciting..I can see the Chinese holding,say 10% of our whole membership in 5/7 years time.
  18. As RR rightly pointed we are not a repat centre nor he would not get a game with us now let alone in the future. With midfielders a plenty right now which includes the possibilities of these players running through the centre: Bail,Bartram*,Bell*,Bennell, Blease, Bruce**,Aaron Davey,Dunn,Green, Grimes,Gysberts,Jetta,Tapscott,Trengove,McKenzie Jones,Maric,MCDonald**,Moloney,Scully, Strauss, Sylvia, as well as Jack Viney to come I think we have enough smalls to cover Midfield and small forward positions. Furthermore, he trained with us --and we did not pick him up.We were supposed to have offer him to come to us again and he knocked us back. He cannot get a regular game with Essendon - SO WHY WE? GO DEES and furthermore Aaron would try to feed him to get a kick rather than -What he does sometimes now- look after the indigenous players instead of other players in better positions. * = possible delisting next year or next ** = possible retirement, next year or the following.
  19. Just for the record- Jack is 19 born on the 26th March 1991. He is 196 cms and still growing- the development wuth this young man is just exciting however let's all give him the chance for his body to mature before placing him against the apes like Dan Merrett etc..
  20. Thanks but I do not believe you however I accept on this occassion youu are right- RPFC was correct and had great insight-- but blowing his own horn on this--I;ll remember this just to keep you to your promise..
  21. He has done this continously-
  22. Agree HT- however as you imply-- just what a future we have when our list is injury free and matures..another couple of talls would be great for a few years time
  23. Interesting to see Meeson only 4 to 6 weeks away. Gawn is expexted to join main group in 6 weeks,LJ in 8 to 10 weeks, thus leaving only Tapscott as the real unknown.
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