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Everything posted by jayceebee31

  1. Condolences Beamer- you left her with a slashing game last week- remember her with another this weekend.
  2. Open your blunt eyes- we moved the ball through the centre repeatingly.
  3. http://www.travelworld.com.au/centralmelbourne/Main/Special.aspx?content=Darwin%20Game will assist you.Packages still available.
  4. Agree- but shouldn't Etihad suit our play. Right down the guts..to me is the best plan at any stadium.The talls- worry me a little -alot of them.
  5. YEP- Just hope ther players are not getting as carried away as some posters here
  6. agree- remember Russell's sarcastic slant at our club over the last two years.
  7. AGREE TOTALLY- But Saturday was special for current times.This developing team seems to be going to do the 50's proud.
  8. With our curent style- shouldn't that really suit-Etihad?
  9. I wrote in February that the first NAB cup game was critical. This was for our membership drive and furthermore confidence. With our belting against Freo and subsequent NAB games- I thought we would struggle,especially after being belted by Hawthorn to beat Richmond in Round 4. No way did I believe we could beat Brisbane- I truly thought we would get belted. I also did not think we could get 32000. Roost it declared we would. He thought we could get 33000 odd. Well- I thought he was dreaming. We may still. The huge win- going to China as well, lays down a very solid platform for our October match and possible members and sponsors.We could even be a final eight team this year. However, we are young and may falter later on. But the foundation is there. Better team than what I thought we were.Your honest thoughts??
  10. NO CHANGE-- Martin is required to cover talls.
  11. Huge manlove for Scotty WEST- he has been a huge factor in our development of the mid field...Saturday night , the players did him proud. We killed them...
  12. Some of our friends got accussed as being more patriotic that Collingwood supporters- we took that as a huge compliment. Go JD & FAMILY.
  13. Extremely well said- and what a WIN- Magnificant with all 22 really putting in.. Great for Jimma and the whole club. Go memberships GO.
  14. He trained yesterday with NO SIGNS OF BANDAGES. After training he stated he would be back in full training in 6 weeks. I think you must have seen a different person- your eyes must have been jaded.
  15. If I am wrong- my sincere apologies to all.
  16. Two fours a eight.The lucky number in Chinese. Therefore reaching 44 Jimma- we all hope brings the luck to beat your illness and allow you to watch the mighty Dees develop into a powerhouse over the next few years- GO JIMMA- GO DEES. Happy returns of the Day.
  17. Training Friday was very interesting with a host of people watching. Stan Alves was present along with a cousin of Norm Smith. LJ did not seem to be there and two significant factors came from the day- Max Gawn is expected to start full training in 6 weeks. Aussie & PJ seem as fat as whales. Both will take a while to trim down. Weight maybe a significant problem for Aussie- based on his build. All three emergencies trained. Healey seemed to train with one hand heavily bandaged and he could not use it.Seems to have a wrist injury. Short ,sharp session for all players. Firstly the senior group then the players representing Casey came on after the seniors were finished. Spoke to Ricky Petterd whom stated he will be at the Demons next year. He was definate about this. Spoke to Bails whom was getting real excited about the player list but thought it would take till 2013/4 to reach it's peak.Take note Blease also trained with Casey.
  18. Did not notice LJ at training Friday, hope he hasn't got onto Wona's magpie geese as well.
  19. No-Dan Bell is the guy whom got into the fight that Mathews got cleaned up.Daniel Bell trained this moring though.
  20. He is(Simpson) injured. They thought alot of him in early training--maybe kept in cotton wool.
  21. Correct- and they have alot of time for each other.
  22. If we can walk away from the MCG -Sat night without a belting say, over 10 goals- I will feel we have improved quite well.This team could even be a Grand finalist,currently in great form.However,I would love to WIN and say we have improved dramatically.Hope Brown is out.This would give us a better chance.I see we have been substantially backed at the line.
  23. We have beaten two very poor teams and met the maggies on a downer. However over the four matches played one has to say both have improved. However, lets judge players after Round 22 not 4. However I also think Dunn could develop into a very versatile player- a Mr Fix it- he has played, back, forward, wing, run with and now ruck..Mr Fix it. I think he could make a great half forward flanker or a tall wingman. Bartram is a struggle. Will always be difficult to hold his place.
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