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Everything posted by jayceebee31

  1. Would yoyu believe it or not- they ran out of stock earlier than half time .This club needs to get it's act together by God
  2. Again - as I have said time and time again it is our football department overall- pathetic- in particular our coaching panel- we have trained since the 12th October to see this trash.
  3. Official Crowd: 44,615 at the MCG. Again what a pathetic turn up--we really are a joke arn't we ?
  4. Out coaching panel- bring in Barrassi,Alves,to put a stamp on this pathetic team,by coaching the coaches.
  5. A great coaching effort wasn't it- just pathetic.
  6. I have been saying this for a long time now - the football department needs to be heavily scrutinised especially after this appalling, insipid,pathetic game. No excuse- and unacceptable performace.Our backline was horrible ,our forward line -just not functioning.We have been training since 12th October 2009 yet our skill levels was like a side that had amateurs coaching the team with no game plan & shocking coaching decisions including match ups etc.. .
  7. Hope you had the house on them @5.40 as the odds have come down to 5 to 1 -some of my money..membership at 26800- no good hey?
  8. Agree re Spencer/Jamar- I think Spencer will start in the ruck and Jamar at full forward. And McKenzie reminds me of a developing Ling type.
  9. I haveseen them with my own eyes-exemplary.And North Melbourne's is notfar behind.No wonder why Schwabby stated we areat least 3 goals a game worse of than other clubs just on facilities alone. However, we only have to wait weeks for ours to raise it's head and I tell you- they will also be something else.
  10. You are unbelievable-- two posts on this thread state that you will boo him.Get real or are you a fake? You could not lie straight in bed
  11. I think Bruce will play a forward role leaving Dunn and or McKenzie to run with him also..A smokey--Jones may.
  12. All he was really saying it was great to win first up asnd then he had not done so since 2005.Brock has been very consistant saying he did not feel that the MFC would improve dramatically over the next 2 to 3 years. However let's show him team- by winning tommorrow. I'll never boo him as I genuinely believe Brock gave all and was totally honest by saying he did not want to play with the team anymore.We just need to hope Gysberts turns out well as a replacement.I think he will.
  13. Martin will never become a ruckman as such.. A pinch hitter -yes maybe.. We will have Jamar, Spencer and I think the best being..Gawn...He really impressed me as not only a ruckman but also as a forward..a bit like a Salmon..in the Under 18's.
  14. The most sensible and accurate post you have ever made.. Gee I am starting to respect your view. Agree--agree-agree. We will be such an improved side next year based on your post alone..However it also be a huge factor in recruiting players from now on also..I may have a little of mine on the Dees this week also..Did you take the 5.40 on offer?
  15. AGREE - AGREE -AGREE - I have been singing this message for 12 months now- and has not got through to the mass's heads.However, it will be a MASSIVE difference next year--the training facilities will be brilliant.This is also a factor why we did not get Judd. The other being the MONEY....
  16. Like normal-- your judgement is in your rear end. How you cannot admire this young man's performance after 2 years out is just ruddy ridiculous. I just hope Spencer and or Gawn can play blinders like he did last night.He would really be in my best 22 if he was Demonland.He started in the ruck and basically killed Carlton in the first 20 minutes.They did not know what hit them.Tap work was brilliant..Up against some other ruckman - maybe different however.His fitness was exemplary also.You was right in questioning his around the ground situation..I'd give his performance last night as a 8.5 out of 10.
  17. Gee didn't he play well- we will miss him around the young ones- such as Scully,Trengove.
  18. No need-- they will WIN.. As per your predictions..and we all know you are always right..
  19. The odds are 5.40 to one.. Put your house on it and then donate winnings to club to offset the membership being so down...
  20. McKenzie has already played a few games last year- I think 3.
  21. We also need to get of to a flier, say 3 goals ahead at quarter time. I truly think we can win also--at least I dream and believe in miracles- however do not believe it would be a miracle to win.
  22. Yep- add me to turn up---wouldn't miss it for anything.. Disappointed that my two major sparring partners are woosing it and will not get to the game..pityful. - enforcer & Keyser... O well we will send them a report after we win.
  23. You then would be a good match for Lady Ga GA
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