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Everything posted by jayceebee31

  1. Bruce looks either unfit( through the lack of match fitness) or the game has gone past him.We needed him last Saturday and he was the most senior player outside Jmac and just made mistake after mistake. If he played another two like this one would not be surprised if he got dropped.
  2. All the accolades given to this young footballer are well founded. He gives you that feel of security that we are going the right way. He will end up a very solid player(Ling type)whom will not only defend but create. Another poster thinks he is Kirk like- I feel Jordie has got greater depth and far better kick.Will allow young players like Blease, Bennell to be run with players whilst he either gets the hard ball or nullifies. Tapscott will be another hard nosed type when he begins. GO DEES.
  3. It was the best game,I have seen the Russian play. He dominated the ruck. We really need him to stay uninjured to assist and protect the younger ones. Your comments?
  4. I think the senior players let down the young ones today- I won't say soft - but disappointing.Felt the skipper left them down a little and Bruce- he is light of his mega days. Still maybe unfit- but light years away from his best.I also think Warnock- has not hit his straps this year as well. Frawley played a little better, but it was Jamar- whom really was the shinning light of the senior players.Green also did his best.However overall- felt the team overall was the most ruthless they have been for a very long time
  5. Need to have some talls in the forward line- someone to take a big grab. Thought Dunn was more than adequate today and need to play Newton for a few weeks to give him some confidence.
  6. Magic- support your point totally- worse display of black and white poisoning I have ever had. One eyed umpiring t it's best- BLOODY DISGRACEFUL.ACTUALLY FERREL
  7. Yes this may be true but to the contrary it could be that one party does not proceed.And that maybe not pointless.Could be a massive goal.
  8. The truth is we haven't got a clue what is going on.We are all guessing. However, if the fact is- as Sheehan has reported that both has not signed- there must be a a snag somewhere. It might have been that if the players do not seem to be producing for him in the first say, 4 rounds , then the extention is off- this may have been based on the way we went in the NAB cup.
  9. Thought one would read the article before commenting in the first place
  10. In today's Herald Sun, Mike Sheehan announces that neither have signed. http://www.heraldsun.com.au/sport/afl/no-ink-on-dean-baileys-contract/story-e6frf9ox-1225848767672 I hope they don't. Your thoughts?
  11. Also interesting to note in Mike Sheehan's article in the HUN today that both parties have note signed Bailley's extension.
  12. I will be there on Saturday, but I am also sick of reading that we are still a work in Progress.Of course we are,westill will be till we win a premiership. God knows how long that will be - a ruddy long time after last Saturday.Maybe never--we may be disbanded,if indeed Grand New Flag is correct and we take that long.However I also agree with what he states.However, in the meantime, we need to relook heavily into our football department for next year and no doubt C.C will do this. I have full faith in Chris.
  13. This reminds me when you are trying to push members like me around. Only rassin- HT, I think you are spot on.When the Reverand(Neil Daniher) coached us he asked the players to be ruthless. Well they at least stood up to be counted on most occassions. It seems the players just do not respect the football department and themselves.I differ however,in that I thought Jones and Rivers certainly had a dip and I noticed you did not have Green in your 10- thank God - because I thought he was not only courageous ,he showed excellent leadership to come back and lead by example.And I note you did state Green was an exception. Great post-HT(FOR ONCE).
  14. To be fair- a good summary but gee our football department are very weak to develop this list.
  15. I posted that thought 2 months ago- we may have a full list(or nearly) and try to gain patronage and sponsorship from the trip.
  16. WJ- another great report--Gee it must be so hard writing after such an enormous loss. I was very surprised that you had Frawley and in particular Warnock in your best..I thought both were pathetic. Jones was certainly in my best.
  17. You are just a galah- no idea and look whom could not make to the game-- YOU.No wonder Magic Yze does not enter this site very often when he has posters like you to attend with.
  18. Agree on most things however the margin -- more like 120 points..
  19. The whole football department needs to be analysed - and most likely changed
  20. We must have been at different games- the worst game Chip has played for the team- PATHETIC display and nearly as bad as Warnock- and we thought the backline was quite good- they got lost..Rivers went ok- but made many.many mistakes.
  21. Just maybe -Schwabb may need to give this Wednesday a miss and have a chat to the football department about it's first pathetic result-
  22. JUST noticed John Butcher as one of your favourite players-- like this post- you just prove you have jusy no idea.
  23. YOU ARE SO RIGHT----AND SOME ARE NOT JUST KIDDIES but act accodingly.How can someone like Roost it think we can get 32000 members with games like the opening NAB cup game where we performed similar in our opening match against Hawthorn- pathetically. Roost it also thought we should get 82000 odd - endng up going for 52 981 leaving a deficit of 8366- revenue loss @100.00 ea of $83 660.These supporters just have no idea of the pathetic way our team is performing and our football department is just an out right disgrace regarding performance. I know alot get upset with me and my views but most just cannot handle the truth.If they sat down and analysed the coaching panel as such they would then realise how week we really are- how can this club expect much more. And handpassing in the backline or short kicks is a coaching disgrace. I havealso suggested we get a kicking coach- well after this match I think I must have now 28000 odd agreers. Hangon 007 and Yze Magic are about the only sensible ones...see you in about 6 years time Dees.Sorry DAPPA Dan sometimes
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