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Everything posted by jayceebee31

  1. Good points and well thought out- however Volvo was a low lying fruit opportunity..China is the go in October...
  2. Back on the topic- I thought the insight was superb- showed how intricate every thing is as well as how every component works in tandem
  3. Totally agree- SMART suggestion and totaly fittng.
  4. What the hell are you talking about?????????????
  5. So therefore who would you put there...Spencer?????.I would go for the resting ruckman with Green in the pocket.
  6. I'd prefer JW to muscle up thus increase weight-and yes-I believe we members should get an update on the list changes...at least Cam is showing us what is going on off -field.Height and weight changes show us progress and development but you would not understand that...
  7. I want to see PROGRESS on field ...don't you -you was crying for it last year..
  8. Concur- I have bee arguing your sentiments for a long time now! and OR--it maybe the coaches are not capable to develop/teach?
  9. I cannot say that is a fact.However, I do accept we had to do what we have done --and accept it is going to take time..But I detected from WJ-- in his last report,his thoughts are like mine, we have not come on as I would have thought & expected.. I think it is time players like-Bail,Bartram,Bell,Dunn, Jamar,Johnson,Jones, Martin, Maric,McNamara,Petterd,step up to the plate this year and show the way..these are the one's under the microscope along with the young one's developmentand in particular the coaching panel.
  10. As far as I am concerned only A FEW(3) of the above names have truly showed that they are very worthy of their spot playing for the MFC...GRIMES,MORTON, JURRAH, the others still have to prove themselves.Scully, Watts, Blease, Strauss, Trengove(however, I do think he will be a star along with Bennell),Maric,Cheney,-and the ones you have not mentioned--Fitzpatrick,Gysberts,Gawn,all have a long way to go as far as I am concerned. And I am sure most posters would agree with me. We all thought Bartram would have made it... look now.Can you remember the name David Cordner--we thought he would turn out a star along with a lot of other Under 19 players in that premiership area. Not all young players make it in the BIG LEAGUE.THAT IS FACT. .So ...instead of me taking time to think, I think you should crawl, before you Roost it with your opinion and advise..(Practice what you preach- and think before you post..)
  11. KC ,PLEASE remember however the M,FC has about 12 on the injury list not capable of playing at this time.
  12. I understand your analogy accept accept that 3 years ago- we were in a larger mess than know- off field. I also accept your point re renovating- just completed task myself then the storms. However on field I think we have gone backwards. Re renovating at least one can see some progression. Our football club on field has recruited- well-don't know ? development-Don't know? Coaching-Don't know These are questions that will be answered sometime soon. But as Jimma stated recently-- the football department is accountable.However back to Wednesday's with Cam- I think it is an excellent addition.
  13. We have had 3 years to progress- time to show something.
  14. HT-- get your point re PATIENCE...but I would also like to see progresion as well.
  15. Cam goes inside the club to outline what is happening with ourgreat club..this will be happening in parts-starting today.. http://bigpondvideo.com/afl/250223 What do you think-I think it is outstanding- It is a segment called-Whiteboard Wednesday insight into our operations at MFC.
  16. Have a read ning nong -I was saying we haven't won a premiership since 1964.Read properly. Also I have a smile on my face normally until I notice some posters do not read what another poster wrongly reads something and then let's fly. Just shows me the ignorance of some.
  17. Nobody is holding anyone to account- excepting our budget for membership is 31000.
  18. HT- Whilst your info is correct- the target set by Jimma & the MFC is 30000 by round 1- that is FACT.Not withstanding we may reach the figure sometime after that,maybe not all or even record the greatest membership being over 31509 by memory by 30th June 2010. I strongly doubt we will reach any of these however I have been wrong before- I hope again with this one
  19. Just maybe -maybe the football dept is not being as effective as I have indicated many times over the last few months, hey????? and the facilities may not be as good as others thought???
  20. Here from you in 2015....long time in bed mate.We will have some good news on the 27th March 2010...believe me. We will regroup and the leaders will be on song.
  21. Not too late to jump on the bandwagon yourself-- 3 from 6 to maybe 1 from 6 or 0 from 6---I won't laugh at you !
  22. agreed- and we call ourselves Deemons..maybe we should change our nickname to Developers or Tankers or better still Injuries.?
  23. What about the pain in not winning a premiership since 1964--46 years ago..
  24. All the above and adding Blease, Gawn to the list---should be OK for China in October against Brisbane.
  25. Not worth it at the moment- playing pathetically. Only rassin- forgot about him.Out McKenzie In Davey Happy now-Pitmaster
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