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Everything posted by jayceebee31

  1. Sound like Dunn played a good game on the wing yesterday.- maybe we should keep him there and just try to get the ball into the forward line.As for a tall forward -wow anyone at this time should be tried...maybe the resting ruckman, with Bruce or GHreen along side..
  2. I tend to agree somewhat. Even before draft time last year,I was screaming for a tall forward. Whilst we have several talls, none xcept maybe Fitzpatrick are given natural forwards. However, I think Gawn will develop into a tall forward/ruckman type similar to a Salmon. Ilike the thought of sending a tall defender to the forward line such as Frawley or Rivers, even not for a full game- similar to the coach of the year- WJ reported in the match against West Coast yesterday where Woosha sent Brown forward for a period and kicked two goals. It is my opinion the better of the two would be Rivers only because I think he is a better kick.We have to do something Bails- so wake up or I'll start advocating WJ to take over as coach.
  3. My changed opning team now is: B: Cheney Warnock Rivers HB: Strauss Frawley MacDonald C: Dunn JMAC Grimes HF: Bate Miller Maric F: Green Martin Petterd R: Jamar, Bruce Jones, Int:Scully,Bennell,Trengove,McKenzie. With Spencer & McKenzie promoted to senior list this or next week.
  4. I see your point- quite valid. I just think we are tanking at the start of the year and or just developing more like we did last year. Also I think that we ar setting ourselves for a huge end of the year fling-culminating in our inaugural win in China and setting us up for a big 2011 & beyond.I hope so anyhow because our start of 2010 is just deplorable.
  5. It must be so tough to write a report like this one and state the truth as it is. We are really at the bottom of the barrell and need to be open and honest as state it as it is. Well done Oracle- you write very similar to WJ. Many thanks.we may have to get WJ to assist Bails or C.C.
  6. An maybe we need the services of WJ to coach.
  7. Agree- it will be a close game, actually I think we can win. However I do not live in a fishbowel and don't lie down like you did earlier today.
  8. Welcome post- agreed and we will now get our membership to 30000 by first round with an effort like this. Good one Dees.
  9. Agree- seemed to have been playing well today also- agree earlier post where you stated - good to see Fitzy & Gysberts played well for Casey- seems Newton & Healey did also.
  10. Great pressure from maric to set up a goal for bate. Dees 7.9.51 WCE 8.5.53
  11. Fair point- however 25% is not good (re 3 out of the 12).Accept point re Garland- however I do not know how bad it was. Naturally bad enough to miss out a year.Meeson continues to break down.Ditto PJ.Wona- continuous hamstrings.Bell- continuous shoulders,Davey- continuous- soft tissue injuries since commencement,Bate- late last year copped injury taken till now to get right- kicked first goal today.Bruce had many injuries ,even missed 2000 G/F.Rivers-missed nearly 2 years of football- re soft tissue injuries.Jurrah- too light- should have had more meat on him. These are my opinions. Dispute facts? Therfore continuous - I question management.. Don't you ?
  12. Bad kicking- bad football,Will be interesting to find out re easy misses or hard ones?. Excellent work Andy- very much appreciate scores and feeback- virtually instantly-working in tandem ith Demon HQ.(GUESS Ryan)
  13. Because he went of f playing with Casey holding his hamstring AGAIN.
  14. Andy- who is not in- I think Gysberts, Fitzpatrick & Newton aren't plsying of the 29 along with Wona. Correct? Theefore only 25 playing- Correct?
  15. Very quick lie down..... have a longer one and you may realise you are wrong. A stress fracture is generally an overuse injury. It occurs when muscles become fatigued or overloaded and can not absorb the stress and shock and repeated impact. Fatigued muscles transfer that stress to the nearby bone and the result is a small crack or fracture, in the bone. What Causes a Foot Stress Fracture Stress fractures in the bones of the foot are usually caused by overtraining or overuse. They can also be caused by repeated pounding or impact on a hard surface, such as running of concrete. Increasing the time, type or intensity of exercise too rapidly is another cause of stress fractures to the feet, as is wearing improper footwear. Therefore what do we have a football department to do. Shouldn't one of them manage the above?.Or as I have repeatedly questioned..Casey as a training ground maybe TOO HARD of a surface.
  16. Many-( 9 out of the 12).Wona again today. and have a good long sleep.
  17. Great effort KC---Very much appreciated. If you could find out how Wona pulled up- I am sure we all would very much appreciate that.
  18. AGREE - I have been on this bandwagon for months now- even before these main injuries. However, these 3 injuries to Bell, Morton are unfortunately non soft tissue injuries.I believe your post is definately correct in questioning whether LJ during pre season should have bulked himself up more to protect his shoulders etc..
  19. Great optimistic post-good on ya. Gee I would love to think you were right and I was wrong.And I do support a few things you say such like you and I- we both buy at similar times..therefore many will buy later.We also probably have the AFL support group ticket holders to come in yet..but I still think 30k by Rd 1 is ridiculously over the top. I do also think 31500 is a final tall order.However if Roost it is right and we win 3 out of the first six then 35000 may become a reality. Performance will be a key , no doubt. Your point on the website re other revenue is very interesting.My understanding is we only obtain 250k from revenue re our website.Excellent reading 2014-Flag,and I hope your right with that.
  20. I am the poster that stated openly that the match v's Fremantle was critical to our membership.We then needed to get 500 per week and in the last 3 weeks we have only got roughly 800 in total.Although many other posters claimed that NAB Cup matches were only practice matches and they didn't count.I disagree strongly. Our membership was growing very strongly before our demise match against Fremantle and we badly lost momentum. On top of this we have lost Morton,LJ & Bell to long term injury leaving a lot of people feeling we are basically no hopers this year. I disagree strongly with this thought however this weeks match against West Coast could be very telling to see if we can regain focus and drive to match our 31509 of last year and our budgeted amount of 31000. Our 30000 by our first match is a pipe dream. We may get to 27500 by 1st match if we are very lucky and win Saturday.
  21. So true re Newton.With regards to Petterd, I did not forget him, however he may play Half forward or forward pocket.Or wing or even run through the middle at times. There is one thing for sure,without tanking, we will be able to experience more changes thus development this year because of injuries. Will have to wait for a settled side later in the year or next year.However, watch us go when we do.
  22. Thanks for info Dan, one point of differ with your summation is -I think Jack Watts rightly developed has the potential to at least match Franklin(over 100 goal kicker). I think Watts was better than Franklin as a under developed teenager.And re Dunn I agree with Grand New Flag he played as a teenager in his role and now his body has developed. I do not think they will play him as a key forward. If so as a dummie full forward he is stronger and more developed and rounded as a footballer NOW.
  23. please advise how many games has he played as a forward already for the Dees? Because I cannot remember to many.Maybe when he first played.
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