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Everything posted by Chook

  1. Food makes you gain weight if you eat too much of it. It doesn't matter what you're eating. What matters is what makes you feel full. Paleo makes me feel full. Ergo, paleo is good...for me.
  2. I feel like I say this entirely too often. This is the only Barrett I have any interest in:
  3. It's not about the individual players; it's about the ball movement and spread from congestion.
  4. Needs to put on some height and weight I'd say!
  5. I think the best thing about Dennis Cometti is that he always refers to players by their last name, always makes the game the focus, and never shows his bias. All three of those things are very easy to do, and yet very few commentators are able or willing to put ego aside and just call the game as it unfolds.
  6. With Cometti leaving, the best caller will soon be much worse. That's a given, but I shudder to think what the worst caller will be like now that they'll have to bring in someone new to fill the ranks over there at Channel 7.
  7. So is sitting at your computer going "Yeah nah" an integral part of building a good culture, or is that just you being a troll?
  8. What's the status of the house? Is it down yet?
  9. How well were defenders able to see the passage of the ball and move to intercept?
  10. One day when I'm an old man I'll be able to tell my grandkids I saw Melbourne in the 2000 Grand Final and they will be so envious....
  11. Unless you also have a time machine, that team would be terrible.
  12. So this is what a group of Melbourne supporters looks like.
  13. I don't mind it so much when the champion players smash us. That's to be expected. It's when the nobodies do it that I get frustrated.
  14. If anything I'd make it earlier in the day. Who wakes up on gameday before the grand final and goes: "Boy I wish this game were later."
  15. I can imagine Mark Neeld doing something like this and destroying our club morale. Paul Roos on the other hand; everything he does seems to maximise its positive effects and minimise its negative ones. Let's see how this turns out....
  16. Football players aren't known for being very smart.
  17. I don't have the same inner sources as you, but what you've said jives exactly with my outside impressions. I'm very optimistic about how the Roos-Goodwin handover will turn out for us.
  18. Wherever we finish, at least it won't be below Melbourne. Man that club sucks!
  19. The last time I listened to SEN, the Morning Glory team consisted of Billy Brownless, Gary Lyon and Tim Watson. That must be going on ten years ago now. Geez!
  20. Give me a hundred-and-one parallel universes and we still wouldn't win the flag; so I'd say those odds are generous (or stingy, since we'll never pay out cause we won't win one).
  21. The dangers of placing all our hope in unknown teenagers.
  22. I hope we've learned not to place all our faith in unknown teenagers by now. These kids are just kids, so let's not assume too much based on who we've picked—at least until we see them play.
  23. Who does this Sam Landsberger think he is!?!?! How dare he ridicule our predicted choice of Unknown Teenager #3!!!! Doesn't he know that under Paul Roos, Unknown Teenager #3 is poised to become a star the likes of which we shall never see again?!?! Fool! Foolish fool, thrice damned!!!
  24. I've worn Minimus shoes every single day since they came out about 3 years ago. They're absolutely fantastic. Going from a no-drop sole to a "traditional" pair of shoes feels like you're standing on a sloping surface—because you actually are. I can imagine people who wear thick-soled shoes with big drops could dramatically shorten their calves over the course of years. Also the extra ankle support in most shoes might feel good while you're wearing them, but they weaken your ankles considerably. TLDR; wear minimal shoes. They don't have to look like this: In fact, they should look a little more like this:
  25. One day just by pure chance we'll come across some anniversary that actually breaks the Curse. Hopefully this is it.
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