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Everything posted by Chook

  1. North’s pressure at the ball carrier tonight would make Hawthorn worried. Hawthorn are next-level though, so it really doesn’t matter either way.
  2. The hate for North Melbourne really defies belief. Sure they’re not my favourite club, but a North GF appearance is not the end of the world when you look at what other horrific clubs are out there.
  3. I don’t care what anyone says. I rate Ben Brown very highly.
  4. So evidently you don’t believe Hodge and Lewis and Mitchell have had any real effect on Hawthorn’s success?
  5. I’ll post my response to this here as well: I think there is an even better case for tracking people who abuse alcohol and take away their right to drink it. Why should thousands of responsible people be prohibited on account of a few who have no self-control?
  6. I think there is an even better case for tracking people who abuse alcohol and take away their right to drink it. Why should thousands of responsible people be prohibited on account of a few who have no self-control?
  7. And why do you think we sucked for the whole time he was here? Because he’s not a leader; he’s just someone who hopped on a bandwagon that’s already steaming to its finish line. It’s frustrating to see someone who should be in his prime and leading us out of our mess simply choose to waltz over and pick up a premiership medal somewhere else without doing the hard work to get there.
  8. It really burns my guts to see James Frawley just walk into a Grand Final side.
  9. This would be one of the great preliminary final wins of all time if the Dockers get up.
  10. And the “natural arc” rears its ugly head again….
  11. Even if this were a joke, how could you possibly think it’s a clever one?
  12. Because the word “media” has now been co-opted from its original usage as a plural form of medium, so that now it represents a grotesque self-serving organisation of slobs who have no real interest in reporting any real news. I feel that the best way to reflect that is to capitalise and trademark this new word, so as to distinguish it from its more respectable predecessor.
  13. This thread’s title is “Dwayne Russell King of Flogs” and you people are surprised that the Media™ elected him the greatest caller?
  14. Wouldn’t we all love our lives to be that good that we can play AFL, give it a crack and then go: “Nope. I’ve got something better going for me." All power to him.
  15. Too bad we’ll never see this or any other “best-of-the-best” side play for real.
  16. What would the coaches know? It’s them and not the AFL who are ruining our game…at least according to the Media™.
  17. Nah. We would’ve gotten blown away by quarter time and spent the rest of the game catching up.
  18. I’m being a bit of a smartarse, but I’m trying to say that all players can be taught enough to make them good footballers. Maybe there are some intangibles that can’t be taught, but that doesn’t mean those players are doomed. Maybe the only thing that would stop that is if a player isn’t willing to learn. Now THAT is something that can’t be taught.
  19. It’s amazing what football players will put their bodies through in pursuit of money and success. Such commitment is truly astounding.
  20. So what’s the problem then? Just teach them stuff that can be taught and they’ll be fine.
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