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  1. G'day all. I apologise for my posts being a bit all over the place but I was in a rush yesterday and nearly missed my flight due to posting on here! Here's some more info for everyone. Neeldy was fairly quiet during drills compared to Neil Craig who was very active and vocal along with Jade Rawlings and Leigh Brown. Players were screamed at by Rawlings and Brown when they missed targets by foot during drills "not good enough" they would say and all of the group would have to do sprints before re-starting the drill again. Sprints looked to be 3 x 50m. There's definitely no love lost between Rawlings and Joel Macdonald. Rawlings was into him non stop, at the end saying "you love me don't you Joel", "I'm easy on you aren't I Joel" and the best was Rawlings asking him if he wanted to be business partners. Jade said "we will start selling balaclavas and you can be the model". Joel didn't say much, probably terrified that anything he did say would probably result in sprints. Neeld was also into Jade about not getting up before the players to go to the gym, obviously the FD is also trying to lead by example. During the match simulation young Jack Viney had his top ripped to pieces, I said to Neeldy I think that's going to be a common occurrence isn't it, he laughed and said "he's just a terror, he terrorises everybody, even us, he hates losing"! I will say again he's a solid bugger, no fear, the year at MFC has obviously been instrumental in him being ready to go for 2013. I'd like to think this will be the same for Jesse Hogan, who was absent at training along with Mitch Clark. Misson joked and said they're back in the pool at the barracks having a cuddle. Players were calling Jack Watts "silky" all session, but honestly between Barry, Strauss, Tappy, Toumpas and Kent you couldn't pick a fault in their foot skills. There were cameras set up remotely all around the ground and all players obviously had GPS's on, I was sitting next to one of many laptops where all data from all players was outlayed and you could see who was hot, who's putting in, distances, temperatures, who's slacking off etc. Lots of ball drills, which has been a common theme and not normally this involved at other clubs before Xmas. I think in previous years balls didn't come out until after January 5th so it's great to see they're getting their hands on the ball as well as building a great fitness base. Where our fitness stands with other clubs I'm not sure but it's only a matter of time and patience before it all clicks. Also great to see a team culture and great camaraderie between players, where if someone's down a bit then another player will lift to cover him and help out, something I've really noticed this year, no selfishness between anyone. Other than that Sells & Mags wanted me to take them fishing. I was first to report about Neeldy's knee-still no answer! Without trying to get everyone's hopes up it is the fittest I have seen the players, ever. Everyone looks ripped, especially Howe. Also it's the sharpest I've seen our skills since the late 90's. And we look to have some pace out there too. Anyway I'm off, I'll report back soon.
    20 points
  2. Hi All. I just went down to Dees' training this morning at Gardens Oval. Conditions were obviously hot and humid but there was a nice breeze coming through, it would help that this oval is close to the ocean. They trained for a good three hours or so this morning. Training consisted of many full match simulation drills, including what looked like a full match of 10 minute quarters. Standouts in this match included Dom Barry - this kid is something else, smooth mover and beautiful kick, dominated, got the best GPS results out of everyone, very high numbers ... he reminds of a young and better version of Aaron Davey. Others included Nicholson - by geez he is quick and didn't stop running, Jeremy Howe, Jimmy Toumpas, Rory Taggert, Aaron Davey, Tom McDonald , Chip, Colin Garland, Dean Kent and James Strauss. Jack Watts' skills were outstanding however, he left training early and when I saw him last he had strapping around his shin/calf? I'm a Watts fan but he looks skinny - maybe suited to a wing than a backman's role? There were other full ground drills where there were stoppages on all four flanks then it turned into two balls going each way then Neil Craig would yell out and there would be only one live ball which had to get down the other end for a goal, hard to explain! Lots of ruck/midfield drills, one after the other. At the end guys were doing repeat 50m sprints, taking in turns, Nicholson dominated this not slowing up once. I had a long chat with Howie who with Dom Barry absolutely killed the GPS results, up and over 20km for a training session. Howie looks so fit!!! Davey, Nicholson and McDonald also did well here. They can't get away with anything with video cameras everywhere, getting tracked up to the second with GPS through laptops around the ground. I was asking Howie, Tom McD and Sellar how they were handling the heat and they just laughed and said it's different. Howie looked spent. Tom Mc said the benefits of training in humidity were not to do with breathing but to do with muscle stamina, kind of like they push there bodies to max out here in heat then in the cooler weather they can cope for longer at a time due to their core temp - something like that!! Tom Mc also said that some players have lost 5-6kg in a 40min session through fluid loss. A big chat also to Matt Burgan in the shade, seems quietly confident but doesn't let up much. I asked Dave Misson how the players were coping and he said Friday was tough but they've acclimatised much better, they've had to re adjust the program slightly due to the humidity. I met Jimmy Toumpas - bloody lovely kid. Would like to keep him as a pet!!! Just a great happy easy going guy and is absolutely loving being a part of the MFC. Players have been great to him and he loves living with the Vineys. He's had a good time up here, not liking the heat too much but said they've eased him into training which has helped. He too come off early, as did Jack Viney. You will laugh at this - I told Jimmy Toumpas don't you dare do a Scully on us or I will hunt you down!!!! He laughed and said we don't need to worry, he couldnt be happier! Also said he's looking forward to the 38km Kakadu trek. Jones trained all morning then while everyone was having ice baths he just kept doing laps!!! Freak. Sylvia looks very clim & trim, had a decent back rub before leaving. Anyway guys I'm off. Got to fly to Sydney but I'll be back Tuesday so will hopefully get one more training report to you before the Dees fly home on Thursday. Dark horses for this year: Taggert, Tynan, Dean Kent!, Barry. I must say our skills are the best and sharpest I've ever seen.
    12 points
  3. I think it has more to do with him not being a leader. The captaincy (as well as the third party payments) were part of the carrot to lure him to Carlton. Fact is he is not really a leader he is just a very elite foot soldier
    5 points
  4. He tweeted a pic of an icepack on his knee. Said nothing about an injured knee Caro.
    5 points
  5. Nothing to add here other than my new avatar - JV in camo's...... Not that the boy could in fact get any tougher....
    4 points
  6. he probably told the club they are not paying him enough for the extra responsibility.. if you want me to captain I want 14 million dollars a year
    4 points
  7. Maybe the AFL just wants the whole thing forgotten...it has been so quiet...will the episode just fade?? Has Wilson been sent to her Coffin for the summer sleep? She has not mentioned anything new on this issue in weeks. Her references to the MFC lately are those of someone who knows they will not triumph. I hope like hell G Lyon rips her apart next year on national television.
    4 points
  8. Just been to the ground with the boys, watched the first game then everyone, except flash took off at 1/4 time in Tiwi v St Marys game which Aussie is playing. The guy still has all the skills but just not the fitness. I was only there for an hour sitting with flash, Mitch, Dom Barry & Rodan. Flash was so happy to be back home, havent talked to him much before but hes a very nice fella. Who looks fit: Grimesy Frawley - Looks ripped Jamar - Fittest Ive seen him Tom McDonald Taggert - I dont know if spotted the wrong guy but god he looks big in the chest & arms, definite midfield role looms if injury free. Tynan Dean Kent - not sure what his numbers are but hes a ripped young lad, barrel chest & a swagger to go with it. J Viney - hes a solid kid. Rodan. I didnt see Jonesy anywhere, probably went for a run the freak. Who looked unfit: Bare in mind the heat. Watts - looked stuffed & skinny, also been ill. Sometimes I want to wipe that smirk off his face. McKenzie Matt Burgan Neeldy had bark off his knees, I asked him what happened & he just laughed. Dawesy looked a bit tuckered out. Anyway not much just a little info. A lot of new faces, will get around to meeting them all soon. Dees did a training session with kids between games.
    4 points
  9. There's a lot of love for Robbie here but I was too young in the 80's to really remember him. I was hoping some of you guys could share some Robbie Flower memories so I can bask in the love as well. What was he capable of? What was he like? How awesome was he on a scale of 1 to Chuck Norris? Educate me (and the younger dees)! Thankyou in advance
    3 points
  10. That's one game in a season filled with multiple terrible performances by the majority of our players. If you're going to base your argument on one game, I will as well: Round 5 vs. St Kilda.
    3 points
  11. This might give you some idea. At one game against Richmond at the MCG, when kicking out after a Richmond behind, we'd put all our players on one side of the ground except Robbie. He was left on his own on the other side with his Richmond opponent. (Remember, this is in the days of man-on-man and no flooding/press etc). Richmond kicked something like 18 behinds. Out of the 18 returns, Robbie won all bar one. If I recall correctly, that might have been the last game for that particular Richmond coach. (May have been Francis Bourke - but who knows, they went through so many). Robbie was the visual equivalent of liquid Lindt chocolate.
    3 points
  12. Jordie just needs to model everything he does on how Cameron Ling went about the game. Ling wasn't a great kick, but made up for it in so many other areas, and I have no doubt Jordie is the same. I'm first to put my hand up and admit I had serious doubts over his ability and his prospects as a long term player. I am happy to admit I got it wrong, as Jordie is a beauty.
    3 points
  13. Please don't tell me this whole investigation hinges on a stupid CC comment ??? I think we need some Jack Nicholson action - get McLardy into the box to respond to the AFL. "Now are these really the questions I was called here to answer? Bad Chris Connolly jokes and numbnuts Brock McLean? Please tell me you've got something more, AFL. Please tell me there's an ace up your sleeve. The MFC is on trial for it's integrity. Please tell me the AFL hasn't pinned their hopes on failed humour and Bogun donuts braindead..... Do you have any other questions for me, AFL? Well ? Do you punk...." (I went a bit "Clint" at the end for effect) (They can't handle the truth)
    3 points
  14. At the risk of getting howled down, the Age article and this thread add weight to the argument that perhaps all our problems are not related to poor draft choices. Maybe amateurish training methodologies contributed, too. This story continues the positive view I've had of Neeld since he started - he appears to have come with a co-ordinated, highly developed strategy which is not just about a game plan but looks at all aspects which make a successful team including recruitment, fitness, game style, player character and even age distribution of the playing group. I just hope that he can convert all this hard work into on-field success.
    3 points
  15. Great stuff, HG. As for the smirk, I hope he never loses that. It's that little bit of arrogance that is keeping him going while he is the most derided player in the history of the modern draft, and that arrogance will help him become a key part in our next flag tilt. He would have to be a strong minded kid to keep up that smirk...
    3 points
  16. Mods - we have a "like" button but desperately need a "dislike intensely" button too.
    2 points
  17. Fourth in the Bluey, Coaches award, never say die, one of the first picked every week ... Obviously the professionals at the club see plenty in him that you can't.
    2 points
  18. Underrated kick, generally by those who don't know what they're talking about, and like to make uneducated blanket statements. Due to the role he plays, the nature of his possessions, and his average quickness, he doesn't often kick the footy, or at least doesn't get much space to do it. He is a raking kick, with average penetration, when he has done it in the past.
    2 points
  19. His endeavour is unquestioned. I look fwd to the time when Jordie struggles to get a game because everyone else tackles like him and throws themselves at opposition players.
    2 points
  20. Exactly. If you don't like it, don't listen. I certainly don't. Blaming a prank call for this suicide is like blaming Marilyn Mansen for the Columbine shootings. Coincidence, nothing more. And those calling for large scale 'axeings' or legislation changes are just giving in to their knee-jerk reactions and prejudices. "I don't approve of their comedy, which was seen in close proximity to a suicide, therefore their comedy caused this suicide. By extension, this will also cause the downfall of society," - this is complete folly and shows deep flaws in reasoning. As I said, even if there was a causal relationship, one incident among thousands is hardly an appropriate sample size on which to base such drastic changes as has been advocated here. At best, you could propose an investigation to see if this has happened before in less visible circumstances. If that investigation showed that it had, and in statistically significant quantities, then I'll jump right on the "let's change the law" bandwagon. But I don't think we should make snap decisions without all the available evidence - and at the moment that evidence is looking real dicey. I am happy to revisit if a causal relationship is established by the authorities. I'm getting pretty tired of repeating myself. If nothing else though, this thread has entertained Biffen. And in the end, isn't that the real aim of all of us here at Demonland?
    2 points
  21. I seem to recall him resisting the captaincy at Carlton but ended up taking it on because at the time there was no-one else anywhere near suitable. Now they have some good options (no, not you, Brock).
    2 points
  22. If Jordie could kick he'd be a gun. Kicking is a big problem but he's not alone. No penetration, little accuracy, no damage.
    2 points
  23. The latest video is really good. I could watch that behind the scenes stuff all day.
    2 points
  24. But it all comes from Sydney. For whatever reason, Melbourne radio doesn't seem infected with the same shock-jock mentality. I think generally it's because there's too many radio stations fighting for revenue, and they're all forced into more devious ways of making the news rather than simply reporting or commenting on it. Either that or they win ratings by appealing to the lowest common denominator. In Sydney radio, good taste, class, morals and etiquette have gone out the window and been replaced by vindictiveness, accusation, bias, judgementalism, pranks and stupidity. Give me Red Symons any day.
    2 points
  25. Probably right....In fairness it is hard when your head is up your clacker...
    2 points
  26. Hi all - first post! Hannath did go to Darwin with the Dees. From what I've heard he's been pretty much guaranteed by Melbourne that they'll take him
    2 points
  27. A copy of "Russian Prison Tattoos" ,a bong ,some unpaid bills ,summonses, some of the wifes blood and some empty stubbies.
    2 points
  28. a good journalist like Quayle or Flanagan will write it properly though so the reader is also there. Goes on the journey.....
    2 points
  29. I have never contacted a journo before, but emailed Emma Quayle today to express the sentiments above and to say how nice it was to read an article about the MFC that was free of politics and personal agendas
    2 points
  30. i'm gonna do this one in the Members, and people will be all "what a loooser" then they'll be like "na its kinda cool" then they'll be all "TOOUUUUMMMP...PASSSSS"
    2 points
  31. I've just read this thread from start to finish. Congratulations to all posters (bar one, but I won't bother naming him/her) for what has been a glorious foray into football, geography, meteorology, physiology, music, history and politics. And some stuff about the actual purpose of the trip to Darwin. This is why I like Demonland.
    1 point
  32. I have a sneaking feeling that as far as infrastructure to a FD and the training ( its nature and quality) go we are as googd as anyones now. What WILL take the time is for it to affect and have effect upon the group. I expect a vast improvement over ladt season and then step ups in following seasons as the new regimes influence really kicks in. It certainly sounds like we leave very little to chance now where as once upon a time everything seemed to be that way; chance !!!
    1 point
  33. Toumpa, Toumpa, doopaty doo. That is what I think of when I hear his name. From the Oompa loompas on Willy Wonka.
    1 point
  34. At the risk of offending you hooplaHave you read any of my posts over the last 6 months? I have never said the following - That any player was told not to try - That we should be punished - That we did any more or less than Carlton or a number of other clubs. However what I have said and will continue to say is that the FD in 2009 and particularly the Richmond game made every effort to not win that day. Now you can give it any name you like but that is the situation IMO. What annoys me is the number of Dees supporters that are in denial on this subject. Oh and just a parting shot hoopla Youth does not necessarily make you a genius any more than the ageing process make you a fool.
    1 point
  35. Wasn't so long ago Mathew Lloyd was using the Dees as an argument on footy club spending saying the poor old Dees didn't even have GPS units.. Hey Mat....get (^&%$##(^*__ed!!!!!
    1 point
  36. As I mentioned there was a lot of match simulation so yes he ran and made space well, kicking beautifully. Was one of the top GPS results too which the boys were stirring him up saying he's old etc but can still run.
    1 point
  37. The radio announcers sought to and succeeded in breaching the medical privacy of the Duchess of Cambridge by impersonating her relatives - that is not a joke. After patient physical and psychological health care, protection of patient confidentiality is the most important responsibility of health care professionals. Jacintha Saldanha was working in an environment where the responsibility and importance of protecting the royal family's privacy was paramount. She made an professional error as a direct result of being mislead by this deceit, it's no surprise that she took this extremely seriously and personally.
    1 point
  38. Yes Master. We will wait patient like the budgie and cunning like the Wombat. When the time is right we will strike with the speed of a fat lazy Labrador in need of a feed. Our enemies will be vanquished.
    1 point
  39. Some of these pre-season conditioning experiences seem to be trying to address the main causes of fatigue. The main causes of fatigue in an afl game are fuel depletion and the build up of metabolic by-products that are both delayed by developing a higher oxygen carrying capacity and a more efficient aerobic energy system. Of equal importance is the players ability to keep their body temperature at a level that is not over the top. They do this by hydrating properly and cooling themselves, even in the winter! Poor thermoregulation means that the body will send more blood to the skin and organs to keep the core temperature down instead of sending enough blood to the working muscles to supply oxygen energy and to clear the metabolic by-products - therefore rapid fatigue. The body can be trained to do a better job at thermoregulating and therefore, reduce the onset of rapid fatigue and this could be one of the objectives of the team's Darwin camp. I thought that an athlete had to train at significant altitude for about six months to really develop more red blood cells, unless they combined a short term period of altitude training with EPO or blood doping. The same gains could be achieved with hypoxic tents or rooms in Melbourne. The team-building positives are probably the main benefit of all AFL team's training camps.
    1 point
  40. It's an interesting point, much discussed within marketing and advertising agencies ... but a hard copy version is a completely different reading experience. There are still many people (me included) who would prefer to have and hold the real thing, even if the info is available online.
    1 point
  41. bring it back? hasnt played a game yet?
    1 point
  42. I know there is an old saying " there is no such thing as bad publicity" but do you really believe that AD wants the publicity of this issue where there will be no winners (and one big loser which I am tipping will be the AFL) ? In most sections of the media we have be judged and sentenced passed - when the AFL come out with a finding of "insufficient evidence" do you think that the CW's of the world will say thats ok then, everyone move in. The AFL are damned if they do, damned if they dont - Unless there were players instructed to lose or there is manual that the investigators found on 20 ways to lose a footy match then the AFL can't bring charges but if they dont bring charges the media will lash the AFL. AD does not want this publicity - he wants this issue to GO AWAY.
    1 point
  43. I don't understand how our side can go from missing the finals to being 'set' with the addition of one player.
    1 point
  44. Personally I don't rate Spencer as a player that will ever make the afl standard the MFC need. He tries his guts out, runs and taps ok. But can not and will not ever be able to kick and or read the play. Jamar is a good ruckman but we need long term apprentices under him now to learn. Gawn could be anything if he can stay injury free. Pederson and Clarke are good 2nd or 3rd back ups So I really see a need from a promising young ruckman with potential to be the number 1 ruck in a few years. Like what I have seen and read about this guy as long as his attitude and work ethic are up to standard rookie no doubt!
    1 point
  45. this is a useless thread. So many scenarios can play out now, that can change so much.
    1 point
  46. Can someone confirm if NMMNG is Range Rover the former King of starting threads. FFS while we are at it how about we start a thread on the 2016 draft period. 4 months to go before First Bounce
    1 point
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