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Dees pay HALF of Jonno's salary in Brisbane!


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While I understand Travis was a "high maintenance" player, people are not robotic and it is surely incumbant upon the coaching staff to be "handlers of men". (ALL PERSONALITY TYPES)

Travis was the ONLY player in our team who could hit a target up forward and now we may be paying half of his salary to deliver the ball lace out to Jonathan Brown. (see this article)

In the tradition of Jolly and Armstrong, hold your breath folks as we prepare to watch another Melbourne player bask in premiership glory with another club.


Angry, Frustrated and Bloody Had Enough

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Get in line with the rest of the tools that want to bash the club for finally making a hard decision. The biggest call that has been made since 2002, and if I recall correctly, that decision paid huge dividends. W was aging and very much on the decline, and we picked up Daniel Bell in the draft for the pick we received.

Who cares if we are paying half his wages; we've knocked at least 200,000 off of the bill, and it's not like we're anywhere near the cap limit if we were making a play for Juda$.

As for Jolly and Armstrong, give me a break. Armstrong lucked out massively when he got to be part of the Weagles premiership team. He was a fringe player at best, and probably no certainty to be part of the team on the big day, right up until the last minute. Jolly made an absolutely minimal contribution to the Swan's flag as well. He was, is, and always will be a backup ruckman. Why would the club feel bad about the fringe players that it has gotten rid of playing in premierships, when they have no discernable effect on the team they join? It's not like we've traded Juda$ away and then he has been the inspiration for a team's premiership tilt.

Stop mincing and support the bloody club. If you want the place to have ANY success then THESE. DECISIONS. HAVE. TO. BE. MADE. Get used to it, and get over it.

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In the tradition of Jolly and Armstrong, hold your breath folks as we prepare to watch another Melbourne player bask in premiership glory with another club.


Angry, Frustrated and Bloody Had Enough

Funny how the supporters who cry out about accepting mediocrity are really quite happy to accept mediocrity.

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Get in line with the rest of the tools that want to bash the club for finally making a hard decision. The biggest call that has been made since 2002, and if I recall correctly, that decision paid huge dividends. W was aging and very much on the decline, and we picked up Daniel Bell in the draft for the pick we received.

Who cares if we are paying half his wages; we've knocked at least 200,000 off of the bill, and it's not like we're anywhere near the cap limit if we were making a play for Juda$.

As for Jolly and Armstrong, give me a break. Armstrong lucked out massively when he got to be part of the Weagles premiership team. He was a fringe player at best, and probably no certainty to be part of the team on the big day, right up until the last minute. Jolly made an absolutely minimal contribution to the Swan's flag as well. He was, is, and always will be a backup ruckman. Why would the club feel bad about the fringe players that it has gotten rid of playing in premierships, when they have no discernable effect on the team they join? It's not like we've traded Juda$ away and then he has been the inspiration for a team's premiership tilt.

Stop mincing and support the bloody club. If you want the place to have ANY success then THESE. DECISIONS. HAVE. TO. BE. MADE. Get used to it, and get over it.

Diablo, What a lot of CRAP!

1) The best decision is not always a hard decision. You do not have to make hard decisions to progress -you simply need to make the BEST decision and IMO, (and I am not the only one) Jonno off a half back flank as Dean Bailey himself promised to Trapper a few weeks ago, would have been a win. There are many ways to skin a cat.

2) Daniel Bell to date has been a fair footballer but done nothing (yet) to make me think he was anywhere near pick 14.

3) When a club is accessing financial assistance from the league as we are, us subsidising him to play for another club is incomprehensible. Furthermore, the $200k balance that we have "benefited" from wouldn't pay for Adam Yze's cousins neice in Shep, yet alone a quality footballer.

4) As for Jolly, Armstrong, Thompson etc, premiership clubs are partly measured by the quality of their weakest link (player). Clearly some of these boys played at a standard good enough to help these clubs win or play in grand finals. Why the hell do we move them on or allow them to leave when WE FAIL THEM by not developing them adequately?

5) Craig Cameron is the one constant through all of these decisions. While he has been wonderful for our club, who has been evaluating his performance more recently? There is a trend of consistently strange decisions developing.

6) Mincing you say? Supporting your club or any other body is not just about agreeing with everything they do or say. Vigorous debate and occasionally criticism is absolutely necessary to keep us all focused and accountable. My passion for the red and blue runs as deep as anyones but as a paid up member, I prefer to speak up, as is my right, rather than just insipidly nodding and agreeing like you Diablo.

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:angry: This administration is pathetic!!!!!!! :angry:

Not only do they rush through a trade for pick 14 with a day and a half to go in the Trade period (while it looked like Brisbane were going to buckle and offer pick 8, but no the easy option was the way to go) but we also pay half of his wage and then in the same breath re-sign the biggest underpeformer on our list.

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:angry: This administration is pathetic!!!!!!! :angry:

Not only do they rush through a trade for pick 14 with a day and a half to go in the Trade period (while it looked like Brisbane were going to buckle and offer pick 8, but no the easy option was the way to go) but we also pay half of his wage and then in the same breath re-sign the biggest underpeformer on our list.

what makes you think brisbane were going to buckle? were at the trade talks? what is brisbane said '14 is our final offer, if you dont take it now we are going to go and chase 'insert players name' for pick 14 so you'll have lost your chance'. do you really think that these highly paid recruiters would be stupid enough to jump up and say yes to a trade without thinking it through carefully and getting the most for our club?

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Diablo, What a lot of CRAP!

1) The best decision is not always a hard decision. You do not have to make hard decisions to progress -you simply need to make the BEST decision and IMO, (and I am not the only one) Jonno off a half back flank as Dean Bailey himself promised to Trapper a few weeks ago, would have been a win. There are many ways to skin a cat.

Mate, that game was a sham. He didn't have a man! If Trav was consistently cutting it up at half-back, how long do you think it would be before the opposition started putting a half-forward tagger on him. Or a player that TJ would actually have to be accountable for? I suppose he could just tell everybody else to pick his man up, like he usually does.

2) Daniel Bell to date has been a fair footballer but done nothing (yet) to make me think he was anywhere near pick 14.

Bell showed signs this year of having the capability to be a super small defender for years to come. He is finally starting to get away from his injury dramas, and he is skillful, hard, and supremely courageous. If you don't think that W's post-trade years were suitable vindication for his trade, then I don't know how to convince you mate.

3) When a club is accessing financial assistance from the league as we are, us subsidising him to play for another club is incomprehensible. Furthermore, the $200k balance that we have "benefited" from wouldn't pay for Adam Yze's cousins neice in Shep, yet alone a quality footballer.

It will probably cover 3 of our 4 likely National draft selections. I do not like the idea of paying another club's player, who would? But this was a deal that needed to be done, and if this got it across the line, then I have no problem with that.

4) As for Jolly, Armstrong, Thompson etc, premiership clubs are partly measured by the quality of their weakest link (player). Clearly some of these boys played at a standard good enough to help these clubs win or play in grand finals. Why the hell do we move them on or allow them to leave when WE FAIL THEM by not developing them adequately?

Surely you jest. You cannot seriously believe that the Premiership is won on the back of fringe players like Armstrong, or 10-minutes-per-quarter backup ruckmen like Jolly. I happen to AGREE with the second point here, that the last outfit at the club failed some players, because of the [censored]-poor development system the club had in place. Bailey is all about developing players, so we need to back him.

5) Craig Cameron is the one constant through all of these decisions. While he has been wonderful for our club, who has been evaluating his performance more recently? There is a trend of consistently strange decisions developing.

How on earth do you figure that. I wish I could remember where it was from (somebody posted it in the Draft and Trades forum), but the records show that CAC has ensured our recruiting in recent times has been second only to Geelongs.

6) Mincing you say? Supporting your club or any other body is not just about agreeing with everything they do or say. Vigorous debate and occasionally criticism is absolutely necessary to keep us all focused and accountable. My passion for the red and blue runs as deep as anyones but as a paid up member, I prefer to speak up, as is my right, rather than just insipidly nodding and agreeing like you Diablo.

Supporting your club is about backing them to make the right decision. If you think you can do a better job, by all means head over to the MCG and submit your CV. If the club had made a baffling decision I would certainly be upset. But it doesn't take too much imagination to see how this decision is beneficial for us, or why it needed to be made.

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Maybe CAC didn't want to wait until the end of 2008 after TJ had a decent year in the last year of his contract and we were looking at a choice between 3 more years @ $400K or losing him in the PSD.

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Bailey has told the world that we're going to re-build now for a serious tilt at the flag in probably 2-3 season's time when our core group of sub-23s are coming into their prime. Trading Trapper for pick 14 and hence gaining a second first round pick is a means to an end to accomplish the stated direction in which the club is moving.

I don't see what all the fuss is about. If our experienced players were going to win a premiership they would have done it by now, the fact is they weren't good enough and their chance has now well and truly passed them by. TJ was the best of this group and we traded him to get someone new in? Sure its not a guarantee of picking up a future champ but its a reasonable bet he might turn out to be one. The future flag prospects of our club lies well and truly on the shoulders of the the under 23's (McLean, Bell, Jones, Bate, Dunn, Pettard, Frawley, Rivers, Davey, Meesen, Sylvia, Moloney), by adding two more first rounders to this list now, watch out for us in 2-3 years time I say.

C'mon the Dees!

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Has anyone seen the article by Mark Stevens in the Hun today? I can't believe it takes something like this to evoke a reaction out of everyone. Supporters are too happy to slate the club when they make an unpopular decision, but there is no support when they do something positive.

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I don't see what all the fuss is about. If our experienced players were going to win a premiership they would have done it by now, the fact is they weren't good enough and their chance has now well and truly passed them by. TJ was the best of this group and we traded him to get someone new in? Sure its not a guarantee of picking up a future champ but its a reasonable bet he might turn out to be one. The future flag prospects of our club lies well and truly on the shoulders of the the under 23's (McLean, Bell, Jones, Bate, Dunn, Pettard, Frawley, Rivers, Davey, Meesen, Sylvia, Moloney), by adding two more first rounders to this list now, watch out for us in 2-3 years time I say.

C'mon the Dees!

Absolutely spot on!!!!!

And in all seriousness, it's unfair to even expect a gun player at 14. If we can pick up another important piece in building a premiership team, then it's a good result.

We have had TJ for 10 years........moving him on now while he still has some market value, even though a difficult thing to do, is a shrewd decision, and the best one for the club going forward.

If Travis was honest enough with himself, he would realise that he is the reason he has been traded. If he has the work ethic of a James McDonald, he wouldn't have been going anywhere......he would have been untouchable.......but meandering through his football career for 10 years, and putting in when it suits him has cost him.

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People are being much too emotional about all this and the reasons people are using are pretty poor ones at that. People bring up Jolly, Armstrong, Woewodin, Thompson... What choice did we have in these? Jolly and Thompson asked to be traded, at the time we made the right decision on Armstrong and Woewodin, who can argue we made the wrong decision there? Where is Woewodin now? What a loss that was.

Are people being blinded by his last game at the club? A high possession game against a team desperate for the loss? His inconsistency alone is enough to merit the decision in my eyes. I'd rather have a BMW that I could drive, rather than a Ferrari in the garage I'm never going to use.

What would people be saying if he stayed on the list and put in another ordinary year in 2008? Trade him then? Too late, he is a year older and out of contract, bargaining power significantly reduced and we'd be lucky to get a second round selection. MFC has been too soft for too long in keeping dead weight, and giving people second, third and fourth chances.

I'd rather place my faith in CAC for the 14th selection than see Trappers name in our best three times per year.

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it bewilders me how fans complain that a traded player then wins a premiership.

Port Adelaide could not have one without Bishop? Then surely if we kept him we would have won

Sydney could not have won without Jolly? Damn, guess CAC missed that one and that's why we lost 7 in a row.

West Coast wouldn't have made it without Armstrong? Well shoot me dead

Teams win premierships, not players. If a player doesn't fit the coaches mould for what he wants to do with a team then he is traded, if that player then joins a premiership winning team, then good luck to him, he becomes part of a very small minority, not reflective of bad list management

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it bewilders me how fans complain that a traded player then wins a premiership.

Port Adelaide could not have one without Bishop? Then surely if we kept him we would have won

Sydney could not have won without Jolly? Damn, guess CAC missed that one and that's why we lost 7 in a row.

West Coast wouldn't have made it without Armstrong? Well shoot me dead

Teams win premierships, not players. If a player doesn't fit the coaches mould for what he wants to do with a team then he is traded, if that player then joins a premiership winning team, then good luck to him, he becomes part of a very small minority, not reflective of bad list management

Conversely, if our best 22 in 2007 still contained Woewoedin, Jolly, Armstrong and Bishop, would we be any better off? :rolleyes:

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trapper of a half back would be great if we played carlton where they had no f flanker, against a johnson, didak etc he would be slaughtered, accountability was not his strong point.

Even if Trapper wins a flag or 3 AA or a brownlow, does not mean he would have won them if he stayed with the dee's.

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Travis was the ONLY player in our team who could hit a target up forward and now we may be paying half of his salary to deliver the ball lace out to Jonathan Brown. (see this article)


Angry, Frustrated and Bloody Had Enough

Visualise a hollow read, with the gentle breeze passing through making a soothing, gentle wooshing sound.


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