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Steven May staging fine

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I hate Maynard as much as anyone, but this absolutely shouldnt be staying and absolutely should be a suspension for striking.

If the strike is able to temporarily incapacitate the player then it isn't low inpact.

If striking someone like that can give me an advantage in play, by taking my opponent out, or by disadvantaging them in physical exertion and contests for the next 3-5 minutes, then it should be suspended.

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4 minutes ago, deanox said:

I hate Maynard as much as anyone, but this absolutely shouldnt be staying and absolutely should be a suspension for striking.

If the strike is able to temporarily incapacitate the player then it isn't low inpact.

If striking someone like that can give me an advantage in play, by taking my opponent out, or by disadvantaging them in physical exertion and contests for the next 3-5 minutes, then it should be suspended.

The staging part was when he grabbed his head afterwards 

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And you’re surprised the AFL is a racket. The different treatment of May and St Braydyn is chalk and cheese. With an ex Collingwood player as MRO the conflict is obvious. May was disgracefully branded a cheat absolute cricket about the thug.

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Where do I contribute to paying Long's fine, absolute joke, Maynard holding his head. May was rightfully a fine, this needs one as well.

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35 minutes ago, deanox said:

I hate Maynard as much as anyone, but this absolutely shouldnt be staying and absolutely should be a suspension for striking.

If the strike is able to temporarily incapacitate the player then it isn't low inpact.

If striking someone like that can give me an advantage in play, by taking my opponent out, or by disadvantaging them in physical exertion and contests for the next 3-5 minutes, then it should be suspended.

What? Are you off your rocker: these 'taps' happen a hundred times a game. Then again, if you're an E Coli Wobbler, it's different: Maynard dishes these shoves and pushes a hundred times a game. So you're saying holding his head and lower stomach was the result of a vicious Suns attack on his upper chest? Give me a brake!!!!!!! ( Sic ) 

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44 minutes ago, deanox said:

I hate Maynard as much as anyone, but this absolutely shouldnt be staying and absolutely should be a suspension for striking.

If the strike is able to temporarily incapacitate the player then it isn't low inpact.

If striking someone like that can give me an advantage in play, by taking my opponent out, or by disadvantaging them in physical exertion and contests for the next 3-5 minutes, then it should be suspended.

In that case, where are the suspensions and fines for all the countless times opponents have hit Clarry in the guts? 

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7 hours ago, WalkingCivilWar said:

Yep. Slapped in the upper left side of his chest, holds his stomach in pain like he’s been punched there. Drops to the turf and holds his head.

What more do they need??!!!

A different guernsey

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After the Maynard incident Jonathan Brown immediately says ‘got to be better than that’ and then realises what he’s said and says ‘anyway, he’s earned himself a free kick’.

The pandering to big clubs is ruining the game. I’m so bored by the AFL coverage. It’s making the game seem so fake and manufactured.

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 The AFL is either corrupt or insanely inept and I’ll prove it.

Firstly there is the Maynard example. Now I’m assuming people know how human anatomy works. If not, being hit below the rib cage in the solar plexus is about the only way to take the wind out of someone and bring them to the ground, assuming both people are of about equivalent strength. 

If you watch the clip with Long, there is not a significant ‘load up’ or transfer of weight (which equals force). He swivels at the hip yes, but strikes Maynard in the PECTORAL MUSCLE and therfore above the solar plexus, which in no reality could cause you to hunch over (let alone grab the head). There is ZERO chance of Maynard being incapacitated by this hit and he is 10000% faking it:



Note the distance between them and the fact that Long is REACHING to connect with his elbow way beyond a 90 degree extension. The force has been mostly expelled or absorbed by the fact, it hits Maynard in the god damn chest. Maynard is also looking directly at what is coming to him so he can brace for impact.

The second example is Pendlebury. Now you can see in the below that Pendlebury hits Neale DIRECTLY in the solar plexus. Perfect hit. Go and watch the clip if you don’t believe me, but Pendlebury loads up (he jumps in the air, plants his feet, swivels his hips like a boxer does to land a gut punch) and hits Neale directly in the solar Plexus and is hitting UP INTO NEALE.



Look at the angle of Pendlebury’s elbow, bent at 90 degrees, NOT REACHING, weight primed for weight transferred into the strike, Neale isn’t even looking at him and isn’t even expecting it. 

Both of these are a fine. 

If anyone thinks that these two examples are in anyway similar, you are out of your [censored] mind. The fact that the AFL deems both of these cases as similar is a [censored] joke.

They are nowhere near each other by a degree of magnitude.

Now if an [censored] like me can look at these two examples and find the gaping chasm in between them, I’m sure the AFL knows and can do the same. 

The AFL is either corrupt or so ineptly run that it’s a disgrace. 

Take your pick.

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1 hour ago, Monbon said:

What? Are you off your rocker: these 'taps' happen a hundred times a game. Then again, if you're an E Coli Wobbler, it's different: Maynard dishes these shoves and pushes a hundred times a game. So you're saying holding his head and lower stomach was the result of a vicious Suns attack on his upper chest? Give me a brake!!!!!!! ( Sic ) 

He was being sarcastic and saying if Maynard was that hurt, it must have been an almighty blow and therefore it should carry a suspension.

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45 minutes ago, BoBo said:

 The AFL is either corrupt or insanely inept and I’ll prove it.

Firstly there is the Maynard example. Now I’m assuming people know how human anatomy works. If not, being hit below the rib cage in the solar plexus is about the only way to take the wind out of someone and bring them to the ground, assuming both people are of about equivalent strength. 

If you watch the clip with Long, there is not a significant ‘load up’ or transfer of weight (which equals force). He swivels at the hip yes, but strikes Maynard in the PECTORAL MUSCLE and therfore above the solar plexus, which in no reality could cause you to hunch over (let alone grab the head). There is ZERO chance of Maynard being incapacitated by this hit and he is 10000% faking it:



Note the distance between them and the fact that Long is REACHING to connect with his elbow way beyond a 90 degree extension. The force has been mostly expelled or absorbed by the fact, it hits Maynard in the god damn chest. Maynard is also looking directly at what is coming to him so he can brace for impact.

The second example is Pendlebury. Now you can see in the below that Pendlebury hits Neale DIRECTLY in the solar plexus. Perfect hit. Go and watch the clip if you don’t believe me, but Pendlebury loads up (he jumps in the air, plants his feet, swivels his hips like a boxer does to land a gut punch) and hits Neale directly in the solar Plexus and is hitting UP INTO NEALE.



Look at the angle of Pendlebury’s elbow, bent at 90 degrees, NOT REACHING, weight primed for weight transferred into the strike, Neale isn’t even looking at him and isn’t even expecting it. 

Both of these are a fine. 

If anyone thinks that these two examples are in anyway similar, you are out of your [censored] mind. The fact that the AFL deems both of these cases as similar is a [censored] joke.

They are nowhere near each other by a degree of magnitude.

Now if an [censored] like me can look at these two examples and find the gaping chasm in between them, I’m sure the AFL knows and can do the same. 

The AFL is either corrupt or so ineptly run that it’s a disgrace. 

Take your pick.

I pick corrupt.

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1 hour ago, BoBo said:

 The AFL is either corrupt or insanely inept and I’ll prove it.

Firstly there is the Maynard example. Now I’m assuming people know how human anatomy works. If not, being hit below the rib cage in the solar plexus is about the only way to take the wind out of someone and bring them to the ground, assuming both people are of about equivalent strength. 

If you watch the clip with Long, there is not a significant ‘load up’ or transfer of weight (which equals force). He swivels at the hip yes, but strikes Maynard in the PECTORAL MUSCLE and therfore above the solar plexus, which in no reality could cause you to hunch over (let alone grab the head). There is ZERO chance of Maynard being incapacitated by this hit and he is 10000% faking it:



Note the distance between them and the fact that Long is REACHING to connect with his elbow way beyond a 90 degree extension. The force has been mostly expelled or absorbed by the fact, it hits Maynard in the god damn chest. Maynard is also looking directly at what is coming to him so he can brace for impact.

The second example is Pendlebury. Now you can see in the below that Pendlebury hits Neale DIRECTLY in the solar plexus. Perfect hit. Go and watch the clip if you don’t believe me, but Pendlebury loads up (he jumps in the air, plants his feet, swivels his hips like a boxer does to land a gut punch) and hits Neale directly in the solar Plexus and is hitting UP INTO NEALE.



Look at the angle of Pendlebury’s elbow, bent at 90 degrees, NOT REACHING, weight primed for weight transferred into the strike, Neale isn’t even looking at him and isn’t even expecting it. 

Both of these are a fine. 

If anyone thinks that these two examples are in anyway similar, you are out of your [censored] mind. The fact that the AFL deems both of these cases as similar is a [censored] joke.

They are nowhere near each other by a degree of magnitude.

Now if an [censored] like me can look at these two examples and find the gaping chasm in between them, I’m sure the AFL knows and can do the same. 

The AFL is either corrupt or so ineptly run that it’s a disgrace. 

Take your pick.

Great comparison @bobo and yep, the corruption is ruining the game.

The AFL is a disgrace 

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3 hours ago, biggestred said:

The staging part was when he grabbed his head afterwards 

what staging for a high hit? that doesn’t make sense. He wasnt trying to get a high contact free, he exaggerated the contact like we’ve seen Clarry and countless others do. remember that soft push when Clarry went over and got the off the ball free, it happens

the hand wringing in this thread is ridiculous 

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On 29/06/2024 at 19:16, Phil C said:

But will the AFL fine the sniping dog for staging 🤔

What a friggen bloody disgace who has got who by the short and cheezus will this Thug ever get his just deserts??🤮

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4 hours ago, Jaded No More said:

I literally despise this league

I've been a member since 1989 when I was 7yo, signed my kids up at birth, used to never miss a game on tv etc etc

I'm seriously considering whether I bother renewing my AFL memberships next year, $1500 a year for the family for something I just don't really enjoy anymore. I still love the Demons but the league has lost me.

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14 minutes ago, DubDee said:

what staging for a high hit? that doesn’t make sense. He wasnt trying to get a high contact free, he exaggerated the contact like we’ve seen Clarry and countless others do. remember that soft push when Clarry went over and got the off the ball free, it happens

the hand wringing in this thread is ridiculous 

I take your point, but if Maynard is overreacting then why is long copping a fine? Long pushed him in the chest and now suddenly it’s a fine?

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14 minutes ago, BoBo said:

I take your point, but if Maynard is overreacting then why is long copping a fine? Long pushed him in the chest and now suddenly it’s a fine?

yeah that’s no good. The AFL likes to pretend exaggerating contact doesn’t happen so they box themselves in a corner i guess? dunno

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5 hours ago, deanox said:

I hate Maynard as much as anyone, but this absolutely shouldnt be staying and absolutely should be a suspension for striking.

If the strike is able to temporarily incapacitate the player then it isn't low inpact.

If striking someone like that can give me an advantage in play, by taking my opponent out, or by disadvantaging them in physical exertion and contests for the next 3-5 minutes, then it should be suspended.

I’ve always liked and mostly agreed with your posts but this one is so uncharacteristic.

@Redleg says you’re being sarcastic. Is that the case?

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