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Posted (edited)
7 minutes ago, titan_uranus said:

Assuming this is true, which it isn't, it doesn't mean we should all just say "well everyone does it so spare Tom Morris".

Changing ingrained cultural sexism, racism and homophobia means changing these sorts of behaviours.

Completely agree, I wasn’t saying spare Tom Morris, he couldn’t continue in his role after the audio was leaked. 
My point was, people should just reflect on comments they’ve made in the past before passing judgement. 

Edited by Ethan Tremblay
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Although not an unexpected outcome, and in spite my personal dislike of the man, I find it sad that he has been so stupid as to throw his career away - caught in his own media trap. Who would touch him now? 

Then i think about how his poor ex Fox colleague must be feeling - or how probably 80% of the worlds population would have reacted to his video - and any and all sadness for his stupidity dries up completely.   

  • Like 2

11 minutes ago, Ethan Tremblay said:

Any male (also heard plenty of females talk similar smack) who gets on there holier than thou, virtue signalling soapbox is full of [censored]. You’ve all made similar comments, whether it was yesterday or decades ago.. it was dumb to record and distasteful and all of that stuff, but don’t pretend you’ve never made similar comments, you’re just lucky enough to not have a public profile and have had your private conversation recorded. 

Or stupid enough to record them myself 

  • Like 1
Posted (edited)
9 minutes ago, binman said:

Or stupid enough to record them myself 

😂 exactly. So have a go at him for being dumb and recording the comments. Don’t act like you’re disgusted by the actual comments because I know you’ve all made similar comments. Feel free to reply and deny it, you won’t convince me otherwise though. 

Edited by Ethan Tremblay
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Posted (edited)
23 minutes ago, Neil Crompton said:

Although not an unexpected outcome, and in spite my personal dislike of the man, I find it sad that he has been so stupid as to throw his career away - caught in his own media trap. Who would touch him now? 

Then i think about how his poor ex Fox colleague must be feeling - or how probably 80% of the worlds population would have reacted to his video - and any and all sadness for his stupidity dries up completely.   

80 percent of the world dont give a ****.  80 percent of the world's population care about clean drinking water, having a roof over their heads, getting themselves and their familes through wars and political oppression. 

Its nice living here in District 1 and having District 1 problems but as a reaction to this stupid behaviour, most people with real fundamental problems could not care less. Pretty sure of that.  

Edited by Jjrogan
3 minutes ago, Ethan Tremblay said:

😂 exactly. So have a go at him for being dumb and recording the comments. Don’t act like you’re disgusted by the actual comments because I know you’ve all made similar comments. Feel free to reply and deny it, you won’t convince me otherwise though. 

Not much point responding then i guess.....


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44 minutes ago, binman said:

I would consider a what's app message to my partner is private.

If that message was inappropriate (for example it made a racist comment about a colleague) and my partner shared it and it then became public I would expect to be held to account. 

A what's app message to a group of mates (I have such a group, but it's on signal)? 100% public.

Which is why the cops who shared photos of Laidley in a what's app group got rightly carpeted.

The issue wasn't that the photos (and disgusting comments) became MORE public.

It was, one they were taken at all and two because rheid were made public by sharing with others in the what's app group.


It’s all water under the bridge now as he’s been sacked, but I think the Laidley thing is much worse because the cop obtained that photo at his work which is under the umbrella of private and confidential who then shared it with others. I’d like to think whoever shared Tom’s audio get their own karma one day as it’s done nothing but hurt people and that was the leaker’s full intention. 

52 minutes ago, Colin B. Flaubert said:

There is a subsection on here who if they had witnessed a Klan rally at the end of October in their neighborhood would insist that the participants were only dressed up that way to get into the spirit of Halloween and that the burning cross was merely a means of keeping warm. 😏

And there are also several serial windbags whose fantasy was participating in the Spanish Inquisition or burning witches in the middle ages. 🧙‍♀️

8 minutes ago, Jjrogan said:

80 percent of the world dont give a ****.  80 percent of the world's population care about clean drinking water, having a roof over their heads, getting themselves and their familes through wars and political oppression. 

Its nice living here in District 1 and having District 1 problems but as a reaction to this stupid behaviour, most people with real fundamental problems could not care less. Pretty sure of that.  

I understand your point and share it in many ways, but it is important to remember the question; how was it decided who got to be in District 1?

3 hours ago, Colin B. Flaubert said:

The metric for racism and misogyny these days has changed significantly because the tactics bigots use to slur others has changed through necessity. 50 or more years ago, you could cut the euphemisms and obfuscation out and just get straight to the point of vilifying people using pejoratives that have been rightfully banned from decent society. These days, you have to be a bit more analytical and read the subtext to pick up when this is being used. (Fair to say though, that Morris was being far from subtle in these recordings).

I think the issue in case one is the objectification of Megan Barnard as a woman in that her worth in relation to him as a heterosexual man is contingent on her sexual availability and aesthetic beauty as defined by mainstream standards. Plus the tag he used at the end to describe could be considered derogatory if we were to consider other tags that are applied to gay men and women (and no, I won’t get into what those slurs are).

The issue with the second recording is that he says he is a white man and thus shouldn’t be persecuted. He makes a contrast in that he isn’t Asian, Black or a woman which would imply to me that he thinks those demographics are somehow worthy of discrimination in that sound byte. 

Personally, I’d hate to be judged by me at my absolute worst moment, nor would anyone. I also don’t like the idea of leakage of what once could have been considered private material.

However, I think with this recording, Morris answered a lot of questions about his character. Jesse Hogan called it years before, the MFC piddled him off for dodgy practices and this shows that he is truly a reprehensible character.

And I fully agree with @Lord NevWhile I don’t like how this was acquired, I’m not going to overlook what came out on those tapes or engage in verbal gymnastics to justify what happened.

There’s this idea doing the rounds in this thread that people who are offended ‘need to get out more’ and that everyone thinks like that but lacks the courage to admit it for fear of public censure. (I know this isn’t what you are trying to say @BDA).

I find that to be a ridiculously nihilistic view of human nature and one that is completely false in reality. Play that to any of my friends from any of those demographics, from outside them or from a different ideological perspective and they’d be horrified. It’s dehumanizing, disrespectful and prejudiced rubbish and shouldn’t be justified in any way.

As usual a considered response from you Colin. Thank you.

Based on the first audio it’s difficult to conclude, in my view, that he dislikes or just values her as a human in a sexual sense. He would have been much more disparaging about her character if he was. We have all known men who can turn quite nasty if the object of their desire rejects them or is not available for whatever reason. I didn’t get that sense from this audio.

I’ve never heard the term he used before so I’m not sure if it’s derogatory or not. He was crass for sure, and stupid to record it. but I’ve heard a lot worse said.

It would be interesting to know if this is a pattern of behavior. If he is genuinely sexist I reckon we’ll hear more over the next few days. Once the dam breaks the flood always follows.

I hope Megan hasn’t been outed by this. The would be terrible. She doesn’t deserve that at all.

The issue with the second recording is that he says he is a white man and thus shouldn’t be persecuted. Ah. If this is what he said then there’s no condoning it at all. Very poor. (there must be a clearer audio going around because I couldn’t make that out. I didn’t know what he was trying to say or imply. I thought maybe he called a black person a C--)

There are a lot of people who really dislike Tom Morris. By the looks of it there’s more to it than just the fact he’s a journo.

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2 minutes ago, Ethan Tremblay said:

😂 exactly. So have a go at him for being dumb and recording the comments. Don’t act like you’re disgusted by the actual comments because I know you’ve all made similar comments. Feel free to reply and deny it, you won’t convince me otherwise though. 

Obviously this is pointless given what you said, but I don't think I've ever made such comments even decades ago, neither racist or misogynist. I'm not looking for brownie points or virtue signalling and I expect I'll get some flack for having the audacity of saying what a paragon of virtue I am.  But I take that risk because I want to make the following general point. 

People with certain backgrounds know what it is like to be subject to nasty comments and what it can lead to.  Some of them (sadly not all) therefore try hard to "not do unto others as others did unto you" and so do not make racist comments etc.  Those belonging to the majority in power group (wherever it is), who have never been in such a position and who lack empathy, often just don't realise what's it like to be on the receiving end and dismiss such remarks as inconsequential and downplay it in various ways.  I am sometimes nasty enough to hope they will one day know what it's like to be on the receiving end. (See I'm not so virtuous.)

I make no comment about the current case because I haven't seen/heard the evidence.

  • Like 5
Posted (edited)
42 minutes ago, Ethan Tremblay said:

Completely agree, I wasn’t saying spare Tom Morris, he couldn’t continue in his role after the audio was leaked. 
My point was, people should just reflect on comments they’ve made in the past before passing judgement. 

I'm not a fan of Political Correctness, huge fan of good manners, loathe deep-seated discrimination. Lucky enough to have lived around the world and made friends from different backgrounds and lifestyle choices; we've made jokes back and forth to each other that skirted at the edge of what's inappropriate - the recipient being the arbiter of where that line is. Learn where that line is before you push things too far.

That being said I listed to what Tom Morris said in the 2nd clip, and in particular how he said it. I didn't like where it was coming from and it certainly wasn't a failed attempt at humour. It was ignorant, arrogant, and he needs to take a long hard look at himself. 


Edited by TRIGON
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He offered to make a public apology and donate $20,000 to the Make America Great Again Again fund to no avail. 

  • Haha 4
31 minutes ago, Rab D Nesbitt said:

Tom Morris: Fox Footy back sack me 100%

Nek minnit. 


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7 minutes ago, Demonstone said:

Why is this not on my bingo card?  Glaring omission there, Binman.

Damn, you're right - how could I miss virtue signalling?

Or soap box for that matter

  • Haha 1

1 hour ago, Ethan Tremblay said:

Any male (also heard plenty of females talk similar smack) who gets on there holier than thou, virtue signalling soapbox is full of [censored]. You’ve all made similar comments, whether it was yesterday or decades ago.. it was dumb to record and distasteful and all of that stuff, but don’t pretend you’ve never made similar comments, you’re just lucky enough to not have a public profile and have had your private conversation recorded. 

Plenty of hypocrites in the world Ethan.

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On 3/17/2022 at 2:32 PM, Pates said:

There’s a difference between a fan forum discussing (at times irrationally) a story and disagreeing with the content or the way it’s been broken, and a coach outright slamming in front of his peers a journalist about a story that he got right about a possible big team selection call. 

You may not give a [censored] but it’s a media driven industry, there needs to be mutual respect and Bevo chose an extremely disrespectful and belligerent response to a pretty easy question. Al he had to say was, “we had our plans but the nature of the game is to be flexible and that’s what happened”. Straight bat, give them nothing. 

Instead he went on a tirade and created a story out of nothing. 

Mutual respect?! Ask one Simon Goodwin about journo's and mutual respect.. ffs laughable from journo's.

As to this Beevo thing, I agree with his take on Morris 100% but this was not the hill to die on with him, team selection haha.

Oh and now Morris has been sacked, this is an amazing 'story' hey Tom hahaha.

2 hours ago, binman said:

Let's play bingo:

Points awarded for the following comments and phrases:

  • Cancel culture
  • Cancel culture gone mad
  • Wokeness 
  • Morris is the real victim here
  • What about.....
  • What if.....
  • Political correctness
  • Left wing nut job
  • MSM
  • Court of public opinion 
  • In my day....
  • I've said a million times worse....
  • I don't see the problem 
  • That's not racist...
  • It's all part of a feminist agenda....
  • Have you ever heard chick's talk about blokes....
  • Glass houses
  • The mob
  • Mob mentality 
  • Hand wringing
  • Pearl clutches 
  • No justice
  • Not a hanging offence
  • Blokes being blokes
  • Sanctimonious
  • Next they'll ban all jokes
  • Better not to speak at all
  • Bent over 


Where's the left bingo card with

White privilege 

Affirmative Action

Glass ceiling 

Reflect on your comments



Gender Imbalance

Etc etc.  If you start with right wing nutters you end up with Hitler & if you start with lefty or progressive nutters you end up with Pol Pot. Not much difference really.

Good to see Demonland is an Equal Opportunity Forum.







  • Haha 2
3 hours ago, binman said:

Discussing the sexuality of a colleague with your mates is not making it public? 

Of course it is.

For peta's sake it was on whats app group chat, with god knows how many members. And he couldn't even be bother typing his puerile rubbish - he recorded it.

Apart from anything else just so, so stupid, particularly for a peanut who trades in gossip and understands the power of audio and text to bolster a story and drive clicks. 

His 'mate' has just made it even more public - which is just one of the reasons why it is is completely inappropriate for him to have discussed it AT ALL, and why he is almost certainly in breach of his work place policies and procedures and you'd think likely to be sacked.  

Bottom line if he didn't make it public in the first instance then it wouldn't have ever have become more widely distributed. Once he put it out there he lost control of the information.

Talking to his mates in that way, whether that was widely know or not, is a complete breach of trust and no doubt a breach of his employment conditions. 

And in any case do you think his colleague would be ok with Morris discussing her sexuality with his mates, or rating her 'hotness' for that matter?

He deserves every single thing coming his way. 

Imagine if a journo (ex journo) like uhm saaayyy Tom Morris came across an AFL player doing this exact same thing the good old "in the public's interest" line would be trotted out along with "just doing my job". The idea that this is a private conversation... lols

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