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Punt Road redevelopment


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2 hours ago, DeeSpencer said:

The saints have found a great angle naming their pool and gym after Spud and pretending it’s about mental health. 

What’s our angle?

Jim Stynes centre for sun smart education?

The Ox’s gamblers help.

Norm Smith Institute for curses.

Ronald D B building and it changes it colours multiple times?

I would love to have Neville Jetta spearheading an indigenous community centre of some sort although Richmond already have one going over the road.

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1 hour ago, drdrake said:

Has to be something to do with The Reach foundation and youth.  So that is every Victorian club except us and I Hawthorn but there will be funding for Dingley.

You hope with the role change of the Footy Manager that something is in the pipeline.


1 hour ago, La Dee-vina Comedia said:

I think you're being a bit harsh with the "pretending" comment. But I absolutely agree that we need to find an angle.

The link to youth via Reach might be one way. The other is to find a suitable, but not corny, link to the foundation of either (or both) of the game itself or the city of Melbourne. Our name has more value than any other in the AFL. We should make better use of it.

Agreed or a Jim Stynes Reach Foundation centre would be fantastic and a real honour to the great man's legacy as well.

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2 hours ago, La Dee-vina Comedia said:


Describing "Victoria Park" as "fantastic" and looking great just doesn't compute after years of being conditioned to it being otherwise.

I hear ya LDvC. I was a little envious of the pampered dogs that get to p#ss and sh#t all over it every day. 

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Just noticed this one...


I'm interested to know how much the community really has access to these type of developments.

Can someone tell me if it is real or just a smokescreen to get better club facilities?

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16 minutes ago, rjay said:

Just noticed this one...


I'm interested to know how much the community really has access to these type of developments.

Can someone tell me if it is real or just a smokescreen to get better club facilities?

i'd guess 5% real 95% smokescreen

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4 hours ago, Kent said:

YES AF private banks are highly leveraged businesses that really own very little in terms of share holder equity

the only thing of any value they own is the banking licence>They add zero to the real economy other that the influnec on the cost of managing money.

That gives them the ability to borrow at wholesale and lend at retail. Its like magic and the government gives them the licence.

the worst of all then government limits the number of banking licences which then underwrites a false valuation on the banks

And it just goes on. the only time you can value a bank is when they go broke mainly from trying to hold too many balls in the air.

And their customers finance their loans for them. It's pretty outrageous. The vast majority of the broad money supply is created by private banks issuing deposits.

There should be many more smaller private banks, rather than 4 super TBTF banks. Instead of backstopping them all, they should take them over (like they did in the US for a time during the GFC) and/or let them fail.

If you have $250,000 in your bank account, it's guaranteed by the Australian Government anyway. Let people shift their money into safer banks and insolvent firms should be allowed to fail. You get no market discipline otherwise.

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I reckon the State government is investing in all this AFL infrastructure as you will see a massive drop in new commercial real estate builds in the next few years.  Occupancy rates will fall not only from business closures, the online shopping boom and working from home will become the new norm for a number of Victorians.

The window is now and will be interested to see our plans, we either don't have any firm plans or we have them and just awaiting the right time to announce.  To me I think we will be at the current ground with the building over the car park at AAMI park.

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48 minutes ago, drdrake said:

I reckon the State government is investing in all this AFL infrastructure as you will see a massive drop in new commercial real estate builds in the next few years.  Occupancy rates will fall not only from business closures, the online shopping boom and working from home will become the new norm for a number of Victorians.

The window is now and will be interested to see our plans, we either don't have any firm plans or we have them and just awaiting the right time to announce.  To me I think we will be at the current ground with the building over the car park at AAMI park.

Yep, spot on. One of my best mates is in commercial real estate. He's a blue sky junkie, but he says things are dead. 

It's always been a no brainer to lower overheads and have people work off site if possible. COVID has provided businesses with an excuse to finally make the shift.

I would be very surprised if the club hasn't heard that it is very likely there'll be money around for us and a new home base in 2021.

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5 hours ago, DeeSpencer said:

Look at the floor plan and description on the Saints website. It’s a gym, lap pool, hydro pool and a few token consulting rooms that will probably be used by the clubs doctor and psychologist.

Theyll bring some school groups through to tell them about mental health but it’s overwhelmingly a football facility. That’s not to discredit Spud in any way, he’s worth of a facility on football ability alone plus his mental health advocacy. But the Saints have built a footy facility then found a community angle for it 

Your own words, I know, but that doesn't seem like "pretending" to me. But I accept that perhaps it might be "over-stating". I truly hope that they make good on the promise in the description. We should all be aware by now that mental health of professional sports people and the community at large has been misunderstood and under-resourced for years. A facility like this used for that purpose can only do good.

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On 11/19/2020 at 12:24 PM, 3183 Dee said:

One can only assume that our allocation from the State government will also be significant.

Perhaps it is Zero ! 
The big hold up has to be the use of public open space.

If we were looking at any other location not weld to the G then construction would have started by now in fact probably finished and in use. 

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On 11/19/2020 at 5:33 PM, La Dee-vina Comedia said:

Your own words, I know, but that doesn't seem like "pretending" to me. But I accept that perhaps it might be "over-stating". I truly hope that they make good on the promise in the description. We should all be aware by now that mental health of professional sports people and the community at large has been misunderstood and under-resourced for years. A facility like this used for that purpose can only do good.

Not sure the problem is huge LDC just because you and I have lost it recently doesn’t mean everyone has, more likely our warped view of the world.

Jokes aside mental health is a big problem but I doubt we will get our wishes as part of some mental health operation.


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On 11/18/2020 at 3:46 PM, DeeSpencer said:

When he was interviewed lately I think it was Pert (or GB) who mentioned our plans have a Docklands sized oval. That would be a major mistake. We have to barge out some extra room - be it from the facility, the roads/trees or the soccer/rugby fields - to create an MCG sized oval. Investing in anything less would be an awful compromise.


I think you are referencing Bartlett on a rival to Demonland podcast. I was instantly disappointed when he said it. We are already compromising before we start.

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27 minutes ago, Gouga said:

I think you are referencing Bartlett on a rival to Demonland podcast. I was instantly disappointed when he said it. We are already compromising before we start.

If this happens it is be because we are wedded to G precinict. 

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The dees will never get a home base, it's never happening, there is no plan, if there was then surely there would be at lest a shortlist of possible locations, the idea of making a new oval in Yarra park was the stupidest idea ever, never was going to happen., It's just talk, a bit like fast rail in Australia maybe by 2050, when the sea rises, and Casey becames the new beachfront. Pert will just throw little bits of hope with no real intention of making it happen.

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3 minutes ago, don't make me angry said:

The dees will never get a home base, it's never happening, there is no plan, if there was then surely there would be at lest a shortlist of possible locations, the idea of making a new oval in Yarra park was the stupidest idea ever, never was going to happen., It's just talk, a bit like fast rail in Australia maybe by 2050, when the sea rises, and Casey becames the new beachfront. Pert will just throw little bits of hope with no real intention of making it happen.

I do think it will happen, it just won't be any good. 

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1 hour ago, Gouga said:

I do think it will happen, it just won't be any good. 

Or perhaps the delay is to make sure whatever we are getting it’s good and long term to a high standard. 

That said we have been without a home base for too long, this thread feels like a re-run from the old Demonology!

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Clubs like the Bulldogs have been successful because they undertook extensive member and community consultation before developing their plans. I have heard of no such consultation with the community surrounding the vaguely proposed precinct we are supposedly done the track on. Yesterday I took a non footy day walk in the area we proposed for the Jolimont development. It was a lovely day, people were out walking, some playing basketball, others picnicking under trees. How anyone could propose carving that up and thinking local residents would not object is bewildering. And before some say anything. It was young people using the area not just the conservatives action group that opposed the idiotic proposal.

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10 minutes ago, Half forward flank said:

Clubs like the Bulldogs have been successful because they undertook extensive member and community consultation before developing their plans. I have heard of no such consultation with the community surrounding the vaguely proposed precinct we are supposedly done the track on. Yesterday I took a non footy day walk in the area we proposed for the Jolimont development. It was a lovely day, people were out walking, some playing basketball, others picnicking under trees. How anyone could propose carving that up and thinking local residents would not object is bewildering. And before some say anything. It was young people using the area not just the conservatives action group that opposed the idiotic proposal.

Not as bad but a similar problem I think exists with the latest plan for the Goschs area. The big problem as I see it is loss of public open space. Clubs like Footscray and Geelong with grounds that already exist are no brainers for any government. But because we are wedded to the G area we add 2-3 extra layers of problems to get the plan through. Can you imagine the Melbourne  council worrying about the MFC and loss of park space in the current environment. It would be close to last on a list of 1000 things to get fired up after the end of the lock down etc. Sadly I think we have quite some time to wait. Then the building has to start. 2023 looks about right to me.

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5 minutes ago, old dee said:

Not as bad but a similar problem I think exists with the latest plan for the Goschs area. The big problem as I see it is loss of public open space. Clubs like Footscray and Geelong with grounds that already exist are no brainers for any government. But because we are wedded to the G area we add 2-3 extra layers of problems to get the plan through. Can you imagine the Melbourne  council worrying about the MFC and loss of park space in the current environment. It would be close to last on a list of 1000 things to get fired up after the end of the lock down etc. Sadly I think we have quite some time to wait. Then the building has to start. 2023 looks about right to me.

Yes, true. what is bewildering to me is the Jolimont proposal viewed the MCG parkland as just car parking space and had no feel for how the community viewed the area. anyone who had walked the area on a non footy day will get a totally different feel for the area and its mixed community usage. 

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22 hours ago, Half forward flank said:

Clubs like the Bulldogs have been successful because they undertook extensive member and community consultation before developing their plans. I have heard of no such consultation with the community surrounding the vaguely proposed precinct we are supposedly done the track on. Yesterday I took a non footy day walk in the area we proposed for the Jolimont development. It was a lovely day, people were out walking, some playing basketball, others picnicking under trees. How anyone could propose carving that up and thinking local residents would not object is bewildering. And before some say anything. It was young people using the area not just the conservatives action group that opposed the idiotic proposal.

Take a similar relaxed walk around the Port Melbourne precincts. There's plenty of options there.Abike ride or drive around by car can widen the experience, it's a pretty large area 

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On 11/22/2020 at 9:33 AM, Half forward flank said:

Yes, true. what is bewildering to me is the Jolimont proposal viewed the MCG parkland as just car parking space and had no feel for how the community viewed the area. anyone who had walked the area on a non footy day will get a totally different feel for the area and its mixed community usage. 

This is why to me the only real option is staying at the oval we train at now, increase the size a little which is why we are talking a Docklands size oval not MCG and put the clubrooms/indoor Facities/offices over the outdoor carpark at AMMI park.

The only other option is leave the precinct which I don't think the club will do.

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2 hours ago, drdrake said:

This is why to me the only real option is staying at the oval we train at now, increase the size a little which is why we are talking a Docklands size oval not MCG and put the clubrooms/indoor Facities/offices over the outdoor carpark at AMMI park.

The only other option is leave the precinct which I don't think the club will do.

I would but they wont. We can very confident on that Dr.D

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16 minutes ago, old dee said:

I would but they wont. We can very confident on that Dr.D

I like the idea of being in the precinct, but anything less than an MCG size oval is too big a compromise.

I also think the building needs street frontage on Olympic Boulevard so that people can access the shop, etc. The current proposal of being tucked in the south-west corner of Goschs' Paddock is not ideal. But then again, it is MFC, nothing is ideal. 

Edited by Gouga
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